Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Karya Pembangunan

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Yayasan Pendidikan islam Karya Pembangunan(YPI-PKP) Sekolah Menengah Karya atas Pembangunan SMA KARYA PEMBANGUNAN Alamat:Ds.Brubuh .Kec.

Jogorogo-ngawi telp(0351)730276

Mata pelajaran Hari/tanggal Kls 1 .Tio

: Bahasa Inggris : : XII :my name is tio

Dion : Nice to meet you. My name is Dion. a. How do you do b. How are you c. Let me introduce myself d. HI e. Glad to see you 2. Dian:..its nice day.what wwill you do today? Mrs Lia: I will go to the library today. a. b. c. d. Goodbye Goog night Good luck Good morning

3 Mrs Anwar: I heard that your son had won a scholarship to pajajaran University. Mrs Budiman:Yes, thats right..he never ignores our advice and always studies hard. a. b. c. d. e. Im proud of him I prided myself on his success. His pride would not let him down. Im too proud to have been successful He is a profile of a successful student

4. Policeman: Your truck causes too much pollution. Driver : Ohsir.

Policeman : Please consult a mechanic about it. Driver a. b. : Yes I will. Why not Im sorry c. how come d.congratulations e. dont mention it

5 Azhar : whats wrong with your camera,tom? Tommy: The lens doesnt focus well. Azhar: ..? Tommy: No thanks. I can fix it to repairman. aWill you bring it into repairman b.Should I change it c.do you need some help 6. Fuad : look,Farah. Here is a nice watch from Dick for you. Farah : Oh.its really beautiful.thanks. a. It seems annoying b. Thats sounds terrible c. It makes me displeased d. I dont think it is possible e. Iam delighted to have it d. have you had it repaired e. Would you buy a new one

7. Donny: What about your English test result? Tania:..with it I only got 5 a. Iam dissatisfied b. Iam pleased c. Iam satisfied c. Iam grateful d. Iam not annoyed

8. The manager think Jane is a very ..secretary because she always does her work well. a. reliable b. reliance c. reliability e. reliably d.rely

9.An increase in the number of student expected next year. a.are b. is c. was d. were e. will be

Taj Mahal is one of the seven wonders of the world. It impresses many people because it is symbol of love from a husband to his wife. Taj Mahal stands in the city of Agra,in the northern Indian states of Uttar Pradesh,on the banks of the Yamuna River.It was built in the memory of the beautiful Mumtaz Mahal,who won the heart of a Mughal Prince,Shah Jahar.Mumtaz Mahal died during the birth of their child, Gauhara Begum. The construction of Taj Mahal was begun soon after Mumtazs death The focus of Taj Mahal is the white marble tomb.Four minarets frame the tomb .Meanwhile,the main chamber houses the cenotaphs of Mumtaz Mahal and her husband, with their graves locate don lower level

10. What is the purpose of the text above? a. To entertain people about Taj Mahal b .To persuade people about the beauty of Taj Mahal c.To describe about Taj mahal d.To inform the readers about Taj mahal e.To retell the story behind the building of Taj mahal 11.Why does Taj Mahal become so famous? a. because Taj Mahal is one of the seven wonders in the world. b.because Taj Mahal is the symbol of love from a husband to his wife c. because Taj Mahal stands in the city of Agra d.because Taj Mahalwas built in the memory of the beautiful Mumtaz Mahal e. because Taj Mahal is the place to show a mans love 12 Which statement is not true on the text? a. Taj Mahal is only found in India b .Many people in the world are impressed by Taj maha c. Taj Mahal is located in the city of Agra d Gauhara Begum was the wife of Shah Jahan e.There are four minarets in Taj Mahal

The Ant bully (Animation/comedy,82 minutes) Featuring the voices of Julia Roberts ,Nicolas Cage,Merly Streep,Paul Giamatti,and Zach Tyler Eisen.Directed by john A. Davis. A story is based on John Nickles book about lucas nickel(Zach tyler Eisen).this 10-year-old boy is being terrorized by a neighbourhood bully and takes out his anger on an anthill in his front lawn untill he I shrunk by an ant wizard and learnsmuch about life in the colony of ant. Very sophisticated,Imaginative,and moralistic. (Taken from:The Jakarta Post,2006) 13.:The focus of Taj Mahal is the white marble tomb The underlined word has the same meaning as a. b. c. d. e. Grave Chamber House Marble Symbol

