Договор за цесија 1

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Sklu~en na den -------------------- 20---- year. in Skopje, pome|u:

CEDENT Otstapuva~: _________________________________________________

given number:
`iro account:

2. CESUS Dol'nik: _________________________________________________

given number:
`iro account:

3. ASSIGNEE Prima~: -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------

With this Agreement, the respective obligations or demands between the Assignors are regulated
Cesionerot taka {to
CEDENTOT _______________, Skopje, svoeto pobaruvawe od
CESUSOT _______________, Skopje, go otstapuva na
CESIONEROT ________________, Skopje, in the amount of ___________ denari.

Article 2
Cesusot e oglasen dospeanata obvrska prema Cedentot da ja izmiri vo na na
Cesionerot _____________________, Skopje.

Article 3
With the implementation of Article 2 of the Agreement, the Assignor fulfills its obligations to the Assignor based
on the basis (to specify the basis, example: Agreement for the sale of construction land from ----------- -2008).

Article 4
In the event of a dispute, the court instead of the Assignor has jurisdiction.

Article 5
This Agreement is made up of 3 (three) identical copies of which each contracting party receives one copy.


______________ _______________ _______________

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