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Everyday Leadership

Good morning/Afternoon one and all present here. I am Devansh Jain from class 11D and
today I am here to express my thoughts on a topic that is very important in our everyday
life; that is Everyday Leadership
Many of us might wish to be great leaders and want to do something to guide others and
change society, but we do not get to that stage to express ourselves. But what if I say you do
not need a stage to express yourself?
Everyday leadership is not about titles or positions. It's about the small actions and decisions
we make every day that can positively impact our communities, workplaces, and the world.
Everyday leadership is about being a good role model and doing small things to make the
world better. It's not about having an important job title; it's about being kind, honest, and
helpful in your everyday life. When you lead like this, you inspire others to do the same, and
together, you can make a positive difference in your community and in the lives of people
around you. But a few fundamentals are needed to become a good everyday leader.
They should treat everyone equally and should support everyone around them. They should
not make biased decisions. They should be ethical and honest.
They should also be able to communicate well with people around them. They listen
actively, seek to understand different perspectives and communicate their ideas clearly and
They should also be problem solvers. They find solutions for every problem. They address
issues, take initiative and find solutions for every problem they face.
One major fundamental is that they focus on the growth of others. They realise the
potential of the people around them and help them grow and develop. They support and
encourage others and empower them to become leaders.
Now it might all seem very hypothetical, but what if I tell you we can do it and have even
done it? Numerous examples of people who have changed society through their initiatives
and actions. One of them is the famous celebrity, Leonardo DiCaprio. He founded the
Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, which works to protect the planet, its wildlife, and natural
resources. He uses his celebrity status to raise awareness about climate change and
environmental issues. Even Angelina Jolie is a great example of this, having built trust and
community through sheer determination and willpower. That is the power of being a leader
in everyday life, and I am sure that if they can do it, even we can do it.
At last, I would like to say that if everyone follows these fundamentals, then we can bring
drastic changes in society. The world would be a lot more positive and there would be no
conflicts since people understand each other and find solutions for every problem they face.
That is a world we all desire
Thank You

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