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BS ARCHITECTURE 5-1 | 201911110



The Business of Architecture by Arch. Noche: Masterclass

“The Business of Architecture” is a three-hour master class film, that serve as a lecture as well
for an architecture student like me by a well-known architect, Arch. Manuel Maximo Lopez Del Castillo-
Noche. He is the CEO of ARCONiC, a consultant at PrimeHomes, currently holds the position of Overall
Design Program Chair at the College of Architecture, serves as a Senior Lecturer at the Graduat e
School, and takes on the role of Senior Researcher at the Research Center for Culture, Arts, and the
Humanities at University of Santo Tomas, and a supporter of heritage that talks about the business side
of architecture using stories from his own experiences. He shows that in the world of architecture,
architects have both technical and people challenges. To do well, they need to be good at both the
technical stuff and working with people. Being humble and adaptable is crucial because architects often
face different situations. Success in architecture also depends on building strong relationships with
clients. Architects need to not only be good at their job but also connect well with the people they work
for. This means understanding and getting along with different kinds of people.
Upon seeing the title of this masterclass, I immediately knew it would be something I could hold
onto where my future is heading. But before I share my reactions or insights about this piece, I want to
introduce myself. I am the kind of person who believes in the quote "Everything is a Business," but I
also avoid it. As you all can see and experience, business is complicated, it is like committing a piece
of your life, and once you enter this field, there's no turning back. Now, after watching "The Business of
Architecture," one thing that struck me from what Arch. Noche said is that, "Whatever field one follows ”
,be it who you are or what you are in that field, as long as you want to do it or it gives you satisfaction
every time you do it, it's a fulfilling job that you could be able to create and finish go for it. It made me
realize or feel that in any aspect, the only thing you can rely on is yourself because you are the one
who is aware of what you can do, where you are capable, and how you can handle things, including
bad experiences with people around you on that field or challenges that we cannot avoid as we are
living and striving in this material world. Arch. Noche discussed most of the time in this masterclass that
in business especially in Architecture, the way to succeed in or have a good business is by connecting
good relationship not just by your client but with everyone that surrounds you in that field. And I strongly
agree with that, but not to the extent where you will let a wrongdoing overtake what is right that you
know. Relationship is something that you can manipulate in anyways, either do it in a good way or in
an offensive way it doesn’t matter and that is the reality. As an Architect don’t limit yourself to just build
structures but to establish trust with people around you, Arch. Noche also said that “Architecture has a
lot of connection”. And use that connection to promote yourself, that is one of the ways also that Arch
Noche said in Chapter 15, where he discussed how to brand yourself, how to market yourself in this
world that full of business. After watching that part, there is only one thing that I not iced where I
personally disagree on it. It is on how he always brags or say how an Architect should dress, he did not
directly say that that is how an architect should dress but that is how I interpret his way of delivering
that lecture. Well we all have different ways of interpreting words of others, and this how it looks like to
me. I disagree how he said that presenting oneself through how they dress is a marketing strategy . For
me the best marketing strategy in the business of architecture is by being comfortable by who you are,
because that is where a one self’s confidence starts.
In conclusion, irrespective of your honesty and the excellence reflected in a stunning portfolio
showcasing your architectural prowess, the real challenge isn't just about building an amazing building.
It's about making connections and forming good relationships in the design world. This isn't something
that can be easily seen, not even by someone who's really well-off. So, successfully handling these
challenges is what makes you good at gaining trust in architecture. It's not just about being good at
designing buildings; it's about understanding people and working together openly. And that is how
business play in architecture.

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