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Prediction-Based Path Planning for Safe and Efficient

Human–Robot Collaboration in Construction via

Deep Reinforcement Learning
Jiannan Cai, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE 1; Ao Du, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE 2;
Xiaoyun Liang, S.M.ASCE 3; and Shuai Li, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE 4
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Abstract: Robotics has attracted broad attention as an emerging technology in construction to help workers with repetitive, physically
demanding, and dangerous tasks, thus improving productivity and safety. Under the new era of human–robot coexistence and collaboration
in dynamic and complex workspaces, it is critical for robots to navigate to the targets efficiently without colliding with moving workers.
This study proposes a new deep reinforcement learning (DRL)–based robot path planning method that integrates the predicted movements of
construction workers to achieve safe and efficient human–robot collaboration in construction. First, an uncertainty-aware long short-term
memory network is developed to predict the movements of construction workers and associated uncertainties. Second, a DRL framework is
formulated, where predicted movements of construction workers are innovatively integrated into the state space and the computation of the
reward function. By incorporating predicted trajectories in addition to current locations, the proposed method enables proactive planning such
that the robot could better adapt to human movements, thus ensuring both safety and efficiency. The proposed method was demonstrated and
evaluated using simulations generated based on real construction scenarios. The results show that prediction-based DRL path planning
achieved a 100% success rate (with a total of 10,000 episodes) for robots to achieve the destination along the near-shortest path. Furthermore,
it reduced the collision rate with moving workers by 23% compared with the conventional DRL method, which does not consider predicted
information. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0001056. © 2022 American Society of Civil Engineers.

Introduction Under such a situation, construction automation and robotics has

emerged as a promising solution to assist in physically demanding
The construction industry faces longstanding challenges includ- and dangerous work, and has been introduced in various opera-
ing low productivity and high rates of injuries and fatalities, as tions, such as earthwork (ASI 2019), laying bricks (Madsen 2019),
well as workforce aging and labor shortages. Despite the high and site inspection (Jacob-Loyola et al. 2021). The coexistence of
labor cost, construction productivity remained stagnant during the and collaboration between human workers and robots may lead to
last decades, whereas that in manufacturing has nearly doubled potential collision risks, which requires the robots to proactively
(Changali et al. 2015). Worker fatalities in the construction sector plan their motion based on the dynamics of human workers to avoid
continuously account for 20% of total fatalities, the highest among any potential collision while ensuring collaboration efficiency.
all private industries (OSHA 2020), and another 46% of construc- Several studies (Chen et al. 2022; Jeong et al. 2021; Kayhani
tion workers suffer from work-related musculoskeletal disorder et al. 2018; Kim et al. 2003) have developed methods for robotic
injuries (Dong et al. 2019). In addition, more than 20% of construc- motion planning on construction sites, although most of them only
tion workers are aged 55 and older (Center for Construction considered site configuration and static obstacles and neglected the
Research and Training 2018), with 430,000 more workers needed impact of moving workers. For the few studies that can be used
to fill the vacancy (Associated Builders and Contractors 2021). with moveable obstacles (e.g., Kim et al. 2003), current obstacle
locations are incorporated without any prediction of their future
Assistant Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, movement. In dynamic and complex environments that involve
and Construction Management, Univ. of Texas at San Antonio, One UTSA large uncertainties of movements, like construction sites, it is criti-
Circle, San Antonio, TX 78249 (corresponding author). ORCID: https:// cal to have a reliable prediction of human behavior and integrate Email:
2 their anticipated movement into robot path planning to generate
Assistant Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Univ. of Texas at San Antonio, One UTSA Circle, San Antonio, TX 78249. safe and feasible trajectories (Fridovich-Keil et al. 2020; Zhou
ORCID: Email: et al. 2022). In some pilot studies, Hu et al. (2020) modeled pre-
Ph.D. Student, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and dicted locations of construction workers as static obstacles to gen-
Construction Management, Univ. of Texas at San Antonio, One UTSA erate a collision-free path, which did not consider the temporal
Circle, San Antonio, TX 78249. ORCID: evolvement and associated uncertainty of the prediction. Cai et al.
-9154. Email: (2021) modeled the risk of collision between construction robots
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and workers based on the uncertainty-aware predicted trajectories
Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, 851 Neyland Dr., Knoxville, TN 37902.
of construction workers, which, however, has not been effectively
Note. This manuscript was submitted on April 2, 2022; approved on
integrated with robot path planning algorithms.
July 14, 2022; published online on October 6, 2022. Discussion period To close these gaps, by integrating deep reinforcement learning
open until March 6, 2023; separate discussions must be submitted for in- (DRL) with trajectory prediction, this study proposes a new path
dividual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Computing in Civil planning method for safe and efficient human–robot collaboration
Engineering, © ASCE, ISSN 0887-3801. on dynamic construction sites. The novelty and contributions of

© ASCE 04022046-1 J. Comput. Civ. Eng.

