Temperature and Torque in FSSW of Steel Sheets: Experimental Measurements and Modelling

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Welding in the World (2023) 67:341–352



Temperature and torque in FSSW of steel sheets: experimental

measurements and modelling
David Gomes Andrade1 · Sree Sabari2 · Ivan Galvão2,3 · Carlos Leitão2 · Dulce Maria Rodrigues1

Received: 16 September 2022 / Accepted: 14 November 2022 / Published online: 19 November 2022
© International Institute of Welding 2022, corrected publication 2022

The torque and temperature evolutions with process parameters in friction stir spot welding (FSSW) of steels were determined
and modelled in this work. Four base materials, including two mild steels (DC01 and DC05) and two high-strength steels
(HC420 and DP600), were welded using tungsten carbide pinless tools. The relationship between the thermo-mechanical
conditions developed during welding and the process parameters was analysed by performing temperature and torque
measurements. Tool damage was assessed and related with the welding time. It was found that both the tool diameter and
the rotational speed have a strong influence on the torque and temperature in FSSW. Additionally, a maximum threshold
temperature of 1100 °C was registered for all the steels tested. It was also observed that, while for the lower strength steels,
the temperature evolves with the process parameters, for the higher-strength steels, the welding temperature remains close to
the threshold value, independent of the process parameters. This shows the important influence of the base material proper-
ties on the heat generation. Analytical models to predict the torque and temperature from FSSW process parameters were
developed, calibrated and validated using the experimental data.

Keywords Modelling · Friction stir spot welding · Steel · Temperature · Torque

1 Introduction welding. Due to the absence of accurate models of the FSW

and FSSW thermo-mechanisms, any new process develop-
In stir-based technologies, such as friction stir welding ment is planned based on trial-and-error experiments.
(FSW) and friction stir spot welding (FSSW), both the heat The uncertainties relative to the thermo-mechanisms gov-
generation and the material flow are determined by the pro- erning the friction stir-based processes include the characteri-
cess parameters, the tool geometry and the base material sation of the contact conditions, between the tool and the work-
properties, which, in turn, determine the thermo-mechanical piece, the understanding of the mechanisms governing the heat
conditions developed during welding [1–4]. According to generation and the characterisation of the material flow and the
Magalhães et al., 2018 [5], despite the large number of prac- way it is determined by the mechanical properties of the base
tical applications and research studies on FSW and FSSW, materials. As shown by Tello et al., 2010 [6] and Leitão et al.,
there is still an important gap in which concerns to the knowl- 2012 [7], the analysis of this former aspect is especially com-
edge of the fundamental mechanisms taking place during plex since information on the mechanical behaviour of metallic
materials at the temperatures and strain rates imposed by the
Recommended for publication by Commission III - Resistance FSW and FSSW processes is almost inexistent in the literature.
Welding, Solid State Welding, and Allied Joining Process
According to Colligan and Mishra, 2008 [8], the lack of data
* Dulce Maria Rodrigues results from the difficulty to reproduce the complex loading
dulce.rodrigues@dem.uc.pt conditions imposed by the welding tool on the base materials,
using the current laboratory apparatus.
University of Coimbra, ISISE, Department of Mechanical In addition to the above-described problems, Andrade
Engineering, Coimbra, Portugal
et al., 2020 [9] report that the analytical models available
University of Coimbra, CEMMPRE, Mechanical Engineering in the literature for predicting the temperature and the
Department, Coimbra, Portugal
torque, which are process outputs related to the thermal and
ISEL, Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon, Department mechanical energies, were developed for FSW, considering
of Mechanical Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal

342 Welding in the World (2023) 67:341–352

a very narrow range of process parameters, and most of steel plates, while using pinless tools with varying diameters
them lack experimental validation. Additionally, as shown and rotational speeds. The study performed also allowed to
in Nandan et al., 2008 [10], most of the model formulations expand the previous analytical models, proposed by Andrade
are complex, requiring difficult-to-determine variables, such et al., 2021 [28], for the FSSW of aluminium alloys, to the
as the contact conditions, the friction coefficient and/or the FSSW of steels. The analytical models, which relate the
base material properties, under the thermo-mechanical con- process parameters with the welding temperature and tool
ditions imposed by the FSW process. torque, were successfully fitted to the very large range of
Developing reliable and efficient models that enable the welding conditions tested in this work. Additionally, since
torque and temperature to be determined based on process the principle of the FSW and FSSW processes is similar,
parameters is still required. Such models would enable to the results from the current paper may be extrapolated to the
predict and control the welding temperature, which is use- plunging and dwelling phases of butt welding, which are the
ful for avoiding the formation of defects due to inadequate most critical for the tool damage in FSW of steels.
material flow, for optimising welds properties, such as
microstructure and strength, as well for limiting the heat
input in the structure, allowing to minimise residual stresses 2 Experimental procedure
and distortions. As stated by Fehrenbacher et al., 2011 [11],
Cederqvist et al., 2012 [12], Mishra et al., 2018 [13] and To analyse the torque and the temperature evolutions with
Meng et al., 2021 [14], predicting the torque and tempera- the process parameters, spot welds were produced in four
ture, according to the base material and process parameters, different grades of steel, including two mild steels (DC01
is also useful for developing real-time process control strate- and DC05), a high-strength steel (HC420) and a dual-phase
gies, the main requirement of Industry 4.0. steel (DP600). The chemical composition, carbon content,
Up to date, FSW and FSSW are widely used for welding equivalent carbon and tensile strength of each base material
heat-treatable and non-heat-treatable aluminium alloys. On are compared in Fig. 1. As shown in the figure, the DC01
the other hand, although steels are the most widely used and DC05 steels had identical tensile strength, while having
materials for engineering applications, according to Çam, different carbon content. These steels were properly selected
2011 [15], Rai et al., 2011 [16] and Mohan and Wu, 2021 to enable the analysis of the influence of the carbon content
[17], due to its high melting temperature, the challenges on the heat generation during welding. On the other hand,
related to the tool design, wear and cost still limit the weld- the DP600 and HC420 steels were selected to display impor-
ing of these materials by FSW and FSSW. Therefore, most tant differences in strength and equivalent carbon content
models developed up to date have only been applied and relative to the DC01 and DC05 steels. The base materials
tested in aluminium alloys and not in steels. The tool pin were machined to the dimensions of 80 × 80 × 1 mm for
wear-related issues were overcome by Sun et al., 2012 [18], welding.
Mira-Aguiar et al., 2016 [19] and Andrade et al., 2021 [20], To have a large comprehensiveness on the torque and
in lap welding, and by Kim et al., 2017 [21], in butt welding temperature evolution with process parameters, a process
of thin steel plates, by employing pinless tools, thus avoiding parameter window, combining different tool diameters and
the pin collapse. The manufacturing of pinless tools also has rotational speeds, was tested. Three flat tungsten carbide pin-
the advantage of lowering the production costs, due to the less tools with a diameter of 10, 12 and 16 mm and two dif-
tool’s simpler geometry, and preventing the formation of the ferent rotational speeds of 870 and 1500 rpm were selected
keyhole and hook defect, which deteriorate the weld tensile to produce the welds. Pinless tools were chosen in order to
properties by acting as crack initiation and stress concentra- enable producing welds under a varied range of welding
tion factors, as shown by Babu et al., 2013 [22], Andrade conditions, without pin collapse. For thin plates, by exclud-
et al., 2018 [23] and Kang et al., 2020 [24]. Furthermore, as ing the pin from the tool geometry, no important influence
shown by Choi et al. 2020 [25], Silva et al. 2021 [26] and on the temperature results was expected, relative to con-
Ma et al. 2021 [27], pinless tools have also been successively ventional FSSW tools, since it was already established by
used for spot and lap welding between metal and carbon Nunes, 1998 [29] Mehta et al., 2011 [30], Rao et al. 2015
fibre-reinforced polymer (CFRP). [31] and Andrade et al., 2019 [32] that the tool shoulder
In the investigation performed under this work, a ther- has the prominent role on the heat generation during weld-
mal and mechanical analysis of the FSSW process in steels ing. Weld trials were performed using an FSW-dedicated
was conducted. The thermal and mechanical analysis, which machine, in position control, with a constant plunge depth
aimed the understanding of the heat generation mechanisms of 0.5 mm, plunging time of 4 s and dwell time of 60 s. The
and the tool/workpiece interaction, respectively, were devel- longer dwell period of 60 s was settled to enable attaining
oped by registering the temperature and torque evolution steady-state conditions during welding. During welding,
during the welding of DC01, DC05, HC420 and DP600 thin no shielding gas was used. The torque evolution during the