14.The text above is in the form of a/an a.report b.review c.discussion d.explanation e. description

15.The Ant Bully is not only.but also. .a romance-a comedy film b.imaginative-sophisticated c.moralizing-romantic d.animated-scientific 16.The communicative purpose of text 5 is.. a.to persuade readers to see the artwork b.to present information and opinions about the current issue c.to critique the artworkfor a public audience d.to tell the readers how to do something e.to explain the readers how and why something occurs

Pirate ringleaders admits to murder Jambi:A pirate leader admitted,Wednesday ,that his gang had been involved in six robberies and killed two police officers. Itham Guntur,27 told police investigators that the gang consisted of six people,all former members of ship crews.Because we are all ex-crew members,we know the major shipping lanes,such as Sunda Strait and the east Jambi coasts very well,he said. Itham identified the murdered officers asbrigadier General Mulyadi from the south SumatraPolice and Brigadier General Kennedy from the Jakarta Police. The pirates targeted cargo ships,fishing boats and oil tankers.-Antara. 17.According to the text,which statement is true ? a.The pirate ringleader had been accused of murders. B The members of the pirate were murderers. c.The murders happened in Jambi last Wednesday d.Two police officers had been Involved in six robberies. 18.The pronounhein the second paragraph refers to a.Police officer b.Itham Guntur. c one of the ship crews D.ex=crew member e.Brigadier General Mulyadi

19.The communicative purpose of text 1 is. a.to tell the readers what really happened b.to explain sequences of events c.to amuse the readers with problematic events d.to inform the readers about newsworthy events e.to describe the murderers in South Sumatra

20.A person who robs the cargo ships,fishing boats or oil tankers is called is a.person c.ship crew e.ringleader

b.police officer d pirate

Spider are predatory invertebrate animals. They are not classified in the class of Insecta.A spiders has eight legs while an insect never has more than six legs. Spiders have a body with two main divisions, four pairs of walking legs and two other pairs of abdominal spinnerets for spinning threads of silk.This silk can be used to aid in climbing, build egg sacs and catch prey. Spiders kill so many insects, but they never do the least harm to mans belongings. Spider are busy for at least half of the year killing insects.it is impossible to find out how many insects they kill, since they are hungry creature which can not be content with only three meals a day. 21.What is the purpose of the text? 22 .Mention the following sentences are true about spiders? 23 .Mention the sentence describes the behavior of spiders? 24 Why cant spiders be classified in the class of Insecta? 25. Mention the best tittle of the text?

Yayasan Pendidikan islam Karya Pembangunan(YPI-PKP) Sekolah Menengah Karya atas Pembangunan SMA KARYA PEMBANGUNAN Alamat:Ds.Brubuh .Kec.Jogorogo-Ngawi telp(0351)730276

Mata pelajaran Hari/tanggal Kls

:Bahasa Inggris : :XI

1. You have been digestive problem for a week,and have just started to feel betteryou meet aBritish friend at a party.Your friend says:How are you?What would you say? a. Start talking in detail about your problem. b. Fine,thanks.How are you? c. Not bad,thanks.How are you? d. Nothing 2. Youre visiting an American friend in her new apartment.You like the apartment and you want your friend to know.What would you say? a.Your apartment is nice.How much is the rent? b.Gee,this place is really nice. c.I really like your apartment. d.say nothing,but show that you are interested by walking around,looking at everything in the apartment and picking up some things that are moveable. 3. Youve been invited to dinner at a friends home.youre about to sit down to eat,but you want to use the toilet first.what would you say? a.Excuse me. Wheres the toilet? b.Could I wash my hands before dinner? c, do you mind if I use the bathroom? d. say nothing and start looking around the house for the toilet.

