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Sample User Test

This user test presents you with a number of tasks to perform using a website designed for the
people to order raw materials from the website . For each task, please read the description and then
attempt to use the website to complete it. You may use any help facility the website provides. When
you have completed the task, or if you find you cannot complete it, please answer the questions that
follow the task description.

Task 1: Register an Account on the Website

Go to file:///C:Website/index.html index.html and attempt to register as a new user. Note that any
data you enter will be deleted immediately after the evaluation has finished and any password you
choose will be encrypted in the database.


1. Were you able to complete the task? Yes / No

2. If not, please describe how far you got and any error messages that were displayed [you may
state here that feedback will be verbal if you are doing a “thinking out loud” style
3. On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is very difficult and 5 is very easy, how did you find the task?

Task 2: Check the website works properly ?

Go to the website and check if everything clicks and runs properly.


1. Were you able to complete the task? Yes / No

2. If not, please describe how far you got and any error messages that were displayed [you may
state here that feedback will be verbal if you are doing a “thinking out loud” style
3. On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is very difficult and 5 is very easy, how did you find the task?

Task 3: Check if u can order the item ?

Go to the website and check If you are able to order the particular item.

1. Were you able to complete the task? Yes / No
2. If not, please describe how far you got and any error messages that were displayed [you may
state here that feedback will be verbal if you are doing a “thinking out loud” style
3. On a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is very difficult and 5 is very easy, how did you find the task?

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