Tour Guide L-2

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Tour Guiding


Based on October, 2021 (V- IV) Occupational
Standard (OS)

March, 2022
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The reformed TVET-System is an outcome-based system. It utilizes the needs of the labor
market and occupational requirements from the world of work as the benchmark and standard
for TVET delivery. The requirements from the world of work are analyzed and documented –
taking into account international benchmarking – as occupational standards (OS).

In the reformed TVET-System, curricula and curriculum development play an important role
with regard to quality driven comparable TVET-Delivery. The Curricula help to facilitate the
training process in a way, that trainees acquire the set of occupational competences (skills,
knowledge and attitude) required at the working place and defined in the occupational
standards (OS).

This curriculum has been developed by a group of professional experts from different
Regional TVET Bureaus, colleges, Industries, Institutes and universities based on the
occupational standard for Tour Guiding Level II.

The curriculum development process has been actively supported and facilitated by Ministry
of Labor and Skills

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TVET-Program Design
1.1. TVET-Program Title: Tour Guiding Level II

1.2. TVET-Program Description

The Program is designed to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude of the
trainees to the standard required by the occupation. The contents of this program are in line
with the occupational standard. The Trainees who successfully completed the Program will
be qualified to work as a Junior Tour Guide with competencies elaborated in the respective
OS. Graduates of the program will have the required qualification to work in the Culture ,
sport and Tourism sector in the field of Tour Guiding.

The prime objective of this training program is to equip the Trainees with the identified
competences specified in the OS. Graduates are therefore expected to Source and Update
Tourism Industry Knowledge, Apply 5s procedures, Interpret Aspects of Ethiopian Culture
Work as a guide, Prepare and Present Tour Commentaries, Provide Arrival and Departure
Assistance, Interpret aspects of Ethiopian Food & Beverages, Maintain Financial Records,
Source and Provide Ethiopian Destinations Information in accordance with the performance
criteria and evidence guide described in the OS.
1.3. TVET-Program Training Outcomes
The expected outputs of this program are the acquisition and implementation of the following
units of competences:
CST TOG2 01 1021 Source and Update Tourism Industry Knowledge
CST TOG2 02 1021 Source and Provide Ethiopian Destination Information
CST TOG2 03 1021 Interpret Aspects of Ethiopian Culture
CST TOG2 04 1021 Work as a guide
CST TOG2 05 1021 Prepare and Present Tour Commentaries
CST TOS2 06 1021 Provide Arrival and Departure Assistance
CST TOG2 07 1021 Interpret aspects of Ethiopian Food & Beverages
CST TOG2 08 1021 Maintain Financial Records
CST TOG2 09 1021 Apply 5s procedures

1.4. Duration of the TVET-Program

The Program will have duration of 554 hours including the on school/ Institution training
and on-the-job practice or cooperative training time. Such cooperative training based on

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realities of the industry, nature of the occupation, location of the TVET institution, and other
factors will be considered in the training delivery to ensure that trainees acquire practical and
workplace experience. Unit competency TVET Institution Cooperative Total Remarks

training training hours
Theory Practical
Source and Update 14 26 8 48
1. Tourism Industry
Source and Provide 36 20 64 120
2. Ethiopian Destination
Interpret Aspects of 14 26 8 48
Ethiopian Culture
Interpret aspects of 12 18 10 40
Ethiopian Food &

Prepare and Present Tour 19 21 24 64

Provide Arrival and 14 16 18 48
Departure Assistance
7. Work as a guide 27 33 30 90
8. Maintain Financial Records 14 26 8 48

Apply 5s procedures 14 26 8 48

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1.5. Qualification Level and Certification
Based on the descriptors elaborated on the Ethiopian National TVET Qualification
Framework (NTQF) the qualification of this specific TVET Program is Level II.

The trainee can exit after successfully completing the modules in one level and will be
awarded the equivalent institutional certificate on the level completed. However, only
institutional certificate of training accomplishment will be awarded.

1.6. Target Groups

Any citizen with or without disability who meets the entry requirements under items 1.7
and capable of participating in the training activities is entitled to take part in the Program.

1.7 Entry Requirements

The prospective participants of this program are required to possess the requirements or
directive of the Ministry of Labor and Skills.

1.8 Mode of Delivery

This TVET-Program is characterized as a formal Program on middle level technical skills.
The mode of delivery is co-operative training. The time spent by the trainees in the real work
place/ industry will give them enough exposure to the actual world of work and enable them
to get hands-on experience.

The co-operative approach will be supported with school-based lecture-discussion, simulation

and actual practice. These modalities will be utilized before the trainees are exposed to the
industry environment.

Hence based on the nature of the occupation, location of the TVET institutions, and interest
of the industry alternative mode of cooperative training such as apprenticeships, internship
and traineeship will be employed. In addition, in the areas where industry is not sufficiently
available the established production and service centers/learning factories in TVET
institutions will be used as cooperative training places. The Training-Institution and identified
companies have forged an agreement to co-operate with regard to the implementation of this

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1.9. TVET-Program Structure
Unit of Competence Module Code & Title Training Outcomes (In
CST TOG2 01 1021 Source and CST TOG2 M01 0322 Sourcing & Updating  Source and apply general information on 48
Update Tourism Tourism Industry the structure and operation of the tourism
Industry Knowledge industry.
Knowledge  Source and apply information on legal
and ethical issues that impact on the
tourism industry.
 Source and apply information on tourism
industry technology.
 Update personal and organizational
knowledge of the tourism industry.

CST TOG2 021021 Source and CST TOG2 M02 0322 Sourcing & Providing  Develop knowledge of Ethiopian 120
Provide Ethiopian Ethiopian Destinations destinations
Destination Information  Prepare information for guiding
Information activities.
 Update knowledge of Ethiopian

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 Provide information and on Ethiopian
CST TOG2 031021 Interpret Aspects CST TOG2 M03 0322 Interpreting Aspects of  Consult with the local community 48
of Ethiopian Ethiopian Culture  Identify and Interpret aspects of
Culture Ethiopian cultural tourism resources,
Festivals and, Events for customers
 Interpret and promote information on
Ethiopian culture, Festivals and Events
CSTTOG2 071021 Interpret aspects CST TOG2 M04 0322 Interpreting Aspects of  Present Commentary information for 40
of Ethiopian Ethiopian Food & customers.
Food & Beverages  Research general information on
Beverages Ethiopian food and beverages
 Develop interpretive content on
Ethiopian food & beverages
CSTTOG2 051021 Prepare and CST TOG2 M05 0322 Preparing & presenting  Prepare commentaries or activities for 64
Present Tour Tour Commentaries presentation to customers.
Commentaries  Present commentaries or activities to
 Interact with customers.
CSTTOS2 061021 Provide Arrival CST TOG2 M06 0322 Providing Arrival &  plan and Prepare for work 48
and Departure Departure Assistance  Prepare surfaces

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 Apply finishing materials
 Clean work area and maintain equipment
CST TOG2 041021 Work as a guide CST TOG2 M07 0322 Working as a Guide  Apply knowledge of the guiding sector. 90
 Guide tours according to safety, ethical
and legal requirements.
 Develop guiding skills and knowledge
 Communicate with tourism industry
CSTTOG2 081021 Maintain CST TOG2 M08 0322 Maintaining Financial  Plan and prepare for welding work 48
Financial Records  Perform routine welding
Records  Assure quality and clean up
CST TOG2 091021 Apply 5s CSTTOG2 M09 0322 Applying 5S Procedures  Develop understanding of quality system 48
procedures  Sort needed items from unneeded
 Set workplace in order
 Shine work area
 Standardize activities
 Sustain 5S system
*The time duration (Hours) indicated for the module should include all activities in and out of the TVET institution.

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1.10 Institutional Assessment
Two types of evaluation will be used in determining the extent to which training outcomes
are achieved. The specific training outcomes are stated in the modules. In assessing them,
verifiable and observable indicators and standards shall be used.

The formative assessment is incorporated in the training modules and form part of the
training process. Formative evaluation provides the trainee with feedback regarding success
or failure in attaining training outcomes. It identifies the specific training errors that need to
be corrected, and provides reinforcement for successful performance as well. For the teacher,
formative evaluation provides information for making instruction and remedial work more

Summative Evaluation the other form of evaluation is given when all the modules in the
program have been accomplished. It determines the extent to which competence have been
achieved. And, the result of this assessment decision shall be expressed in the term of
institutional Assessment implementation guidelines..

Techniques or tools for obtaining information about trainees’ achievement include oral or
written test, demonstration and on-site observation.

1.11 TVET Teachers Profile

The teachers conducting this particular TVET Program are B Level and above who have
satisfactory practical experiences or equivalent qualifications.

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MODULE TITLE: Sourcing and Updating Tourism Industry knowledge
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge
required to develop and update current and emerging information on the tourism industry, including
industry structure, current technology and key environmental, community, legal and ethical issues that
must be considered and applied by tour guides in their day-to-day work.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Source and apply general information on the structure and operation of the tourism industry.
LO2. Source and apply information on legal and ethical issues that impact on the tourism industry.
LO3. Source and apply information on tourism industry technology.
LO4. Update personal and organizational knowledge of the tourism industry.
LO1. Source and apply general information on the structure and operation of the tourism
1.1 Identifying source of information, structure & operation of the tourism industry
1.2 Assessing & comprehending specific information to the tourism industry
1.3 Accessing & using knowledge of the tourism industry.
1.3.1 Identifying interrelationships of tourism with other sectors.
1.3.2 Enhancing the quality of work performance
LO2. Source and apply information on legal and ethical issues that impact on the tourism
2.1 Obtaining information on legal issues
2.2 Conducting day to day tourism organization
2.3 Maintaining industry rules & regulations
LO3. Source and apply information on tourism industry technology.
3.1 Sourcing and accessing technologies that have impacts on the tourism
3.2 Identifying potential effects of different technologies on the tourism.
3.3 Applying emerging technologies in day-to-day work activities
LO4. Update personal and organizational knowledge of the tourism industry.
4.1 Identifying and using opportunities to update knowledge of the tourism industry
4.2 Monitoring current issues of the industry.
4.3 Sharing updated information with colleagues.

