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Morning Assembly

Good morning, all of you: we will start today’s school assembly with great respect and pleasure. Our
respected Principal Sir, teachers and fellow classmates, I welcome you all warmly, and it is a great
honor for today’s assembly. I am Md Arsal Habib.

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” – (Albert Einstein)

With these motivational lines. I Md Arsal Habib with my classmates welcome you all in today’s
morning assembly.

Starting our day with remembering God says that we put him first and He is a priority in our life. And
spending time with God is always valuable, precious and important. So, Let’s start our day with
God’s prayer.

Now everybody joins your hands and close your eyes. Start Prayer. (Gayatri Mantra)

Now get ready for Pledge (Start).

Now get ready for English Prayer (Start).

For today’s thought, I would like to invite Arjun Verma.

Nothing is impossible if we’re courageous enough. I would like to invite Aradhya Pandey about

I want to request Pratik Jaiswal from Class VII to come up to the stage and share the important
news for the day with us. Thank you. Pratik Jaiswal

Now get ready for National Anthem

Kalam once said ‘’Creativity in Children leads to a culture of excellence” Creativity innovation and
imagination of the children can completely change the future of country in the right direction.

Dear Friends, let’s we all Together work for the betterment of the society and technology for the
glorification of India. With this today’s assembly is over.

Thank you everyone

The Assembly is dispersed, Now you can go to your respective classes

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