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Pure Appl. Geophys.

173 (2016), 1859–1879

Ó 2015 Springer International Publishing
DOI 10.1007/s00024-015-1216-5 Pure and Applied Geophysics

Probabilistic Analysis of Earthquake-Led Water Contamination: A Case of Sichuan, China


Abstract—The objective of this paper is to evaluate seismic-led 1. Introduction

point source and non-point source water pollution, under the seis-
mic hazard of 10 % probability of exceedance in 50 years, and with
the minimum value of the water quality standard in Sichuan, China. Water pollution is a crisis for public health and
The soil conservation service curve number method of calculating ecological balance, especially in emergency events
the runoff depth in the single rainfall event combined with the
such as earthquake. Seismic-led industrial factory
seismic damage index were applied to estimate the potential degree
of non-point source water pollution. To estimate the potential collapses, often lead to the spillage of toxic sub-
impact of point source water pollution, a comprehensive water stances, such as Hg, Cu, Pb and organic pollutants
pollution evaluation framework is constructed using a combination like sulfide, into river streams which has catastrophic
of Water Quality Index and Seismic Damage Index methods. The
four key findings of this paper are: (1) The water catchment that has impacts on human health and safety (SANTELLA and
the highest factory concentration does not have the highest risk of STEINBERg 2011; MENG et al. 2015). Under normal
non-point source water contamination induced by the outbreak of circumstances, the way industrial spillage causes
potential earthquake. (2) The water catchment that has the highest
numbers of cumulative water pollutants types are typically located
water contamination is similar to other common
in the south western parts of Sichuan where the main river basins in water pollution substance: it pollutes the river
the regions flow through. (3) The most common pollutants in streams by point-source pollution. If the factories are
sample factories studied is COD and NH3-N which are found in all
close to the river, it is considered as the point source
catchments. The least common pollutant is pathogen—found pre-
sent in W1 catchment which has the best rating in the water quality water pollution since most pollutants are flushed into
index. (4) Using water quality index as a standardization parameter, the rivers like pipe drains. However, if the factories
parallel comparisons is made among the 16 water catchments. Only are some distance away from the river basins, then
catchment W1 reaches level II water quality status which has the
rating of moderately polluted in events of earthquake induced water the pollution becomes non-point source as discharged
contamination. All other areas suffer from severe water contami- water spills out and floods all surface areas between
nation with multiple pollution sources. The results from the data the factory sites to the river basins during the out-
model are significant to urban planning commissions and busi-
nesses to strategically choose their factory locations in order to
break of earthquakes. Understanding how water
minimize potential hazardous impact during the outbreak of contamination spreads in events of earthquake and
earthquake. more importantly, the magnitude and the probability
of this type of emergency events will occur in the
Key words: Earthquake, point-source, non-point source,
water pollution, Sichuan. future can add meaningful insights to how to con-
struct precautionary measures that can be effectively
adopted for prevention purposes (LINDELL and PERRY
1997; HONG and GODA 2011; WANG et al. 2013;
ULLAH et al. 2015).
School of Resource and Environmental Science, Wuhan The mainstream research (SHOWALTEr and MEY-
University, Wuhan 430079, People’s Republic of China. E-mail: ERS 1994; SELIGSON et al. 1996; PETERSEN et al.
2 2004; WONG et al. 2005; SENGUL et al. 2010; WANG
Department of Geography, Texas Center for Geographic
Information Science, Texas State University-San Marcos, San et al. 2010; HILL et al. 2011; ABDOLLAHZADEH et al.
Marcos, TX 78666, USA. 2014; GHEORGHIU 2014; KIRBY 2015) in the disci-
Key Laboratory of Environment and Disaster Monitor- pline of earthquake-initiated-hazardous material-
ing and Evaluation, Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics, Chi-
nese Academy of Sciences, 340 Xudong Road, Wuhan 430077, releases (EIHRs) is predominately focused on
People’s Republic of China. studying the post-disaster impacts to create risk
1860 Y. Yang et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.

