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Shivananda Note:

I intend to do scriptural studies, Swadhyaya along with Yogic practices so that I may spiritually
progress as a better human being. I am interested in Upanishadic studies and did my Foundation and
Advanced Vedantha Course from Chinmaya International and has deep interest in further studies in
Gurukul system of life.

When I did my course as Yoga Instructor from SVYASA, Bangalore, I met a good friend who came from
DLS, Hrishikesh and I wanted to do some more serious sadhana.

Books Read: Science of Pranayama, Mantras - words of power, Concentration, Mantra Initiation and
many more

I was keen to know the mysteries of nature since childhood and kept searching for answers as to how
we came into existence and what is the purpose of this Life. I have tried to understand these
concepts through scriptural studies and Advaitha Siddantha gave answers to most of my queries.
Study of quantum physics and its connection with Universal consciousnsss made me wonder as to
how little we know about ourselves.

I got interested in Life Sciences and did a course on Naturopathy and Yoga which made me a person
who could live without any medicines till date. Yoga and Naturopathy are my interests for leading a
better life. Later for the sake of my children, I studied Homeopathy under the aegis of World
Teacher's Trust, Vishakapatnam when I was working at Mysore. I got associated with a Doctor friend
of mine who practices Homeopathy in rural areas.

My studies, initially started with Complete works of Swami Vivekananda and later I got into scriptural
studies with the help of Vedantha Courses conducted by Chinmaya International. In order to get a
practical experience of a Sadhana, I took Mantra Deekshe from Swami Gowthamananda of
Ramakrishna Math, Chennai. I could study with more focus when I got myself transferred to Kerala
and stayed without my family.

Presently, I have taken Voluntary retirement from Government Service with a view to dive deep into
Yoga and Vedantha. I did a small vacation course in Shivananda Ashram, Neyyar, Kerala and
understood that an ounce of practice is far better than tonnes of wisdom. I intend to study deeply
and make myself fit for serving the fellow beings in whatever manner I can. With this purpose I
would like to attend the two months's residential/foundation Course from DLS.

Kindly allow me an opportunity to learn what is needed the most and also unlearn many more things
which are an obstacle for my spiritual growth.

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