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For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter room seating seating arrangement to be
 Organize the class room seating  Arrange the class room seating arrangement to be accessible for wheelchairs
arrangement to be accessible to trainees to be conducive for eye to eye accessible to users.
 Write short notes on the black/white contact trainees  Facilitate and support the
board using large text  Make sure the luminosity of  Speak loudly trainees who have severe
 Make sure the luminosity of the light of the light of class room is kept  Ensure the attention impairments on their upper
class room is kept  Introduce new and relevant of the trainees limbs to take note
 Use normal tone of voice vocabularies  Present the lecture  Provide Orientation on the
 Encourage trainees to record the lecture  Use short and clear sentences in video format physical feature of the work
in audio format  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Ensure the attention shop
 Provide Orientation on the physical and ensure the attention of the of the trainees
feature of the work shop trainees
 Summarize main points  Avoid movement during
lecture time
 Present the lecture in video
 Summarize main points

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Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear &  Facilitate and support the
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method trainees having severe upper
 Provide special attention in the process of  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video recorded limbs impairment to operate
guidance  Provide structured training material equipments/ machines
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Show clear and short method  Ensure the attention  Assign peer trainees to assist
 Prepare & use simulation  Use gesture of the trainees  Conduct close follow up
 Provide tutorial support  Provide tutorial  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) support (if necessary
(if necessary)

Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees with  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees with
discussion group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with group
 Introduce the trainees with other group  Conduct close follow up members
member  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the work other group member follow up
 Introduce the
trainees with other
group member
 Inform the group
members to speak

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Exercise  Conduct close follow up and guidance  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
 Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal hours
 provide special attention in the process  Provide tutorial support if guidance if necessary
necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the support if necessary
process/practical training  provide special
 Introduce new and relevant attention in the
vocabularies process/ practical
 prepare the assignment questions in large  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual text  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare and the assignment assignment
submit the assignment in large texts  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual
 Make available recorded assignment material recorded material
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard
Guest  Provide large print text  Introduce new and relevant  Speak loudly
Lecture  Prepare the lecture in Audio/video vocabularies  Ensure the attention
Discussion  Use normal tone of voice  Use short and clear sentences of the trainees
Summarize main points  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the lecture

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 Write short notes on the black/white and ensure the attention of the in video format
board using large text trainees  Ensure the attention
 Avoid movement during of the trainees
lecture time

Educational  Provide large print text  Introduce new and relevant  Speak loudly
Tour  Prepare the lecture in Audio/video vocabularies  Ensure the attention
 Use normal tone of voice  Use short and clear sentences of the trainees
 Summarize main points  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the lecture
 Write short notes on the black/white and ensure the attention of the in video format
board using large text trainees  Ensure the attention
 Avoid movement during of the trainees
lecture time

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Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether  Using sign language interpreter if as an option for the
the proper communication necessary trainees having speech
was conducted with the challenges
trainee through the service of
the sign language interpreter
 Use short and clear
 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the exam in large texts  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam using short  Use oral response as
 Use interview as an option if sentences, multiple choices, sentences, multiple choices, true or an option to give
necessary True or False, matching and false, matching and short answers if answer for trainees
 Prepare the exam in audio short answers necessary. having severe upper
format  Avoid essay writing limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension  Time extension for
 (if necessary) trainees having severe
 Time extension upper limb impairment
Demonstration  Brief the instruction or  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based assessment  Provide activity based
/Observation provide them in large text  Brief on the instruction of the  Brief on the instruction of the exam assessment
 Time extension exam  Use loud voice  Conduct close follow
 Provide activity-based/  Time extension up
practical assessment method  Time extension
 Time extension

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LO.1 Source and apply information on legal and ethical issues that impact on the
tourism industry.
 Sources of information must be identified to understand the structure and operation of
the tourism industry.
 Specific information of relevance to the tourism industry should be accessed and
 Knowledge of the tourism industry should be accessed and used to enhance the quality
of work performance.

LO.2 Source and apply information on tourism industry technology.

 Information on legal issues should be obtained to assist effective work performance.
 Day-to-day tourism organization activities should be conducted according to legal
obligations and ethical industry practices.
 Compliance with industry rules and regulations should be maintained.

LO.3 Source and apply information on tourism industry technology.

 Dependable and reliable Information on current and emerging technologies that have
impacts on the tourism organization process should be sourced and accessed.
 The potential effects of different technologies on the tourism organization process
should be identified.
 Knowledge of current and emerging technology in day-to-day work activities should
be applied.

LO.4 Update Personal & organizational Knowledge of Tourism Industry

 A range of opportunities to update knowledge of the tourism industry should be
Identified and used.
 Current issues of concern to the industry should be monitored.
 Updated information with colleagues, according to organizational procedures, and
incorporates into day-to-day work activities should be shared.

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Annex: Resource Requirements

CST TOG2 M01 0322, Sourcing & Updating Tourism Industry Knowledge

Item Category/Item Description/ Quantity Recommended

No. Specifications Ratio
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
TTTLM prepared
1. TTLM 25 1:1
by the trainer
2. Reference Books
Leonard.J Lickorish
2.1 Introduction to Tourism Carson 5 1:5
2.2 Journals/Publication/Magazines Up to dated 2 2:25
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
Smart Room/Class Rooms with its Standard
1. 1 1:25
2 Library Standard 1 1:25
3 White Board, Standard 1 1:25
4 TV, LCD Projector Standard 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Duster Whiteboard duster 1 1:25
2 Marker, 2 pac 2:25
whiteboard marker
3 Flip chart Small 1 1:25
4 Pen Standard 25 1:1
5 Paper A4 1 1:25
6 Flash Disk Sony 3 3:25
D. Tools and Equipments
1. Computer Desktop 5 5:25

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MODULE TITLE: Sourcing and Providing Ethiopian Destinations Information.
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module describes the performance outcomes, skills and
knowledge required to source and provides information for Ethiopian destinations, including
general product information such as what types or styles of product a destination offers. The unit
requires the ability to identify appropriate information sources and research destinations in order
to develop, and a breadth and depth of regional and location-specific knowledge, highlighting
the need for ongoing research to update and expand the guide's knowledge
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Develop knowledge of Ethiopian destinations
LO2. Prepare information for guiding activities
LO3. Update knowledge of Ethiopian destinations
LO4. Provide information on Ethiopian Destinations

LO1. Develop knowledge of Ethiopian destinations.

1.1 Identifying and accessing information sources.
1.2 Obtaining information on features of Ethiopian destinations
1.3 Obtaining the general style of tourism products.
1.4 Obtaining key information on geographical, health and safety features
1.5 Identifying general information on different tourism products
1.6 Obtaining information in culturally appropriate way

LO2. Prepare information for guiding activities

2.1 Creating & updating personal reference materials
2.2 Organizing information to reflect the needs of customers.
2.3 Identifying themes and messages to meet specific customer needs.

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LO3. Update knowledge of Ethiopian destinations
3.1 Using formal and informal research to update destination and product knowledge.
3.2 Identifying and using opportunities about Ethiopia and the local region knowledge’s
3.3 Gathering and providing Ethiopian destinations experiences
3.4 Incorporating and updating knowledge in guiding activities.

LO4. Provide information on Ethiopian destinations

4.1 Identifying specific information needs for customer
4.2 Providing product and destination information
4.3 Referring health, safety and regulatory source of information.
4.4 Ensuring scope and depth of information to customer needs.

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Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter room seating seating arrangement to be
 Organize the class room seating  Arrange the class room seating arrangement to be accessible for wheelchairs
arrangement to be accessible to trainees to be conducive for eye to eye accessible to users.
 Write short notes on the black/white board contact trainees  Facilitate and support the
using large text  Make sure the luminosity of  Speak loudly trainees who have severe
 Make sure the luminosity of the light of the light of class room is kept  Ensure the attention impairments on their upper
class room is kept  Introduce new and relevant of the trainees limbs to take note
 Use normal tone of voice vocabularies  Present the lecture  Provide Orientation on the
 Encourage trainees to record the lecture in  Use short and clear sentences in video format physical feature of the work
audio format  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Ensure the attention shop
 Provide Orientation on the physical feature and ensure the attention of the of the trainees
of the work shop trainees
 Summarize main points  Avoid movement during
lecture time
 Present the lecture in video
 Summarize main points

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Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear &  Facilitate and support the
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method trainees having severe upper
 Provide special attention in the process of  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video recorded limbs impairment to operate
guidance  Provide structured training material equipments/ machines
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Show clear and short method  Ensure the attention  Assign peer trainees to assist
 Prepare & use simulation  Use gesture of the trainees  Conduct close follow up
 Provide tutorial support  Provide tutorial  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) support (if necessary
(if necessary)

Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees with  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees with
discussion group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with group
 Introduce the trainees with other group  Conduct close follow up members
member  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the work other group member follow up
 Introduce the
trainees with other
group member
 Inform the group
members to speak

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Exercise  Conduct close follow up and guidance  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
 Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal hours
 provide special attention in the process  Provide tutorial support if guidance if necessary
necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the support if necessary
process/practical training  provide special
 Introduce new and relevant attention in the
vocabularies process/ practical
 prepare the assignment questions in large  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual text  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare and the assignment assignment
submit the assignment in large texts  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual
 Make available recorded assignment material recorded material
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard copy
Guest  Provide large print text.  Introduce new and relevant  Speak loudly
Lecture  Prepare the lecture in Audio/video vocabularies  Ensure the attention
Discussion  Use normal tone of voice  Use short and clear sentences of the trainees
Summarize main points  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the lecture
 Write short notes on the black/white board and ensure the attention of the in video format