evaluation schemes. STEINBERG et al. (2004) exam- 2. Methods and Data

ined the earthquake-caused industrial spill in order
to evaluate mitigation mechanism to response to 2.1. Study Area
seismic disasters in Turkey. Other scholars offered
In this thesis, we focus our study area on Sichuan
more detailed studies to evaluate seismic vulnera-
province, central-western China (Fig. 1). Sichuan has
bility models for chemical facilities. EGUCHI and
a total area of 48,605,200 ha with a population of
GHOSH (2008) studied on most common toxic
81,070,000, giving a population density of 1.67 head
components (chlorine and ammonia) release during
per ha (in end of 2013) (XIONG 2014a). The west parts
an earthquake to understand the impact of a strong
of Sichuan consist of high mountains with an average
(M7.8) earthquake on hazardous materials handling
attitude of 2000 m above sea level. The eastern parts
facilities in LA County. In the views of water
are fertile plain used for farming. The Rain fall in
contamination, vast research literature has gone into
Sichuan ranges from 900 to 1200 mm each year—
causality analysis of contaminations to drinking
one of the top three highest rainfall regions in China
water and the outbreak of epidemic disease in
(XIONG 2014b).
emerging events such as earthquake and Tsunami.
Sichuan is an earthquake active region. Since
ZHAO (2008) studied on the disinfection of con-
1950, there are more than 500 earthquakes over 4.0
struction waste utilization from the post-
magnitude (SUN 2010). Of these, there are 31 records
earthquakes of 5.12 Sichuan earthquake. KARMAKAR
of earthquakes are over the magnitude of 6.0. This
et al. (2008) studied the outbreak of rotavirus
information is significant to industries such as
gastroenteritis disease in Kashmir after an earth-
national defense, heavy metal, chemicals plants that
quake in 2005 and concluded that earthquake was
for strategic reasons have chosen to construct their
the prime cause of waterborne contamination of the
production factories in the region. The risks of mega-
rotavirus gastroenteritis disease. More recent studies
magnitude earthquakes outbreak are extremely dis-
attempt to link earthquake hazard analysis to urban
ruptive to the real estate factory assets, and also gives
utility system damages that are the inevitable con-
rise to environmental pollution of various sources. In
sequence seismic-caused disaster. MENONI (2013)
this paper, 133 sample factories, under nationally
gives a scenario-based framework model to esti-
monitored-enterprise-priority list, are studied to esti-
mate potential vulnerability and probabilistic
mate the impact of the potential seismic-led water
damages of lifeline infrastructures (electricity,
water, energy and communication, etc.) during
However, little research effort has been devoted 2.2. Data Collection
to evaluate the potential seismic-led water pollution
In this study, we estimate the seismic-led water
based on impact of the seismic damage, including
pollution in Sichuan province with six major types of
seismic hazard and building damage ratios.
data, including basic geographic data (BGD) DEM
Therefore, the aim of this paper is to evaluate the
(digital elevation model) in 30 m resolution from
seismic-led water pollution, under the seismic
geospatial data cloud ( This
hazard of 10 % probability of exceedance in
is applied to classify various water catchments in
50 years with the minimum value of the water
Sichuan province, and the land-use and river shape-
quality standard in Sichuan, China. The rest of the
files are respectively used to calculate the soil con-
paper will proceed as follows. We proceed by
servation service (SCS) curve number (CN) in order
detailing study areas and research methodologies.
to evaluate the water comprehensive quality in the
We then present the data model used to analyze the
rivers under the risk of earthquake-led water con-
data, drawing key characteristics of the results
tamination. These BGDs are shown in Fig. 2.
Vol. 173, (2016) Probabilistic Analysis of Earthquake-Led Water Contamination: A Case of Sichuan, China 1861

Figure 1
Location of Sichuan province in mainland China

The tabulated runoff data are collected from the The sampled 133 factories are related to the water
daily dataset between 1951 and 2007 in the stations pollution in Sichuan and are studied in this paper. The
of China ground climatic information of Met. Data factory list is downloaded from the Data Center of
service ( Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People’s
index.html). 103 rainfall monitoring stations are Republic of China (,
included. 61 stations are within the Sichuan district including the types of pollutants contained in each of
(including Chongqing city). The remaining 42 sta- those factories. These pollutants can be divided into
tions are purposefully chosen to be the ones located five major types:
around the province space. The reason for this is to
1. Non-organically toxic substance, including metal-
improve the accuracy of the interpolation of the
lic toxic substance, such as Ag, Be, Cd, Cr, Cr6,
results. The data set is used to compute the concen-
Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, Zn and non-metallic toxic
tration of each pollutant for non-point source water
substance, such as As, Se, cyanide and fluoride;
pollution in potentially hazardous water catchments.
2. Eutrophic pollutant, such as TP, TN and NH3-N;
The seismic hazard map of peak ground acceler-
3. Oil, such as crude oil and animal and
ation (PGA) (the ‘‘Zoning Map of Seismic PAG in
vegetable oil;
China’’ (GB 18306-2001)) represents for 10 % prob-
4. Organically toxic substance, such as COD, BOD5,
ability of exceedance in 50 years in China in standard
sulfide, aniline and volatile phenols, and,
gravity (g).
1862 Y. Yang et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.

Figure 2
Maps of collected data
Vol. 173, (2016) Probabilistic Analysis of Earthquake-Led Water Contamination: A Case of Sichuan, China 1863

5. Pathogen: count of coliform group. Each of these can be broken down into four parts: we begin by
pollutants can bring in heavy damage to human constructing seismic hazard damage index
health. SD(j) which takes into the account of damages that
are fundamentally attributed to earthquake activities.
The minimum control level in the discharge
We then estimate the pollution loads caused by
standards of water pollutants for each type of industry
factory collapse by constructing pollution loads Lm.
are applied to evaluate the degree of damage when
Using these two parts we can then estimate the non-
the water pollutant concentration in the runoff and
point source Pnp(j)(m)(k) and point source
rivers are out of control due to seismic-led industrial
WQI(x) water pollutions, respectively.
building collapses. The standards are downloaded
from the water quality standard from the China
Environmental Standard ( 2.3.1 Probabilistic Seismic Damage (SD)
index.html), 22 standards are included in this study
(Table 1). Key logical assumptions: we model the computation
of seismic damage (SD) of each location using two
indexed variables: the seismic hazard index (PGA0 )
2.3. The Model: Seismic-Led Water Comprehensive- and the damage ratio (DR) averaged probability of
Quantifying Assessment (SWCQA)
each damage state. PGA represents the intensity of
In this section, we present the seismic-led water the earthquake and DR considers the physical build-
comprehensive-quantifying assessment (SWCQA) ing structure vulnerability, i.e. its ability to hold up in
framework to quantitatively analyze the data we events of earthquake. It adds further realness to the
collected. The mechanic construction of the model modeling process, i.e. a wooden structure will take

Table 1
List of the water quality standards from the China Environmental Standard