Welding in the World (2023) 67:341–352 343

Fig. 1  a Base materials’ chemical composition, equivalent carbon content and b tensile strength

plunging and dwelling phases of the FSSW was acquired,

using the torque sensor of the FSSW machine, with the
objective of assessing the response of the base materials to
the different tool diameters and rotational speeds. Likewise,
the thermal cycles were acquired using an infrared thermo-
graphic camera, following the practices proposed in Andrade
et al., 2019 [32]. The temperature at the outer interface
between the tool and the workpiece was established as the
maximum temperature registered by the camera. To calibrate
the thermographic camera, the tool was heated in a furnace
to temperatures in the same range of that experienced dur-
ing FSSW. In the furnace, the temperatures were measured
with thermocouples and compared with the temperatures
obtained with the thermographic camera by adjusting the
thermal emissivity until it reached the values shown by the

3 Results and discussion

3.1 Temperature and torque evolution

during welding

Figure 2a shows the evolution of temperature (solid lines)

and torque (dashed lines) with time for the welds produced
in the DP600 steel, with a constant rotational speed of
870 rpm and with a tool diameter of 10 mm (black lines) Fig. 2  Evolution of a temperature (solid lines) and torque (dashed
lines) with time and of the b instantaneous temperature and torque
and 16 mm (blue lines). Figure 2b represents the instanta-
derivative in order of time for the welds produced in the DP600 steel,
neous derivative of temperature (dT/dt) and torque (dM/dt) with a constant rotational speed of 870 rpm and with a tool diameter
determined for the full welding cycle, i.e. the tool plunging of 10 mm (black lines) and 16 mm (blue lines)

344 Welding in the World (2023) 67:341–352

phase, the dwelling stage and the tool removal. The instan- beginning of the dwelling phase, remaining constant until
taneous derivative of temperature corresponds to the instan- the end of the process, which shows that the welding reached
taneous heating rate, when it displays positive values, and thermal equilibrium. Although a thermal equilibrium is
to the instantaneous cooling rate, when reaching negative reached, the instantaneous derivative of the torque continues
values. On the other hand, when the instantaneous derivative to decrease up to negative values after the beginning of the
of torque displays positive and negative values, it means that dwelling stage, due to the base material softening and heat
the torque is increasing and decreasing over time, respec- accumulation on the initially cold base material. After that,
tively. Analysing the figure, it is possible to observe that the torque instantaneous derivative values tend to increase,
during the plunge of the tool at the beginning of the welding approaching null values and reaching fully steady-state
process, the temperature and the torque rapidly increased conditions, which shows that FSSW is a complex thermo-
until the end of this welding stage. After the plunging of mechanical problem, where the tool/workpiece mechanical
the tool, at the beginning of the dwelling stage, the torque interaction and the heat generation mechanisms evolve dur-
started to decrease, while the temperature remained in an ing the welding process. The temperature and the torque
almost constant value until the end of the process. Contrary evolution shown in Fig. 2 was similar for all the spot welds
to this, the torque only reaches steady-state conditions after produced, independent of the tool diameter, rotational speed
around 25 s of welding, then it maintains constant values and steel tested.
until the tool removal. In the next sections, the evolution of the stabilized tem-
Comparing now, the instantaneous derivative values of perature (Tstz) and torque (Mstz) values, determined from the
temperature and torque, similar conclusions may be reached. thermal cycles and torque curves, with the rotational speed
At the beginning of the welding process, it is possible to and tool diameter for all the steels tested, is discussed. For
observe that the instantaneous derivative of the temperature each testing condition, the Tstz and Mstz values were deter-
and the torque are synchronised, reaching the peak value at mined by calculating the average of the temperature and
the same instant, approximately at the middle of the plung- torque values recorded during the steady-state period, i.e.
ing phase. After peak values are reached, the instantane- the period of time where the instantaneous derivative values
ous derivative of temperature decreases to zero until the of temperature and torque are zero. Likewise, since in FSSW

Fig. 3  Evolution of a the tool diameter with the number of welds produced, b tool geometry before welding, c tool geometry after producing ten
welds and d tool diameter increase per minute of weld performed

