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Den Zester B.

Mabasa 11-29-2023

1. Explain the definition of effective teacher according to Khalil Gibran.
According to Khalil Gibran he defines a effective teacher as The basic education program
known as kata has a vision linked to human development that is achieved through an
innovative and messy curriculum that is a vision that is linked to economics society but the
vision remains a vision without effective teachers breathing life into the program What is
your portrait of an effective teacher? Find out if you have these characteristics of an effective
teacher, so what is an effective teacher, let me share with you Kelly Brands thinks about an
effective teacher for herself, an effective teacher is one who does not invite his students into
the classroom.
Instead of pushing them to the edge of their own minds, an effective teacher is a provocateur,
always asking thought-provoking questions that encourage students to think deeply about the
question and consider it.for others, a figure who plays the role of a leader, an enthusiast, an
artist, who makes his or her classroom engaging and interesting to arouse and support the
student's interest.Humans are watchdogs, optimists, collaborators, revolutionaries, testers of
things, experiments and discoveries so students engage in lessons that transform them as
individuals by applying whole brain.

2. What are the attributes of an effective teacher?

 An effective teacher is essential to bring this vision to life.
 Effective teachers are thought-provoking, engaging and transformative.
 They integrate global issues and develop 21st century skills for students.
 Effective teachers continually learn, collaborate, and keep up with current trends.
 They have commitment, competence, creativity, compassion and character.
 Together, teachers can make a difference in preparing children for a better future.

3. Differentiate the 21st century learning from the 20th century learning

Learning about first-century skill development is one of the hallmarks of the K-12
curriculum.20th century learning is time-based while 21st century learning is. Century learning is
outcomes-based, and building on outcomes is largely found in K-12 curricula.20th century
learning was based on a discrete curriculum, but 21st century learning is said to be from an
integrated and interdisciplinary curriculum. Teachers of the 21st century need to review the
curriculum so they can identify areas where subjects can be integrated and devise strategies on
how to link them effectively to improve learning.
An example of this is the connection between music and real numbers in the discussion of
fractions, especially in learning the time signature of 21st century musical images that require
levels digital literacy varies in everyday activities such as writing and submitting reports,
creating multimedia presentations communicating or exchanging information with colleagues
and students.

In turn, teachers can transmit digital culture to their students within this educational framework.
emphasizes the importance of global partnerships for global development and capacity, so
teachers in global classrooms must include global issues in classroom discussions, examples of
These topics are peace, respect for cultural diversity, climate change and global warming that
21st century teachers must know how to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge skills attitudes
and values beyond the academic realm, teachers must ensure that learning takes place not so that
students pass exams but so that four students apply what they have learned to real-life situations
but teachers themselves must have these 21st century skills to be able to help students develop
the same skills in a rapidly changing world.
Teacher professional development must be a continuous process to keep up with the latest trends.
Effective teachers should aim for closer collaboration to nurture their own

4. What are the 21st century skills of the teachers?

In turn, teachers can transmit digital culture to their students within this educational framework.
Emphasizes the importance of global partnerships for global development and capacity, so
teachers in global classrooms must include global issues in classroom discussions, examples of
These topics are peace, respect for cultural diversity, climate change and global warming that
21st century teachers must know how to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge skills attitudes
and values beyond the academic realm, teachers must ensure that learning takes place not so that
students pass exams but so that four students apply what they have learned to real-life situations
but teachers themselves must have these 21st century skills to be able to help students develop
the same skills in a rapidly changing world.
Teacher professional development must be a continuous process to keep up with the latest trends.
Effective teachers should aim for closer collaboration to nurture their own.

5. What are the 5 C's of the K-12 teachers?

first C is commitment this question is associated to that commitment what on earth am I here for
have you ever asked yourself that question somebody said that a life devoted to things is a dead
life a stump but a god-shaped life is a flourishing tree are you that flourishing tree and Sylvan the
teacher of Helen Keller has something to share with us she said teaching like any truly human
activity emerges from ones inwardness when I do not know myself I cannot know who my
students are when I do not know myself I cannot know my subject not at the deepest level of my
embedded personal meaning the stitching have that personal meaning in you alone can answer
that question and you alone can determine that deepest level of your commitment to the teaching
profession the second C is competence you may have the commitment but if you demand have
the competence then what are you going to do in the classroom are you going to just be there and
follow the lesson that you have been doing for the past 20 years or are you competent enough to
experiment to try to explore and attune your activities so that you can nurture the inner talents of
your own students the third C is creativity in the story Alice in Wonderland there is a dialogue
between the Queen and Alice Allison one can believe impossible things I there say reply the
Queen you have and had much practice why sometimes I believe as many as 10 impossible
things before breakfast now connect that conversation to your own classroom do you encourage
your students to exercise their creativity what are those activities that will make them bring out
the best in them what are those learning situations that will encourage the students to bring out
their creative juices to be creative is to think outside the box how many times have you done this
fellow teachers each day you have the opportunity to offer your students the world to give them
life-changing knowledge and experiences generate and relish the possibilities compassion if you
have the heart for teaching if you have the heart for your students then you have compassion it is
in compassion that teachers touched the lives of their students nurturing is child with love care
understanding and patience is not easy but extremely rewarding do you stretch on and on and all
your patience and understanding for your own students knowing that you have diverse learners in
your classroom knowing that your classroom has some inadequacies do you still maintain that
nurturing spirit so that each day that their child or your student comes to class is a day that is
very enriching and rewarding character the first great gift we can bestow on others is a good
example do we as teachers walk the talk what do you mean when we speak of character a person
and moral character is paradoxically both the source and the result of his or her actions fellow
teachers let me echo the words of Carl young one looks back with appreciation to the brilliant
teachers but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings the curriculum is so much
necessary the raw material but war is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of
the child preparing children for the brighter future is the most important where if anyone can do
fellow teachers together let ands do it together we can make a difference you.

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