J. Comput. Civ. Eng., 2023, 37(1): 04022046

the proposed method are threefold. First, predicted trajectories of Path Planning for Mobile Robots
construction workers are innovatively introduced in the state space
In the field of mobile robots, path planning is an essential task and
and the computation of the reward function of the DRL framework.
has been extensively investigated by many studies. Path planning
A new reward function is designed to ensure both safety and effi-
aims to find a sequence of actions to transform robots from a start
ciency by integrating the current locations of the robot and workers,
to a final position, which typically follows a hierarchical approach,
the target location of the robot, and the predicted locations of work-
i.e., a combination of global and local path planning (Xiao et al.
ers. Second, the proposed method is robust to different construction
scenarios with a varying number of moving obstacles (e.g., workers 2022). Global path planning is used to identify a coarse route from
and other machines). Furthermore, by leveraging high-level infor- robot’s current location to the target position. Graph-based meth-
mation (e.g., preprocessed locations) instead of raw sensing data, ods, e.g., Dijkstra’s (1959) and A* (Hart et al. 1968) algorithms,
this method can be adaptive to various construction environments and sampling-based algorithms, e.g., rapidly-exploration random
with different settings of sensors. Third, the proposed method was tree (Lavalle 1998), are classical methods for global path planning.
validated using simulations generated based on real construction These approaches generate the path plan based on the static con-
figuration of an environment, and if the environment changes,
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scenarios and is shown to outperform the conventional DRL-based

path planning in both efficiency and safety (evaluated using quanti- methods such as the D* algorithm (Stentz 1994) need to be used
tative metrics as detailed in the “Experiments and Results” section). for dynamic replanning.
Local path planning generates a detailed motion plan for exe-
cution leveraging current observation of the environment obtained
Background and Review of Related Studies from onboard sensors. Because the current location of moving ob-
stacles can be perceived in local path planning, it can be used for
real-time collision avoidance in dynamic environments. Typical
Robotic Applications in Construction methods include artificial potential field (Ge and Cui 2002) and
The applications of robotics in construction have been evolv- partial swarm optimization (Min et al. 2005), which can find a local
ing over the last years, ranging from single-task construction ro- path fast and efficiently; however, they can be easily stuck in the
bots, such as brick-laying robots (Madsen 2019), rebar-tying robots local optimum (Zhang et al. 2018).
(Cardno 2018), robotic excavators (ASI 2019), and painting robots Despite the achievements, classical path planning algorithms
(Asadi et al. 2018), to general-purpose robotic platforms equipped heavily rely on mathematical models and expert experience to
with multiple skills [e.g., sensing, navigation, and manipulation) model the environment (both static configuration and dynamics
for more flexible human–robot collaboration (Kim et al. 2021)]. of moving entities) and to solve for the optimal path given perfor-
Particularly, mobile robots [both unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) mance criteria. In dynamic and complex environments, especially
and unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs)] have attracted increasing with uncertain movement of entities, classic methods may not be
attention and are applied to various tasks, including site inspection sufficient to generate a reliable path (Xiao et al. 2022). To over-
and progress monitoring (Asadi et al. 2020; Freimuth and König come these challenges, deep learning–based methods have been
2018; Jacob-Loyola et al. 2021; Kim et al. 2019; Lu et al. 2021), developed to learn robot motion plans directly from perceptual in-
material handling and object manipulation (Asadi et al. 2021; Wang formation of the environment in an end-to-end manner. Specifi-
et al. 2020), site layout drawing (Dusty Robotics 2022; Tsuruta cally, DRL has been increasingly explored in robot path planning
et al. 2019), and others. (Ajeil et al. 2020; Botteghi et al. 2020; Xie et al. 2017). For in-
Teleoperation is a common approach to control robots, where, stance, Gao et al. (2020) designed a DRL-based path planning
conventionally, operators directly give commands via input devices method for collision-free autonomous navigation, The trained
such as joystick and tablets (Khasawneh et al. 2019; Okishiba et al. model was also transferred from two-dimensional (2D) to a com-
2019). Methods have also been developed to control robots from
plex three-dimensional (3D) environment, demonstrating the good
intuitive motions of workers in either real or virtual reality (VR)
generalizability of the DRL model. Yan et al. (2021) proposed a
environments (Gong et al. 2019; Wang et al. 2021; Zhou et al.
DRL-based method combined with a variant of the long short-term
2022). With the advances in sensing, computer vision, and artificial
memory (LSTM) model to generate optimal angle motions in a
intelligence (AI), many studies have been dedicated to enhancing
marine environment for unmanned surface vehicles. Wen et al.
machine intelligence for automatic robot control to further reduce
workers’ mental load and increase productivity. Examples include (2020) leveraged a DRL-based active simultaneous localization and
vision-based navigation and object manipulation (Asadi et al. 2021; mapping (SLAM) framework to achieve autonomous navigation
Narazaki et al. 2022; Wang et al. 2020), and brain signal-based ro- for the mobile robot in an environment with both static and moving
bot control (Liu et al. 2021a, b), among others. obstacles; however, the number of moving obstacles was limited to
Most existing studies focused on achieving specific construction one in their application.
tasks, with an underlying assumption that the robot can navigate Existing studies have shown the great potential of DRL as an
to the target safely and efficiently across the unstructured and dy- effective way to generate collision-free paths in complex and dy-
namic jobsites using various path planning algorithms developed in namic environments. However, there remain three knowledge gaps.
the general robotics domain (detailed in the next section). Although First, most studies only considered the current locations of moving
a few studies devised new algorithms for mobile robot path plan- agents without a reliable prediction of their future behavior. Given
ning to address challenges in construction sites, e.g., uneven terrain the sensing uncertainty as well as the unexpected movement of
(Jeong et al. 2021) and complex structures in congested spaces agents in complex environments, such an approach cannot guaran-
(Chen et al. 2022), they mainly considered static site configuration tee safety (Fridovich-Keil et al. 2020). A pilot study (Fridovich-
and obstacles while neglecting the moving workers who work on Keil et al. 2020) incorporated confidence-aware motion prediction
various operations simultaneously and share the workspaces with in the path planning; however, it still relied on mathematical models
robots. To achieve safe and efficient human–robot collaboration in (i.e., hidden Markov model) to capture human dynamics by assum-
construction, it is critical to incorporate the anticipated dynamics of ing people take actions following Markovian fashion. To close this
workers in robot path planning. gap, this study leverages an LSTM-based model to predict human