No. Name of the water quality standard Standard code

1 Discharge standard of water pollutants for pharmaceutical industry Chinese traditional medicine category GB 21906—2008
2 Discharge standard of water pollutants from ordnance industry Initiating explosive material and relative GB 14470.2—2002
3 Discharge standard of water pollutants for pulp and paper industry GB 3544—2008
4 Discharge standard of water pollutants for pharmaceutical industry Chemical synthesis products category GB 21904—2008
5 Discharge standard of water pollutants for fermentation alcohol and distilled spirits industry GB 21523—2008
6 Discharge standard of water pollutants for ammonia industry GB 13458—2013
7 Effluent standard of water pollutants for ammunition loading industry GB 14470.3—2011
8 Discharge standard of water pollutants for starch industry GB 25461—2010
9 Emission standard of pollutants for coking chemical industry GB 16171—2012
10 Discharge standard of water pollutants for caustic alkali and polyvinyl chloride industry GB 15581—95
11 Emission standard for pollutants from Coal Industry GB 20426—2006
12 Emission standard of pollutants for sulfuric acid industry GB 26132—2010
13 Discharge standard of water pollutants for phosphate fertilizer industry GB 15580—2011
14 Emission standards of pollutants for rare earths industry GB 26451—2011
15 Discharge standards of water pollutants for dyeing and finishing of textile industry GB 4287—2012
16 Discharge standard of water pollutants for meat packing industry GB 13457—92
17 Discharge standard of water pollutants for iron and steel industry GB 13456—2012
18 Emission standard of pollutants for ferroalloy smelt industry GB 28666—2012
19 Emission standard of pollutants for mining and mineral processing industry GB 28661—2012
20 Emission standard of pollutants for copper, nickel, cobalt industry GB 25467—2010
21 Emission standard of pollutants for magnesium and titanium industry GB 25468—2010
22 Discharge standard of water pollutants for bast and leaf fibres textile industry GB 28938—2012
1864 Y. Yang et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.

more % damage than metallic structure during an X

earthquake. DRavg ð jÞ ¼ DRk ðjÞ=k ð2Þ
We use conditional probability to model the
calculation of SD which in this case is the product where k is the kth damage state percentage in the
of two independent variables: PGA0 and DR. It is jth damage state (columns 2–6) of Table 2;
significant to apply SD as an index for the calculation 3. Calculating the probable seismic damage index
of the distribution of water pollution intensity in the SD(j) in the jth damage state,
case of emergent water pollution.
SDð jÞ ¼ PGA0  DRavg ð jÞ ð3Þ
For each factory location, all damage states are
considered since even a ‘‘well-remain’’ state value of
DR in a seismic hazard site (high PGA value) would
still give a meaningful SD value. A quick limit test—
2.3.2 Probabilistic Runoff Depth (Q) Based on SCS-
taking the lower extreme situation, assuming an
CN Method
industry building with DR = 0.02 under a risk of 9
magnitude earthquake (PGA = 0.4), gives a SD of 4. Selecting the soil conservation service (SCS)
0.008, which is only 5.7 times less than the upper curve number (CN) based on the soil types in
limit extreme where DR = 0.905 and PGA = 0.05 Sichuan province. The CN is the parameter
giving a SD value of 0.045. The upper limit of single comprehensively representing the rainfall-runoff
factor DR 0.905 is 45 times greater than the lower relationship based on the soil property, the veg-
limit of 0.02. Similarly the single factor PGA has a etation coverage and the soil moisture.
times 8 difference between its two extreme values 0.4 The SCS divides the soil type into four hydrolog-
and 0.05. This means a 9 magnitude earthquake can ical soil groups (HSGs) (Table 3): A (high
also increase the risk of collapse a ‘‘well-remain’’ infiltration rates), B (moderate infiltration rates),
state building while a ‘‘Destroyed’’ state building can C (slow infiltration), D (very slow infiltration).
collapse even in a small magnitude earthquake. And the interval of each value is 0–100, and
Below shows the computation for PGA0 and DR: normally using the section of 30–100.
1. Converting PGA values to PGA0 and we define The runoff value of Penglai Zhen, Sichuan in
this to be the seismic-hazard index, ZHENG (2008), were compared with the runoff
(Q) calculated based on the SCS-CN in consider-
ation of CN value as C type. The results are
PGA0 ¼ PGAi = PGAi ð1Þ showed in Table 5. Table 5 indicates that the
1 errors between most entries of these two groups
are less than 10 % expect that in May (but still
where i is the ith pixel, and PGAi represents the
less than 20 %), which means that of the SCS-CN
PGA value on the ith pixel.
method is reliable to applied in the study area.
2. Calculating DRavg(j), which is averaged percent-
Similar to ZHENG (2008), the B type (Table 3) will
age in each column of Table 2
be used as the soil CN in Sichuan province based
on its soil properties and land use types in the

Table 2
The damage ratio in five different damage states

Damage Damage states (%)

Well-remained Slight Moderate Extensive Destroyed

Industrial building 0–4 5–16 17–45 46–80 81–100

Vol. 173, (2016) Probabilistic Analysis of Earthquake-Led Water Contamination: A Case of Sichuan, China 1865

Table 3
The CN for four hydrologic soil groups in different types of land use

Land use A B C D

Dry land 61 72 79 82
Paddy field 55 69 78 83
Woods 36 60 73 79
Grass 45 65 75 80
Residential districts 62 75 83 87
Water 98 98 98 98
Wasteland 77 86 91 94a
CN value (Table 3) of building area is same as that of residential districts, and the CN value of garden plot is same as that of woods

antecedent moisture condition (AMC) II (average year maximum probability in each rain station,
moisture condition). After that, the CN in each
pixel will be rectified due to its AMC. !
5. Rectifying CN based on the antecedent moisture Wh = Maxð ðPt in CNh Þ= ðPt Þ ð7Þ
condition (AMC), t¼1 t¼1 t¼1

where Pt is the rainfall in the tth rain station.