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using large text trainees  Ensure the attention
 Avoid movement during of the trainees
lecture time
Educational  Provide large print text.  Introduce new and relevant  Speak loudly
Trip  Prepare the lecture in Audio/video vocabularies  Ensure the attention
 Use normal tone of voice  Use short and clear sentences of the trainees
 Summarize main points  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the lecture
 Write short notes on the black/white board and ensure the attention of the in video format
using large text trainees  Ensure the attention
 Avoid movement during of the trainees
lecture time

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Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether  Using sign language interpreter if as an option for the
the proper communication necessary trainees having speech
was conducted with the challenges
trainee through the service of
the sign language interpreter
 Use short and clear
 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the exam in large texts  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam using short  Use oral response as
 Use interview as an option if sentences, multiple choices, sentences, multiple choices, true or an option to give
necessary True or False, matching and false, matching and short answers if answer for trainees
 Prepare the exam in audio short answers necessary. having severe upper
format  Avoid essay writing limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension  Time extension for
 (if necessary) trainees having severe
 Time extension upper limb impairment
Demonstration  Brief the instruction or  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based assessment  Provide activity based
/Observation provide them in large text  Brief on the instruction of the  Brief on the instruction of the exam assessment
 Time extension exam  Use loud voice  Conduct close follow
 Provide activity-based/  Time extension up
practical assessment method  Time extension
 Time extension

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LO1. Develop knowledge of Ethiopian destinations
 Information sources with current and accurate information on Ethiopian destinations
is identified and accessed
 Information on features of Ethiopian destination and the general style of tourism
products available should be obtained.
 Key information on geographical features and current health and safety features of
Ethiopian destination must be obtained.
 General information on different tourism products should be identified available to
meet different customer needs.
 Information is obtained in a culturally appropriate way.
LO2. Prepare information for guiding activities.
 Accurate personal reference materials using a filing system that allows quick and
efficient access and retrieval are created and updated.
 Information to reflect the needs of customers and the way in which information may
be presented during a guiding activity is organized.
 Themes and messages are identified from research to meet specific customer needs.
LO3. Update knowledge of Ethiopian destinations
 Formal and informal research to update destination and general product knowledge
must be used.
 Opportunities are identified and used to maintain the currency of general knowledge
about Ethiopia and the local regions.
 Colleagues and customers on experience with Ethiopian destinations should be
gathered and provided this to other organizations where appropriate.
 Updated knowledge is incorporated into guiding activities regularly and in a
culturally appropriate way.
LO4. Provide information on Ethiopian destinations
 Specific information needs the customer should be accurately identified.
 Provide a range of current and accurate destination and general product information
in a timely manner and according to organization procedures.
 Refer customers to current sources of health, safety and regulatory information.
 Scope and depth of the information is ensured appropriate to customer needs.

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Annex: Resource Requirements

CST TOG2 M02 0322, Sourcing and Providing Ethiopian Destination Information

Item Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quant Recommend

No. ity ed Ratio
A. Learning Materials
TTTLM prepared by the
1. TTLM 25 1:1
2. Reference Books
Ethiopia: Complete Tour Guide / Basic Ashenafi Nigussie,2016
2.1. Amharic for Travel & Practical 5 1:5
2.2. Ethiopia Highlights: Bradt Highlights Philip Briggs,2012 5 1:5
2.3. Guide to Ethiopia 5 1:5

3 Journals/Publication/Magazines Up to dated 2 2:25

B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
Smart Room/Class Rooms with its Standard
.1 1 1:25
2 Library Standard 1 1:25
3 White Board, Standard 1 1:25
4 TV, LCD Projector Standard 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Duster whiteboard duster 1 1:25
Permanent, whiteboard 2
2 Marker, 2:25
marker pac
3 Flip chart Small 1 1:25
4 Pen Standard 25 1:1
5 Paper A4 1pac 1:25
6 Maps Tourist Map 5 1:5
D. Tools and Equipments
1. Computer Desktop 5 5:25
2 Binocular Standard 5 1:5

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3 GPS Standard 5 1:5
4 Camera Standard 1 1:25
5 Sleeping Bag Standard 25 1:1
6 Tent Standard 5 1:5
7 Mattress Standard 13 1:2
8 Torch light Standard 5 1:5
9 First Aid Kit Standard 1 1:25

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MODULE TITLE: Interpreting Aspects of Ethiopian Culture
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module describes the performance outcomes, skills and
knowledge required to interpret different aspects of Ethiopian tourism heritage including:
culture, festivals, and events. The unit focuses on the ability to source and comprehend general
Ethiopian culture, festivals, and events information, and covers those cultural tourism resources
in Ethiopia.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Consult with the local community
LO2. Identify and interpret aspects of Ethiopian cultural tourism resources, festivals and, events
for customers
LO3. Interpret and promote information on Ethiopian culture, festivals and events


LO1. Consult with the local community.

1.1 Consulting community members.
1.2 Conducting tourism activities.
1.3 Identifying potential conflicts within the local community.

LO2. Identify and interpret aspects of Ethiopian cultural tourism resources, festivals and,
events for customers.
2.1 Identifying cultures, festivals and events.
2.2 Interpreting Ethiopian tourism heritages.
2.3 Understanding tourism heritages sources of information
2.4 Taking account of any copyright and intellectual property requirements.
2.5 Briefing customers on how to behave at tourism heritages:
2.6 Awaring customers of local customs, copyright and intellectual properties.
2.7 Showing respect of Ethiopian culture and values.
2.8 Showing traditional and contemporary practices and enhancing understanding.

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2.9 Helping customers to participate in Ethiopian local cultural experience.

LO3. Interpret and promote information on Ethiopian culture, Festivals and Events
3.1 Sharing and presenting information on Ethiopian culture.
3.2 Promoting festivals and events.
3.3 Showing processes and sequences of festivals.

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Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter room seating seating arrangement to be
 Organize the class room seating  Arrange the class room seating arrangement to be accessible for wheelchairs
arrangement to be accessible to trainees to be conducive for eye to eye accessible to users.
 Write short notes on the black/white contact trainees  Facilitate and support the
board using large text  Make sure the luminosity of  Speak loudly trainees who have severe
 Make sure the luminosity of the light of the light of class room is kept  Ensure the attention impairments on their upper
class room is kept  Introduce new and relevant of the trainees limbs to take note
 Use normal tone of voice vocabularies  Present the lecture  Provide Orientation on the
 Encourage trainees to record the lecture  Use short and clear sentences in video format physical feature of the work
in audio format  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Ensure the attention shop
 Provide Orientation on the physical and ensure the attention of the of the trainees
feature of the work shop trainees
 Summarize main points  Avoid movement during
lecture time
 Present the lecture in video
 Summarize main points

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Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear &  Facilitate and support the
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method trainees having severe upper
 Provide special attention in the process  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video recorded limbs impairment to operate
of guidance  Provide structured training material equipments/ machines
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Show clear and short method  Ensure the attention  Assign peer trainees to assist
 Prepare & use simulation  Use gesture of the trainees  Conduct close follow up
 Provide tutorial support  Provide tutorial  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) support (if necessary)
(if necessary)
Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees with
discussion with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with group
 Introduce the trainees with other group  Conduct close follow up members
member  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the work other group member follow up
 Introduce the
trainees with other
group member
 Inform the group
members to speak

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Exercise  Conduct close follow up and guidance  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
 Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal hours
 provide special attention in the process  Provide tutorial support if guidance if necessary
necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the support if necessary
process/practical training  provide special
 Introduce new and relevant attention in the
vocabularies process/ practical
 prepare the assignment questions in  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual large text  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare and the assignment assignment
submit the assignment in large texts  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual
 Make available recorded assignment material recorded material
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard
Group  prepare the assignment questions in  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Assignment large text  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
 Encourage the trainees to prepare and the assignment assignment
submit the assignment in large texts  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual

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 Make available recorded assignment material recorded material
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard

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Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether  Using sign language interpreter if as an option for the
the proper communication necessary trainees having speech
was conducted with the challenges
trainee through the service of
the sign language interpreter
 Use short and clear
 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the exam in large texts  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam using short  Use oral response as
 Use interview as an option if sentences, multiple choices, sentences, multiple choices, true or an option to give
necessary True or False, matching and false, matching and short answers if answer for trainees
 Prepare the exam in audio short answers necessary. having severe upper
format  Avoid essay writing limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension  Time extension for
 (if necessary) trainees having severe
 Time extension upper limb impairment
Demonstration  Brief the instruction or  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based assessment  Provide activity based
/Observation provide them in large text  Brief on the instruction of the  Brief on the instruction of the exam assessment
 Time extension exam  Use loud voice  Conduct close follow
 Provide activity-based/  Time extension up
practical assessment method  Time extension
 Time extension

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LO1. Consult with the local community

 Appropriate community members about cultural tourism resources activities should
be consulted,
 Tourism activities according to the needs and wishes of the local community should
be conducted.
 Potential conflicts within the local community in relation to tourism activities should
be identified.

LO1. Identify and interpret aspects of Ethiopian cultural tourism resources, festivals
and, events for customers
 Interpret Ethiopian tourism heritages: culture, festivals and events for customers to the
level that is appropriate for the particular customer should be identified.
 Understanding of different categories of tourism heritages: culture, festivals & events
and identify sources of information.
 Account of any copyright and intellectual property requirements in heritage
interpretation should be taken.
 Customers on how to appropriately behave at tourism heritages: culture, festivals
and events should be briefed
 Customers of local customs, valuable heritage copyright and intellectual property
issues that may affect their own future behavior should be awarded.
 Show respect for Ethiopian culture and values through appropriate personal behavior
during activities.
 Traditional and contemporary practices when appropriate, and in a manner that
enhances their understanding of Ethiopian heritage should be showed.
 Customers to actively participate and share in the Ethiopian local cultural experience.