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trajectory and associated uncertainties and incorporate the pre- In this study, the construction site is discretized into a 2D grid
dicted movement into the design of DRL-base path planning. map, following the common practice in robot path planning studies
Second, in DRL, the design of the reward function has a signifi- (Ajeil et al. 2020). Thus, the locations of workers, robot, and desti-
cant impact on the convergence and performance of the model, nation are represented by the grids they occupy. Discretizing the
which should reflect the objective of the planning context. Most state space and the corresponding action space allows finite deci-
studies focused on collision-free path planning in a general mo- sions and effective dimensionality reduction in the planning pro-
bile robot application and cannot be readily applied to construction cess, where there is a trade-off between precise path planning and
scenarios. In this study, a new reward function is designed to in- computational efficiency. A small grid size enables the system to
corporate both safety and efficiency requirements in construction model the locations of each agent more accurately and to plan the
applications, considering the predicted trajectory of construction robot’s path more precisely with relatively high computational
workers. Third, most studies modeled the state space using raw complexity. On the other hand, a large grid size leads to fewer states
sensor measurements and focused on the environment with only and can significantly improve computational efficiency. However,
one moving obstacle, constraining the applicability to specific ro- a grid is more likely to be occupied by multiple agents and results
bot and environment configurations. In contrast, this study lever-
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in collisions even if the distance between them is still large, which