Welding in the World (2023) 67:341–352 345

are usually used with very short processing cycle times, the to Fig. 3d, where the tools’ plastic deformation rate is
influence of the processing parameters on the maximum summarised, i.e. the increase in the tool diameter per
torque (Mmax), reached during the tool plunging phase, will minute of weld, it is possible to conclude that the tool
also be analysed. diameter increased by 0.24 mm/min, 0.18 mm/min and
Additionally, as shown in Fig. 3, tool damage by plas- 0.03 mm/min for the tools with an original diameter of
tic deformation was observed during welding. In Fig. 3a, 10 mm, 12 mm and 16 mm, respectively. The lower plas-
the increase in the tool diameter with the number of tic deformation rate observed for the tools with larger
welds produced is compared for the welds produced with dimensions is related to their larger cross section and
the 10 mm, 12 mm and 16 mm diameter tools, under two inferior stress levels. Whereby, instead of the standard
different rotational speeds of 870 and 1500 rpm. In Fig. 3 initial tool diameters mentioned in the experimental pro-
is also represented the tool geometry before welding cedure, the tool diameters after-weld conditions were
(Fig. 3b) and the tool geometry after producing ten welds used in the analysis of the results.
(Fig. 3c) for the 10 mm diameter tool. The images enable
to observe that the tools were not able to withstand the 3.2 Thermal analysis
very high compressive stresses experienced during weld-
ing, causing the tool to deform from its original shape Figure 4 shows the evolution of the Tstz values with the
by mushrooming and, consequently, increasing its origi- rotational speed and tool diameter for the different steels
nal diameter. The tool wear mechanism was similar for tested. Analysing the figure, it is possible to conclude
all tools tested, independently of its original diameter. that the evolution of Tstz with the process parameters var-
However, the tools with lower diameters were subjected ies according to the alloy composition and mechanical
to more plastic deformation when compared to the tools properties. While for the DC01, DC05 and HC420 steels,
with larger diameters. After producing ten welds, the tool the welding temperature increases with the tool diameter
diameter increased from 10 mm, 12 mm and 16 mm to and rotational speed, for the DP600 steel, a temperature
12.5 mm, 13.5 mm and 16.4 mm, respectively. According threshold was reached for all the welding conditions tested,

Fig. 4  Evolution Tstz with the

tool diameter and rotational
speed for the a DC01, b DC05,
c HC420 and d DP600 steels

346 Welding in the World (2023) 67:341–352

except for the weld produced with the lowest rotational the highest rotational speed of 1500 rpm and with the largest
speed and smallest tool diameter of 870 rpm and 10 mm, tool diameter, for the DP600 steel, the temperature threshold
respectively. For the rotational speed of 870 rpm, increas- was reached for almost all the welding conditions tested.
ing the tool diameter from 10 to 16 mm led to an increase Finally, it is also possible to conclude that the influence
in temperature of 170 °C, 141 °C, 140 °C and 86 °C for of the processing parameters on the welding temperature
the DC01, DC05, HC420 and DP600 steels. In comparison, increases as the mechanical strength of the base material
for a rotational speed of 1500 rpm, the same variation in decreases.
the tool diameter only leads to a variation in temperature
of 140 °C, 126 °C, 31 °C and 15 °C, respectively. Moreo- 3.3 Mechanical analysis
ver, for the smallest tool diameter, increasing the rotational
speed from 870 to 1500 rpm led to an increase in tem- To better understand the interaction between the tool and
perature of 91 °C, 126 °C, 95 °C and 62 °C for the DC01, the base material during welding, an analysis of the evolu-
DC05, HC420 and DP600 steels, while for the largest tool tion of the tool torque with the processing parameters and
diameter, the same variation in the tool diameter leads to a the steels tested in this work was conducted. In this way, the
variation in temperature of 61 °C, 111 °C, 40 °C and 10 °C, Mstz evolution with the rotational speed and tool diameter
respectively. The results show that the influence of the tool for the different steels is shown in Fig. 5a–d. The results
diameter on the temperature evolution is more significant in the figure show that, independently of the steel being
for low values of rotational speed, while on the other hand, welded, for a constant rotational speed, the torque increased
the influence of the rotational speed on the welding tem- with the tool diameter, and for a constant tool diameter, the
perature is more significant for small tool diameters. torque decreased when increasing the rotational speed. For
The figure also enables to depict a temperature threshold the DC01, DC05 and HC420 steels, the decrease in torque
of 1100 °C, which is common to all the steels. However, with the rotational speed may be attributed to the increase
while for the DC01, DC05 and HC420 steels, the threshold in the heat generation and consequent base material sof-
temperature of 1100 °C was only reached when welding at tening. On the other hand, the increase in the torque with

