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Certified Professional of Advanced Quality Management of Managerial Work Process

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Day 01, Quiz

1. …….. is a set of Potential Skills by which we imagine new things and make
them happen.
A Talent
B Knowledge.
C Attitude.
D All of the above.

2. …….. can make a positive impact on total Organisational Performance.

A High Potential Employees (HIPOs)
B Managers.
C Customers.
D All of the above.

3. High Potential Employees (HIPOs) are allocated based at …..

A Ability.
B Aspiration.
C Engagement.
D All of the above.

4. If the Employee is “On time for all meetings, which shows you respect your
colleagues’ time.” it is indicator of …..
A Ability.
B Aspiration.
C Engagement.
D All of the above.

5. If the Employee has high “Amount of consistent improvement.” it is indicator

A Ability.
B Aspiration.
C Engagement.
D All of the above.
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6. If the Employee “Build relationships among peers that foster collaboration and
discussion of new ideas.” it is indicator of …..
A Ability.
B Aspiration.
C Engagement.
D All of the above.

7. …… are a very small group of individuals who have demonstrated superior

A Superkeepers.
B High Potential Employees (HIPOs)
C Managers.
D Customers.

8. Competencies are classified to …..

A Personal & Management Competencies.
B Academic & Industry Competencies.
C Workplace Competencies and Occupation – Specific
D All of the above.

9. Manual Appraisal Reviews are ….

A More Staff Engagement
B More time in details
C Reviews results can be under questioning as the human feeling can
D All of the above.

10. Electronic Appraisal Reviews are ….

A less Staff Engagement
B less Time in details
C Reviews results cannot be under questioning as it is depends on the inputs.
D All of the above.

11. …… For new employee and there is often a three-or six-month probationary
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A Formal Probationary Appraisal Review
B Formal Annual Appraisal Review
C Informal Appraisal Review
D 360 Degree Appraisal Review

12. …… For Staff who complete at least one year

A Formal Probationary Appraisal Review
B Formal Annual Appraisal Review
C Informal Appraisal Review
D 360 Degree Appraisal Review

13. …… Can include a meeting, recognition, or a memo/e-mail with feedback

A Formal Probationary Appraisal Review
B Formal Annual Appraisal Review
C Informal Appraisal Review
D 360 Degree Appraisal Review

14. …… Feedback is gained from a group.

A Formal Probationary Appraisal Review
B Formal Annual Appraisal Review
C Informal Appraisal Review
D 360 Degree Appraisal Review

15. Employees need performance appraisals for ….

A To know, how supervisors see their performance.
B To know, the objectives they are expected to reach
C To receive help for developing their full potential
D All of the above.

16. Managers and supervisors need Performance appraisals for ….

A To help identify promotable people
B To identify training needs
C To strengthen supervisor-employee relations.
D All of the above.

17. ...... is a prediction of how many levels (organization/job) an employee can

reach within the organization based on his/her past/current performance
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A Staff appraisal
B A potential forecast
C Goal Sitting
D All of the above.

18. ….. It is Targets and achieves results, overcomes obstacles, accepts

responsibility, establishes standards and responsibilities, creates a results-
oriented environment, and follows through on actions.
A Action Orientation
B Communications
C Creativity/Innovation
D Critical Judgment

19. ...... It is effectively conveying and shares information and ideas with others.
Listens carefully and understands various viewpoints. Presents ideas clearly
and concisely and understands relevant detail in presented information.
A Action Orientation
B Communications
C Creativity/Innovation
D Critical Judgment

20. ….. It is generating novel ideas and develops or improves existing and new
systems that challenge the status quo, takes risks, and encourages
A Action Orientation
B Communications
C Creativity/Innovation
D Critical Judgment

Day 02, Quiz

21. Management elements always start with ….
A Planning.
B Organizing.
C Leading.
D Controlling

22. The management element that …… include coordination, staffing,

commanding, directing.
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A Planning.
B Organizing.
C Leading.
D Controlling

23. ….. It is the management element where goals are set.

A Planning.
B Organizing.
C Leading.
D Controlling

24. We recruit the qualified individuals to carry out the tasks and delegates the
authority to the manager at ….
A Planning
B Organizing.
C Leading.
D Controlling

25. …….. are individual beliefs that motivate people to act one way or another.
A Values.
B Vision.
C Goals.
D All of the above.

26. Values serve as a ………for human behavior.

A Motivation.
B Guide.
C Result.
D All of the above.