ages high-level information in the state space and integrates might cause unnecessary detours. In addition, coarse grids could
information of the nearest obstacle, which makes it applicable in better accommodate uncertainties: considering possible uncertain-
various environments with different robot configurations and vary- ties of agents’ locations (e.g., caused by sensing errors), the cor-
ing numbers of obstacles. responding states are more likely to remain unchanged with coarse
grids compared with fine grids.
Methodology Taking into account the aforementioned factors, as well as
existing studies on construction workspace modeling (Zhang et al.
2015; Dong et al. 2018), a grid size of 0.5 × 0.5 m was adopted in
Problem Formulation this study. The path is represented by a sequence of 2D grid coor-
In this study, the path planning problem is modeled as a Markov dinates resulting from the action taken by the robot at each time
decision process (MDP) where a mobile robot selects its action at step. Because this study focuses on path planning for mobile robots
each time step (At ), based on the environment states (St ), such as instead of low-level control of robot motion, only the time-series
the locations of the robot, destination, and moving workers. After locations were considered, and it was assumed that the robot moves
executing the action, the environment is transmitted to the next one grid each time step as a simplification. In addition, it was as-
state (Stþ1 ) and the robot receives a reward (rtþ1 ). Over a given sumed that the robot has full knowledge of the environment, includ-
time horizon T, the goal of the robot is to learn an optimal policy ing its location and destination, and the locations of all workers,
πðAt jSt Þto find a safe and efficient path from its initial location to a which could be obtained from external sensing or camera systems
known destination on construction sites with moving workers by (e.g., Cai and Cai 2020).
maximizing the expectation of cumulative discounted long-term
reward Rt [Eq. (1)] as follows:
Uncertainty-Aware Worker Trajectory Prediction
Rt ¼ rðSt ; At Þ þ γrðStþ1 ; Atþ1 Þþ · · · þγ T−t rðST ; AT Þ
In a previous study (Cai et al. 2020), a LSTM network with an
tþT encoder-decoder architecture was developed to predict future tra-
¼ γ i−t rðSi ; Ai Þ ð1Þ jectories of construction entities, where the trajectory was predicted
from a deterministic perspective without considering the associated
where γ = discount factor in the range of 0 to 1. To ensure safety uncertainty of the prediction. Such practice may pose a potential
and efficiency, the reward function is designed to combine both the risk of robot–worker collision in the path planning problem. The
locations of obstacles (i.e., moving workers) and the destination to aforementioned method is extended to incorporate uncertainty in
motivate the robot to find the shortest possible collision-free path. this study. Inspired by Alahi et al. (2016), the trajectory was as-
In contrast to most existing studies on DRL-based robot path plan- sumed to follow bivariate Gaussian distribution, and the parameters
ning that only consider current observations of the environment, the that characterize the distribution rather than absolute locations were
proposed method innovatively incorporates predicted trajectories estimated (Fig. 2).
of workers using an LSTM-based prediction model (detailed in Specifically, the observed locations of workers are extracted
the next section) to achieve more proactive planning. Fig. 1 shows from construction videos, represented as pixel coordinates of the
the overall process. midbottom point of the workers’ bounding box. In this study, the
bounding boxes are manually labeled to generate worker’s move-
ment data, which can also be obtained automatically via object
tracking algorithms (e.g., Roberts and Golparvar-Fard 2019; Cai
and Cai 2020). Then, the observed trajectory from time T 1 to T obs
serves as inputs and is fed into the LSTM encoder, and the position
distributions, Nðμit ; σ it ; ρit Þ, from time T obsþ1 to T obsþpred are gener-
ated via LSTM decoder, where μit ¼ ðμx ; μy Þit is the mean, σ it ¼
ðσx ; σy Þit is the standard deviation, and ρit is the correlation coef-
ficient (in this study, ρit ¼ 0, assuming the movements in both di-
rections are independent). Accordingly, the negative log-likelihood
PT obsþpred
is adopted as loss function: Li ¼ − t¼T obsþ1
logðPðxit ; yit jμit ; σit ÞÞ.
Fig. 1. MDP framework for robot–environment interaction on con-
Cai et al. (2020, 2021) have given details of the network architec-
struction site.
ture. The resulting predicted trajectory is then included in the state

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Fig. 2. Uncertainty-aware LSTM-based trajectory prediction model.

space to provide additional information for robot path planning and have the same scale that is determined by the environment.
(detailed in the next section). Thus, it can be directly used as inputs for deep Q-networks (DQNs)
as detailed in the “DQN Model” section.
State Space
Action Space
The state space reflects the observations of the robots about the
environment, which serves as the input of its decision process. In Given the current and target locations in the 2D grid environment,
conventional studies on robot navigation and control (e.g., Gao a robot takes action to move from the current location to the target
et al. 2020; Yan et al. 2021), raw sensory data [e.g., light detection location along the grids. Existing studies typically defined the ac-
and ranging (LiDAR) measurement and images from cameras] are tion space of a mobile robot to include four discrete actions, i.e., up,
used to model state space. In contrast, this study modeled state down, left, and right (Xu et al. 2019; Zhang et al. 2019). In addition
space using high-level information, including the current location to the four actions, this study also introduces a fifth action, i.e., stay,
and destination of robots, as well as current and predicted locations to incorporate the scenario where the robot can choose to wait
of construction workers, which can be processed from raw sensory for workers to move away based on the predicted movement of
data using various object localization and tracking algorithms workers. It was assumed that the robot moves at a fixed speed (one
(Roberts and Golparvar-Fard 2019; Cai and Cai 2020). Through grid per time step), and thus, the updated location of the robot after
such an approach, the proposed method can be naturally extended it takes one specific action can be illustrated in Fig. 3, which de-
to other systems with different sensors. As a result, at any time termines the transition rule of robot location.
step t, the state space is a 16-dimensional vector, denoted
Reward Function
St ¼ ½xtr ; ytr ; xtd ; ytd ; xt;0
o ; yo ; xo ; yo ; : : : ; xo ; yo 
t;0 t;1 t;1 t;5 t;5
The reward function is critical to the success of DRL in solving
where ½xtr ; ytr = location of the robot in terms of 2D grid coordi- complex tasks. In mobile robot path planning on construction
nates, varying at each time step after the robot takes an action, and sites, a robot is expected to move efficiently from its start point
in practice, this information could be obtained via multiple sources, to its destination without collision with other workers moving on
such as onboard global positioning system (GPS), cameras, and/or the jobsites. Therefore, the design of the reward function con-
LiDAR; ½xtd ; ytd  = destination of the robot in terms of 2D grid co- siders both efficiency and safety. For efficiency, three factors are
ordinates, remaining unchanged during the decision horizon; this is
• At any time step, the robot should be motivated to move closer
reasonable because a robot is typically given a specific task with
to the target position instead of moving away from the target.
a known goal (i.e., destination) in practice; and ½xt;0 o ; y o ; xo ;
t;0 t;1
Therefore, after taking an action, if the distance between robot’s
yo ; : : : ; xo ; yo  = current location (½xo ; yo ) and predicted loca-
t;1 t;5 t;5 t;0 t;0
location and desired position is smaller than their previous
tions (½xt;1o ; yo ; : : : ; xo ; yo ) of the robot’s nearest worker. The
t;1 t;5 t;5

