CS611 - L01 - Data Structures - Introduction - Saleh

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CS611: Data Structures

Course Topics
 Introduction to static Vs dynamic data structures
 Stack data type
 Implementation of stack in different applications
 Queue data type
 Introduction to dynamic programming using pointers
 Linked lists
 Double & circular linked lists
 Introduction to tree structures
 Tree traversals
 Threaded tree
 Graphs representation and traversals
 Graphs minimum spanning tree & shortest path

 Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C, by

Weiss, 2nd Edition, 1994.

 Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++,

by Weiss, 4th Edition, 2014.

CC 215 Data Structures Fall 2014

Grading Scheme
 Week 7 Exam
 20 %
 Week 12 Project
 20 %
 Final Exam
 30 %
 Assignments
 30 %
Class Overview

• Introduction to many of the basic data structures

used in computer software
• Understand the data structures
• Basically analyze the algorithms that use them
• Know when to apply them
• Practice design and analysis of data structures.
• Practice using these data structures by writing

CC 215 Data Structures Fall 2014


 You will understand

 what the tools are for storing and processing
common data types
 which tools are appropriate for which need

 So that you will be able to

 make good design choices as a developer,
project manager, or system customer

CC 215 Data Structures Fall 2014

Data Structures: What?

 Need to organize program data according to

problem being solved
 Abstract Data Type (ADT) - A data object and a
set of operations for manipulating it
 List ADT with operations insert and delete
 Stack ADT with operations push and pop


CC 215 Data Structures Fall 2014

Data Structures: Why?

 Program design depends crucially on how data

is structured for use by the program
 Implementation of some operations may become
easier or harder
 Speed of program may dramatically decrease or
 Memory used may increase or decrease

 Debugging may be become easier or harder

CC 215 Data Structures Fall 2014


• Abstract Data Type (ADT)

• Mathematical description of an object with set of
operations on the object. Useful building block.
• Algorithm
• A high level, language independent, description of a
step-by-step process
• Data structure
• A specific family of algorithms for implementing an
abstract data type.
• Implementation of data structure
• A specific implementation in a specific language

CC 215 Data Structures Fall 2014

Algorithm Analysis: Why?

 Correctness:
 Does the algorithm do what is intended.
 Performance:
 Whatis the running time of the algorithm.
 How much storage does it consume.

 Different algorithms may correctly solve a

given task
 Which should I use?

CC 215 Data Structures Fall 2014

Algorithm Execution-Time Analysis

 (Simplified) Definitions.
 Best-Case Execution Time (BCET): The shortest time that the
algorithm takes to solve the problem.
 Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET): The longest time that the
algorithm takes to solve the problem.
 Average-Case Execution Time (ACET): The expected time that the
algorithm takes to solve the problem on average.
 The average execution time is the arithmetic mean of all execution
times if all inputs are equally likely to occur, otherwise we use
probability distributions to compute it.
Algorithm Execution-Time Analysis

 Sum the natural numbers 1 to n.

Arithmetic series.

 We know that SUM = 1+2+...+n = n(n+1)/2.
Function SUM(n: ℕ) :
Function SUM(n: ℕ) :
result := 0
result := n(n+1)/2
for i:=1 to n do
return result
result := result + i
end for
return result

 Which algorithm is faster A1 or A2?

Note the use of pseudo code
Pseudo Code

 This is very common in the computer science

 Pseudo code is usually easily translated to real code.

 This is programming language independent.

CC 215 Data Structures Fall 2014

Algorithm Execution-Time Analysis

 Algorithm A1
 A1 computes the result in a constant number of steps at
 What is the execution time T(A1) for A1?
 T(A1) = β1 (β1 is some constant)
 T(A1) does not depend on the input.
 If input is 1, 10, 100, etc. T(A1) will not change (significantly).
 Algorithm A2
 A2 computes the result in a variable number of steps at
runtime depending on input size.
 What is the time T(A2) for A2?
 T(A2) = α2n + β2 (α2, β2 are some constants)
 T(A2) depends on the input size
 If input is 1, 10, 100, etc. T(A2) will change.
Algorithm Execution-Time Analysis

 We are interested in computing the growth function of an

algorithm which shows how the number of steps of the
algorithm varies in terms of the size of its input.
 On the X axis: the size of the input.
 On the Y axis: the number of runtime steps.
 The growth function of an algorithm has the form f(n).
 n is the size of the input to the algorithm (X axis).
 f(n) is the number of runtime steps to run the algorithm given
input n (Y axis).
 The asymptotic complexity of an algorithm with growth
function f(n) is O(g(n)) means that the asymptotic growth of f
is bounded (from the top) by that of g.
Algorithm Execution-Time Analysis

 Which of A1 and A2 is faster?

 T(A1) = β1
 T(A2) = α2n + β2

When is this the case? When is this the case?

Algorithm Execution-Time Analysis

 We say that A1 has a constant growth.

 Its execution time does not depend on the input value/size.

 T(A1) = β1

 We say that A2 has a linear growth in terms of the input.

 Its execution time grows as a linear function in terms of the input value/size.

 T(A2) = α2n + β2

 A1 is more efficient than A2.