LO3. Interpret and promote information on Ethiopian culture, festivals and events
 Information is shared and presented with colleagues, and customers according to
Ethiopian culture.
 Existing and potential festivals and events are promoted.
 Processes and sequences of festivals must be shown properly.

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Annex: Resource Requirements

CST TOG2 M03 0322, Interpreting aspects of Ethiopian Culture.

Item Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quant Recommend

No. ity ed Ratio
A. Learning Materials
TTTLM prepared by the
1. TTLM 25 1:1
2. Reference Books
2.1. The Ethiopian Cultural Heritage Girma K.,1976 5 1:5
2.2. Facts About Ethiopia MOI,2004 5 1:5
3 Journals/Publication/Magazines Up to dated 2 2:25
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
Smart Room/Class Rooms with its Standard
1. 1 1:25
2. White Board, Standard 1 1:25
3. TV, LCD Projector Standard 1 1:25
4 Library Standard 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Duster Whiteboard duster 1 1:25
Permanent, whiteboard 2
2 Marker, 2:25
marker pac
3 Flip chart Small 1 1:25
4 Paper A4 1pac 1:25
D. Tools and Equipments
1 Computer Desktop 5 1:5
2 Microphone Standard 1 1:25
3 Speaker Large 1 1:25

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Ministry of Labor and Skills Level- II March, 2022
MODULE TITLE: Interpreting aspects of Ethiopian food and beverages
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module describes the performance outcomes, skills and
knowledge required to interpret Ethiopian food and beverage required in food and beverage
themes for customers. It requires knowledge of Ethiopia national and local food and beverages to
interpret for customers.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Research general information on Ethiopian food and beverages
LO2. Develop interpretive content on Ethiopian food and beverages
LO3. Present commentary information for customers.
LO1. Research general information on Ethiopian food and beverages
1.1 Identifying information on the job role
1.2 Identifying sources of information on Ethiopian food and beverages
1.3 Developing and maintaining current knowledge of Ethiopian food and beverages
LO2. Develop interpretive content on Ethiopian food & beverages
2.1 Preparing a tour commentary on Ethiopian food and beverages
2.1.1 Types of Ethiopian food
2.1.2 Types of Ethiopian beverages
2.1.3 Characteristics of food and beverage item
2.1.4 Features of commonly prepared dishes
2.1.5 Traditional accompaniments for different types of food
2.1.6 Service styles for different types of food
2.2. Checking commentary information matched with local community values and norms.
LO3. Present Commentary information for customers.
3.1 Presetting commentary information.
3.2 Responding to customer questions on menus and drinks lists.
3.3 Providing information in response to customers dietary or cultural requirements.

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Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the class  Organize the class
discussion  Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter room seating room seating
 Organize the class room seating  Arrange the class room seating arrangement to be arrangement to be
arrangement to be accessible to trainees to be conducive for eye to eye accessible to accessible for
 Write short notes on the black/white contact trainees wheelchairs users.
board using large text  Make sure the luminosity of  Speak loudly  Facilitate and support
 Make sure the luminosity of the light of the light of class room is kept  Ensure the attention the trainees who have
class room is kept  Introduce new and relevant of the trainees severe impairments on
 Use normal tone of voice vocabularies  Present the lecture their upper limbs to
 Encourage trainees to record the lecture  Use short and clear sentences in video format take note
in audio format  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Ensure the attention  Provide Orientation on
 Provide Orientation on the physical and ensure the attention of the of the trainees the physical feature of
feature of the work shop trainees the work shop
 Summarize main points  Avoid movement during
lecture time
 Present the lecture in video
 Summarize main points

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Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear &  Facilitate and support
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method the trainees having
 Provide special attention in the process of  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video recorded severe upper limbs
guidance  Provide structured training material impairment to operate
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Show clear and short method  Ensure the attention equipments/ machines
 Prepare & use simulation  Use gesture of the trainees  Assign peer trainees to
 Provide tutorial support  Provide tutorial assist
(if necessary) support  Conduct close follow
(if necessary) up
 Provide tutorial support
(if necessary)
Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees with  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
discussion group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with group
 Introduce the trainees with other group  Conduct close follow up members
member  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the work other group member follow up
 Introduce the
trainees with other
group member
 Inform the group
members to speak

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Exercise  Conduct close follow up and guidance  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
 Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal
 provide special attention in the process  Provide tutorial support if guidance hours if necessary
necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the support if necessary
process/practical training  provide special
 Introduce new and relevant attention in the
vocabularies process/ practical
 prepare the assignment questions in large  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual text  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare and the assignment assignment
submit the assignment in large texts  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual
 Make available recorded assignment material recorded material
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard

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Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written
 Ensure or conform whether  Using sign language interpreter if response as an
the proper communication necessary option for the
was conducted with the trainees having
trainee through the service of speech challenges
the sign language interpreter
 Use short and clear
 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the exam in large texts  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam using short  Use oral response
 Use interview as an option if sentences, multiple choices, sentences, multiple choices, true or as an option to
necessary True or False, matching and false, matching and short answers if give answer for
 Prepare the exam in audio short answers necessary. trainees having
format  Avoid essay writing severe upper limb
 Assign human reader  Time extension impairment
(if necessary)  Time extension for
 Time extension trainees having
severe upper limb
Demonstration  Brief the instruction or  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based assessment  Provide activity
/Observation provide them in large text  Brief on the instruction of the  Brief on the instruction of the exam based assessment
 Time extension exam  Use loud voice  Conduct close
 Provide activity-based/  Time extension follow up
practical assessment method  Time extension
 Time extension

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LO1. Research general information on Ethiopian food and beverages

 Information required to fulfill daily activities associated with the job role is
 Suitable sources of required information on Ethiopian food and beverages are
 Current knowledge of Ethiopian food and beverages are developed and maintained as
required for the job role.

LO2. Develop interpretive content on Ethiopian food & beverages

 A tour commentary information is prepared on Ethiopian food & beverages for
presentation to customers
 Commentary information is properly checked if it is matched with local community
values & norms.

LO3. Present Commentary information for customers.

 Commentary information is presented in culturally appropriate manner.
 Respond courteously and correctly to customer questions on menus and drinks lists.
 Information on menu items is provided in response to special dietary or cultural
requirements of customers.

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Annex: Resource Requirements

CST TOG2 M04 0322, Interpreting aspects of Ethiopian Food & Beverages

Item Category/Item Description/ Quantity Recommended

No. Specifications Ratio (Item:
A. Learning Materials
TTTLM prepared
1. TTLM 25 1:1
by the trainer
2. Reference Books
Introduction to Food and Beverage Brown, G,.1994
2.1 5 1:5
2.2 Food and Beverage Service: Advanced 3GElearning,2016 5 1:5
3 Journals/Publication/Magazines Up to dated 2 2:25
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
Smart Room/Class Rooms with its Standard
1. 1 1:25
2. Kitchen Standard 1 1:25
3. White Board Standard 1 1:25
4. TV, LCD Projector Standard 1 1:25
5 Library Standard 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Duster whiteboard duster 1 1:25
2. Marker 2 pac 2:25
whiteboard marker
3. Flip chart Small 1 1:25
4. Pen standard 25 1:1
5. Paper A4 1pac 1:25
D. Tools and Equipments
1. Computer Desktop 5 1:5

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MODULE TITLE: Preparing and presenting tour commentaires
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module describes the performance outcomes, skills and
knowledge required to prepare and present commentaries or activities to customers. Its main
focus is on the need to use effective interpretation and presentation techniques to ensure
customer participation and enjoyment.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Prepare commentaries or activities for presentation to customers.
LO2. Present commentaries or activities to customers.
LO3. Interact with customers.

LO1. Prepare commentaries or activities for presentation to customers.

1.1 Selecting and organizing information
1.2 Selecting and developing themes.
1.3 Constructing commentaries.
1.4 Obtaining, checking, & assembling support materials in advance.

LO2. Present commentaries or activities to customers.

2.1 Using interpretive and presentation techniques.
2.2 Using customer’s Language.
2.3 Presenting detail information.
2.4 Presenting information that demonstrates cultural and social sensitivity.
2.5 Pacing the presentation timely and according to operational context.
2.6 Using equipment and resources.
2.7 . Identifying and reporting equipment defects.

LO3. Interact with customers.

3.1 Encouraging customer’s participation.

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3.2 Inviting questions and feedback.
3.3 Involving the group in delivery of answers.
3.4 Answering at future time or referring other information sources for unknown answers
3.5 Maintaining communications with colleagues.
3.6 Implementing contingency plans for unexpected events.