past trajectories of workers can be observed from various sensors

(e.g., cameras and radio-based sensors), based on which the future
trajectories can be predicted using the method described in the pre-
vious section.
In this study, locations in the next five steps were considered.
Because the proposed LSTM-based uncertainty-aware model pre-
dicts the distribution of the future trajectory, the future locations in
state space were sampled from the distribution. Besides, to general-
ize the proposed methods to environments with varying numbers of
workers/obstacles, only the nearest obstacle was modeled in the
state space instead of all workers on the jobsite, which is reasonable
because the nearest obstacle is expected to have the largest impact
on robot path in terms of collision avoidance. In the aforementioned
Fig. 3. Updated location after taking specific action at time t.
state space, all elements are represented in 2D grid coordinates

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J. Comput. Civ. Eng., 2023, 37(1): 04022046

distance, a positive reward is given; otherwise, a negative reward iteration in the training of the neural network Q(s, a; θ) as an
(i.e., penalty) is applied. The value of this reward is denoted action-value function approximator
as rdist .
• By only applying the first reward, the robot may move aim- Q ðs; aÞ ¼ Es 0 ∼S ½rðs; aÞ þ γmax
Q ðs 0 ; α 0 Þ ð2Þ
lessly, exhibiting a tendency to move back and forth to avoid
penalty while making minimum progress to the target. In this where Q = optimum action-value (Q) function; and θ = weights of
case, a negative reward should be given to prevent the aimless the neural network. To achieve supervised learning for DQN, the
movement and force the robot to navigate to the target, which is temporal difference (TD) training was adopted, which introduces a
denoted as raimless . target network to provide target Q values to act as the ground truth.
• Eventually, the robot is given a large reward for reaching the The target network is initialized with the same network structure
target, denoted by rdest. and weights as the action-value network, and the weights of both
For safety, two factors are incorporated: networks will be updated using common stochastic gradient de-
• The robot should not collide with moving workers. In this study, scent algorithms. However, the target network is updated in a
because both the current locations of the workers and a period delayed fashion compared with the action-value network, which is
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of the predicted trajectory (i.e., five time steps) are considered, updated in every training step, and such stability could also im-
a deduction factor is applied for potential collision with the pre- prove the convergence.
dicted positions of workers. Let robs denote the penalty for col- Specifically, a fully connected (FC) neural network with two
liding with a worker (i.e., the robot and worker are in the same hidden layers (24 nodes for each layer) was used as approximators
grid), and γ is the deduction factor; then, the penalty (negative of both action-value function and target function of the DQN
reward) for colliding with a worker n-step later is denoted by (Du and Ghavidel 2022). The 16-dimensional state vector was con-
γ n robs (no deduction for colliding at the current location). As a sidered as input to the neural network. The rectified linear unit
result, a negative reward is formulated for potential collision (ReLU) activation function was implemented for the two hidden
with future positions of workers. To avoid applying penalties layers, and a linear activation function was implemented for the
repeatedly, only the earliest time when a collision may occur output layer, illustrated in Fig. 4.
is considered. Thus, rcollision ¼ minfrobs ; γ 1 robs ; : : : ; γ n robs g,
where n ¼ 5 in this case. Specifically, if the robot does not col-
lide with the worker at t, robs for that step is zero. In this way, the Experiments and Results
penalty is only applied to the earliest time step of a potential
collision, and the later the collision, the smaller the penalty. Environment Setup
• Once the robot exceeds the boundary of the site, a large penalty,
denoted as rboundary , is applied if they go beyond the boundary The proposed prediction-based DRL framework for robot path
to ensure the robot move within its workspace. As a result, the planning was demonstrated and evaluated using simulations that
reward function of the proposed method is r ¼ rdist þ raimless þ are generated based on real construction scenarios, detailed as
rdest þ rcollision þ rboundary . follows.
First, construction videos from three real construction projects
[two recorded by authors, and one collected from YouTube (2019)]
DQN Model
were used to train the uncertainty-aware LSTM model for worker
The MDP problem is solved via DRL, a modern approach to over- trajectory prediction, which was then used to generate simula-
come the limitation of traditional Q-learning by improving compu- tion environments to validate the proposed method for robot path
tational efficiency and convergence, leveraging advanced function planning. The videos consisted of a total of 84 workers conducting
approximators (e.g., neural networks) instead of the Q-table various construction activities, including site preparation, material
(Du and Ghavidel 2022). Various DRL algorithms have been devel- handling, formwork, and so on. The videos were taken from vari-
oped, including DQN (Mnih et al. 2013), deep deterministic policy ous angles at height, similar to the perspective of surveillance cam-
gradients (DDPG) (Lillicrap et al. 2015), and actor-critic methods eras. Fig. 5 illustrates some sample images of the collected videos.
(Mnih et al. 2016). In this study, the proposed DRL-based robot All videos were downsampled to 2 frames per second (fps),
path planning method was implemented based on a typical DRL compatible with other studies (Alahi et al. 2016) on video-based
algorithm, DQN, which employs neural networks to approximate human trajectory prediction. The videos were preprocessed, and
the Q values. The Bellman equation [Eq. (2)] was adopted for value bounding boxes of workers were manually labeled to extract entity

