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Special Education Law Article Analysis

Stephanie M. Rudi

Liberty University

This analysis includes a summary, analysis, and Biblical connection which bridges the

gap between special education, Christ, and cross-referenced articles which support special

education. In this paper I connect the article to my personal experiences as a future general music

education teacher and a Christian educator.


The process of becoming an educator should include a vast exploration into laws which

have affected and continue to influence classroom practices, yet it is often disregarded.

Fortunately, the special education profession strongly encourages the studying and deep

understanding of these laws and how they are integrated into instruction of students with

disabilities. Despite this, it is vital that special education law becomes normalized in general

education training too. All educators need to be informed because of the large number of learners

with exceptionalities as well as the legal responsibilities and liabilities involved in special

education laws.

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was a huge shift in the mindset

of how important quality special education is in the United States and every educator should be

familiar with this act and policies associated with it. IDEA policies must be adhered to make sure

free and appropriate public education is being upheld. “The IDEA and the guidelines on

implementation identify very specific procedures to ensure the proper development of the IEP by

the IEP Team. Because procedural errors in and of themselves could result in a denial of FAPE,

it is very important that administrators and teachers understand the following requirements”

(Couvillon et al, 2018). The IEP team must leave the meeting feeling that they know what they

have available to them to implement the plan and what they need to do going forward.
Least restrictive environment helps learners with disabilities function better in the

classroom by removing obstacles from the learner’s path. This is a mandate which must be

followed to uphold FAPE and placements are based on their specific plan requirements. The

article then continues to discuss the importance of understanding changing of legal requirements

of special education law and compares it to car owners keeping up with traffic law and driving

rules (Couvillon et al, 2017). They believe that integrating small ideas and habits into a teaching

routine so that the teachers can normalize the regulation changes. Communication is also key in

being accountable for student learning and growth. Keeping a log of all parent communication

could potentially save you from a possible lawsuit if you forget important details of a

conversation or need to defend yourself.


Overall, I enjoyed reading and learning from this article. The information provided

throughout was helpful and insightful into the process of the aftermath of creating an IEP. As a

perspective teacher, there are a lot of real-life situations I worry about getting correct as someone

who struggles with memory and social cues due to ADHD. It’s important for teachers to be

hyper vigilant of legal requirements and changes, not just because of the possibility of being

fired or sued, but because of the student’s wellbeing. There are incredibly valid reasons for why

we have these laws and mandates in place, and this article does a great job at encouraging

continued dedication and awareness of how to uphold FAPE and abide by the laws.

If I were to be hypercritical, I would say that this article does not provide enough

information on what it means to have a least restrictive environment and instead uses fancy

terminology around the laws without describing implementation. I understand that this article is

not specifically about LRE, but the article is titled “…What teachers and administrators need to
know [about special education law]”. I hope that when I do teach, that I am able to figure out

what needs to happen for a child to feel they can learn best by removing those obstacles which

prevent learning. Otherwise, I think it’s safe to say that this article was extremely thorough and

well researched and does not spread false information on special education law, nor does it seem

too opiniated for an article which needs to be factual.

Biblical Connection

Jesus was a friend to all people from every walk of life, including those with disabilities.

He did not treat them less than anyone else and in fact tried everything in his power to help them

when they were in need. We as Christian educators should strive to the best of our ability to

follow Christ’s example of putting the needs of those who are disabled as high priority and make

sure we do everything in our power to help them.

Deuteronomy 27:18-19 Cursed is anyone who leads a blind person astray on the road.’

And all the people will reply, ‘Amen.‘ ‘Cursed is anyone who denies justice to foreigners,

orphans, or widows.’ And all the people will reply, ‘Amen.’


The overall point of this article was to create awareness of the laws and regulations

connected to special education as well as to make sure it is understand why we as educators

should keep up with changes and education trends.


Michael A. Couvillon, Mitchell L. Yell & Antonis Katsiyannis (2018) Endrew F. v. Douglas

County School District (2017) and special education law: What teachers and

administrators need to know, Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for

Children and Youth, 62:4, 289-299, DOI: 10.1080/1045988X.2018.1456400

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