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7 Cognitive Biases

Ft. Munna Bhaiya


Curse of knowledge
We believe that everyone knows the same
things as we do.

IKEA Effect
We tend to value things more when we have a
part in their creation.

Zeigarnik Effect
We tend to recall interrupted tasks more than
completed ones.

Spotlight Effect
We think people are paying far more attention
to us than they are.

Law of Triviality
We spend inordinate amounts of time and
effort on trivial issues while ignoring the ones
that actually matters.

Fundamental Attribution Error

We judge everyone else on character but
blame our shortcomings on the situation.

Dunning - Kruger Effect

Novices experience overconfidence due to
quick progression on the learning curve.

While experts confidence drops because

they realise what they don't yet know.
Happy Learning :)

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