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Test and TOS
Lesson Outline
English 9
Chapter 1: Poetry
Chapter Objectives

At the end of the chapter, the students are expected to:

1. define poetry, its types, forms, and kinds.

2. identify the type, form and kind of poetry presented.
3. give examples of the different types, forms, and kinds of poetry.
4. differentiate between and among the uses of poetry.
5. select the appropriate adjective to modify the given nouns; and,
6. exhibit independence in writing sentences using the correct form, order, and uses of poetry.

Syllabus Design Adopted:

Total Time Allotment: 12 Hours

Time Allotted Topics Subtopics

2.0 What is a Poetry? Definition and Purposes of
Types of Poetry Free Verse Poetry
Haiku Poetry
2.0 Sonnet Poetry
Limerick Poetry
Acrostic Poetry
Ballad Poetry
Elegy Poetry
Ode Poetry
Epigram Poetry
Blank Verse Poetry
Forms of Poetry: Degree of Sonnet Form
Comparison Haiku Form
2.0 Limerick Form
Free Verse Form
Villanelle Form
Sestina Form
Kinds and Order of Poetry Lyric Poetry
Narrative Poetry
2.0 Dramatic Poetry

Prose and Poetry Difference and similarities


Uses of Poetry Self-Expression

2.0 Social Commentary
Religious or Spiritual
Table of Specifications
English 9
First Grading Period S.Y. 2023-2024
Chapter 1 Summative Test

Number of Items per Domain Number of

(Blooms Taxonomy of Items per Topic
Time Thinking)
Topic/s Spent Remembering Understanding Analyzing Applying Evaluating Creating
Actual Adjusted

Poetry 9 2 2 2 1 2 12 9

Types of Poetry 2 2 3 2 2 2.66 9

Forms of Poetry 2 3 3 2 2 2.66 9

Kinds and order of Poetry 11 3 3 2 2 2 14.66 11

Uses of Poetry 10 2 2 2 1 3 2 13.33 10

Prose and Poetry

11 3 3 2 1 1 2 14.66 11

Total Number of Items 45 15 10 10 10 5 10 59.97 59

30% 20% 20% 10% 10% 10% 60
Item Placement 1-13 14-34 35-38 39-44 45-50 51-60
Test Type/s
Multiple Multiple Fill in the Fill in Multiple Multipl
choices choices Blanks the choices e
Blanks choices
Computation of the Number of Items

A. Number of items based on time spent per topic

Time Percentage of Time Number of

Spent Spent for Each Items per
Topic/s (Hours) Topic Topic
Decimal Percentage (Actual

Poetry 9 0.2 12
Types of Poetry 2 0.04 2.66
Forms of Poetry 2 0.04 2.66
Kinds and order of Poetry 11 0.24 14.66
Uses of Poetry 10 0.22 13.33
Prose and Poetry 0.16
11 0.4 14.66
Total 45 1.14 100% 60

B. Number of items based on Blooms Taxonomy of Thinking

Domains Percentage Number of

of Items Items per
per Domain Domain
Remembering 30% 15
Understanding 20% 16
Analyzing 20% 7
Applying 10% 7
Evaluating 10% 5
Creating 10% 10
Total 100% 60
Name: Score:

Section: Date:

English 9
First Grading Period S.Y. 2023-2024
Chapter 1 Summative Test

I. Directions: Read and analyze the following statements carefully. Choose and write the letter of the best answer
before the number. Avoid erasures and multiple answers. USE CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY.

1. What is the foot and meter of a sonnet?

A. iambic hexameter C. trochaic trimester
B. iambic pentameter D. trochaic dimeter

2. Which of the following refers to the last two lines of a Shakespearian sonnet?
A. tercet B. sestet C. octave D. couplet

3. What feature of poetry refers to a group of poetic lines?

A. rhyme B. rhythm C. sound D. stanza

4. Which of the following terms refers to the speaker in poetry?

A. meter B. persona C. structure D. sense
5. He is known as a writer of social protest and was deeply concerned with the economic and political fall-out as a result of
First World War. He is also the writer of the poem I Think Continually of Those Who Are Truly Great.
a. Robert Burns b. Stephen Spender c. George Santayana d. William Shakespeare

6. To whom does the poem I Think Continually of Those Who Are Truly Great pay tribute for?
a. To classical poets
b. To the heroes and known individuals of the present
c. To the past heroes who had contributed to the society that we live today
d. All of the above