4. Youve got a doctors appointment and need to leave class early .What would you do? a. Not go to class b. Get up and leave the classroom when its time to go to your appointment. c. Explain the situation to the teacher after class. d. When its time to go your appointment ,get up and explain to the teacher why you have to leave. 5. Youve got a question about something the teacher has just said in class.What would you do? a. look confused b. call out,Ive got a question. c. raise your hand and ask the teacher to explain after class d. wait and ask the teacher to explain after class 6. Donny(listen) to his walkman when I (arrive) a.was listen,was arriving c.were listen,were listening

b.was listening,was arriving d.were listening,were arriving 7.was Tony at the party last night?Yes,he ..(wear)a really nice dress a.were worn b.was wear c.was worn d worn 8. what.(you /do)this time yesterday? a.do you b.was do you c.were do you d.were you do 9.Past habits or repeated actions in the past.The function from.. a.The Past Simple b.The Past Progressive c.P resent Tense d.simple Future 1O.J.K Rowling writes Harry Potter.She is a famous.. a.Journalist b.Magician c.Builder d.conductor 11.My father bought a table a.wooden b.large c.blue d.round

12.Youve just been introduced to a British or American friends parents .What would you say?

a.Hello,how do you do? b.say nothing and shake hands c.nice to meet you,and shake hands d.hi no 13 14 15 16 17 warning Watch your step,please Keep swimming near the seashore Beware of the pickpockets Be careful or the teacher will catch you Look out!A car is behind you situation a.Your sister has just learned how to swim b.Your friend is cheating during the test c.Someone is standing in the middle of the street. d.In a crowded supermarket e.Your grandma is standing on an escalator

18.He is a good..He has won many golf trophies. a.actor b.builder c.boxer d.journalist

19.she likes to wear the.necklace a.English b.beautiful c.new d.golden

20 .I was getting out of the taxi consist of a.Past Simple b.Past Progresive c.Present Tense The best violin Most musicians agree that the best violins were first made in Italy. They were made in Cremona, Italy about 200 years ago. These violins sounds better than violins made today. Violin makers and scientists try to make instruments like the Italian violins. But they arent the same. Musicians still prefer the old ones. Why are these old Italian violin so special? No one really knows. But many people think they have an answer. Some people think it is age of the violins. They say that todays violins will also sound wonderful someday. But there is a problem here. Not all old violins sound wonderful. Only the old violins from Cremona are special. So age cannot be the answer. There must be something different about Cremona or those Italian violin makers. d. Simple Future

Other people think the secret to those violins. is the wood. The wood of the violin very important It must be from certain kinds of trees. It must not be too young or too old. Perhaps the violins makers of Cremona knew something special about wood for violins. Some violin makers said the presumption was wrong. They said that the kind of wood might not be so important. It may be more important to cut the wood a special way. Wood for a violin must be cut very carefully. It has to be the right size and shape. The smallest difference will change the sound of the violin. Musicians sometimes think that this was the secret of the Italians. Maybe they understood more than we do about how to cut the wood. Size and shape may not be the answer either. Scientists measured these old violins very carefully. They can make new ones that are exactly the same size and shape. But the new violins still do not sound as good as the old ones. Some scientists think the secret may be the varnish. Varnish is what covers the wood of the violin. It makes the wood look shiny .It also helps the sound of the instrument. No one knows what the Italian violin makers used their varnish. So one can make the same varnish today. There may never be other violins of Cremona. Their secret may be lost forever. Young musicians today hope this is not true. They need fine violins. But there arent very many of the old violins left. Also, the old violins are very expensive. Recently ,a famous old Italian violin was sold for about $300,000. 21.Where and when were the best violins made? 22 Why did some violin makers presume that the secret of the old violin is its shape and size? 23 What is varnish? 24 In the text, how many aspects did people presume to be the secrets of the old Italian violins? 25 The age of the violins will make them sound wonderful.is it right? why?