 When input is small, A2 might be more efficient.
 Analysis of algorithms when input is small is generally not interesting, as
they spend most of the time in these cases in start-up code.
 When input is large, A1 is more efficient.
 We are interested in the cases when input is large, also called as the difficult
 So A1 is more efficient than A2.
Asymptotic-Complexity Classes

Name Symbol
Constant O(1)
Logarithmic O(log n)
Linear O(n)
Log-linear O(n log n)
Quadratic O(n2)
Cubic O(n3)
Polynomial O(np)
Exponential O(bn)
Factorial O(n!)
Incomputable O(∞)
Algorithms vs Programs

 Proving correctness of an algorithm is very

 a well designed algorithm is guaranteed to work
correctly and its performance can be estimated
 Proving correctness of a program (an
implementation) is uptight with unusual bugs
 Abstract Data Types are a way to bridge the gap
between mathematical algorithms and programs

CC 215 Data Structures Fall 2014

Algorithms and Data

• Algorithms operate on data.

o An algorithm is executed on
the processor.
o The data is stored in main
• Main memory:
o Organized into addressable
cells/locations that store
 An array (data structure) is a collection of data items or elements
(variables, values) which are identified by integer indices.
 All the elements in an array have the same type.
Arrays and Records

 The memory address of each array’s cell can be computed from its index using a
very simple mathematical formula.
 The address of the first cell of the array is:
 address(A[0]) = s.
 This is implementation dependent.

 The address of the ith cell is:

 address(A[i])= s + i.

 In order to access an element of the array:

 The address of that element is computed in constant time.
 This is true because a simple addition is performed.

 Array access is O(1).

 Records (also called Structures).
 Similar to arrays but they can store items of different types.
Arrays and Records

 Arrays and records are contiguous data structures.

 Their elements are located next to each other in main memory.

 Advantages of using arrays and records.

 We can retrieve an array element from its index in constant time, O(1),
meaning it costs us asymptotically nothing to look up an element of an
array or record.
 This is very important.

 Consist solely of data, no space wasted on links.

 Compare to linked lists later.

 Physical continuity/memory locality: if we look up element i, there is a

high probability we will look up element i+1 next – this is exploited by
cache memory.
Arrays and Records
 Disadvantages of using arrays and records.
 Static arrays are non-flexible static structures.
 We have to decide in advance how much space we want when the array is
 Once the block of memory for the array has been allocated, that’s it – we’re stuck
with the size we’ve got.
 Insertion/deletion is expensive.
 Requires shifting.
 Re-copying of array is full.
 We can compensate by always allocating arrays larger than we think we’ll
need, but this wastes a lot of space.
 Dynamic arrays grow/shrink in size at runtime so they are relatively
 e.g. ArrayList data structure in Java.
Linked Lists
 Static arrays are used when we know a priori (i.e., before
implementation) how many items we need to store.
 For example:
 Ask the user to input 20 numbers to sort.
 A static array is used.
 We know the user will input 20 numbers.
 Ask the user to enter some numbers to sort.
 A dynamic array is used.
 Not all programming languages have efficient support for dynamic
 Programming a dynamic array based dynamic resizing and copying
of elements is not efficient.
 A linked-list is used.
 We don’t know how many numbers the user will input.
 We can always program it efficiently.
Linked Lists
Linked Lists
 Advantages of using linked lists:
 Very flexible.
 We don’t need to worry about allocating space in advance, can use any free
space in memory. We only run out of space when the whole memory is
actually full.
 When doing insertion and deletion no shifting is required.
 More efficient for moving large records (leave data in same place in
memory, just change some pointers).

 Disadvantages of using linked lists:

 Wasted space: We store both pointers and data.
 To find the ith item, we must start at the beginning and follow pointers
until we get there. In the worst case, if there are n items in a list and we want
the last one, we have to do n lookups.
 So retrieving an element from its position in the list is O(n).
 We are interested in knowing how costly it is to:
 Access an item in the data structure.
 Traverse the data structure (e.g., to search).
 Insert or delete an item from the data structure.
 Arrays
 Access is constant.
 Traversal is linear.
 Insertion/Deletion
 Requires shifting if array is not full.
 Requires copying in a bigger array if array is full.
 Linked lists.
 Access is linear.
 Traversal is linear.
 Insertion/Deletion are constant.
Singly, Doubly, and Circularly Linked Lists

 The linked lists we have seen so far are called singly linked lists.
 A node points to its successor in the list.
 A node has one pointer only.
 There are also doubly linked lists.
 A node points both to its successor and its predecessor in the list.
 The node has two pointers.
 Consume more space but allow easier traversal for some algorithms.
 There are also circularly singly linked lists.
 The tail points back to head.
 There is no “real” head or tail.
 A special node is used called cursor e.g. to know where to start and
finish traversing the circularly list.
Concrete Data Structures and Abstract Data Structures/Types

 Concrete Data Structures

 Arrays, records, and linked lists are concrete data types.
 They are provided by the computer language.
 They are stored at specific addresses in memory.
 Abstract Data Structures/Types (ADTs)
 Offer a higher-level view of our interaction with data, and comprise
 Data.
 Operations on this data.
 We describe the behaviour of our data structures in terms of abstract
 However, the way these operations are implemented will affect
 There are different implementations of the same abstract operations
 We want the ones we will use most commonly to be the most efficient

Stack of books

Stack of Plates
Please learn to queue
in your everyday life,
and teach/tell people
around you to queue.

• Queuing is an important
rule in life.
• By not queuing:
• You take other
people’s rights.
• You show you are
A queue of people. not civilised.

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