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Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter room seating seating arrangement to be
 Organize the class room seating  Arrange the class room seating arrangement to be accessible for wheelchairs
arrangement to be accessible to trainees to be conducive for eye to eye accessible to users.
 Write short notes on the black/white contact trainees  Facilitate and support the
board using large text  Make sure the luminosity of  Speak loudly trainees who have severe
 Make sure the luminosity of the light of the light of class room is kept  Ensure the attention impairments on their upper
class room is kept  Introduce new and relevant of the trainees limbs to take note
 Use normal tone of voice vocabularies  Present the lecture  Provide Orientation on the
 Encourage trainees to record the lecture  Use short and clear sentences in video format physical feature of the work
in audio format  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Ensure the attention shop
 Provide Orientation on the physical and ensure the attention of the of the trainees
feature of the work shop trainees
 Summarize main points  Avoid movement during
lecture time
 Present the lecture in video
 Summarize main points

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Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear &  Facilitate and support the
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method trainees having severe upper
 Provide special attention in the process of  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video recorded limbs impairment to operate
guidance  Provide structured training material equipments/ machines
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Show clear and short method  Ensure the attention  Assign peer trainees to assist
 Prepare & use simulation  Use gesture of the trainees  Conduct close follow up
 Provide tutorial support  Provide tutorial  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) support (if necessary
(if necessary)

Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees with  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees with
discussion group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with group
 Introduce the trainees with other group  Conduct close follow up members
member  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the work other group member follow up
 Introduce the
trainees with other
group member
 Inform the group
members to speak

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Exercise  Conduct close follow up and guidance  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
 Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal hours
 provide special attention in the process  Provide tutorial support if guidance if necessary
necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the support if necessary
process/practical training  provide special
 Introduce new and relevant attention in the
vocabularies process/ practical
 prepare the assignment questions in large  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual text  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare and the assignment assignment
submit the assignment in large texts  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual
 Make available recorded assignment material recorded material
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard
Educational  Conduct close follow up and guidance  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
Tour  Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal hours
 provide special attention in the process  Provide tutorial support if guidance if necessary
necessary  Provide tutorial

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 provide special attention in the support if necessary
process/practical training  provide special
 Introduce new and relevant attention in the
vocabularies process/ practical

Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether  Using sign language interpreter if as an option for the
the proper communication necessary trainees having speech
was conducted with the challenges
trainee through the service of
the sign language interpreter
 Use short and clear
 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the exam in large texts  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam using short  Use oral response as
 Use interview as an option if sentences, multiple choices, sentences, multiple choices, true or an option to give
necessary True or False, matching and false, matching and short answers if answer for trainees
 Prepare the exam in audio short answers necessary. having severe upper
format  Avoid essay writing limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension  Time extension for
 (if necessary) trainees having severe
 Time extension upper limb impairment
Demonstration  Brief the instruction or  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based assessment  Provide activity based
/Observation provide them in large text  Brief on the instruction of the  Brief on the instruction of the exam assessment
 Time extension exam  Use loud voice  Conduct close follow

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 Provide activity-based/  Time extension up
practical assessment method  Time extension
 Time extension
Guest Lecture  Provide large print text  Introduce new and relevant  Speak loudly 
Discussion  Prepare the lecture in vocabularies  Ensure the attention of the trainees
Audio/video  Use short and clear sentences  Present the lecture in video format
 Use normal tone of voice  Give emphasis on visual  Ensure the attention of the trainees
Summarize main points lecture and ensure the
 Write short notes on the attention of the trainees
black/white board using large  Avoid movement during
text lecture time

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LO1. Prepare commentaries or activities for presentation to customers.

 Appropriate information is selected and organized to meet the needs of specific
customers, operational contexts and timing restrictions.
 Appropriate themes are selected or developed as a basis for commentaries or
 Commentaries or activities are constructed to maximize the potential for customer
enjoyment and learning.
 All support materials are obtained, checked and assembled in advance of the tour or

LO2. Present commentaries or activities to customers.

 Interpretive and presentation techniques are used to combine entertainment and
learning and to enhance the quality of the experience for the customer.
 Language appropriate to the customer group is used.
 Current, accurate and relevant information is presented in a logical order.
 Information of appropriate depth and breadth is presented for specific customer
 Information is presented in a manner that demonstrates cultural and social
 The presentation is paced according to timing requirements and operational
 Equipment and resources are used correctly and any equipment defects identified
and reported promptly.

LO3. Interact with customers.

 Customer participation within safety requirements is encouraged through effective use
of interpretive and presentation techniques.
 Questions and feedback from customers are invited both during and at the conclusion
of any commentary or activity.
 The whole group involved by repetition of the question and delivery of answer

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audible to all are answered questions courteously and correctly, if required.
 Where the answer to a question is unknown, offer to supply the answer at a future
time or refer the customer to other information sources.
 Communication with appropriate colleagues is maintained as required by specific tour
or activity circumstances.
 Contingency plans are implemented without delay when unexpected events occur and
presentation format, order or structure amended to minimize impact on customer

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Annex: Resource Requirements

CST TOG2 M05 0322, Preparing and Presenting Tour Commentaries

Item Category/Item Description/ Quanti Recommended

No. Specifications ty Ratio
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
TTTLM prepared by the
1. TTLM 25 1:1
2. Reference Books
2.1 Ethiopia: Complete Tour Guide / Ashenafi Nigussie,2016 5 1:5
Basic Amharic for Travel &
Practical Language
2.2 Ethiopia Highlights: Bradt Philip Briggs,2012 5 1:5
3 Journals/Publication/Magazines Up to dated 2 2:25
Learning Facilities &
Smart Room/Class Rooms with Standard
1. 1 1:25
its packages.
2. White Board, Standard 1 1:25
3. TV, LCD Projector Standard 1 1:25
4 Library Standard 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Duster whiteboard duster 1 1:25
Permanent, whiteboard
2 Marker, 2 pac 2:25
3 Flip chart Small 1 1:25
4 Pen Standard 25 1:1
5 Paper A4 1 1:25
6 Map Tourist Map 5 1:5
D. Tools and Equipments
1. Computer Dell 5 5:25
2 Binocular Standard 5 1:5

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3 GPS Standard 5 1:5
4 Camera Standard 1 1:25
5 Sleeping Bag Standard 25 1:1
6 Tent Standard 5 1:5
7 Mattress Standard 13 1:2
8 Torch light Standard 5 1:5

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MODULE TITLE: Providing Arrival and Departure Assistance
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module describes the performance outcomes, skills and
knowledge to offer arrival and departure assistance to customers between transport terminals and
accommodation. It requires the ability to check the customer's arrival and departure information,
reconfirm all operational aspects of the transportation and accommodation, and provide
customers with accurate information.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Conduct arrival transfers for visitor groups or individuals ,and load the ride and
equipment supplies
LO2. Deliver arrival information to visitors.
LO3. Check in and Check-out groups and individuals at accommodation.
LO4. Conduct departure transfers for groups and individuals.
LO5. Check equipment and supplies and Complete documentation
LO1. Conduct arrival transfers for visitor groups or individuals ,and Load the ride and
equipment supplies
1.1 Checking customer arrival information.
1.2 Supplying transport for the correct time and place.
1.3 Employing customer’s identification techniques at the transport terminal.
1.4 Using available terminal facilities.
1.5 Using passenger lists on recording.
1.6 Monitoring arrangements for the transport of baggage.
1.7 Lost baggage procedures for the transport operators at the terminals.
1.8 Performing a head count of visitor group.
1.9 Following established procedures for lost baggage.
1.10 Performing loading and unloading procedures.
1.11 Informing seat rotation procedure before the commencement of travel.

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LO2. Deliver arrival information to visitors.
2.1 Greeting customers for goodwill.
2.2 Providing information and advice

LO3. Check in and Check-out groups and individuals at accommodation.

3.1 Briefing customers on check-in procedures
3.2 Liaising staff during check-in.
3.3 Briefing customers on check out procedures.

LO4. Conduct departure transfers for groups and individuals.

4.1.Verifying departure details prior to transfer.
4.2.Organizing customers for departure.
4.3.Checking baggage prior to departure.
4.4.Assisting with transport check-in at the terminal.
4.5.Advising customers on general procedures that apply to departure.
4.6.Obtaining feedback on products and services.

LO5. Check equipment and supplies and Complete documentation

5.1.Selecting and checking equipment and supplies
5.2.Conducting safety checks
5.3.Completing accurate pre-departure documentation
5.4.Reporting problems and suggest improvements
5.5.Safe methods of packing in various forms of transportation.
5.6.Using formats and terminology in standard of customer travel documentation.

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Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter room seating seating arrangement to be
 Organize the class room seating  Arrange the class room arrangement to be accessible for wheelchairs
arrangement to be accessible to trainees seating to be conducive accessible to users.
 Write short notes on the black/white board for eye to eye contact trainees  Facilitate and support the
using large text  Make sure the  Speak loudly trainees who have severe
 Make sure the luminosity of the light of luminosity of the light  Ensure the attention impairments on their upper
class room is kept of class room is kept of the trainees limbs to take note
 Use normal tone of voice  Introduce new and  Present the lecture  Provide Orientation on the
 Encourage trainees to record the lecture in relevant vocabularies in video format physical feature of the work
audio format  Use short and clear  Ensure the attention shop
 Provide Orientation on the physical feature sentences of the trainees
of the work shop  Give emphasis on visual
 Summarize main points lecture and ensure the
attention of the trainees
 Avoid movement
during lecture time
 Present the lecture in

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video format
 Summarize main points
Demonstratio  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language  Illustrate in clear &  Facilitate and support the
n  Use verbal description interpreter short method trainees having severe upper
 Provide special attention in the process of  Use video recorded  Use Video recorded limbs impairment to operate
guidance material material equipments/ machines
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Ensure attention of the  Ensure the attention  Assign peer trainees to assist
 Prepare & use simulation trainees of the trainees  Conduct close follow up
 Provide structured  Provide tutorial  Provide tutorial support
training support (if necessary
 Show clear and short (if necessary)
 Use gesture
 Provide tutorial support
(if necessary)
Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees with  Use sign language  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees with
discussion group members interpreters integration of their peers
 Conduct close follow up  Facilitate the integration trainees with group
 Introduce the trainees with other group of trainees with group members
member members  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the work  Conduct close follow follow up
up  Introduce the

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 Introduce the trainees trainees with other
with other group group member
member  Inform the group
members to speak
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and guidance  Conduct close follow up  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
 Provide tutorial support if necessary and guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal hours
 provide special attention in the process  Provide tutorial support guidance if necessary
if necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special support if necessary
attention in the  provide special
process/practical attention in the
training process/ practical
 Introduce new and training
relevant vocabularies
 prepare the assignment questions in large  Use sign language  Provide briefing
Individual text interpreter /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare and  Provide briefing assignment
submit the assignment in large texts /orientation on the  Provide visual
 Make available recorded assignment assignment recorded material
questions  Provide visual recorded
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare and material

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submit the assignment in soft or hard copy