5 7. Calculating the maximum CN with Wh, respec-
AMC ¼ Pl ð4Þ tively, in plant dormant period and plant growing
where Pl is the accumulative rainfall in past lth
day, l B 5.when CN is under state of AMC I, CN ¼ ðWh  CNh Þ ð8Þ
4:2  CN2
CN1 ¼ ð5Þ
10  0:058  CN2 8 Calculating the probable runoff depth Q (mm) in a
single rainfall event,
when CN is under state of AMC III,
23  CN2 (
CN3 ¼ ð6Þ 2
10 þ 0:13  CN2 Q ¼ ððP0:2SÞ
Pþ0:8SÞ P [ 0:2S ð9Þ
Q ¼ 0P  0:2S
where CN1, CN2 and CN3, respectively, represent
the CN value under the condition of AMC I, AMC where P is the rainfall (respectively, for plant
II and AMC III (Table 4). dormant period and plant growing period),
6. Computing the weights Wh ðh ¼ 1; 2; 3) of each measured in mm,
CN value in, respectively, two periods to get the

Table 4
Grade division of AMC

AMC Soil moisture state Past 5 days rainfall (mm)

Plant dormant period Plant growing period

I Dry \13 \36

II Medium 13–28 36–53
III Moisture [28 [53
1866 Y. Yang et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.

Table 5
Comparison of the monitored and the computed runoffs

Month Runoff in Zheng (2008) (mm) Runoff in this article (mm) Error (%)

4 54.43 58.72 7.3

5 128.89 110.73 16.4
6 86.42 81.37 6.2
7 51.76 49.48 4.6
8 56.97 61.06 6.7
9 77.72 85.69 9.3

3 probabilistic seismic hazard and the factories
P¼ ðWh  Ph Þ ð10Þ locates,

S is the retention parameter, calculated based on the Pnp ð jÞðmÞðiÞ ¼ SDð jÞ  Lm  Di  DEMindex ð14Þ
where DEMindex is normalized by reciprocal of
S ¼ 25; 400=CN  254 ð11Þ
DEMi, excluding the areas higher than the industry
sites (set as 0).
2.3.3 Probabilistic non-point source pollution 13. Mapping the pollution to each type of land use in
in the catchments where factories are the study area by ArcGIS.
2.3.4 Probabilistic point source pollution
9. Classify catchments in Sichuan based on the DEM to the rivers in the study area
map and ArcGIS software. Each catchment are
named as Wn, where n is the nth catchment; Classifying the probable polluted rivers by the
10. Calculating the pollutant loads Lm (kg h m-2 - catchments and calculating the direction of rivers in
year-1) in each catchment in an event of seismic- the study area by ArcGIS;
led water pollution by waste water from indus-
tries (SHI et al. 2002), 14. Computing the Single Factor Water Quality
Identification Index (SFWQII) of each water
pollutant in the potential hazard zones (ZHANG
Lm ¼ 0:01  Cm  Q ð12Þ 2012). The single factor water quality identifica-
where Cm is the pollution concentration (mg/L) in tion index of each water pollutant Pb can be
the minimum requirement of water pollution calculated based on Tables 6 and 7,
standard of the mth water pollutant.
11. Calculating the normalized index of distance Di, Pb ¼ Cb =Sb ð15Þ
where i is the ith pixel as applied in calculating
PGA0 , then, Cb normally represents the monitoring value of the
bth pollutant, here in this article we define it to be
the value of the bth pollutant in the waste water
Di ¼ 1=ð100  Disi Þ ð13Þ from damaged factories in a high probabilistic
where Disi is the distance between the factory and seismic hazard areas. And Sb is the standard con-
the ith pixel; centration of the bth pollutant.
12. Computing the probable non-point source pollu- 15. Computing the comprehensive water pollution by
tion Pnp(j)(m)(i) in the catchment exposing to the Water Quality Index WQI(x) in the xth river
Vol. 173, (2016) Probabilistic Analysis of Earthquake-Led Water Contamination: A Case of Sichuan, China 1867

Table 6
Five water quality degrees

P \1 1–2 2–3 3–5 [5

Degree Good Moderate Unhealthy Very unhealthy Hazard

Table 7
Environmental quality standards for surface water (GB 3838-2002)

No Pollutant Concentration of V level (mg/L)

1 Water temperature (°C) –

2 pH (non-dimension) 6–9
3 DO 2
4 CODMn 15
5 COD 40
6 BOD5 10
7 NH3-N 2
8 TP 0.4
9 TN 2
10 Cu 1
11 Zn 2
12 Fluoride 1.5
13 Se 0.02
14 As 0.1
15 Hg 0.001
16 Cd 0.01
17 Cr6 0.1
18 Pb 0.1
19 Cyanide 0.2
20 Volatile phenols 0.1
21 Crude oil 1
22 Sulfide 1
23 Count of coliform group 40,000

Table 8
Evaluation standard for comprehensive water quality

Standard ranges Comprehensive water quality levels For short representing

1.0 B X1.X2 B 2.0 Level I I

2.0 \ X1.X2 B 3.0 Level II II
3.0 \ X1.X2 B 4.0 Level III III
4.0 \ X1.X2 B 5.0 Level IV V
5.0 \ X1.X2 B 6.0 Level V V
6.0 \ X1.X2 B 7.0 Inferior V without malodorous black V?
X1.X2 [ 7.0 Inferior V with malodorous black V??
1868 Y. Yang et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.

based on Pb, represent different degree factory concentration density.