27. …….. are Basic and fundamental beliefs that guide or motivate attitudes or
A Values.
B Vision.
C Goals.
D All of the above.
28. ………… provide the general guidelines for conduct and Behavior.
A values.
B Vision.
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C Goals.
D All of the above.

29. …….. Is the sources of organizational values.

A Customers.
B Employees.
C Community Service.
D All of the above.

30. The three specific values are the source of ………...

A Values
B Vision.
C Goals.
D All of the above.

31. …….. is a written declaration clarifying your business’s meaning and purpose
for stakeholders, especially employees.
A Values.
B Vision.
C Goals.
D All of the above.

32. …… Describes the desired long-term results of your company’s efforts.

A Values.
B Vision.
C Goals.
D All of the above.

33. …….. is a written statement of what is your business main production / service,
and the (Ongoing Purpose) why you produce that produce or serve this
A Values.
B Vision.
C Mission.
D Goals.

34. Since ………. outline a company’s ongoing purpose, they typically don’t
change much over time.
A Values.
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B Vision.
C Mission.
D Goals.

35. …….. It is the internal positive factors at SWOT Analysis.

A Strengths.
B Weaknesses.
C Opportunities.
D Threats.

36. …….. It is the internal negative factors at SWOT Analysis.

A Strengths.
B Weaknesses.
C Opportunities.
D Threats.

37. …….. It is the external positive factors at SWOT Analysis.

A Strengths.
B Weaknesses.
C Opportunities.
D Threats.

38. …….. It is the external negative factors at SWOT Analysis.

A Strengths.
B Weaknesses.
C Opportunities.
D Threats.

39. The SO Goal at SWOT Analysis is ….

A Use your strengths to access opportunities.
B Use your strengths to eliminate threats.
C Use your opportunities to eliminate weaknesses.
D Solve problems to reduce weaknesses and reduce threats.

40. The ST Goal at SWOT Analysis is ….

A Use your strengths to access opportunities.
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B Use your strengths to eliminate threats.

C Use your opportunities to eliminate weaknesses.
D Solve problems to reduce weaknesses and reduce threats.

41. The OW Goal at SWOT Analysis is ….

A Use your strengths to access opportunities.
B Use your strengths to eliminate threats.
C Use your opportunities to eliminate weaknesses.
D Solve problems to reduce weaknesses and reduce threats.

42. The WT Goal at SWOT Analysis is ….

A Use your strengths to access opportunities.
B Use your strengths to eliminate threats.
C Use your opportunities to eliminate weaknesses.
D Solve problems to reduce weaknesses and reduce threats.

43. …… Goals, if not achieved now will cause problems and crises.
A Urgent and Important.
B Not Urgent and Important.
C Urgent and Not Important.
D Not Urgent and Not Important.

44. Routine tasks and Goals are classified as…...

A Urgent and Important.
B Not Urgent and Important.
C Urgent and Not Important.
D Not Urgent and Not Important.

45. Training and Development Goals are classified as……

A Urgent and Important.
B Not Urgent and Important.
C Urgent and Not Important.
D Not Urgent and Not Important.

46. Time wasters Goals are classified as ……

A Urgent and Important.
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B Not Urgent and Important.

C Urgent and Not Important.
D Not Urgent and Not Important.

47. After prioritize your goals....... category always comes first.

A Urgent and Important.
B Not Urgent and Important.
C Urgent and Not Important.
D Not Urgent and Not Important.

48. The corrective actions at urgent and important category is….

A Do Immediately.
B Decide when to do it.
C Delegate.
D Delete.

49. The corrective actions at not urgent and important category is….
A Do Immediately.
B Decide when to do it.
C Delegate.
D Delete.

50. The corrective actions at urgent and not important category is….
A Do Immediately.
B Decide when to do it.
C Delegate.
D Delete.

51. ….. Is a bridge between dream goals and end goals.

A Future Goals.
B Achieved Goals.
C Performance Goals.
D Outcome.

52. At AIM Goal model, the letter (I) is stand for ….

A Interest.
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B Internet.
C Intersect.
D Interpret.

53. At ACE Goal Model, the letter (E) is stand for ……

A Ended Result.
B Easy To Understand.
C Everything.
D Evidence.

54. At SPIRIT Goal Model, the letter (R) is stand for ….

A Relevant.
B Realistic.
C Reviewed.
D Reference.