Fig. 4. Architecture of DQN.

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Fig. 5. Sample images from the data set: (a and b) images from two building projects photographed by authors; and (c and d) from a hospital project.
(Images courtesy of Craig Powers.)
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positions, serving as inputs of the prediction model. A total of from known dimensions of construction equipment. Such approxi-
2,544 frames consisting of 241 trajectories with various lengths mation may not influence the simulation of robot path planning
were extracted (Cai et al. 2020), where a trajectory was terminated because the locations of different workers and the boundary of the
if the worker was severely occluded by other objects. In this study, jobsite were estimated from the same set of parameters. The con-
the observation duration of worker movements was 3 s (i.e., six struction site, after being converted to the ground plane, is a 16 ×
frames) and the prediction duration was 5 s (i.e., 10 frames), fol- 11 m area, and was further divided into a 32 × 22 grid map with a
lowing relevant studies (Alahi et al. 2016) on human trajectory pre- grid size of 0.5 m.
diction. Therefore, the 241 trajectories were further split into Third, to train a generalized DRL model, a large number of
16-frame tracks using a sliding window with a stride of two frames, training data are needed. To achieve this, extensive simulations
resulting in 3,640 tracks for training and testing the prediction were conducted where construction environments with different
model. Consistent with previous studies (Cai et al. 2020, 2021), configurations were generated based on the aforementioned con-
the data set was randomly split into training set (80%), validation struction scenario (Fig. 6). Specifically, in each training episode of
set (10%), and testing set (10%). The network was trained with the the DRL model, (1) the initial and target locations of the robot were
Adam optimizer (Kingma and Ba 2014), with a learning rate of randomly generated within the environment (i.e., 32 × 22 grid map
0.001, batch size of 20, and dropout rate of 0.5. The proposed obtained in the previous step); (2) the number of workers was ran-
method was implemented on a desktop computer with Intel domly selected, ranging from one to five; and (3) the initial move-
i7-9700 CPU, 32 GB, and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 2060 GPU using ments of workers were randomly extracted from all trajectories in
the Keras library within the Tensorflow platform. the video to reflect real construction scenarios, and their following
Fig. 6 visualizes an example of predicted trajectories with asso- trajectories during the training process were sampled from pre-
ciated uncertainties, where lines represent the actual trajectories of dicted trajectory distribution obtained from the proposed LSTM
construction workers. In Fig. 6, the predicted trajectories closest to model in the first step.
the actual one (lighter color) have the highest probability, whereas
those farther away (darker color) exhibit relatively low probability.
This establishes a reliable basis to incorporate predicted trajectories Model Training
and their associated uncertainties for robot path planning. In the proposed path planning method, the parameter values in
Second, the aforementioned construction scenario (Fig. 6) was the reward function, especially the relative magnitudes of different
selected to simulate the environment to train the DRL model for components, have a significant influence on the model performance
robot path planning. To establish a realistic environment, the con- and convergence and should be determined considering the plan-
struction site and worker locations were converted from image ning context and objective. For instance, the relative magnitude
plane to ground plane via projective transformation (Hartley and between the reward of moving toward the destination (i.e., rdist )
Zisserman 2003), where the transformation matrix was estimated and the penalty of collision (i.e., rcollision ) indicates the relative

Fig. 6. Example of predicted distributions of future locations over 10 time steps.