The blue base-colour outlines the shapes each catch-
ment. The darker the colouring, the more concentrated
1X a
WQIðxÞ ¼ X1 :X2 X3 X4 ¼ Pb þ ð16Þ the factories are. Figure 3b shows factory concentration
a b¼1 100
of water catchments with respect to different counties of
where a is the total number of water pollutant, X1 Sichuan (Tables 9, 10). The hardest-hit catchment
represents the first number of Pb and X2 is the first covers 40 provincial counties which accounts for 5 %
decimal place of Pb. X1.X2 are applied to estimate its of total Sichuan province areas. The lightest-hit only
comprehensive water quality level by comparing with covers 4 counties, accounting for 0.5 % of the total
Table 8 before calculating its WQI(x). X3 is the province’s area (Tables 9, 10).
number of water pollutants involved in this calcula-
tion, while X4 is used to determine whether this water 3.1.2 Distribution of Pollutants in Potential
quality satisfies the requirement level of water func- Hazardous Areas
tion, and is set as 0 in this paper.
Figures 4 and 5 show the water catchment (W10) that
has the highest number of factories, but does not
suffer from having the most categories of pollutants.
3. Results and Discussion
In comparison, catchment W5, only has one factory
under risk of seismic-led collapse, but expose to
We present the results of our analysis in this section.
nineteen types of water pollutants included in the
study except crude oil and pathogen. Similar situa-
3.1. Probabilistic Assessment on Seismic-Led Non- tions are observed for W7, W13 and W14 with 5, 8
Point Source Water Pollution and 8 types of pollutants, respectively.
In addition, they illustrate the river catchments
3.1.1 Water Catchments Spread and Industrial
dispersion in relations to the number of pollutants
Factories Density Distribution
that given factories have in each catchment. One
striking characteristic is that the factories that con-
Figure 3a details the number of factories in each water
catchments in Sichuan. The different shades of colour taining the highest numbers of pollutant types are

Figure 3
a Water catchments spread and industrial factories density distribution, Sichuan
Table 9
The area size of water catchments, corresponding counties, counts of pollutant types and standardized pollutant density index
Catchments W1 W2 W3 W4
Vol. 173, (2016)

Area (ha) 144.68 96.88 226.96 96.09

Pollutant (counts) 5 8 8 19
Density (%)a 3 8 4 20
Counties coveraged by nanjiangxian, wangchangxian, tongjiangxian, wanyuanxian, chengkouxian, pingwuxian, qingchuanxian, jiulongxian, mianningxian,
polluted catchments wanyuanxian, changxixian, bazhongshi, xuanhanxian, wuxixian, guanyuanshi, nanjiangxian, yuexixian, xidexian,
pingchangxian, langzhongshi, xuanhanxian, kaixian, daxian, dachuanshi, wangchangxian, jiangyoushi, zhaojuexian, xichangshi,
yilongxian, daxian, yingshanxian, dachuanshi, quxian quxian, kaijiangxian, jiangexian, changxixian, pugexian, dechangxian,
dazhuxian, liangpingxian zhitongxian, langzhongshi, yanbianxian, miyixian,
yilongxian, nanbuxian, huilixian
yantingxian, yingshanxian,
penganxian, xichongxian,
nanchongshi, fengxixian,
guanganxian, yuechixian,
wushengxian, tongnanxian,
Number of counties 14 11 23 11
Catchments W5 W6 W7 W8

Area (ha) 118.62 45.12 197.29 102.98

Pollutant (counts) 19 5 5 9
Density (%)a 16 11 3 9
Counties coveraged by polluted catchments kangdingxian, jiulongxian, luxian, hejiangxian, naxixian, renshouxian, gongyanxian, tongliangxian, chongqingshi,
mulizhangzhu, mianningxian, xuyongxian, gulinxian leshanshi, weiyuanxian, bishanxian, baxian,
yanyuanxian, xichangshi, rongxian, jianweixian, yongchuanshi,
dechangxian, yanbianxian, fushunxian, erbianyizhu, nanchuanxian, jiangjinshi,
miyixian, panzhihuashi muchuanxian, luxian, luxian, zhuanjiangxian,
yibinxian, mabianyizhu, hejiangxian, luzhoushi,
nanxixian, yibinshi, naxixian
meiguxian, jianganxian,
luzhoushi, pingshanxian,
naxixian, gaoxian,
changningxian, leiboxian,
Probabilistic Analysis of Earthquake-Led Water Contamination: A Case of Sichuan, China

xuyongxian, gongxian,
xingwenxian, gulinxian,
Number of counties 10 5 27 12a
Density values (Tables 9 and 10) obtained by dividing count of pollutant with area size of catchments multiplied by a standardization constant of 100
Table 10

The area size of water catchments, corresponding counties, counts of pollutant types and standardized pollutant density index
Catchments W9 W10 W11 W12

