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The Long and the Winding road

How do we make all this happen? Is it doable? Or is a lot of mumbo-jumbo?

The four ‘gaps’ to getting things done
1. The Intent gap- Is it ourclear intent to focus on this? At times, we could
take a strategic call not to focus on some of these outcomes!
2. The Design gap- Is the design of the solution apropriate to the context?
Designed for scale?
3. The Execution gap- Have we got the right people involved and
energised with appropriate technology enablers?
4. The Resources/Capability gap- What gaps in resources do we have-
people, technology, budget…?

Start with a vision of what you want to do- get alignment and
plug these gaps

Be ready to leverage the explosion of technology

Plan for a set of niche, intelligent application on top of your HR systems

Build in analytics in your flow of work- for managers to take decisions
Think of a 'one employee app' that helps them access all that they need
Keep revising your processes- design thinking is key!

What new capability must you build in your HR teams?

Help them develop the mindset and capability of being an advocate and
designers of fair, inclusive and equtable organiations
Help them understand the business, think about the right talent, and
help each person be at their best- a talent coach and partner!
To be an architect for the culture of the company (at the macro level)
and collective emotions of a group (at a team/unit level) and help drive
growth and change!

Get started on your journey- choose an outcome to focus and

go for it! Good luck!

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