55. At SMART Goal Model, the letter (S) is stand for ….

A Spectacular.
B Special
C Specific.
D Speed.

56. At SMART Goal Model, we use …… to have Specific Goal.

A 05 Ws “Who, What, When, Where, Why”.
B A Number.
C Motivation.
D Deadline.

57. At SMART Goal Model, we use …… to have Measurable Goal.

A 05 Ws “Who, What, When, Where, Why”.
B A Number.
C Motivation.
D Deadline.

58. At SMART Goal Model, the Goal should be Attainable for…...

A 05 Ws “Who, What, When, Where, Why”.
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B A Number.
C Motivation.
D Deadline.

59. At SMART Goal Model, we use …… to have Relevant Goal.

A 05 Ws “Who, What, When, Where, Why”.
B A Relation between Goal (What) should fit with the goal reason (Why)
C Motivation.
D Deadline.

60. At SMART Goal Model, we use …… to have Time Bound Goal.

A 05 Ws “Who, What, When, Where, Why”.
B A Relation between Goal (What) should fit with the goal reason (Why)
C Motivation.
D Deadline.

61. …. Is one of the benefits of goals filters.

A Converting General goals into SMART Goals.
B Setting an action plan to Achieve the SMART Goals.
C Develop proactive steps to solve problems and obstacles.
D All of the above.

62. At SMART filter, SMART goal is a collection of specific 5Ws.

A True.
B False.
C Maybe.
D Never.

63. At SMART Goal filter, in order to have Attainable Goal at step 03, we have to
fill the ……
A Visualization.
B Draft Plan.
C Support Team.
D Obstacles.

64. We Start the SMART Goal filter, with ……… goal.

B Specific.
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C Relevant.
D General.

65. We Start the Obstacles Goal filter, with ……… goal.

B Specific.
C Relevant.
D General.

66. At Obstacles Goal filter, to Overcome Obstacles at step 06, we have to fill …
A Visualization.
B Draft Plan.
C Support Team.
D Obstacles.

67. At obstacles goal filter, to overcome lack of knowledge at step 07, we have to
fill ……
A Visualization.
B Draft Plan.
C Support Team.
D Obstacles.

68. At obstacles goal filter, to overcome lack of skills at step 08, we have to fill
A Visualization.
B Draft Plan.
C Support Team.
D Obstacles.

69. At ST. V .DP Goal filter, to allocate Support Team at step 10, we have to fill …
A Visualization.
B Draft Plan.
C Support Team.
D Obstacles.

70. At ST. V .DP Goal filter, to finalize Visualization at step 11, we have to fill ……
A Visualization.
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B Draft Plan.
C Support Team.
D Obstacles.

Day 03, Quiz

71. ……. is the end result of goal filters along with SMART Goal.
A Operation Plan.
B Draft Plan.
C Strategic Plan.
D Organizational Plan.

72. ….. is part 01 in draft plan.

A Steps to achieve the Goal in normal conditions.
B Goal Obstacles and Steps of overcome each one of them.
C Lack of knowledge and how We're covering the lack of knowledge Gap.
D Lack of Skills and how We're covering the lack of Skills Gap.

73. ….. is part 02 in draft plan.

A Steps to achieve the Goal in normal conditions.
B Goal Obstacles and Steps of overcome each one of them.
C Lack of knowledge and how We're covering the lack of knowledge Gap.
D Lack of Skills and how We're covering the lack of Skills Gap.

74. ….. is part 03 in draft plan.

A Steps to achieve the Goal in normal conditions.
B Goal Obstacles and Steps of overcome each one of them.
C Lack of knowledge and how We're covering the lack of knowledge Gap.
D Lack of Skills and how We're covering the lack of Skills Gap.

75. ….. is part 06 in draft plan.

A Steps to achieve the Goal in normal conditions.
B Who Can Help (Goal Supported Team).
C Lack of knowledge and how We're covering the lack of knowledge Gap.
D Lack of Skills and how We're covering the lack of Skills Gap.

76. ….. Is the last part in draft plan.

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A Steps to achieve the Goal in normal conditions.

B Goal Obstacles and Steps of overcome each one of them.
C Visualization and Specifications.
D Lack of Skills and how We're covering the lack of Skills Gap.

77. ….. is “One Action” within a list to achieve “A Phase” of a “Goal Filter”.
A Goal.
B Task.
C Gap.
D Skill.

78. Always the first number at Task Coding is ….

A Goal Number.
B Goal Filter Number.
C Filter Phase Number.
D Task Number.

