7730.UNTRACEABLE by Raphael Czaja

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The magician proclaims he has a sixth sense that enables him to feel things
around him without the need for seeing, hearing or touching them; like
detecting pulse beats from a close distance.

A spectator is invited to join him for an experiment. He cuts a deck of cards

in three parts, picks one and remembers its top card. He puts it back into
the deck that is consequently fairly mixed as he provides the shuffles.

Then, he spreads the deck on the table face up and removes a few cards at
random, except for one that has to be his thought-of card.

As he moves his hand above each of the cards, the magician gently waves
his own hand a few inches below, explaining that the spectator's pulse rate
should significantly change when above his selection.

After some back-and-forths between the cards and no question asked, the
magician correctly reveals the spectator's thought-of card!

A regular deck of 52 cards including 22 asymetrical cards. Most of the U.S.

brands are fine.

Spread the deck face up. Remove the 22 asymetrical cards:

• Ace, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 of Spades
• Ace, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 of Hearts
• Ace, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 of Clubs
• 7 of Diamonds

They all have to be turned the same way, which means the majority of the
pips are on the top half of each card and/or NOT upside-down.

Here are some examples:

Transfer this stack — the order of the cards is irrelevant — on top of the
face-up deck.

Hold the deck face-down, ready for an overhand shuffle. You can freely
shuffle the top 30 cards. When you are around the middle of the deck,
shuffle the cards one by one until you reach the stack. From there, you can
keep on shuffling or drop the rest of the stack on top.

Table the deck and say to the spectator: "I have a sixth sense that enables
me to feel things around me without the need for seeing, hearing or
touching them; like detecting pulse beats from a close distance. And I want
you to join me for an experiment."

Offer him to cut the deck in about three equal piles. The first pile (the top
third of the deck) and the second pile (the middle third of the deck) both
have an asymetrical card on top.

Ask him to move one pile aside. If he shifts...

... the first or second pile, point at the two remaining ones.

... the third pile, ask him to move a second one aside and point at
both of them.

Tell him to put one on top of the other one, to shuffle everything and to
table it when he is satisfied.

Then, point at the remaining pile and ask him to remember the top card.

NB: In case the remaining pile is the first one, he may cut it before he
looks at his card. Because he only holds asymetrical cards, you are safe.
Pick up the big shuffled pile and fan it out so he is able to replace his card.
The fan doesn't need to look perfect by any means. The idea is just to
rotate the deck to 180° in a natural looking way.

Once the spectator is done, close the fan in a reverse action of your fan
opening. The big pile is back to its original state, except for the spectator's
selection which is secretly the only reversed asymetrical card in it.

Shuffle your pile and suggest the spectator to do so with his. Then, give him
your pile in order for him to shuffle the whole deck.

Now, ask him to spread the deck on the table face up and to push a few
cards at random towards you, except for one that has to be his thought-of
card. Between five and ten cards is ideal but the final choice is his. Take
advantage of it by spotting the only reversed asymetrical card.

Tell him to place his hand above any card for a few seconds and to move it
from card to card. Gently wave your hand below his wrist, explaining that
his pulse rate should significantly change when above his selection.

All along this procedure, turn down every card but one that remains face up
at the left or the right of the thought-of card.

Then, act like if you hesitate and ask the spectator to move his hand back
and forth between the face-up card and the card next to it (his).
Consequently, turn over the face-up card and pick up his selection.

For the first time, invite the spectator to reveal the name of his thought-of
card and turn your pick face up for a round of applause!

The magician proclaims he has a sixth sense that enables him to play most
of the odds in his favor. In other words, he is lucky!

A spectator is invited to join him for an experiment. He cuts a deck of cards

and remembers the card he cut to. He puts it back into the deck that is
consequently fairly mixed as he provides the shuffles.

Then, the magician is trying to determine what the selection's suit may be.
He looks through the deck and removes 13 cards, pointing out that they are
the Diamonds and that one of them must belong to the spectator.

Finally, he is trying to determine the selection's value. He removes one card

from the packet and announces he is holding a King.

Unfortunately, the spectator reveals to have actually picked the 7 of

Hearts. The magician pretends to look annoyed during a matter of seconds
but quickly turns his card face up to display... the 7 of Hearts!

A regular deck of 52 cards.

Remove 12 asymetrical cards that you must remember:

• Ace, 3, 5, 7 of Spades
• Ace, 3, 5, 7 of Hearts
• Ace, 3, 5, 7 of Clubs

They all have to be turned the same way.

Put this stack — the order of the cards is irrelevant — on top of the face-up
deck. Turn the deck over, count 20 cards and transfer them at the bottom of
the deck.

Hold the deck face-down, ready for an overhand shuffle. You can freely
shuffle the top 20 cards. When you are about to reach the 12-card stack,
shuffle the cards one by one until you are left with less than 20 cards,
which you can then keep on shuffling or drop on top.

Table the deck and say to the spectator: "I have a sixth sense that enables
me to play most of the odds in my favor. In other words, I am lucky! And I
want you to join me for an experiment."

Offer him to cut the deck in half and to complete the cut. What matters is
that he picks a card from the stack (from the 21 st card to the 32nd one). Ask
him to lift off and remember the top card. Let's say it is the 7 of Hearts.

As he does so, pick up the deck and fan it out so he is able to replace his
card. The idea is just to rotate it to 180° in a natural looking way.

Once he is done, close the fan and give him the deck in order for him to
shuffle it. His selection is secretly the only reversed card from the stack.

Now, take the deck back and say : "I'm going to try to guess what the suit
of your card is. Wish me luck!"

Look through the deck, faces towards you, and outjog the 12 cards that you
remember, along with any Diamond card (for example, the King of
Diamonds). Strip them out and table the remaining of the deck face-down.

Spread the packet, faces towards you, and cut the King of Diamonds at the
face while pretending: "I go with the Diamonds but I still don't know which
one is yours."

Casually flash the King of Diamonds at the face and say: "Now, I'm going to
try to guess its value."

Hold the packet, faces towards you, and cut it again. Then, spread it and
pass the cards from one hand to the other to spot the reversed card.

Remove the 7 of Hearts and say: "I go with the King. Is the King of
Diamonds your card ?"

Unfortunately, the spectator reveals to have actually picked the 7 of

Hearts. Pretend to look annoyed during a matter of seconds but quickly turn
your card over to display the 7 of Hearts!

TO RESET: Cut the packet face up so the King of Diamonds is at the

bottom (on top when the packet is face down). Put the chosen card back
in the packet and table everything face down. Place the rest of the deck
onto it. Count 20 cards and transfer them at the bottom of the deck.

TO RESET DURING THE PERFORMANCE: The first time you spread the
packet, don't cut it. Instead, remove the selection along with the
Diamond card and table the packet face down. Mix up the two cards
while you pretend to hesitate between both and at the end, table the
selection apart. Flash the face of the Diamond card, put it on top of the
packet and place the rest of the deck on top of it. This time, say that
you are left with the Queen (or any) of Diamonds. Once the selection has
been revealed, place it back among the stack. Count 20 cards and
transfer them at the bottom of the deck.
© Raphaël CZAJA – June 2016
IT'S ALL IN THE MIND e-book - 7 effortless mental magic experiments: $12 www.penguinmagic.com/p/4037
IT'S ALL IN THE MIND sample e-book - « Double Impossibility »: $02 www.penguinmagic.com/p/6446
DOUBLE FATALITY e-book (2 tricks: « FATAL » + « LETHAL »): $07.95 www.penguinmagic.com/p/5036
SPELLBOUND e-book: $04.50 http://www.penguinmagic.com/p/6706

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