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Create and Publish web services

Download (Eclipse java Enterprise Edition ) eclipse-inst-jre-win64


Click File->new->Dynamic Web Project

Step2 : Provide name for project(adddemo) and click new runtime and select tomcat 9.0 version and
click create a new local server checkbox

New Runtime-> tomcat 9.0 version-> select create a new local server checkbox

Click installed JRE button and choose WorkBench default JRE ->click finish button
After this step click next button in Dynamic web project window

New dynamic web Project window is kept open then select source file and click next

Select check box ->click Finish button

Now we will get into Eclipse window

Step3:click adddemo->java resourses->(rightclick )src/main/java ->choose class submenu -> give

name for class ->click finish
After click finish button,window will get open like
Within this class ,write the function to add two numbers

Make this function as a web service,click java file name(>rightclick it -> choose new-
Select a wizard ->choose webservices->choose webservice->click next button

Change the client type as test client -> click publish the web service checkbox
Click next button

Click start server button

Click next button

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