79. ..... It is the result of the consequence number multiplied by the likelihood
A Task Risk Number.
B Goal Number.
C Goal Filter Number.
D Filter Phase Number.

80. If the consequence is Low and the likelihood is Low the risk will be….
A Low.
B Medium.
C High.
D All of the above.

81. If the consequence is Low and the likelihood is High the risk will be….
A Low.
B Medium.
C High.
D All of the above.

82. If the consequence is High and the likelihood is High the risk will be….
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A Low.
B Medium.
C High.
D All of the above.

83. Task Deadline should be matched with the total Goal Deadline which coming
A Our Experience.
B The (Time Bound) of SMART Filter.
C Data History.
D Team Request.

84. …… is the source of Task Assignment.

A The (A3) Attainable forms of the (SMART Filter).
B The (A2) Obstacles forms of the (Obstacles Filter).
C The (A6) support team forms of the (ST.V.DP goal filter).
D All of the above.

85. ……. Organization Chart is a position and Task code Organization Chart.
A Functional.
B Position Code.
C Wage Structure.
D All of the above.

86. ……. Organization Chart is a Functional Organization Chart plus Position

Coding (Main-position levelling + Sub-position levelling).
A Functional.
B Position Code.
C Wage Structure.
D All of the above.

87. The number of (A6) forms of the (ST.V.DP Goal Filter) can be increased or
decreased according to the actual task list.
A True.
B False.
C Maybe.
D Never.

88. ……. is the separation of the organizational Chart into alphabetical levels from
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top to bottom in a descending order.

A Functional Organizational Chart.
B Sub-position levelling.
C Main-position levelling.
D All of the above.

89. At Sub-position levelling the first position on the line, is calculated based on ….
A Total Task Risk.
B Total Number of tasks and responsibilities.
C Total staff under his/her management.
D All of the above.

90. ……. is an organization chart that includes position salaries, position codes
organization chart and functional organization chart.
A Functional.
B Position Code.
C Wage Structure.
D All of the above.

91. ……. is the Qualification of the staff to fit with the position.
A Job Description.
B Job Specification.
C Job Relationships.
D Task List.

92. …….. is the official Communication approved by the top management.

A Job Description.
B Job Specification.
C Job Relationships.
D Task List.

93. ……. is a form describes staff responsibilities drawn from the functional
organization chart, and Job Specification organization chart.
A Job Description.
B Job Specification.
C Job Relationships.
D Task List.

94. Employment Processes Cycle is a control system is working between …

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A High level & Operational level Process Management.

B Task Management and Goal Setting.
C Job Description and Organization chart.
D All of the above.

95. The High-level Process Management of the Employment Processes Cycle is

A Setting up Policies.
B Supervising the implementation of Policies.
C Monitoring and Controlling of Policy implementation.
D All of the above.

96. The Operational level Process Management of the Employment Processes

Cycle is covering…
A Job Preparation Stage.
B On-boarding Stage (Employment Cycle).
C After-Retirement Stage.
D All of the above.

97. ……are the high-level principles that set the tone for the entire organization.
A Policies.
B Procedures.
C Conduct.
D Reporting requirements.

98. ….. are how the policies are carried out.

A Policies.
B Procedures.
C Conduct.
D Reporting requirements.

99. ……is a guidelines for proper behavior and restrictions on employee behavior
and the consequences of a violation.
A Policies.
B Procedures.
C Conduct.
D Reporting requirements.

100. ….. is it how do employees notify regarding an incident or violation and the
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procedure for declaration.

A Policies.
B Procedures.
C Conduct.
D Reporting requirements.

Day 04, Quiz

101. At individuals management, efficiency analysis is the success of …….
A Quality, cost, time and safety.
B Saving the percentage of time, effort and money.
C Overcome goal obstacles.
D All of the above.

102. At individuals management, effectiveness analysis is the success of …….

A Quality, cost, time and safety.
B Saving the percentage of time, effort and money.
C Overcome goal obstacles.
D All of the above.

103. At international standard of individuals management, efficiency analysis the

required percentage of Excellent staff is …….
A 10%
B 50%
C 75%
D 80%

104. At international standard of individuals management, efficiency analysis the

required percentage of Extra Mile staff is …….
A 10%
B 50%
C 75%
D 80%

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105. …….. Used to control day-to-day individuals tasks achievement.

A Gap Analysis.
B 5S.
C Poka-yoke.
D Kanban.

