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CARVIN INSEEPUEE OF THEOLOGY, sie of Neen Cileys (nbn lod tune . Viactearin, Petar EXAMINATION COV PAGE ton 1D Holl Nauber Acaeanie Year Lfalelet Defeat y [lst dstotelate wile fo Jaf afo| Connie BP. ewievvtavtion, ct Semester sw yae cle Var Colo Pos aa Subject Prgliche ° Dato of Hsamination Meet OOF Sethe ‘ Fovenoan / Afiernen Number of Questions Attonmptect 9 Onestions attend in Outer Myo No, Sheets Une! to INSTRUCTIONS 1, FH all the requieod dota property au do nat wilte Your name or Holl Nuno anywhor ole tte ans shoots, 2. Welte-on both sles of the answor sheets, Bul begin answer ni each qupstion G4 @ NeW pak ‘ants wl wt I eed Inlet the question numer clearly; answers without esto 3. You may use separate shots far Yau 104 the en! of the answer shot; ni answer sheet may be takew auto the exar Hall 4A, Write your answers legibly. Moyle handwriting wil vest loss ot ark 5. Welte at fonst 20-24 Ines on each side ofthe sheet 6. Arrange all our answers shoots in arleraccurdiny 10 sheet nner 7. Hemember to observe all the rules aril regulations pettalning 10 the examination, Any ‘nalpracticear misconduct dutlny examination wil result tn serous disciplinary action, 18, Uso only blue/blacktuk/bal jen, Hells can Ie sed for uncertain purpases {vot use any other color pens oF whiten pons, 9, The Cases of Mat Practice In the examination, copying OF misbehavior shall invite stat lseipinry action, , Jn work Int C1086 cut all tha jaye an te thera ‘No candidate shall leave the exanination hall hefare one hour minutes of commenrenent of A retigious group often living together, whose belifS one considered extreme oF Strange by Many people Sentengei- dy They En Joy curt following in UK: iy He became a cult figure m (V6o's ay an ex traoydinayy personality cult hay been created oxeund “a. leader peviation rom a Widtey etd belit or practice. if ten §, Naty ts coe es Pt led to a huge disag Teem behoeen Mem bers CH Cengeration. ene aiy Tae Stan drveyed Mai u guy d Man preached heresy pre tending to be Ht feds prophets ) Because diic Suspected heresy The priat Kicked out ui Of tte cheuch. Engaged + howing Ferma owing, ly agreed te Many oy having a nok to do- Jenten car Serine Wark $0 tL, A e dig di) The Boy Was Engaged in mot Come to te porty- ay The photo Was taken when they Ove Engaged: iit, customers catitng te hook ickets ‘found te Uh : te Une | was constantly Ergaged> Ailig i Experiencing difficuity aud problems: Sentence Gigensot asked me it P ceuld hetp him Pix hi TS ailin ion ee? Gh Be is wistting his ailing fether- : “The plan Nas SuppOsed 0 give a bosst te cur ailing ‘et Aa Eenomy + pimw THe Way “that doe not give a have much light ©) Stighety ut Nob Vey Well: Sentence hy Te light glowed vey dimly last lighes &) dim 2 &) dimly remembered Figurey from hic fom ity! put. te uly They Neve ony Aimy aware athe Lele prone dimly: at = stop Some Haing (Or) Some Che Stvvetty « cntent oy 4t was vad to accept that one day he Neutd simply Ceate $0 Exist a diy Then was Cecred his company -for -fouy oar. Gi) we Except Heese practices to Coase forth with Sentiments an tdea bated on a freling about a Situation ©N way of ining ev foe thing - Sentence - 4 Alan WO te hic givitriend With hay Sentimente wT qo fo deprension When my Sentiments “come to uh my mind- iw, Th fete "ro H Af, Thee para ti om Poy Companion dad Sentimens, fn this Novid~ Remmnantin i 1 jece (O") Amount a&{ Some ling ELE tae u 08 A Smau P from a larger ovginal piece oy amount: Seaton cer i A Covel renmant + fis Ttevenmants of tase nightls Meal: Renmants of Hue City’s former glue 1. a Trans cen dent © A greater, better , more ‘important oY going Part oF above ol others + Sentenge i- + transcendent tove with hic famity mem bert: uy eccriber to ploy foot ball Ok one OF trans tendent jy hed tife- Moments of his Tenet \~ ome oy Hut pyincipls om which a beite ox they fe bateg. Contence ;~ d, A Mavouv tenet Of tte Moments Movement has been that Society need trety talents. iy According's to chmch tenet ,mtnisters are forbidden £0 marry So Hey give Entive Loute to Hu God. a Stig a wad whieh Shows Some sttithg about doing , be Tag ov having « r ny Mayk eats his dinney quiickty 1 dy |B we toot. to Hue. Maker Simple present tense j- “Slense fs a farm of Verb tuhich denotes time aft an action. io StM + SQVeE \ voy Subrece Ve¥b > Simple pruent tense to Expr Universal truths, We Use Simpte present Tene fo vepeated ov wabtiual achens aud an atten thet dove vegatarty. Beaonptes rm Simple pruent dy The Sun wiser in He Eases i we go + School Every Moming Simpte past tense j- > Itic uted to denote a Single acéien Completed in pase parti culerty