Fig. 5  Evolution Mstz with the tool diameter and rotational speed for the a DC01, b DC05, c HC420 and d DP600 steels. e Comparison between
the Mstz values registered for all welding conditions tested in this work

Welding in the World (2023) 67:341–352 347

the tool dimensions has to be related to the increase in the shows that the influence of the rotational speed on torque is
frictional contact area between the tool and the workpiece more significant for larger than for smaller tool diameters,
and to the increase in the volume of material being stirred and, on the other hand, the influence of the tool diameter on
at the tool-material interface. However, for the DP600 steel, the torque evolution is more significant for lower than for
by relating the torque evolution in Fig. 5d with the thermal higher rotational speeds.
analysis results shown in Fig. 4d, it is possible to conclude Since very short processing cycle times are usually used
that the torque is not directly related to the welding tempera- in FSSW, inferior to 10 s, it is also important to analyse
ture. For instance, for the spot welds produced in the DP600 the influence of the processing parameters on the maxi-
steel with the largest tool diameter, no variation in the tem- mum torque registered during the tool plunging phase.
perature with the rotational speed was registered, although, Figure 6a–d shows the evolution of Mmax values with the
according to Fig. 5d, for the same welding conditions, a rotational speed and the tool diameter for all steels tested.
decrease in torque may be observed. These results suggest Analysing the figure, it is possible to conclude that the evolu-
that for the welding conditions for which a threshold in the tion of the torque with the process parameters is equal to the
welding temperature is observed, the mechanical interaction one already reported for Mstz, i.e. the tool torque decreases
between the tool and the workpiece, and in this way, the heat with the increase of the rotational speed and decreases with
generation mechanism, have to be different for the different the decrease of the tool dimensions. Once again, comparing
rotational speeds. the results in Fig. 6e, where the evolution of Mmax with the
Comparing now the results in Fig. 5e, where the evolution rotational speed and tool diameter for all steels and weld-
of Mstz with the rotational speed and tool diameter for all ing conditions tested in this work is plotted, it is possible
steels and welding conditions tested in this work is plotted, to conclude that the evolution of the Mmax with the pro-
it is possible to conclude that, contrary to what was observed cessing parameters was very similar for the DC01, DC05,
when analysing the temperature, the torque values were HC420 and DP600 steels. The influence of the rotational
similar for all base materials, independently of their chemi- speed on torque was also found to be superior for larger tool
cal composition and mechanical properties. The figure also

Fig. 6  Evolution Mmax with the tool diameter and rotational speed for the a DC01, b DC05, c HC420 and d DP600 steels. e Comparison between
the Mmax values registered for all welding conditions tested in this work

348 Welding in the World (2023) 67:341–352

diameters, while the influence of the tool diameter on torque coefficients proposed by Andrade et al., 2021 [28] for cal-
was superior for lower rotational speeds. culating the average torque (CM,SW) and temperature (CT,SW)
values are given, respectively, by equations
3.4 Modelling torque and temperature
CM,SW = t
The data from the experimental tests was used for calibrat-
ing an analytical model that relates the process param- and
eters with the torque and temperature registered during
welding for the different materials. Previously, Andrade G𝜔
CT,SW = √ , (3)
et al., 2021 [28] developed a model for predicting the evo- t
lution of the torque and temperature values during FSSW
where ω and t correspond to the tool rotation speed (rpm)
of aluminium alloys by considering different rotational
and to the base material thickness (mm), respectively.
speeds, tool dimensions and base material thicknesses. In
The Mstz values are plotted versus the CM,SW coefficient
that model, the tool dimensions were considered through
in Fig. 7. From the figure, it can be observed that, for all
a single parameter, the geometry parameter (G), which is
grades of steel, a strong linear relationship exists between
given by Eq. 1.
the Mstz and CM,SW. This relationship is described by Eq. 4
𝜋 𝜋 2
( )
G = D2P + 𝜋DP pl + Ds − D2p (1) Mstz = KM,SW CM,SW , (4)
4 4
where DP, pl and DS are the pin diameter (mm), pin length in which KM,SW is a constant. Fitting the experimental
(mm) and shoulder diameter (mm), respectively. The results in Fig. 7, it was determined that for the steels tested in