Area (ha) 322.62 247.01 98.12 119.04

Pollutant 19 8 5 5
Density (%) 6 3 5 4
Counties maerkangxian, jinchuanxian, lixian, maoxian, anxian, wenchuanxian, mianzhuxian, quxian, dazhuxian, guanganxian, liangpingxian, wenchuanxian, xiaojinxian, baoxingxian,
coveraged xiaojinxian, daofuxian, danbaxian, shefangxian, deyangshi, pengzhoushi, linshuixian, zhongxian, dianjiangxian, chongzhoushi, dayixian, lushanxian,
by baoxingxian, kangdingxian, ludingxian, dujiangyanshi, zhongjiangxian, guanghanshi, huayingshi, hechuanshi, changshouxian, kangdingxian, qionglaixian, tianquanxian,
polluted hongyaxian, rongjingxian, leshanshi, bixian, xinduxian, chengdushi, wenjaingxian, fengduxian, jiangbeixian, fulingshi, mingshanxian, yaanshi, danlingxian,
catchments hanyuanxian, ermeishanshi, shimianxian, jintangxian, jianyangshi, lezhixian, chongqingshi, baxian, wulongxian, ludingxian, hongyaxian, rongjingxian,
jiulongxian, erbianyizhu, ganluoxian, renshouxian, tongnanxian, ziyangshi, nanchuanxian, zhuanjiangxian jiajiangxian, leshanshi, hanyuanxian,
muchuanxian, mianningxian, yuexixian, anyuexian, zizhongxian, qingshenxian, ermeishanshi
meiguxian, xidexian, zhaojuexian gongyanxian, weiyuanxian, neijiangshi,
dazhuxian, rongchangxian, rongxian,
longchangxian, yongchuanshi, zigongshi,
fushunxian, luxian, yibinxian, nanxixian,
yibinshi, jianganxian, luzhoushi, naxixian
Number of 24 40 18 19

Catchments W13 W14 W15 W16

Y. Yang et al.

Area (ha) 292.28 297.80 196.92 23.76

Pollutant (counts) 8 8 19 8
Density (%) 3 3 10 34
Counties coveraged by polluted ruoergaixian, nanpingxian, nanpingxian, shongpanxian, ganluoxian, muchuanxian, yibinxian, yanbianxian, miyixian, huilixian,
catchments hongyuanxian, shongpanxian, pingwuxian, qingchuanxian, mabianyizhu, yibinshi, yuexixian, panzhihuashi
heishuixian, maerkangxian, maoxian, jiangyoushi, meiguxian, pingshanxian,
maoxian, lixian, wenchuanxian, beichuanxian, jiangexian, leiboxian, xidexian, zhaojuexian,
xiaojinxian, shefangxian, zhitongxian, anxian, mianyangshi, xichangshi, jinyangxian,
pengzhoushi, dujiangyanshi, mianzhuxian, nanbuxian, butuoxian, pugexian, dechangxian,
baoxingxian, bixian, xinduxian, deyangshi, yantingxian, miyixian, ningnanxian, huilixian,
chengdushi, wenjaingxian, shantaixian, zhongjiangxian, huidongxian, panzhihuashi
chongzhoushi, dayixian, xichongxian, shehongxian,
lushanxian, suangliuxian, nanchongshi, jintangxian,
jianyangshi, qionglaixian, fengxixian, shuiningshi, lezhixian,
xinjinxian, pengshanxian, tongnanxian, hechuanshi,
pujiangxian, renshouxian, anyuexian, tongliangxian,
meishanxian, mingshanxian, dazhuxian
yaanshi, danlingxian, hongyaxian,
qingshenxian, jiajiangxian,
gongyanxian, leshanshi
Number of counties 37 29 21 4
Pure Appl. Geophys.
Vol. 173, (2016) Probabilistic Analysis of Earthquake-Led Water Contamination: A Case of Sichuan, China 1871

typically dispersed around the main river basins. sulfide is similar to that of metallic toxic substances,
Regions W4, W5, W9, W15 and W16 are at the but less in magnitude.
greatest risk of water contamination in event of Figure 2f shows the population density distribu-
earthquake as all categories of pollutants included in tion (2008). The highest population density regions in
the study are found present in the factories within terms of water catchments are southeast of W13, and
these regions. Region W16 is the smallest water northwest of W10 where local populous are exposed
catchment in Sichuan, but is likely to be the worst-hit to high risks of water contamination by metallic
multi-source-led water contamination area as the pollutant Cr6 and non-metallic pollutants fluoride and
region has the highest pollutant density ratio. cyanide. The next highest population regions are the
Further, COD, NH3-N are the most common middle part of W14 where high risks of eutrophic
water pollutants in these 16 catchments of Sichuan, pollutant such as TN, NH3-N and TP are present and
followed by TN and TP. Pathogen, measured by northwest of W6 where pollutants cyanide and
count of coliform group, and animal and vegetable oil fluoride are present.
are only found present in catchment W1. It should be All catchments, under the risk of seismic-led
mentioned that NH3-N, TN and TP are all crucial water pollution, cover several counties in Sichuan,
pollutants bringing heavy water eutrophication, while especially those in catchments W4, W5, W15,
COD is one of the organically toxic substances, followed by W3, W10 and W14 (the name of
which kill fish and other aquatic life and lead to these counties can be found in Table 9 and
human diseases such as cancer, physical deformation, Table 10)
and gene mutations. The distributions of probabilistic seismic-led non-
The toxicity of pollutants varies, but excessive point source water pollution in these sixteen water
intake of any of them can bring severe health problem catchments (Fig. 7) are mapped to evaluate the state
such as cancer, misshapen, and gene mutations as of water pollution in each catchment. The distribu-
mentioned before. Figure 6 shows mapping of the tions of the seismic-led non-point source water
distributions of pollutant loads of each type of pollution, calculated in this article, are same in
pollutants in potential hazardous areas to, respec- above-mentioned five categories of the damage
tively, analyze the influence of each pollutant. The states. The calculation results show that the impact
non-organically toxic substances, especially the caused by the combination of the seismic hazard PGA
metallic toxic substances except Cr6, have the same and building damage ratio DR, which focuses mainly
distributions, which are located mainly on the west of on the distribution patterns instead of numerical
the potential hazardous areas (catchments W4, W5, values. Therefore, numerical values are different in
W9 and W15), the same as two other non-metallic the legend, we use ‘‘high’’ and ‘‘low’’ for represen-
toxic substance As and Se. Cr6, which is also a tation purposes.
metallic toxic substance, its distribution is similar to As Fig. 7 illustrates, the northern parts of catch-
other metallic pollutants but expands to catchment ment W15 is found to be potentially hazardous by
W2 and W13. many sources of water pollutants such as metallic
Eutrophic pollutants, TP, TN and NH3-N, mainly toxic substances, crude oil, and two non-metallic
distribute on the northeast of seismic-led hazard areas toxic substance As and Se. The water pollution is
(catchment W3 and W10). This is due the type of most likely to impact the following seven counties
factories located in the region are mainly paper mills within catchment W15: Pingshan Xian, parts of
and chemical plants, followed by food factories and Mabianyizhu and Muchuan Xian, Leibo Xian, Meigu
pharmaceutical factories. Xian, Zhaojue Xian and Jinyang Xian. In terms of
The organic pollutant volatile phenol has the eutrophic pollutants such as NH3-N and TN, their
similar distribution as TN and NH3-N, but mainly impact region is mostly likely to cover the following
influences W3, W10 and W14 areas. While organic 8 counties: Rongchang Xian, Neijiang Shi, parts of
pollutants COD, BOD5 are similar to each other Dazhu Xian, Anyue xian, Lu Xian, Fushuan Xian,
influencing region W7 and W11, the distribution of Lezhi Xian and Renshou Xian.
1872 Y. Yang et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.