time Mentioned. ~> Simple past tense ie St vy vu v 5 Subgece Verb Cpe) tnous_tense oe fe wed ey an action completed Before cv Ceytian qo He pasts LE @D Some time => patt Continuous tence fe S++ was were verb t ing . Example dy 4 was sleeping when he Called me. Future Continoud tense i- rata fc used to refer an action that will be gem on at | Somme Hime ‘in “He futures Ls Puture continous tense ig wht /shat + be + verb + ing | Example - + yhen D reach home mother oft) be Cooking oo fey By “feds Hime vext year, T Shatt_be writing another book Prono; Aig aWovd Wed Fnclle place Of eenoun - Exciple > Uy, We, You, Hey She, ibs | Tey ave 9 Ayper of Pronown » 1. Posse rive prnomir pros owner Ship (OO) PSSe Bion dis wed to eX Seamed dy The Kidt ave yours and Mine: With Yours. &, Thetv motter gets atong Well | ae personae proms: Fealty Wed to nofor on that a Speaker is referring to often wed to replace Pr rex Names. At is pronoun typ to a Speaker or to tia people (? thins personal pron puns Ove teompr dy 4 bought MY tata mew ¥, ond he lover fe. fh, our owe tpoked very nice oper we painted FE 3+ Relative pronewn ic Rete = 4tis a pronom te used to introduce relative ¢latue. intaoduce wlor, wetative pronoone usalty jn vrtic wralative clauses tat desevibes nouns % other pronouns. 2 | Bamps 13) ranted is a Pyi | fend who ts al | woys ~there for me. [Ry Keshav Sat in his cay, ic 0. |< » which le arked by a Utility ref lexive.pronoun \- {tis a pronoun uted ay an obsect that vetors to tte “oyna porser7 oO” thing % Hu Subsecé- Beamer a, date brakfot by My Selk- fi, be silty clowns made foots op trem Lever. Tn oe finfte pronoms 7 At is a pronom auat dosenle Speeifi cally iden titty toha qe fs rretpeving tO" earn Some ating Smells realty goed in He kPéChen. co goth of ™Y frends O%F hung7y gris a preneen used to point to Specific People or Bompsr 4 2 con't belive she gy Te yestowun tants here ave & lot newer than eatd that: ' those aco town: Intervo gate peng qt is a prenetm ued ak a ue pramptss ty whe took He yowel 2 to doy that aeters bate 44 fs a preven Sentence in an Braveplesim & The prt wi) The ahird - grader wrote tHe 7 oul 1 Recspro’ proncuns ; wn teh Ex preoey a bon: to ste Subqeck OF ou order bo Emphasize fe ane rainister hersele appeared at valty. best Selting book mata relator ship, At is & prono' anotley wary phen Some One oF Some putting tte bn stuings perter”™ an action on otters aud yecetve tie Game ocho fr vet exarnpse & Ronee oud Juliet tove Each anther: iy The Elephant stood Close fegetley ue ; another” protert | | t— @ ene v verb? - verbs ave ued certian hype the Heat 4 to express or haquerl Co | Medel itiont, Such an advite, copa il, eend modal verbs” chars eH Os = So | ap hay tu Same dorms | Amodat veyb aly | iy TW dorm (ed) )90 pricenk payer “Ct cD: . eve 6 7° past c-tnq> and no ard person oMngulay Beans [ay you omy take book +0 echool: iy TH havenlt got an tint lve « > Tay ore aut xiliay Y verbs: | verb Pnctions ted such O: rpitron, back of | Modet Faron, aprliey , obliga om, prohe ne cesdiedr pdvice , powtbiltee, , profabeltty « aoe §, car gz vse your pho plecse- a gmoking Cases cancer: iy yeu chould wevise Your leone &y 4 ghould See doctor 4 have % ferejeehest) ead ACh, 4 not . i) need ™ to buy — toma toes: they are plenty h mn tte wWdge: © Simple. Se Simap le. Seuafenge cgnutence Ba SeHLeN Ce sContaning ¢ gq eMly cme Yo One Claus e A Simple spo cifically an In ct. powrdaut Clause " t, with a SUb 5, Teer oy more aud pred ccute sr vio (Sve): Giaple geurtence i Exangple” o divmey* diy Tere al sem ternces- fat hes at leat two | conapetne 1A compound Seretones | fc a Sentence | | thdepet dant clause a lom 0 Jomed hy may SemiColon or | contuetions | Beate b Htote that he Came Cres au at te parks He ig Sete: with, an Hie ran pou for hig lodging + He btu man is moe respected aud tat he EnToys Hie. individuality aud defiance that panackerized his youth: when tHe Old Wan lett, Q 4 oat Youngey better dremed man fleng him cere henoh aud swore [OVd'Y. Gore chy Bainge aria | ; . * a JM al got gto a aiscunron bith hic new beneh mol, { Ngtene to He goog man dex Cyt Fi Ye Nsten young Criber hic HOUbles , oy losing ais hetel, and pis Seap,and decides that may, te conning him: morman , teaver fn @ hvtts en hig Suerty, Calls him owe aud yong mor | ye feels good a bout tlie Cynicism aud ic proud ap not befng fooled by tat Yeung man: However, en his way bo leave, he meliazes hts mistalee when he Gees acake a a Soap aud Some monty + feeting aheepish , he veturms bo ta beneh , only to tind ch mate , tte old. man Search'ng -for nie previous -ben chat he had mis placed - a care 4 Loar

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