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Ecological issue is one of the most outburst and leading topics discussed

today. ‘Ecology’ means the study of situations, conditions and reflections which bring

up the home of each and everything and persons including organisms and nature.

When eco-system affects, it effects all environments. Government, scientist, ecologist,

NGOs, Churches etc., talk about this issue and looking for the remedy. Ecological

crisis hinders all the developmental activities of the world. All the modern

developmental activities threaten the ecology. Ecological stability is most important

for the existence of human beings in this planet. The water that drinks, the air that

breathes, and the land that lives is good for the survival for human beings but if water,

air, and land are polluted no living things can sustain on this earth. The ecological

issues which are hovering in the society are because of population growth, resources

depletions, wastes disposals, science and technology etc.

The constant exploitation of natural resources including land, water, air and

other non-renewable resources of mineral and metals led to the disturbance of the eco-

system. The plundering and disturbance of the ecological system creates severe and

undue burden on the normal working process. The pollution of the air, atmosphere

and water is due to the increased industrial activities, use of auto-mobile,

contamination of water ways and unclear radiation which adversely affect human

health and whole creatures.

The concept behind the creation was not to destroy it, but to maintain, utilize

and manage properly so that it will bring benefit now and for the coming generation.

The researcher has firmly affirmed that dominion and subdue do not mean to destroy,
annihilate, misuse and exploit the creations. However, God appointed human beings

to care, preserve and till to keep it.

Human beings are called to be God’s faithful stewards who know their

responsibility to preserve and care for the creation. Genesis talks about the caring

sense of God over the creation. As a Creator, He is concerned towards His creation,

therefore He commanded Israelites to observe the Sabbatical year to make it clear that

the Sabbath is not merely a rest for human beings alone, but also for the whole

creation. And the seventh years, the land celebrates its rest.The Bible tells that human

beings are called to be God’s gardeners and obedient agents in caring for creation to

promote the well-being of creation.

Psalm 24:1 says “The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world and

those who live in it.” The prophetical books portray about the peace, justice and

equality for whole creations. In Jesus’ ministry in the gospels, He was using the

nature to convey His message to the hearers. He used the example of mustard seeds to

proclaim His kingdom which is, which was, and which has to come. The care and

concern was portrayed in Jesus’ ministry. Apostle Paul was concerned for the

restoration of all creation which was distorted because of human fall. Everything will

be restored back in the right image under the headship of Jesus Christ. So Apostle

Paul was looking forward for the renewals of every creation. John reflects the concept

of redemptions of all creation through Christ Jesus. In the book of Revelation, John

describes ‘woe’ to the misused of the creation because God will bring judgment and

will destroy all the wickedness and He will build new heaven and new earth. Bible

emphasizes creation as belonging to God, its reflection on the values of the divine

rule, and human beings sharing of kinship with the rest of creation. Human beings are
depending on nature and therefore they are responsible for caring and preserving the


Even though the biblical ‘account of creation’ emphasizes the care and

concern to preserve ecology, the researcher finds that, today the focus of many

Konyak Baptist Churches in Mon, Nagaland is for the spiritual benefit as well as

material development of churches’ possessions and properties and they give less

importance to the preservation of eco-system. The call of the Church was not only

meant for spiritual benefits and material developments but for the holistic mission,

where Church has a greater role to play.

It is high time for Konyak Baptist Churches to take initiative and concentrate

on ecological preservation which is in great peril. The Churches should come up with

different means to protect and care of the creation. The Churches should cloth the

mandate of stewardship and carry out the responsibility which was bestowed upon the

Churches for the proper care of ecology. The need of educating the believers

regarding the care, concern and bringing up the new models for the preservation of

eco-system should be the priorities of the Church.

Bible makes it clear that the responsibility of believers is to care for the

environment, which has been often neglected. The Church is God’s agent over nature

in the sense that the Church has a responsibility for recognizing the balance and

maintaining it in a manner God wants it. The primary duty in relation to creation is

stewardship. Ecological crisis becomes one of the urgent issues to deal with. It is time

for Konyak Baptist Churches to develop ecological mission and it is in need of

concentration on holistic mission. Thus, Konyak Baptist Churches need to heed to the

instant action on ecological disaster and take a serious note on it. The Church council

also needs to convey the urgent message to all the Churches under KBBB, regarding
the preservation, care and concern on ecological mission. The leaders need to

encourage and admonish the Churches to educate the believers and teach them the

importance of the preservation of eco-system. The complete restoration will take

place at the event of second coming of Jesus Christ. Under the Lordship of Christ

everything will be restored and renewed again. The Church is the main channel to

proclaim the good news to the world. Good news consist not only spiritual benefit, but

also the care and concern of the creation. Since it is being mandated by God for

creations care, Konyak Baptist Churches should develop an eco-system so that the

future would be better.

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