106. At Kanban when the staff couldn't achieve the given task, he/she places the
task at…. and write the reason.
A To Do
B Doing
C Done
D Not Done

107. At Individuals Management, the “Plan” phase of kaizen process ….

A IDENTIFY a problem or opportunity and ANALYZE the process.
B DEVELOP an optimal solution and IMPLEMENT the Suggested solution
C STUDY the results and adjust.
D STANDARDIZE the solution.

108. At Individuals Management, the “Do” phase of kaizen process ….

A IDENTIFY a problem or opportunity and ANALYZE the process.
B DEVELOP an optimal solution and IMPLEMENT the Suggested solution
C STUDY the results and adjust.
D STANDARDIZE the solution.

109. At Individuals Management, the “Check” phase of kaizen process ….

A IDENTIFY a problem or opportunity and ANALYZE the process.
B DEVELOP an optimal solution and IMPLEMENT the Suggested solution
C STUDY the results and adjust.
D STANDARDIZE the solution.

110. At Individuals Management, the “Act” phase of kaizen process ….

A IDENTIFY a problem or opportunity and ANALYZE the process.
B DEVELOP an optimal solution and IMPLEMENT the Suggested solution
C STUDY the results and adjust.
D STANDARDIZE the solution.

111. ……..weak managerial abilities, He does not contribute to the achievement of

the organizational Goals , he makes only minimal effort to Keep his Job.
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A Lenient Manager
B Authoritarian Manager
C Compromise Manager
D Club Manager

112. …….. focuses on production without regard to the needs of the workers.
A Lenient Manager
B Authoritarian Manager
C Compromise Manager
D Club Manager

113. …….. moderately concerned with people, production and achieving goals, but
not with performance that reaches the level required to achieve goals.
A Lenient Manager
B Authoritarian Manager
C Compromise Manager
D Club Manager

114. …….. focuses at staff handling fulfillment of the needs of the workers, without
any regard for production and the achievement of goals.
A Lenient Manager
B Authoritarian Manager
C Compromise Manager
D Club Manager

115. …….. Is one of the Fluency factors of Leader's qualities that covers the
percentage of generating the amount of ideas in a given time.
A Intellectual fluency.
B Expressive Fluency
C Associative fluency
D All of the above.

116. …….. Is one of the Fluency factors of Leader's qualities that covers the ability
to construct as many sentences with different meanings.
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A Intellectual fluency.
B Expressive Fluency
C Associative fluency
D All of the above.

117. …….. It is one of the Fluency factors of Leader's qualities that covers the ability
to complete relationships such as finding the opposite meaning or quick
A Intellectual fluency.
B Expressive Fluency
C Associative fluency
D All of the above.

118. …….. It is the ability to quickly adapt to situations, or to overcome emerging

problems and mental obstacles, that is, the ability to think of many other
A Fluency
B Flexibility
C Sensitivity to Problems
D Continuity

119. …….. It is the ability to identify problems before they occur. Seeing what no
one else can see.
A Fluency
B Flexibility
C Sensitivity to Problems
D Continuity

120. …….. It is the ability to focus for long periods on goals despite internal and
external distractions and obstacles.
A Fluency
B Flexibility
C Sensitivity to Problems
D Continuity

121. …….. It is the cope and energy to achieve tasks.

A Ability
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B Desire
C Fluency
D Flexibility

122. …….. is the feeling of a specific need towards achieving the goal that the
leader wants to reach.
A Ability
B Desire
C Fluency
D Flexibility

123. At Work Structure we use …… for Productive Work Environment.

A Kanban
B 5S
C Poka-yoke
D All of the above.

124. Keeping everything in place and a place for everything, is …… phase at 5S.
A Sort
B Straighten
C Shine
D All of the above.

125. There is often disagreement and conflict at …… Team Growth Stage.

A Forming
B Storming
C Norming
D All of the above.

126. Team members do not have a clear idea of what to expect or what they will
accomplish at …… Team Growth Stage.
A Forming
B Storming
C Norming
D All of the above.