7. Which of the following elements of prose refers to the threads of events in a story?
A. character B. climax C. plot D. theme

8. Which of the following refers to the feeling the author creates using story details, setting and images?
A. character B. mood C. point of viewD. setting

9. This refers to the interlocking rhymes which is usually found in four-line stanzas and includes ABAB pattern.
a. Alternate Rhyme b. Enclosed Rhyme c. Limerick Rhyme d. Ballad Rhyme

10. A terza rima ends with a couplet rhyming with the middle line of the penultimate stanza. How many tercets does it
comprise then?
a. Two Tercets b. Three Tercets c. Four Tercets d. Five Tercets

11. Concerning the distinct features of different rhyme schemes, how does villanelle conclude?.
a. It concludes with a four-line stanza with the pattern ABAA.
b. It concludes with an enclosed rhyme ABBA
c. It concludes with a couplet.
d. It concludes with a triplet.

12. Which of the following complete these lines from Sonnet 29 written by George Santayana?
“I hope for _________, since the stars endure
And bring such tidings as our __________ had.”

a. justice, land b. heaven, father c. peace, history d. love, ancestors

13. What is the rhyme scheme of the following lines?

What riches have you that you deem me poor,

Or what large comfort that you call me sad?
Tell me what makes you so exceeding glad:
Is your earth happy or your heaven sure?


14. Most adverbs of manner are made by adding -ly to their corresponding ________.
a. Verb b. Noun c. Adjective d. Adverb

15. I couldn't hear him because he was speaking too _______ .

a. softly b. silently c. gently d. loudly

16. I know Gunther _____ because we are best friends since childhood.
a. good b. nice c. well d. fine

17. This element is a feeling that the story gives the reader. It could make you feel sad, happy or scared.
a. Theme b. Paragraph c. Mood d. Characters

18. This element shows who is narrating the story. It could be a narrator or it could be a character.
a. point of view b. theme c. setting d. characters

19. This refers to a literary piece which is written in the pattern of ordinary spoken language and within the common flow
of conversation.
a Prose b. Poetry c. Neither A nor B d. None of these

20. The following are examples of non-fiction prose, EXCEPT:

a. Diary b. Autobiography c. Short Story d. Journal

21. This refers to the peak of the story, a major event occurs in which the main character faces a major enemy, fear,
challenge, or other source of conflict.
a. Rising Action b. Climax c. Falling Action d. Denoument

22. Non-fiction is any literary work that is based mainly on fact. Thus, may it contain fictional elements?
a. Yes b. No c. Neither A nor B d. None of these

23. Which of the following is NOT found in poetry?

a. Rhyme Scheme b. Stanza c. Rhythm d. Paragraph

24. Which of the following comprise the structure of a poem?

a. Lines and stanzas c. Sentences and stanzas
b. Lines and paragraphs d. Sentences and paragraphs

25. This refers to the writer’s or speaker’s attitude toward the subject or topic in a poetry composition.
a. Imagery b. Mood c. Tone d. Symbolism

26. This refers to creating mental picture that appeals to one or more of the reader’s five senses. It makes use of
descriptive language or sensory words.
a. Imagery b. Mood c. Tone d. Symbolism

27. Which of the following addresses sense of smell which provides made- believe odor, aroma or scent?
a. Auditory b. Gustatory c. Tactile d. Olfactory

28. The following are examples of abstract concepts, EXCEPT:

a. Peace b. Circle of Life c. Bird in Flight d. Freedom

29. Which of the following is TRUE about literature?

a. Literature indeed reflects the society, its good values, and its ills.
b. It is corrective function, literature mirrors the pain of the society with a view of realizing its mistakes and making
c. Literature projects in the society for people to emulate
d. All of the above.

30. The term VUCA was first used in military education and later adopted in many industries and businesses. Eventually,
authors incorporate VUCA in their writings and readers begin to analyze such. The acronym VUCA stands for ________.
a. Volatile, Unknown, Complex, Ambiguous
b. Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous
c. Volatile, Uncertain, Contagious, Ambiguous
d. Volatile. Unpredictable, Complete, Ambiguous

31. In reference to the position of adverb of manner in sentence, which of the following is written incorrectly?
a. He ate greedily the chocolate cake.
b. He ate the chocolate cake greedily.
c. He greedily ate the chocolate cake.
d. None of the above.