© ASCE 04022046-6 J. Comput. Civ. Eng.

J. Comput. Civ. Eng., 2023, 37(1): 04022046

importance of efficiency and safety. For human–robot collaboration a −1 penalty each step for moving aimlessly; rboundary ¼ −20,
in construction, safety is the priority, and thus the penalty of colli- indicating the robot receives a −20 penalty for exceeding the boun-
sion is set to be much larger than the reward of moving toward the dary; rcollision ¼ minfrobs ; γ 1 robs ; : : : ; γ n robs g, where robs ¼ −20
destination. It implies that the robot tends to take a detour to avoid and γ ¼ 0.3, representing that the robot is given a −20 penalty
potential collisions with the workers. for potential collision with workers at the current time step, and
In terms of safety, a collision at an earlier time step is more a deduction factor of 0.3 is applied for collisions at future
urgent and severe than at more future time steps. Besides, due to time steps.
the increasing uncertainty of trajectory prediction at larger predic- The exploration-exploitation strategy, i.e., the ε-greedy, was
tion horizons, the discount for the penalty of collision at future time used to achieve a good balance between exploration (to explore
steps should be set as a large value (i.e., γ should be relatively those unvisited sequences) and exploitation (to leverage the policy
small) to ensure that the robot can efficiently achieve the goal, and that has been learned so far), where the exploration probability ε
the model can converge. was initially set to 1.0 and exponentially decayed to a minimum
For efficiency, the penalty for aimless movement (raimless ) value of 0.01 along with the training episodes. The Adam optimizer
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should be compatible with the reward (or penalty) of the robot mov- was implemented for the neural network training with an initial
ing close to (or far away from) the destination. Otherwise, the robot learning rate of 0.01 and exponential learning rate decay. Here,
tends to move back and forth instead of moving toward the goal. 50,000 training episodes were considered for the DRL model train-
The reward for achieving the destination should be the largest so ing. For each training episode, the process was terminated if any of
that the robot has the motivation to complete the task within the the three criteria were satisfied: (1) the step reaches 100; (2) the
planning horizon. In addition, the boundary of the workspace was robot reaches its destination; or (3) the robot exceeds environ-
considered a hard constraint, and the episode was terminated if ment boundaries. The convergence of the training curve is shown
the robot exceeded the boundary. Therefore, the penalty for exceed- in Fig. 7.
ing the boundary (rboundary ) should be the largest so that the robot
can rapidly learn the boundary states and avoid exceeding the
boundary. Performance of the DRL Model
Given the aforementioned principles and after experiments with
The trained DRL agent was further tested using 10,000 random
various combinations of values, the parameters in the reward func-
episodes (100 steps per episode) to evaluate the learning perfor-
tion were determined as follows: rdest ¼ 100, indicating the robot
mance. In addition, a conventional DRL agent that does not con-
is given a þ 100 reward for reaching the destination; rdist ¼ 1,
sider the predicted locations of workers was trained and tested for
representing that the robot receives a þ 1 reward or −1 penalty
comparison. Specifically, in the conventional DRL method, the ob-
each step for moving close to or far away from the destination;
servation space only contained the current and target locations of
if the distance between robot and destination remains unchanged
in two steps, rdist ¼ 0; raimless ¼ −1, indicating the robot receives the robot, and the current location of the nearest worker. The pro-
posed reward function and corresponding parameters were also
used in the conventional DRL agent for consistency, except for the
exclusion of penalty for potential collision at future time steps.
Quantitative metrics were used for performance evaluation in
terms of both efficiency and safety. For efficiency, two metrics were
used: (1) success rate, computed as the ratio between the number of
successful cases and the total number of testing episodes, where a
successful case is when the robot achieves the desired destination
before the end of the episode; and (2) average ratio between the
actual path and shortest path, where for each episode, the actual
path is learned from the DRL agent, and the shortest path is com-
puted as absðx0r − xd Þ þ absðy0r − yd Þ.
For safety, the collision rate was used for evaluation, where one
collision case is counted if the robot collides with a worker (at the
current time step) at least once during an episode. To examine
the efficacy of the proposed model in proactive planning, collision
rates at anticipatory locations of workers were also examined, the
smaller of which offers a more reliable and safer path and can
accommodate potential sensing uncertainties in practice. Table 1
Fig. 7. Training curve of the proposed DRL model.
presents the results of these metrics for both models.