Yayasan Pendidikan islam Karya Pembangunan(YPI-PKP) Sekolah Menengah Karya atas Pembangunan SMA KARYA PEMBANGUNAN Alamat:Ds.Brubuh .Kec.Jogorogo-Ngawi telp(0351)730276

Mata pelajaran Hari/tanggal Kls

:Bahasa Inggris : :X

1.Impersonal it describes time? a.I will buy a pen.I dont have it right now b.Its too far from here.Im tired c.its hot and it rains a lot d.its getting late.lets go 2 .If youI would be very angry a.dont go b.didnt go c.hadnt gone d.werent gone

3 .If Heri had been sick,he would have gone to a doctor,the fact I that. a.He is sick c.he isnt sick

b.He was sick last night d.he wasnt sick last night 4.x :why do you hit your brother?you must not do that apologize now! Y:Alright The underlined words express.. a.prohibition c.apology



My Super Ex-Girlfriend(comedy,96 minutes) Starring Uma Thurman,Luke Wilson,Anna Faris,Eddie Izzard,Rainn Wilson and Wanda Sykes.Directed by Ivan Reitman. Superhero Jenny/G-Girl (Uma Thurman)uses her powers to make un ugly post-break-up world for her ex-boyfriend,Matt(Luke Wilson).The film exploits female irrationality and could well be called whya woman shouldnt Be a Superheroand deserve a slap in the face for that

4.my super girl-friend i s a comedy film about.. a.an ugly post breakup world b.a superhero played by Uma Thurman c.a woman who is soft and humble d.a soft who uses powers e.a G-Girl who is very ugly 5.the writer thinks that my Super Ex-Girlfriend is a.a very fantastic film b.a bad film c.good enough to enjoy d.an unforgettable drama film e.super if we like an action film Fish are vertebrates or backboned animals.They live in almost every place where there is water.They live in almost every place where there is water.They are found in the near-freezing waters of the arctic.They are also found in the steaming waters of tropical jungles. They live in roaring mountain streams and in quiet underground rivers .Some fish make long journeys across the ocean. Other fish spend most of their life in sand and on the ocean bottom. Most fish never leave water. Yet some fish survive for months in dry riverbeds. Fish have enormous importance to man.They provide food for millions of people.Fishermen catch them for sport.Many people keep them as pets.Fish are also important in the balance of nature.They eat plants and animals.In turn,they become food for plants and animals.Fish thus help keep the balance of the total number of plants and animals on earth. All fish have three main features.They have a backbone,and so they are vertebrates.They breathe mainly by means of gills.They are cold-blooded animals.They cannot regulate their body temperature. Almost all fish have fins. They use them for swimming.

6.what is the main idea of the second paragraph? a. Fish is very important to people b. Fish is important for the balance of nature c Fish is important for people and nature d Fish is important for plants and animals

7.What does the last paragraph mainly discuss? a.All fish have backbone, cold-blooded, fins b All vertrebrates have backbones c. All fish have gills and backbones d. All fish can swim with fins. Write T if the statement is true and false if the statement is false according to the text. 8.Fish have backbones.. 9.people do not find fish in the Arctic 10.there is no fish in underground water.. 11.Some fish travel from ocean to ocean. 12.There is no fish on the sea bottom. 13.Some fish can live without water. 14.Fish is very important to people. 15.Many people like eating fish 16.people only catch fish for food.. 17.The blood of fish is cold.. Arrange the sentence into a good paragraph! 18.fish-many-live-environment-in

19.these-groups-environments-two-are-into-classified 20.other-live- fish-in-can-fresh-only-water General education aims at producing intelligent and responsible citizens. It takes an active interest in the world around them. General education transmits cultural heritage and does not develop skills. All elementary education is general education. It gives pupils skills for their life, such as reading, writing arithmetic. They learn moral values, rights and duties of citizenship .They also receive instructions, such as geography, history, and science. Vocational education aims at preparing persons for a job or profession. Most senior high schools in the United States offer both general and vocational subjects. Technical high schools teach technical subjects such as automobile, repair, carpentry, and electronics. They also teach some general education subjects. Special education provides educational subjects for handicapped or gifted persons .About 2 million children go to special education for handicapped children in the United States. More than 300,000 students go to special education for gifted persons in the United States. Most countries in the world give general and vocational education programs for adults. They develop a particular skill or hobby, such as reading, arithmetic, commercial, and professional training. These subjects are important for their career. 21. What is the meaning General education? 22.What is the purpose General education? 23.what is the purpose vocational education? 24.What is the purpose Special education? 25.what is the purpose of the text?

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