Terminal  Conduct close follow up and guidance  Conduct close follow up  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
Visit  Provide tutorial support if necessary and guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal hours
 provide special attention in the process  Provide tutorial support guidance if necessary
if necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special support if necessary
attention in the  provide special
process/practical attention in the
training process/ practical
 Introduce new and training
relevant vocabularies

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Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether  Using sign language interpreter if as an option for the
the proper communication necessary trainees having speech
was conducted with the challenges
trainee through the service of
the sign language interpreter
 Use short and clear
 Time extension
Written test Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam using short  Use oral response as
texts sentences, multiple choices, sentences, multiple choices, true or an option to give
 Use interview as an option True or False, matching and false, matching and short answers if answer for trainees
if necessary short answers necessary. having severe upper
 Prepare the exam in audio  Avoid essay writing limb impairment
format  Time extension  Time extension for
 Assign human reader trainees having severe
 (if necessary) upper limb
 Time extension impairment
Demonstration/  Brief the instruction or  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based assessment  Provide activity based
Observation provide them in large text  Brief on the instruction of  Brief on the instruction of the exam assessment
 Time extension the exam  Use loud voice  Conduct close follow
 Provide activity-based/  Time extension up
practical assessment method  Time extension
 Time extension

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LO1. Conduct arrival transfers for visitor groups or individuals, and Load the ride
and equipment supplies
 Customer arrival information is checked and noted accurately, and implements
promptly any action required to deal with alterations in schedule or delays.
 Transport for the correct time and place with transport supplier is supplied.
 Identification techniques should be employed that allow customers to locate the
guide at the transport terminal.
 Available terminal facilities is used correctly and fully to assist in meeting
 Passenger lists is used to accurately and legibly record arrivals, no-shows and other
 Establish and monitor arrangements for the transport of baggage from the terminal
prior to the arrival of the customer.
 Use checking procedures to ensure the correct number of baggage pieces and
passengers are transported.
 Follow established procedures for lost baggage promptly and correctly.
 Perform a head count of group visitors for verification.
 Perform loading procedures correctly, safely, promptly and according to organization
requirements and procedures.
 Load ride to the maximum number of persons approved to ride.
 Treat all customers in a courteous and friendly manner during loading.
 Inform passengers about seat rotation procedure before the commencement of travel.
LO.2 Deliver arrival information to visitors.
 Customers are greeted in a manner that encourages positive feelings of goodwill
towards the transfer, the company, the region and Ethiopia in general.
 Correct and adequate information and advice to be provided introduce them to the
local area.
LO.3 Check in and Check-out groups and individuals at accommodation
 Customers are briefed on accommodation check-in procedures to minimize confusion
and time delay on arrival at accommodation venue.
 Offer customers friendly and efficient assistance with accommodation check-in or
facilitate check-in on behalf of customers.

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 Accommodation staff is liaised during check-in to minimize any communication
difficulties between customers and accommodation staff.
 Customers are briefed on accommodation check out procedures to minimize confusion
and time delay on arrival at visiting sites/destination.
LO.4 Conduct departure transfers for groups and individuals.
 Departure details are verified with carriers prior to commencement of transfer and
take action according to a contingency plan if changes in schedule or other problems
 Customers are organized for departure from accommodation in a manner that
minimizes disruption in the hotel lobby.
 Passenger lists are used to accurately check details of all departing passengers and
ensure all are accounted for.
 Baggage is checked prior to departure using procedures that ensure that no items
are left behind.
 Advise customers to check belongings for accommodation keys, items stored
securely by the accommodation venue, tickets and passports.
 Advise customers correctly regarding procedures for any taxes, duty free
requirements, outgoing passenger cards and general procedures that apply to
departure from transport terminal.
 Obtain feedback on products and services courteously from customers and relay
information accurately to the company.
 Offer customers friendly and efficient assistance with transport check-in at the
terminal or facilitate check-in on behalf of customers.
LO5. Check equipment and supplies and Complete documentation
 Equipment and supplies are selected and checked against documented requirements
for correct quantity to minimize waste and maximize profitability and to ensure
appropriate quality
 Safety checks must be conducted according to organization procedures and statutory
 Complete accurate pre-departure documentation according to organization and
statutory requirements.
 Any identified problems are reported and suggest improvements.

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Annex: Resource Requirements

CST TOG2 M06 322, Providing Arrival and Departure Assistance

Item Category/Item Description/ Quant Recommended

No. Specifications ity Ratio
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
TTTLM prepared
1. TTLM 25 1:1
by the trainer
2. Reference Books
2.1 Tourist Guide to Addis Ababa ETC963.3TOU.- 5 1:5
A Guide to the Tribes - Omo Minalu adem963.3
2.2 5 1:5
Valley - Southern Ethiopia MIN.2014
3 Journals/Publication/Magazines Up to dated 2 2:25
Learning Facilities &
Smart Room/Class Rooms with its Standard
1. 1 1:25
2. White Board, Standard 1 1:25
3. TV, LCD Projector Standard 1 1:25
4. Library Standard 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Duster whiteboard duster 1 1:25
Permanent, 2
2 Marker, 2:25
whiteboard marker pac
3 Flip chart Sinarline 1 1:25
4 Pen Buna 25 1:1
5 Paper A4 Desta 1 1:25
6 Flash Disk Sony 3 3:25
D. Tools and Equipments
1. Computer Dell 5 5:25
2 Laptop Computer Lenovo Core i3 1 1:25

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MODULE TITLE: Working as a guide
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module describes the performance outcomes, skills and
knowledge required to work effectively as a guide. It covers key legal, ethical, safety,
environmental and professional development issues that must be considered by guides in their
day-to-day work. It is an essential skill for all guides and underpins all guiding activities.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Apply knowledge of the guiding sector.
LO2. Guide tours according to safety, ethical and legal requirements.
LO3. Develop guiding skills and knowledge.
LO4. Communicate with tourism industry operators.

LO1. Apply knowledge of the guiding sector.

1.1. Conducting day-to-day guiding activities.
1.2. Identifying key guide information sources and contacts.
1.3. Using industry knowledge and guide networks.

LO2. Guide tours according to safety, ethical and legal requirements.

2.1 Conducting guiding activities based on legal requirements.
2.2 Participating in risk assessments
2.3 Guiding tours according to general ethics of guiding and specific ethical considerations
2.4 Guiding tours according to safely requirements
2.5 Guiding tours with minimal impact on the social-cultural & natural environment.

LO3. Develop guiding skills and knowledge

3.1 Identifying opportunities to update knowledge and skills required by guide.
3.2 Identifying sources of assistance and support for guides
3.3 Sharing knowledge with colleagues and local communities.

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LO4. Communicate with tourism industry operators.
4.1 Articulating information using acceptable languages in the industry.
4.2 Achieving mutual understanding relevant to guiding activities.
4.3 Providing information on special request.
4.4 Communicating according to social, cultural and business requirements.
4.5 Providing solutions to operational problems consulting with tourism operators.
4.6 Updating and reporting information regarding changes at destination.

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Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
trainees Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment

Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter room seating seating arrangement to be
 Organize the class room seating  Arrange the class room seating arrangement to be accessible for wheelchairs
arrangement to be accessible to trainees to be conducive for eye to eye accessible to users.
 Write short notes on the black/white contact trainees  Facilitate and support the
board using large text  Make sure the luminosity of  Speak loudly trainees who have severe
 Make sure the luminosity of the light the light of class room is kept  Ensure the attention impairments on their upper
of class room is kept  Introduce new and relevant of the trainees limbs to take note
 Use normal tone of voice vocabularies  Present the lecture  Provide Orientation on the
 Encourage trainees to record the lecture  Use short and clear sentences in video format physical feature of the work
in audio format  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Ensure the attention shop
 Provide Orientation on the physical and ensure the attention of the of the trainees
feature of the work shop trainees
 Summarize main points  Avoid movement during
lecture time
 Present the lecture in video
 Summarize main points
Demonstration  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear &  Facilitate and support the
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method trainees having severe upper
 Provide special attention in the process  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video recorded limbs impairment to operate
of guidance  Provide structured training material equipments/ machines
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Show clear and short method  Ensure the attention  Assign peer trainees to assist
 Prepare & use simulation  Use gesture of the trainees  Conduct close follow up
 Provide tutorial support  Provide tutorial  Provide tutorial support

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(if necessary) support (if necessary
(if necessary)

Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees with
discussion with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with group
 Introduce the trainees with other group  Conduct close follow up members
member  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the work other group member follow up
 Introduce the
trainees with other
group member
 Inform the group
members to speak
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and guidance  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
 Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal hours
 provide special attention in the process  Provide tutorial support if guidance if necessary
necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the support if necessary
process/practical training  provide special
 Introduce new and relevant attention in the
vocabularies process/ practical
 prepare the assignment questions in  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual large text  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare and the assignment assignment
submit the assignment in large texts  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual
 Make available recorded assignment material recorded material

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 Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard
Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether  Using sign language interpreter if as an option for the
the proper communication necessary trainees having speech
was conducted with the challenges
trainee through the service of
the sign language interpreter
 Use short and clear
 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the exam in large texts  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam using short  Use oral response as
 Use interview as an option if sentences, multiple choices, sentences, multiple choices, true or an option to give
necessary True or False, matching and false, matching and short answers if answer for trainees
 Prepare the exam in audio short answers necessary. having severe upper
format  Avoid essay writing limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension  Time extension for
 (if necessary) trainees having severe
 Time extension upper limb impairment
Demonstration  Brief the instruction or  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based assessment  Provide activity based
/Observation provide them in large text  Brief on the instruction of the  Brief on the instruction of the exam assessment
 Time extension exam  Use loud voice  Conduct close follow
 Provide activity-based/  Time extension up
practical assessment method  Time extension
 Time extension
Guest Lecture  Provide large print text  Introduce new and relevant  Speak loudly 

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Discussion  Prepare the lecture in vocabularies  Ensure the attention of the trainees
Audio/video  Use short and clear sentences  Present the lecture in video format
 Use normal tone of voice  Give emphasis on visual  Ensure the attention of the trainees
Summarize main points lecture and ensure the
 Write short notes on the attention of the trainees
black/white board using large  Avoid movement during
text lecture time

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LO1. Apply knowledge of the guiding sector.

