Is Committee

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ROTARY CLUB OF BELLERIVE International Service Committee 18 October 2011 Bellerive Yacht Club 7.40pm 8.05pm

In attendance:, Doug Chipman (Chair), Col Herron, Jacki Chandler, Jill Anderson, and Ray Gibson

1. Welcome and introductions Doug welcomed members to the inaugural meeting and reviewed the Clubs Major Goals for International Service and Foundation Success. 2. Apologies: nil n/a n/a

3. Confirmation of previous minutes: 4. Business arising from previous minutes

5. Partnership with Club on Ground in Relevant Country. Committee agreed that a RAWCS project could help the club to achieve this Major Goal. Members to individually nominate to Jill for discussion three RAWCS projects from . Jill agreed to summarise the nominations for the next committee meeting to consider. 6. Micro Loans Project Committee noted that the Rotary Club of Moonah participated in a successful Micro Loans project (see ) and agreed a similar project would meet Rotary Club of Bellerives Major Goal on this subject. Committee recommends the Board allocate $500 for 20 Micro Loans of $25.

7. Emergency Relief Fund Committee reviewed Shelter Box and Disaster Aid Australia (DAA) programs for emergency relief and agreed the sponsorship of one DAA Family Survival Pack would be consistent with the Clubs Major Goal for emergency relief (see _leaflet_2011.pdf ). Committee recommends the Board allocate $800 for the sponsorship of one DAA Family Survival Pack. 8. Annual Giving, Paul Harris Fellows, etc Committee noted the Board had already agreed to donate US$1,000 to The Rotary Foundation (TRF) for a Paul Harris Fellowship. 9. Bring $ From Rotary Foundation into Local Area. Committee noted that a District Simplified Grant was the appropriate mechanism to attract Foundation money into the local area and that the Board had agreed to defer an application this year so that there was time to develop a competitive bid for 2012. Doug tabled a letter from District 9830 Grants Chair acknowledging the Board decision (attached). The Committee agreed that Doug should explore with Council an appropriate project at Rotary Park behind Bellerive Beach, and invited him to report back to the next Committee meeting. 10. Matching Grants for International Projects. Committee noted that TRF would match every US$1 with US$0.50 for between US$5,000 to US$150,000 to assist Rotary clubs carrying out humanitarian projects. The Committee also noted the Online Fair for Matching Grants at and invited Doug to identify affordable projects for the Committees consideration at the next meeting. 11. Other business The Committee noted that the Board had received sponsorship requests from Jane Springall and Jess Brown for TRFs Group Study Exchange program.


Date for last meeting of 2011 to be confirmed for middle to late November.

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