Table 1. Performance comparison between proposed and conventional DRL models (total of 10,000 episodes)
Collision rate (%)
Average ratio
between actual At 1-step At 2-step At 3-step At 4-step At 5-step
Success and shortest At current predicted predicted predicted predicted predicted
Model rate (%) paths (ideally 1) location location location location location location
Conventional DRL (without prediction) 97.36 1.08 (1.005) 3.34 3.46 3.43 3.22 3.27 3.30
Prediction-based DRL (proposed in this study) 100 1.0003 2.56 2.47 2.54 2.54 2.50 2.58
Note: The value in brackets is the average ratio between actual and shortest paths for successful episodes using the conventional DRL model. Scenarios when
the workers occupy the same cell with the destination were excluded when determining the number of collisions.

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J. Comput. Civ. Eng., 2023, 37(1): 04022046

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Fig. 8. Example of robot’s path learned using proposed DRL model.

Table 1 indicates that the proposed prediction-based DRL model the robot to move to the destination along the near-shortest path;
outperformed the conventional model that does not consider the and (2) it reduced the collision rate with moving workers by 23%
predicted locations of workers in both efficiency and safety. The compared with the conventional DRL method. By leveraging high-
proposed method achieved a 100% success rate with an average level information (e.g., preprocessed locations) instead of raw sens-
ratio between actual and shortest paths close to 1, which means ing data, this method is adaptive to various robotics and application
that the robot could successfully reach the destination in all 10,000 scenarios with different settings of sensors. In addition, by incor-
episodes along the near-shortest path. It represents the high effi- porating location information of the nearest neighbor instead of
ciency of the planned paths. Fig. 8 shows the visualization of the all obstacles in the environment, the proposed method is robust to
robot’s planned path in one example, where the site was zoomed to scenarios with a varying number of moving obstacles and can be
the central area with moving workers and the robot. extended to other environments (e.g., search and resecure or
In contrast, the robot agent that was learned using the conven- manufacturing).
tional DRL model failed to reach the destination in 2.64% of total The proposed framework is critical for human–robot collabora-
cases (or 264 cases). In almost all unsuccessful cases, the robot tion on unstructured and dynamic construction sites because it al-
ended up moving back and forth without heading to the destination, lows proactive adjustment of robot’s movement to avoid collisions
which has never occurred in the robot agent learned using the pro- without interrupting normal operation. It endows the mobile robot
posed model. One possible reason is that by introducing predicted with the capability to automatically generate a safe and efficient
locations of workers and associated penalties for future collision, path considering site dynamics, which is an essential prerequisite
the robot agent has more knowledge not only of the current situa- of multiple robotic construction operations, such as material han-
tion but also of the situation in near future. It provides the robot dling, site inspection, and so on. With intelligent path planning that
with more information and incentive to make decisions to move takes into account anticipatory movements of site entities, it is safer
to the destination. The lower chance for the robot to collide with and more feasible to introduce construction robots to onsite oper-
workers (both at the current time and in the near future), as indi-
ations and share the workspaces with other workers who do not
cated in Table 1, also proves the advantage of the proposed method
interact with them directly on a single task. Furthermore, in terms
in terms of safety.
of human–robot collaborative tasks, human operators are released
to only provide high-level commands that are related to the in-
tended tasks (e.g., assign target areas to be inspected or materials
to be handled), without having to specify a detailed path, which will
This study proposed a new prediction-enabled path planning significantly reduce the mental load of workers and increase the
method for construction robots considering the predicted trajecto- productivity.
ries of onsite workers. Specifically, a LSTM-based model was There remain some limitations to be addressed in a future study.
developed to predict the trajectory distribution of workers instead First, despite the high successful rate, worker trajectories in only
of absolute trajectories to incorporate the uncertainty. The DRL one real-world scenario (captured in construction video) were ex-
framework was used for path planning, where the predicted tra- tracted and augmented by adding randomness in the simulated
jectory was innovatively introduced to the observation space and environments. In future studies, more diverse scenarios will be
integrated into the computation of reward function to ensure both generated to train the agent, which will be further tested on both
safety and efficiency. Extensive simulations generated from real robotic simulation and real robot implementation. Second, because
construction scenarios were conducted to validate the proposed this study focused on moving workers with uncertain predicted
framework, which was also compared with conventional DRL- trajectories, static obstacles were not modeled in the framework.
based path planning that did not consider prediction information. However, the proposed framework can be easily extended to in-
The results showed that the proposed method generates safer clude static obstacles by integrating locations of static obstacles
and more efficient paths: (1) it achieved a 100% success rate for in the observation space and the computation of reward function,

© ASCE 04022046-8 J. Comput. Civ. Eng.

J. Comput. Civ. Eng., 2023, 37(1): 04022046

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