 Day-to-day guiding activities are conducted in a manner that takes account of the
roles and responsibilities of different types of guides and work in harmony with their
fellow guides.
 Key guide information sources and contacts are identified.
 Industry knowledge and guide networks are used to enhance the quality of guiding
services provided to customers.

LO2. Guide tours according to safety, ethical and legal requirements.

 Day-to-day guiding activities are conducted according to the legal requirements
governing the industry.
 Actively and regularly participate in risk assessments according to established
organizational policies and procedures and identify situations where a risk
assessment may be required.
 Tours are guided according to general ethics of guiding and specific ethical
considerations for particular contexts.
 Tours are guided according to safety requirements and in a manner that minimizes
risk to customers and colleague
 Tours are guided in a manner that minimizes any negative impact on the social-
cultural or natural environment.

LO3. Develop guiding skills and knowledge

 Opportunities to update the knowledge and skills required by guides are identified
and used.
 Sources of assistance and support for guides are identified and accessed when
 Knowledge is shared with colleagues and local community to enhance the quality of
service provided to customers.

LO4. Communicate with tourism industry operators.

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 Information is articulated clearly using acceptable languages in the industry.
 Mutual understanding is achieved and agreed on details relevant to guiding activities.
 Accurate information and explanations about customer requirements and any special
requests are provided.
 Communication is done according to social, cultural and business requirements.
 The nature and key facts of operational problems are identified and provided an
appropriate solution by consulting and openly communicating with the tourism
 Information regarding change in the scenario of the destination is updated and

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Annex: Resource Requirements

CST TOG2 M07 322, Working as a Guide

Item Category/Item Description/ Quantity Recommended

No. Specifications Ratio
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
TTTLM prepared
1. TTLM 25 1:1
by the trainer
2. Reference Books
2.1 Tourist Guide to Addis Ababa ETC963.3TOU.- 5 1:5
A Guide to the Tribes – Omo Minalu adem963.3
2.2 5 1:5
Valley – Southern Ethiopia MIN.2014
Exodus: South Ethiopia - Travel BereketMatusala9
2.3 5 1:5
Guide Vol. 2 63.3BER.2016
3 Journals/Publication/Magazines Up to dated 2 2:25
Learning Facilities &
Smart Room/Class Rooms with its Standard
1. 1 1:25
2. White Board, Standard 1 1:25
3. TV, LCD Projector Standard 1 1:25
4 Library Standard 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Duster whiteboard duster 1 1:25
2 Marker, 2 pac 2:25
whiteboard marker
3 Flip chart Small 1 1:25
4 Pen Standard 25 1:1
5 Paper A4 1 1:25
D. Tools and Equipments
1. Computer Desktop 5 5:25
2 Binocular Standard 5 1:5
3 GPS Standard 5 1:5

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4 Camera Standard 1 1:25
5 Sleeping Bag Standard 25 1:1
6 Tent Standard 5 1:5
7 Mattress Standard 13 1:2
8 Torch light Standard 5 1:5

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MODULE TITLE: Maintaining Financial Records
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module describes the skills and knowledge required to the
concepts of accounting, maintains daily financial records such as reconciling debtors’ and
creditors’ systems, and trial balance and includes activities associated with monitoring cash
control for hospitality purposes. It specifically includes the skills and knowledge needed to
estimate/calculate manual load shifting requirements.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
Lo1. Understands basic accounting
Lo2. Maintains daily financial records
Lo3. Monitors cash control
LO1. Understand basic accounting
1.1.Defining and understanding basic accounting
1.2.Classifying and describing accounts.
1.3.Analyzing business transaction.
LO2 Maintain daily financial records
2.1 Maintaining daily financial records in accordance with organizational requirements
2.2 Understanding bookkeeping terminology
2.3 Understanding bookkeeping cycle
2.4 Principles of bookkeeping
2.5 Identifying and rectifying discrepancies or errors in documentation
2.6 Communicating transactions to designated persons
2.7 Entering credit and debit transactions into journals
LO3. Monitor cash control
3.1 Ensuring cash flow for accuracy of accounts
3.2 Making and receiving payments
3.3 Collecting or following ooutstanding accounts within designated timelines.
3.4 Checking payment documentation and dispatching to creditors

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For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)

trainees Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment

Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in Audio/video interpreter room seating seating arrangement to be
 Organize the class room seating  Arrange the class room seating arrangement to be accessible for wheelchairs
arrangement to be accessible to trainees to be conducive for eye to eye accessible to users.
 Write short notes on the black/white board contact trainees  Facilitate and support the
using large text  Make sure the luminosity of  Speak loudly trainees who have severe
 Make sure the luminosity of the light of the light of class room is kept  Ensure the attention impairments on their
class room is kept  Introduce new and relevant of the trainees upper limbs to take note
 Use normal tone of voice vocabularies  Present the lecture  Provide Orientation on the
 Encourage trainees to record the lecture in  Use short and clear sentences in video format physical feature of the
audio format  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Ensure the attention work shop
 Provide Orientation on the physical feature and ensure the attention of the of the trainees
of the work shop trainees
 Summarize main points  Avoid movement during
lecture time
 Present the lecture in video

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 Summarize main points
Demonstratio  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear &  Facilitate and support the
n  Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method trainees having severe
 Provide special attention in the process of  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video recorded upper limbs impairment to
guidance  Provide structured training material operate equipments/
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Show clear and short method  Ensure the attention machines
 Prepare & use simulation  Use gesture of the trainees  Assign peer trainees to
 Provide tutorial support  Provide tutorial assist
(if necessary) support  Conduct close follow up
(if necessary)  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary
Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees with  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees with
discussion group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with group
 Introduce the trainees with other group  Conduct close follow up members
member  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the work other group member follow up
 Introduce the
trainees with other
group member
 Inform the group
members to speak

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Exercise  Conduct close follow up and guidance  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close  Assign peer trainees
 Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance follow up and  Use additional nominal
 provide special attention in the process  Provide tutorial support if guidance hours if necessary
necessary  Provide tutorial
 provide special attention in the support if necessary
process/practical training  provide special
 Introduce new and relevant attention in the
vocabularies process/ practical
 prepare the assignment questions in large  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual text  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare and the assignment assignment
submit the assignment in large texts  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual
 Make available recorded assignment material recorded material
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare and
submit the assignment in soft or hard copy

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Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether  Using sign language interpreter if as an option for the
the proper communication necessary trainees having
was conducted with the speech challenges
trainee through the service of
the sign language interpreter
 Use short and clear
 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the exam in large texts  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam using short  Use oral response as
 Use interview as an option if sentences, multiple choices, sentences, multiple choices, true or an option to give
necessary True or False, matching and false, matching and short answers if answer for trainees
 Prepare the exam in audio short answers necessary. having severe upper
format  Avoid essay writing limb impairment
 Assign human reader  Time extension  Time extension for
 (if necessary) trainees having
 Time extension severe upper limb
Demonstration  Brief the instruction or  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based assessment  Provide activity
/Observation provide them in large text  Brief on the instruction of the  Brief on the instruction of the exam based assessment
 Time extension exam  Use loud voice  Conduct close follow
 Provide activity-based/  Time extension up
practical assessment method  Time extension
 Time extension

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LO1. Understand basic accounting
 Basic accounting is defined and understood to perform company’s financial information
 Efficiently and effectively in accordance with the requirement of organization.
 Accounts are classified and described in accordance within the organization.
 Business transaction is analyzed and identified accurately and completely within
organizational timelines

LO2. Maintain daily financial records

 Daily financial records are maintained in accordance with organizational
requirements for accounting purposes
 Discrepancies or errors are identified and rectified in documentation
 Transactions are communicated to designated persons in accordance with
organizational requirements
 Credit and debit transactions are promptly and accurately entered into journals in
accordance with organizational requirements

LO3. Monitor cash control

 Cash flow is ensured for accuracy of accounts in accordance with organizational and
legislative requirements
 Payments are made and received in accordance with organizational and legislative
 Outstanding accounts are collected or followed up within designated timelines
 Payment documentation is checked for accuracy of information and dispatch to
creditors within designated timeline

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Annex: Resource Requirements

CST TOG2 M08 322, Maintaining Financial Records

Item Category/Item Description/ Quant Recommended

No. Specifications ity Ratio
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
TTTLM prepared
1. TTLM 25 1:1
by the trainer
2. Reference Books
2.1 Accounting Principles - 16th ed. Warren, F 5 1:5
Accounting for the Travel Agent: Madden, D.,1972
2.2 An Approach to Effective 5 1:5
Accounting for Hospitality, Owen, G.,1998
2.3 5 1:5
Tourism and Leisure - Second ed.
3 Journals/Publication/Magazines Up to dated 2 2:25
Learning Facilities &
Smart Room/Class Rooms with its Standard
1. 1 1:25
2. White Board, Standard 1 1:25
3. TV, LCD Projector Standard 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Duster whiteboard duster 1 1:25
Permanent, 2
2 Marker 2:25
whiteboard marker pac
3 Flip chart Small 1 1:25
4 Pen Standard 25 1:1
5 Paper A4 1 1:25
D. Tools and Equipments
1. Computer Desktop 5 5:25
2. Calculator Standard 5 1:5

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MODULE TITLE: Applying 5S Procedures
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module describes the knowledge, skills and attitude required
to apply 5S techniques to his/her workplace. It covers responsibility for the day-to-day
operations of the workplace and ensuring that continuous improvements of Kaizen elements are
initiated and institutionalized.
At the end of the module the trainee will be able to:
LO1. Prepares for work
LO2. Sorts items.
LO3. Sets all items in order.
LO4. Perform shine activities.
LO5. Standardizes 5S.
LO6. Sustains 5S.
LO1. Prepare for work
1.1. Understanding the principle of Kaizen.
1.1.1 Key characteristic of Kaizen
1.1.2 Concept and benefits of 5S
1.1.3 Three stages of 5S application
1.2. Reading and interpreting job specifications
1.3. Observing OHS requirement throughout the work
1.4. Preparing tools and equipment to implement 5S.
1.5. Identifying and checking safety equipment and tools
1.6. Preparing and using Kaizen Board (Visual Management Board)

LO2. Sort items.