127. At the Influence Matrix we use …… disciplinary issues.

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A Managing
B Mentoring
C Counselling
D Coaching

128. At the Influence Matrix we use …… Skill Deficit Issues.

A Managing
B Mentoring
C Counselling
D Coaching

129. When we have Demands is much more than our Cope, we have …… stress.
A Ugly
B Normal
C Healthy
D Distress

130. When we have Cope is much more than our Demands, we have …… stress.
A Ugly
B Normal
C Healthy
D Distress

131. At Oral Communication the percentage of the tone of voice is ……...

A 7%
B 25%
C 38%
D 55%

132. At Oral Communication the highest percentage of communication actions is..

A The Word / Script.
B Tone of voice
C Body Language.
D All of the above

133. …… is a Generation of ideas in the attempt to solve a problem or produce

something new.

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A Creativity.
B Innovation.
C Flexibility.
D All of the above

134. ……. is Implementation of ideas generated from the creative process.

A Creativity.
B Innovation.
C Flexibility.
D All of the above

135. When the Cohesiveness of the Team is (high) and The Align of the team goal
with the goals of the organization is (high) the Team Productivity will be …...
A Strong increase in team productivity.
B Moderate increase in team productivity.
C Decreased in team productivity.
D There is no productivity or effect from the presence of this team.

136. When the Cohesiveness of the Team is (Low) and The Align of the team goal
with the goals of the organization is (high) the Team Productivity will be …...
A Strong increase in team productivity.
B Moderate increase in team productivity.
C Decreased in team productivity.
D There is no productivity or effect from the presence of this team.

137. When the Cohesiveness of the Team is (high) and The Align of the team goal
with the goals of the organization is (Low) the Team Productivity will be …...
A Strong increase in team productivity.
B Moderate increase in team productivity.
C Decreased in team productivity.
D There is no productivity or effect from the presence of this team.

138. When the Cohesiveness of the Team is (Low) and The Align of the team goal
with the goals of the organization is (Low) the Team Productivity will be …...
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A Strong increase in team productivity.

B Moderate increase in team productivity.
C Decreased in team productivity.
D There is no productivity or effect from the presence of this team.

139. ……. is a basic ingredients of decision making.

A Information.
B Advice.
C Facts.
D Experimentation.

140. ……. is a supplements ingredients of decision making.

A Facts.
B Knowledge.
C Experience.
D Experimentation.

141. ……. is a method used to reach an agreement that meets the interests of both
A Communication.
B Arguing.
C Negotiation.
D Discussing.

142. ……….. Is the first step of Negotiation.

A Preparation and planning for negotiation.
B Setting the rules for negotiation
C Clarifying the reason for the negotiation (Goal)
D Negotiation and problem solving.

143. ……….. is the formal right granted to the leader to use it to give orders and
direct the team to complete the work.
A Management.
B Leadership.
C Responsibility.
D Authority.

144. ……. is the obligation of the leader to carry out the actions and orders issued
to him by the higher management, and the responsibility is not delegated.
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A Management.
B Leadership.
C Responsibility.
D Authority.

Day 05, Quiz

145. … the bridge between today and tomorrow.
A Values.
B Vision.
C Mission.
D Strategy.

146. ……. indicates our perception of the future.

A Values.
B Vision.
C Mission.
D Strategy.

147. ….is the roadmap.

A Values.
B Vision.
C Mission.
D Strategy.

148. ……….. Formulating the organization's long-term directions.

A Top Strategic Management.
B Middle (Tactical) Management.
C Lower (Operational) Management.
D All of the above.

149. ……. Translating organizational goals and plans established by senior

management into specific activities and tasks.
A Top Strategic Management.
B Middle (Tactical) Management.
C Lower (Operational) Management.
D All of the above.

150. …….. deals directly with the implementing personnel and directs them.

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A Top Strategic Management.

B Middle (Tactical) Management.
C Lower (Operational) Management.
D All of the above.

151. …….. Is a rare combination of conscious and proactive opinions and

perceptions that define competitive areas and differentiate strategy in an
organization from other organizations.
A Strategic Planning.
B Strategic Thinking.
C Strategic Goals.
D Strategic Vision.

152. ……. is one of the benefits of strategic thinking.

Achieving adaptation, harmonization and positive interaction with the
external environment and preparing for crises
B Develop the ability to shape the future and clarity of vision.
C Strengthening loyalty, belonging and satisfaction among employees.
D All of the above.

153. At Top-down Planning, Upper Management is .... and Middle Management is...
A Sending strategic goals and plans…. Receiving strategic goals and plans.
B Receiving strategic goals and plans … Sending strategic goals and plans.
C Sending strategic goals…. Sending strategic plans.
D Sending strategic plans…. Sending strategic goals.