Figure 4
Distribution of pollutants in potential areas (1)

3.2. Probabilistic Seismic Point-Source Water washed off by rainfalls, flushing into the nearest river
Pollution in Sichuan streams as causing point source water contamination,
indirectly bringing diseases to humans via drinking
3.2.1 Characteristics of Point-Source Water
water taken from these streams.
Pollution to Rivers
The concentration of pollutants in waste water Cb
Figure 8 shows most factories in the study areas are is under the risk of excessive content due to the
quite close to river basin. The seismic-led water seismic-led collapse of industrial buildings, so the
pollution contaminates the river streams through both results of WQI(x) in river of each water catchments
point and non-point source pollution. In events of are represented in a condition of the high probabilis-
earthquake-led factory collapses, the waste water is tic waste water pollution.
discharged not only through the pipedrains and
released into the river streams but would also flow 3.2.2 Comprehensive evaluation of water quality
through vast ground surface between the sites of
factories and the river basins causing non-point Figure 9 and Table 11 represent the WQI(x) of any
source pollution covering a vast surface area. These river in each water catchment in study area. Figure 9a
waters also partially penetrate the undergrounds and shows the degree of impact in terms of water
owing to the toxicity of the polluting substances such catchments instead of rivers. Here we make the
as metallic toxic substance Hg and organic pollutants simplified assumption that the catchment has the
sulfide, the flooded areas face ecological damage on same degree of water pollution as a polluting source
vast scale. Finally parts of the waste water would be (the rivers in this catchment). Figure 9b indicates the
Vol. 173, (2016) Probabilistic Analysis of Earthquake-Led Water Contamination: A Case of Sichuan, China 1873

Figure 5
Distribution of pollutants in potential areas (2)

counties impacted by the potentially polluted rivers in substances), As and Se (non-metallic toxic substance)
the studied catchments. The names of counties are (Table 11).
listed in Tables 9 and 10. The rivers in most catchments are potentially
From the results, the rivers in half of the under the impact five to eight different water
catchments are potentially under the risk of hazard pollutants, varying from eutrophic pollutants to crude
status of water pollution, which is in the level of oil and organically toxic substance. The rivers in
Inferior V with malodorous black, including catch- catchment W1 are the only one capable of potentially
ment W3 (7.180), W4 (9.650), W5 (9.650), W8 reaching the ‘‘moderate status’’ (level II) and it is the
(7.180), W9 (9.650), W10 (7.180), W14 (7.180) and only catchment that contains pathogen as a pollutant
W15 (9.650). substance. This is mainly due to the properties and
The rivers in the catchments, under the water products of the factories in the catchment.
pollution risk are worse than level V, account for
75 % in total. That means, besides the catchment
mentioned above, W6 (5.850), W7 (5.650), W11 4. Conclusions
(5.650) and W16 (5.370), are also potentially under
the severe risk of water pollution. Catchments W4, The seismic-led collapse of factories partly causes
W5, W9 and W15 are among the heaviest–hit areas. the water pollution in study area in a way similar to the
15 out of 19 types of pollutants are present in these non-point source pollution. This is because the dis-
regions, containing a large number of various non- charge of pollutants is partially non-pipe drain and
organically toxic substances including Ag, Be, Cd, would be flushed by runoff, causing the damage to the
Cr, Cr6, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn (metallic toxic ecosystem. The soil conservation service (SCS) curve
1874 Y. Yang et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.