32. Which of these statements about adverbs is FALSE?

a. We use an adverb to say how something happens.
b. We use an adverb to say how often something happens.
c. We use an adverb to say when or where something happens.
d. We use an adverb in place of a noun.

33. Which sentence has the adverb in the correct position?

a. We went last year to Morocco on holiday.
b. The team played brilliantly.
c. She played softly the piano.
d. I'm going to carry carefully the eggs.

34. In accordance to the rule on the position of adverb of time in a sentence, which of the following is written correctly?
a. The newspaper is published weekly.
b. I saw seven times the movie.
c. He once a week visits his mother.
d. He talked for an hour at the rally.

II. Fill in the Blanks

A. For items 35-38, Identify the type of social issues mentioned in the given situations. Refer your answers provided
in the box.
a. Poverty b. Social Injustice c. Oppression d. Climate Change e. Bullying

35. John works for a construction company. His co-workers found out he was a gay and started calling him “Jenny”
36. Sam is a new student at your school, from the start of the school year until today some of your classmates are
destroying his things and some have been laughing behind his back.
37. Minda has been working for a year and a half as an OFW in the Middle East, since then she was only able to send
money thrice to her family because her employer was not giving the exact salary written in the contract and sometimes
beating her causes some bruises.
38. Rob was amazed by his grandfather’s story, that during their time the forests are rich in plants and animals, waters are
fresh from the well, temperature is good for everyone to make their own food out of their own labor and people are living
peacefully. Now, all Rob can hear in the news are the extreme weather conditions, floods, typhoons, earthquake, and many
other calamities that affect human lives.

B. For items 39-41, identify the descriptions/statements in the movie series Game of Thrones in reference to elements
of prose. Refer your answers given on the box.

a. Characters b. Setting c. Plot d. Theme

39. The story takes place in the Land of Westeros and Essos and the story begins in 289 AC (Years after Aegon’s
40. Because there are many conflicts in the book that develop at the same time, the antagonists and protagonists are not
universal to the whole story but they are relevant to the conflict they take part in. Such a pair is Eddard Stark (protagonist)
and Cersei Lannister (antagonist).
41. Many times characters face choices that pit their loyalties to their oaths and duties against their loyalties to the people
they love. Thus, the story revolves on conflicting demand of duty and love.

C. For items 42-44, determine what sound devices are used in the following lines of Edgar Allan Poe’s The Bells.
Refer your answers on the choices given on the box.
a. Alliteration b. Assonance c. Consonance d. Onomatopoeia e. Repitition

42. Hear the mellow wedding bells, Golden bells! What a world of happiness their harmony foretells!"
43. What a tale of terror now their turbulency tells!
44. To the swinging and the ringing…Of the bells, bells, bells,…Of the bells, bells, bells, bells,…Bells, bells, bells –
To the rhyming and the chiming of the bells!

45. People face a lot of challenges and problems as they experienced excessive flooding in their area. The government
works hard to respond to their needs yet because of some unavoidable circumstances, the basic necessities come a little
late. Which value/character should enable us to wait a little more?
a. care b. determination c. loyalty d. patience

46. What personal value of the speaker is being described in the given text?

Good Deed

I learned about the joy of

helping others when I was in
kindergarten. One of my
classmates had forgotten his
a. helping others c. friendship
b. chances to help people d. greatest happiness

47. The social issue discussed in the text is poverty. If you were the government, how would you resolve it?
“Poverty is hunger. Poverty is a. Let the families in rural areas stay and work in provinces.
lack of shelter. Poverty is being
b. Provide low-end service jobs for workers moving out of agriculture.
sick and not being able to see a
doctor. Poverty is not having c. Create more better jobs and offer more opportunities for the marginalized sector.
access to school and not d. Ensure that the poor attend school and increase school fees to foster high quality
knowing how to read. Poverty learning.
is not having a job, is fear of
future, living one day at a time. 48. What is the tone in the given writing sample?
Poverty is losing a child to
illness brought about by “The apartment was horribly out-of-date and shabby. The furnishings looked like a
unclean water. Poverty is Victorian nightmare. The curtains were moth-eaten. Even the appliances rattled and
powerlessness, lack of clanked as if they were on their last legs.”
representation and freedom.”
a. Humorous
b. Nostalgic
c. Thoughtful
d. Optimistic

49. What is the rhythmic pattern of these lines from William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18?

Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?

Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date:

a. Iambic [pentameter]
b. Trochaic [petameter]
c. Neither A nor B
d. None of these

50. What human values are portrayed in this reading selection?

At the height of the pandemic, it caused panic and depression to most of the people, especially the poor and marginalized
sectors of our society. Those who belong to low-income families have the most difficult ways to cope with. Thus, students
could do their share of helping their community in devising ways to increase income and make ends meet through various

a. vulnerability and resourcefulness

b. neglect and confidence
c. honesty and comfort
d. hope and valor

50. Which of the following is positive body language to use when speaking?
a. Fold your arms or cross your legs c. Keep arms open and use open gestures
b. Stand behind a lectern and keep your body hidden d. Don't make eye contact
51. Which of these is the best way to ask a question?
a. Only offer a yes/no response c. Use leading words to suggest the response you require
b. Use open questions that encourage a full response d. Ask something that you wouldn't want to answer yourself

52. You disagree with what someone has said: how should you react?
a. Ask questions to learn more about their opinion c. Get emotionally involved and have a heated discussion
b. Be unreasonable and refuse to listen d. Stick with your one-sided view on the situation

53. If you are about to talk to a guidance counselor about your failing grades, you are about to use what style of
a. Frozen b. Casual c. Intimate d. Consultative

54. What communicative style is often one way communication because it does not require response from the audience?
a. Frozen b. Casual c. Intimate d. Consultative

55. What communicative style is used when two people use codes and symbols (nonverbal cues) but still be able to
understand each other?
a. Frozen b. Casual c. Intimate d. Consultative

56. Which of the following situations require a formal speech style?

a. talking to a superior c. talking to a stranger
b. reading a court order d. talking and laughing about memorable experiences
57. Gunther is chatting with his friends while waiting for their class to start. They were talking about what they did over
the weekend and how they studied for their upcoming exams. Which of the following would most likely NOT be used in
their conversation?
a. standard grammar c. loose sentence structure
b. slang and contractions d. rapid pronunciation of words

58. Ms. Galvez and her husband are attending a business meeting together. Which of the following should they NOT do?
a. Avoid the use of jargons and slang. c. Use proper sentence structure and grammar when speaking.
b. Use more formal words when speaking with others. d. Use the intimate communicative style when talking to each

59. Jerome is doing a survey about the effects of earthquake in her community. Which of the following communication
situations would require him to use the consultative style?
a. Asking her friends for their opinions c. Interviewing the evacuees regarding their experiences
b. Researching on information to include in her study d. Telling her best friend regarding what her study is about

60. Which of the following is most appropriate based on a situation?

Teacher to school principal
a. Ma’am, can we talk? c. Ma’am, excuse me. May I speak with you this afternoon?
b. Jane, I need to talk to you. d. Ms. Santos, could I discuss something with you this afternoon?

-----------------------------------------------------------END OF EXAMINATION----------------------------------------------------
Prepared by:
Scoring Sheet
Name: Den Zester B. Mabasa

Part I: Sample Tests based on Syllabus Design and Approach Points Score
A. Product Oriented 1. Structural Approach Sample #1 3
Syllabus Designs Sample #2 3
2. Situational Approach Sample #1 3
Sample #2 3
3. Notional /Functional Approach Sample #1 3
Sample #2 3
B. Process-Oriented 1. Procedural/Task-Based Approach Sample #1 3
Syllabus Designs Sample #2 3
2. Proportional Approach Sample #1 3
Sample #2 3
Total 30
Part II: Teacher-Made Test and TOS Points Score
A. Lesson Suitability of time allotted per topic 5

B. Table of Correctness and Completeness of TOS 10

Specifications Correctness and Accuracy Computation
C. The Test Consistency of the number of test items based on time spent per 5
topic as indicated in the TOS

Consistency of the number of test items based on BTT domains as 5

indicated in the TOS
Suitability of test items and test types to address the lesson
Suitability of test items and test types the syllabus design adopted
Clarity and specificity of Instructions

Correctness of crafting test items/questions following the Principles

of Assessment (Module 4) and Test Guidelines (Module 5 and 5.5) 10

Suitability of the test item difficulty to the test time allotment 5

Suitability of the test item difficulty to the level of test takers 5

Originality 10
Total 100

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