154. At Bottom –Up planning, Upper Management is... and Middle Management is...
A Sending strategic goals and plans…. Receiving strategic goals and plans.
B Receiving strategic goals and plans …. Sending strategic goals and plans.
C Sending strategic goals…. Sending strategic plans.
D Sending strategic plans…. Sending strategic goals.

155. At Goals down - Plans up planning, Upper Management is...... and Middle
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Management is…
A Sending strategic goals and plans… Receiving strategic goals and plans.
B Receiving strategic goals and plans .. Sending strategic goals and plans.
C Sending strategic goals……... Sending strategic plans.
D Sending strategic plans……... Sending strategic goals.

156. …….. Is the future aspirations of the organization. it can be set at the
organizational level, at the program or department level, or at the individual
employee level.
A Vision.
B Goals.
C Plans.
D Strategies.

157. ……. the methodologies or means to achieve targets. Usually, there is more
than one option.
A Vision.
B Goals.
C Plans.
D Strategies.

158. One of the ………. Definitions is, is the reason for the main target of the
specific values.
A Strategic Vision.
B Strategic Goals.
C Strategic Plans.
D Strategies.

159. ……. Is one of the Permission for Strategies.

Determining the entity that will carry out the activities and the timetable for
B Ensure that everyone contributes to and agrees to their plans.
C Regularly review our action plans.
D All of the above.

160. ……….. Analysis is to analyze the external environment and the overall
external forces affecting the organization
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C Five Forces.
D Vrio.

161. ……. analysis look at the remote external environment that the organization
cannot influence.
C Five Forces.
D Vrio.

162. The Letter S. at PESTEL Analysis is stand for.....

A Sometimes.
B Social.
C Solution.
D South.

163. The First step at PESTEL Analysis is …...

A Decide the Corrective Action.
B Allocate Strategic Implications.
C Identify Relevant Trends.
D None of the above.

164. …….. Analysis is a strategic Management Analysis tool to forecast the future
successes of our current business industry or to take a decision to start a new
business industry.
B Five Forces.
C Vrio.
D Competitors.

165. ……. Is not of the Five Forces Analysis frame work factors.
A Level of Competition.
B Power of Customers.
C The threat of environment.
D Power of Substitutes.
…….. Analysis is a strategic Management tool that help management to
166. identify the resources and the capabilities that may give the organization a
sustainable competitive advantage.
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B Five Forces.
C Vrio.
D Competitors.

167. The Letter V. at Vrio Analysis is stand for.....

A Variable.
B Valuable.
C Vibratile
D violate

…….. Analysis is the process of identifying our position in the market in related
to our Competitors, and to learn more about each competitor’s strategies, as
we analyze their pricing, promotion channels, market share, and many other
B Five Forces.
C Vrio.
D Competitors.

169. The last step at competitor analysis is.

A Building a list of competitors.
B Creating competitor profiles.
C Identifying competitor’s 4 Ps.
D Pinpointing the best practices and create a plan of action.

At Competitors Analysis, Building a list of competitors we need to allocate the

“Niche” competitors as they are …..
A New or small companies with smaller audience size and a low growth rate.
Emerging companies with a comparatively smaller audience size but who
are growing quickly.
C Companies with both a large audience and a rapid growth rate.
D Companies with large, established audiences.

At Competitors Analysis, Building a list of competitors we need to allocate the

“Game Changers” competitors as they are …..
A New or small companies with smaller audience size and a low growth rate.
B Emerging companies with a comparatively smaller audience size but who
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are growing quickly.

C Companies with both a large audience and a rapid growth rate.
D Companies with large, established audiences.

At Competitors Analysis, Building a list of competitors we need to allocate the

“Leaders” competitors as they are …..
A New or small companies with smaller audience size and a low growth rate.
Emerging companies with a comparatively smaller audience size but who
are growing quickly.
C Companies with both a large audience and a rapid growth rate.
D Companies with large, established audiences.

At Competitors Analysis, Building a list of competitors we need to allocate the

“Established Players” competitors as they are …..
A New or small companies with smaller audience size and a low growth rate.
Emerging companies with a comparatively smaller audience size but who
are growing quickly.
C Companies with both a large audience and a rapid growth rate.
D Companies with large, established audiences.

……. is a strategic planning that takes our unclear vision and break it down
into a 4 measurable dimensions.
A PESTEL Analysis.
B Five Forces Analysis.
C Balance Score Cards.
D Competitors Analysis.

175. …….. is one of the ideas generating methods.