Fig. 7  Evolution of the Mstz val-

ues with the CM,SW coefficient

Welding in the World (2023) 67:341–352 349

Fig. 8  Evolution of the Mmax

values with the CM,SW coef-

the current work, KM,SW is equal to 80. It is also interesting to 180 for all the steels analysed in the current work. It is also
observe that, although the base materials tested have differ- important to notice the accurate prediction of the experi-
ent chemical compositions and mechanical strength at room mental results, for the very large range of welding condi-
temperature (Fig. 1), the evolution of the Mstz with CM,SW was tions and base materials tested, which proves that the torque
similar for the different steels. It is also possible to conclude coefficient is reliable for predicting the evolution of the Mmax
that the proposed model is able to predict with accuracy the values.
Mstz results for the welding conditions covered in this work. Figure 9 shows the evolution of the welding tempera-
As illustrated in Fig. 8, the Mmax values were also plot- ture for the DC01, DC05, HC420 and DP600 steels with
ted versus the CM,SW coefficient. From the figure, it can be CT,SW. The figure clearly shows that the CT,SW coefficient
observed that, although the torque coefficient was origi- satisfactorily reproduces the evolution of the spot welding
nally developed for predicting the average torque values temperature for the steels tested. However, the curve in
registered during welding, the model is also effective to the figure is divided in two different correlation stages, i.e.
predict the Mmax values achieved in spot welding. In fact, for lower and for higher values of the CT,SW coefficient. In
the figure shows that a strong linear relationship also exists fact, while a power function fits well the evolution of tem-
between the Mmax and the CM,SW coefficient perature for lower values of CT,SW coefficient, no changes
in temperature are noticed for C T,SW values higher than
Mmax = KMmax,SW CM,SW , (5) 150,000, which agrees well with the existence of a tem-
where KMmax,SW is also a constant. Fitting the experimental perature threshold of around 1100 °C (Fig. 4). This way,
results in Fig. 8, it was determined that KMmax,SW is equal to the evolution of the temperature with the CT,SW coefficient
can be described by Eq. 6

350 Welding in the World (2023) 67:341–352

Fig. 9  Evolution of the Tstz val-

ues with the CT,SW coefficient

4 Conclusions
{ 𝜑
T = 𝜆T × K T,SW × CT,sw , forCT,SW < 150000
T = 𝜆T × 1100 ◦ C, forCT,SW ≥ 150000
A thermal and mechanical analysis of the FSSW of steels,
where the KT,SW and φSW are constants associated with the which aimed to better understand the heat generation and the
base material properties that determine heat generation and tool/workpiece interaction mechanisms, was conducted in
dissipation, and λT is a constant that takes into considera- this work. The following conclusions were reached:
tion the influence of the different experimental techniques
• The evolution of the maximum and stabilized torque
used to measure the temperature, such as differences in the
position at which the temperature was measured and differ- values with the processing parameters was identical for
ences in the backing plate material, among others. Using all the steels tested, independently of their mechanical
Eq. 6, it was determined that KT,SW is equal to 139, 106, 359 properties and/or chemical composition. It was found that
and 581, while φSW is equal to 0.17, 0.19, 0.09 and 0.05, for increasing the rotational speed promotes a decrease in
the DC01, DC05, HC420 and DP600 steels, respectively. torque, while an increase in tool diameter promotes an
Analysing the KT,SW and φSW coefficients values, it is pos- increase in torque.
• The base material properties influence the temperature
sible to conclude that while KT,SW increases as the strength
of the steels increases, φSW decreases as the strength of the evolution. For lower-strength steels, such as the DC01
steels increases, enabling to model the process parameter and DC05 steels, the temperature increases with the tool
independent temperature threshold depicted in Fig. 4, for diameter and rotational speed. On the other hand, for
the highest strength steel. higher-strength steels, such as the HC420 and DP600
To conclude, it is also possible to say that the accurate steels, the welding temperature variation is less sensitive
prediction of the experimental results proves that the tem- to the rotational speed and tool diameter.
• Independent of the steel being welded, a maximum tem-
perature coefficient is reliable for predicting the evolution of
temperature for spot welding. perature threshold of 1100 °C is reached for the highest

Welding in the World (2023) 67:341–352 351

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