2.1.Preparing plans to implement sorting activities
2.2.Performing cleaning activities
2.3.Identifying all items in the workplace

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2.4.Listing necessary and unnecessary items
2.3.1. The concept and application of red tag strategy
2.3.2. Wastes/MUDA
2.5.Recording and quantifying necessary items
2.6.Reporting Performance results
2.7.Checking necessary items regularly.
LO3 Set all items in order.
3.1 Preparing plan to implement set in order activities.
3.2 Performing general cleaning activities.
3.3 Deciding Location/Layout, storage and indication methods.
3.4 Preparing and using necessary tools and equipment
3.5 Placing items in their assigned locations.
3.6 Returning items after use to their assigned locations.
LO4. Perform shine activities.
4.1 Preparing plan to implement shine activities.
4.2 Preparing and using tools and equipment for shinning.
4.3 Implementing shining activities.
LO5. Standardize 5S.
5.1 Preparing plan to standardize 5S activities.
5.2 Preparing tools and techniques to standardize 5S.
5.3 Reporting checklists to relevant personnel.
5.4 Keeping workplace to the specified standard .
5.5 Avoiding problems by standardizing activities

LO6. Sustain 5S.

6.1 Preparing and following plan to sustain 5S activities.
6.2 Implementing tools and techniques to sustain 5S.
6.3 Inspecting workplace regularly for compliance to specified standard
6.4 Recommending improvements.
6.5 Following checklists to sustain activities.
6.6 Working with others
6.7 Avoiding problems by sustaining activities

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Learning Methods:
For none Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Low Vision Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class room Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in Audio/video  Arrange the class room seating to seating arrangement to seating arrangement to be
 Organize the class room seating arrangement be conducive for eye to eye be accessible to trainees accessible for wheelchairs
to be accessible to trainees contact  Speak loudly users.
 Write short notes on the black/white board  Make sure the luminosity of the  Ensure the attention of Facilitate and support the
using large text light of class room is kept the trainees trainees who have severe
 Make sure the luminosity of the light of  Introduce new and relevant  Present the lecture in impairments on their upper
class room is kept vocabularies video format limbs to take note
 Use normal tone of voice  Use short and clear sentences  Ensure the attention of Provide Orientation on the
 Encourage trainees to record the lecture in  Give emphasis on visual lecture the trainees physical feature of the
audio format and ensure the attention of the work shop
 Provide Orientation on the physical feature of trainees
the work shop  Avoid movement during lecture
 Summarize main points time
 Present the lecture in video format
 Summarize main points
Demonstration Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear &  Facilitate and support the
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method trainees having severe

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 Provide special attention in the process of  Ensure attention of the trainees  Use Video recorded upper limbs impairment to
guidance  Provide structured training material operate equipments/
 facilitate the support of peer trainees  Show clear and short method  Ensure the attention of machines
 Prepare & use simulation  Use gesture ,Provide tutorial the trainees  Assign peer trainees to
support (if necessary) rovide tutorial support assist
(if necessary)  Conduct close follow up
 provide tutorial support
(if necessary
Group  Facilitate the integration of trainees with  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the integration Introduce the trainees with
discussion group members  Facilitate the integration of of trainees with group their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members members
 Introduce the trainees with other group  Conduct close follow up  Conduct close follow
member  Introduce the trainees with other up
 Brief the thematic issues of the work group member  Introduce the trainees
with other group
 Inform the group
members to speak
Exercise  Conduct close follow up and guidance  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up
 Assign peer trainees
 Provide tutorial support if necessary guidance and guidance  Use additional nominal
 provide special attention in the process  Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support hours if necessary

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necessary if necessary
 provide special attention in the  provide special
process/practical training attention in the process/
 Introduce new and relevant practical training
 prepare the assignment questions in large  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual text  Provide briefing /orientation on the /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare and submit assignment assignment
the assignment in large texts  Provide visual recorded material  Provide visual recorded
 Make available recorded assignment material
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare and submit
the assignment in soft or hard copy

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Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign language interpreter if as an option for the
proper communication was necessary trainees having speech
conducted with the trainee challenges
through the service of the sign
language interpreter
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written test  Prepare the exam in large texts  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam using short sentences, Use oral response as
 Use interview as an option if sentences, multiple choices, True multiple choices, true or false, matching an option to give
necessary or False, matching and short and short answers if necessary. answer for trainees
 Prepare the exam in audio format answers having severe upper
 Assign human reader  Avoid essay writing limb impairment
 (if necessary)  Time extension  Time extension for
 Time extension trainees having severe
upper limb impairment
Demonstration/ Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based assessment  Provide activity based
Observation them in large text  Brief on the instruction of the  Brief on the instruction of the exam assessment
 Time extension exam  Use loud voice  Conduct close follow
 Provide activity-based/ practical  Time extension up
assessment method  Time extension
 Time extension

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Lo1. Prepare for work.
 Work instructions are used to determine job requirements, including method,
material and equipment.
 Job specifications are read and interpreted following working manual.
 Ohs requirements, including dust and fume collection, breathing apparatus and eye
and ear personal protection needs are observed throughout the work.
 Tools and equipment are prepared and used to implement 5s.
 Safety equipment and tools are identified and checked for safe and effective
 Kaizen board (visual management board) is prepared and used in harmony with
different workplace contexts.
Lo2. Sort items.
 Plan is prepared to implement sorting activities.
 Cleaning activities are performed.
 All items in the workplace are identified following the appropriate procedures.
 Necessary and unnecessary items are listed using the appropriate format.
 Red tag strategy is used for unnecessary items.
 Unnecessary items are evaluated and placed in an appropriate place other than the
 Necessary items are recorded and quantified using appropriate format.
 Performance results are reported using appropriate formats.
 Necessary items are regularly checked in the workplace.

Lo3. Set all items in order.

 Plan is prepared to implement set in order activities.
 General cleaning activities are performed.
 Location/layout, storage and indication methods for items are decided.
 Necessary tools and equipment are prepared and used for setting in order activities.
 Items are placed in their assigned locations.
 After use, the items are immediately returned to their assigned locations.
 Performance results are reported using appropriate formats.
 Each item is regularly checked in its assigned location and order.

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Lo4. Perform shine activities.
 Plan is prepared to implement shine activities.
 Necessary tools and equipment are prepared and used for shinning activities.
 Shine activity is implemented using appropriate procedures.
 Performance results are reported using appropriate formats.
 Regular shining activities are conducted.

Lo5. Standardize 5s.

 Plan is prepared and used to standardize 5s activities.
 Tools and techniques to standardize 5s are prepared and implemented based on
relevant procedures.
 Checklists are followed for standardize activities and reported to relevant personnel.
 The workplace is kept to the specified standard.
 Problems are avoided by standardizing activities.

Lo6. Sustain 5s.

 Plan is prepared and followed to sustain 5s activities.
 Tools and techniques to sustain 5s are discussed, prepared and implemented based on
relevant procedures.
 Workplace is inspected regularly for compliance to specified standard and
sustainability of 5s techniques.
 Workplace is cleaned up after completion of job and before commencing next job or
end of shift.
 Situations are identified where compliance to standards is unlikely and actions
specified in procedures are taken.
 Improvements are recommended to lift the level of compliance in the workplace.
 Checklists are followed to sustain activities and report to relevant personnel.
 Problems are avoided by sustaining activities.

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Annex: Resource Requirements

CST TOG2 MO9 322, Apply 5S Procedures

Item Category/Item Description/ Quantity Recommended

No. Specifications Ratio
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
TTTLM prepared
1. TTLM 25 1:1
by the trainer
2. Reference Books 2 2:25
Learning Facilities &
Smart Room/Class Rooms with its Standard
1. 1 1:25
2. White Board, Standard 1 1:25
3. TV, LCD Projector Standard 1 1:25
4 Library Standard 1 1:25
C. Consumable Materials
1. Duster, Marker, White board 1 pac 1:25
2 pen Standard 1pac 1:25
D. Tools and Equipments
1. Computer Core i3 1 1:25
2 LCD Standard 1 1:25
3 Broom Standard 3 3:25
4 Mop Standard 5 5:25
5 Dust bin Standard 4 4:25

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The Ministry of Labor and Skills and TVET Institute wishes to thank and forward an
appreciation to the experts who donated their effort and time to develop this outcome based on
curriculum for the TVET program Tour Guiding Level II.

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No Name Qualification Educational Region College Mobile number E-mail
1 MINYAMIR ASRAT ENYEW BA Degree Tourism Mgt AA Industry +251 913 97 0068

2 KEBEDE BEKELE URGA MA Degree BA Tourism Mgt Dire Dire dawa +251 910 91 5831
MBA Masters of Dawa poly Technic
Business Admin College
3 ABERA AKELE TESO BA Degree Tourism Dev’t Benshang Asossa Poly 0922098404
ul Gumuz technic
Asossa College(APT
4 YESHITILA AMBACHEW BA Degree Tourism Amhara D/tabor poly 0924473670
BEZIE management technic
5 ABIY NIGUSSIE TESFAYE MA Degree BA Tourism Mgt A.A TTI 0921346710
MA Masters in
The experts who developed the curriculum

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