A Brainstorming.
B Focus Groups.
C SIPOC Diagram.
D All of the above.

….. it is a small group of people with a diverse background consisting of 6 to

12 people.
A Brainstorming.
B Focus Groups.
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C SIPOC Diagram.
D All of the above.

177. …… is one of the most popular methods used in generating innovation Ideas.
A Brainstorming.
B Focus Groups.
C SIPOC Diagram.
D All of the above.

…… It is characterized by reaching Ideas in a short time through the diverse

participation of the participants.
A Brainstorming.
B Focus Groups.
C SIPOC Diagram.
D All of the above.

At …… No leader - all group is equal - all ideas will be taken into account,
recorded and discussed.
A Brainstorming.
B Focus Groups.
C SIPOC Diagram.
D All of the above.

180. ….. Is one of the conditions for successful brainstorming.

A It is not allowed to criticize the ideas of others. (No matter how weak).
B It leaves freedom for everyone to put forward ideas unconditionally.
C Enable everyone to participate to get the largest amount of ideas.
D All of the above.

181. …. It is Spontaneous flow of ideas by all team members

A Free Wheel
B Round Robin
C Card Method
D All of the above.

182. ….. Team Members take turns suggesting ideas

A Free Wheel
B Round Robin
C Card Method
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D All of the above.

….. It is a small group of people with a diverse background and consists of 8 to

14 people.
A Brainstorming.
B Focus Groups.
C SIPOC Diagram.
D All of the above.

………. It is an effective method where statistical methods are used to analyze

the success rates of the proposed Ideas.
A Brainstorming.
B Focus Groups.
C SIPOC Diagram.
D All of the above.

….. is a tool to summarizes the effects of an ideas at 5 operational levels

185. “Supplier, Inputs, Process, Outputs, Customer” and display the effects in a
sequence control table.
A Brainstorming.
B Focus Groups.
C SIPOC Diagram.
D All of the above.

186. If the Ideas generated for a customer-based business, we use …

A Brainstorming.
B Focus Groups.
C SIPOC Diagram.
D COPIS Diagram.

….. It is the differentiation process between Ideas in terms of ability and

readiness time.
A Ideas Binary-factor classification Method.
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B Ideas Quadruple-factor classification Method.

C Ideas five-factor classification Method.
D All of the above.

……. It is the differentiation process between Ideas in terms of impact and

A Ideas Binary-factor classification Method.
B Ideas Quadruple-factor classification Method.
C Ideas five-factor classification Method.
D All of the above.

Organisation would want to give their employees freedom within a framework

for ……
A Customer Satisfaction.
B Employee Engagement.
C Employee Productivity.
D All of the above.

……. providing employees with general behavior and performance guidelines

190. as adaptable parameters that give employees a sense of control and
ownership because they know they are not locked into fixed rules.
A Rules and regulations.
B Policies and procedures.
C Behaviour and actions.
D Freedom Within a Framework

….. means trusting employees it is about giving employees the space to think,
191. make decisions, and act on behalf of the organization), they will do always the
right things.
A Engagement.
B Productivity.
C Framework.
D Freedom.

192. ……. means Providing employees with a set of guidelines within which to work.
A Engagement.
B Productivity.
C Framework.
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D Freedom.

….. is the emotional commitment the employee has to the organization and its
A Engagement.
B Productivity.
C Framework.
D Freedom.

194. ……. It is one of the factors of successes employee engagement

A Hire mindfully.
B Define your company culture.
C Get employees involved.
D All of the above.

195. ….. It is the possibility of something bad happening.

A Engagement.
B Productivity.
C Risk.
D Freedom.

……. It is the uncertainty about the effects/implications of an activity with

respect to something that human's value.
A Engagement.
B Productivity.
C Risk.
D Freedom.

197. ….. It is knowing risks are presented to me, my organization, my customers

A Risk identification.
B Risk analysis.
C Risk control.
D Risk financing.

……. It is gathering risk data and considering the meaning of the data points
over time.
A Risk identification.
B Risk analysis.
C Risk control.
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D Risk financing.

….. It is the opportunities to implement solutions that support risk avoidance,

prevention and reduction.
A Risk identification.
B Risk analysis.
C Risk control.
D Risk financing.

……. It focuses on the economics of risk. it is a way to cover any financial

200. losses that the implemented risk control techniques did not prevent from
A Risk identification.
B Risk analysis.
C Risk control.
D Risk financing.

Good Luck

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