Figure 6
Distributions of pollutant loads of each pollutant in potential hazardous areas, Sichuan

number (CN) method of calculating the runoff depth in area. But it provides the information of the probable
a single rainfall event combined with the seismic degree distribution of the minimum water pollution
damage index can be applied to estimate the potential both in term of non-point source pollution (in the
degree of non-point source water pollution in each surface runoff) and point source pollution (in the
catchment, where the factories locate in the study area. rivers) in Sichuan province.
Since most factories in the study area are built The seismic-led abnormal discharge of the waste
close to the rivers, the pollution types can also be water from the factories, which are under the moni-
partially considered as the point source water pollu- toring of water quality by the National Ministry of
tion. The comprehensive water pollution by Water Environmental Protection in China, would potentially
Quality Index (WQI) combined with the seismic cause the seismic-led non-point water pollution,
damage index, can be applied to estimate the poten- impacting 167 counties (87 % of total counties in
tial polluted level of point source water pollution in Sichuan). The polluted catchments, covering these
the rivers of each catchment in the study area. 167 counties, have different degrees of seismic-led
The estimation in this study is a general evalua- water pollution due to the different distribution of
tion of the seismic-led water pollution instead of a probability of seismic hazard, numbers of factories
precise simulation of how the polluted runoff spread inside of each catchment and the types of pollutants
influencing the land and the ecosystem in the study present in the catchment.
Vol. 173, (2016) Probabilistic Analysis of Earthquake-Led Water Contamination: A Case of Sichuan, China 1875

Figure 7
Distributions of probable seismic-led industrial water pollution in potential hazard areas, Sichuan

Region W10, is the fourth largest in the studied pathogen (count of coliform group) are only present
areas but potentially would impact 40 counties (most) in W1 region, which covers 14 counties.
with eight types of pollutants, which are mainly The results presented in this thesis provides an
eutrophic pollutants and non-metallic toxic sub- insights into the potential impact outlook of water
stances. W9, is largest in the studied catchments but contamination within Sichuan province in events of
influence only 24 counties (fifth largest) with up to 19 earthquake under the PGA of 10 % probability of
types of pollutants, mainly consists of metallic toxic exceedance in 50 years in China, and with the min-
substances. Furthermore, W9, W4 and W5 also have imum value of the water quality standard. It gives a
high potential for metallic toxic substances-caused visual representation of the information needed for
water contamination. W3 is the sixth largest influence urban planning in order to the minimize losses from
on 23 counties (sixth largest) with eight types of future seismic-led hazards in Sichuan. The methods
pollutants, has higher potential for eutrophication of the evaluation of water pollution combined with
pollution, Cyanide and Fluoride, and volatile phenols. the seismic damage index can also be applied to other
The pollutant COD and NH3-N covers on most place with high probability of seismic activity. The
catchments in study zones, followed by TP and TN. direction of the surface water flow and speed were
Pollutants such as animal oil and vegetable oil and not considered in this study when estimating the
1876 Y. Yang et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.

Figure 8
River distribution and factories in potential seismic-led water pollution zones

Figure 9
Water quality status in the rivers of studied catchments
Vol. 173, (2016)

Table 11
The Pb value of each pollutant, WQI(x) and water quality level in each water catchment

Catchment Pb of each pollutant WQI Water quality

(x) level
COD BOD5 NH3- TP TN Cu Zn Fluoride Se As Hg Cd Cr6 Pb Cyanide Volatile Crude Sulfide Count of coliform
N phenols oil group

W1 1.75 2.5 7.5 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 0.125 2.350 II

W2 2.5 2.5 6.0 2.5 10 – – – – – – – 5.0 – – – – 1.0 – 4.270 IV
W3 2.5 – 20 2.5 25 – – – – – – – – – 1.0 1.0 5.0 0.5 – 7.180 V??
W4 2.5 – 10.0 2.5 7.5 1.0 2.5 6.67 10.0 5.0 50.0 10.0 5.0 10.0 – – 10.0 10.0 – 9.650 V??
W5 2.5 – 10.0 2.5 7.5 1.0 2.5 6.67 10.0 5.0 50.0 10.0 5.0 10.0 – – 10.0 10.0 – 9.650 V??
W6 3.75 3.0 7.5 2.5 12.5 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 5.850 V
W7 3.75 4.5 7.5 2.5 4.5 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 5.650 V
W8 2.5 – 20.0 2.5 25.0 – – – – – – – – – 1.0 1.0 5.0 0.5 – 7.180 V??
W9 2.5 – 10.0 2.5 7.5 1.0 2.5 6.67 10.0 5.0 50.0 10.0 5.0 10.0 – – 10.0 10.0 – 9.650 V??
W10 2.5 – 20.0 2.5 25.0 – – – – – – – – – – 1.0 5.0 0.5 – 7.180 V??
W11 3.75 4.5 7.5 2.5 10.0 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 5.650 V
W12 2.5 3.0 5.0 2.5 7.5 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 4.150 IV
W13 2.5 2.5 6.0 2.5 10.0 – – – – – – – 5.0 – – – – 1.0 – 4.270 IV
W14 2.5 – 20.0 2.5 25.0 – – – – – – – – – 1.0 1.0 5.0 0.5 – 7.180 V??
W15 2.5 – 10.0 2.5 7.5 1.0 2.5 6.67 10.0 5.0 50.0 10.0 5.0 10.0 – – 10.0 10.0 – 9.650 V??
W16 2.5 – 7.5 3.75 10.0 0.5 – – – – – – 5.0 – – – 8.0 – – 5.370 V
Probabilistic Analysis of Earthquake-Led Water Contamination: A Case of Sichuan, China
1878 Y. Yang et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.

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