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Toblen Human Male Innkeeper

Pip Human Male Son

Elsa Dwarf Female Bartender

Freda Gnome Female Weaver

Lanar Human Male Miner

Narth Human Male Farmer

Notes 5 Rooms open

Elmina Human Female Owner


Notes General store

Excited that mine has found
Friend of Gundrun
Harrased by Redbrand
Linene Graywind Human Female Owner

Notes is part of the lionshield merchant company

caravan of goods never made it to town
Halia Thornton Human Female Owner

Notes attempting to takeover town

Quest 100g to capture redbrand leader

Qelline Alderleaf Halfling Female Farmer
Carp Halfling Male Son

Notes Carp saw redbrands and bandits by tunnel under the manor while playing in the woods, also
saw goblins with glowing hands

Qelline knows a druid named Reidoth who is at the ruins of thundertree

Sister Garaele Elf Female Acolyte Tymora

Notes Is a harper

Banshee Agatha question about a spellbook.. Garaele needs an intermediary to bring Agatha a suitable gift
—a jeweled silver comb—and persuade the banshee to tell what she knows about the location of a
spellbook belonging to a legendary mage named Bowgentle. Sister Garaele believes that a character who
pays obeisance to Agatha might be able to trade the comb for an answer
Agatha a suitable gift
t the location of a
that a character who
Greska Orc Female Bartender/owner

Rebrand encounter
Harbin Wester Human Male Townmaster

Notes Position is elected 1 x year

well liked but timid, being pushed around by redbrand

Harbin posts official notices on a board beside the door of the townmaster’s hall. He’s looking for someone to hea
east on the Triboar Trail, where marauders have attacked several caravans near Wyvern Tor. The most recent victim
reported that at least one strange goblin accompanied the marauders, who consist of at least an ogre and some
bugbears. Harbin is offering a 100 gp contract to any group that can drive the marauders and any goblin companio
e’s looking for someone to head
ern Tor. The most recent victims
t of at least an ogre and some
ders and any goblin companions
Daran Drow Male Retired adventurer

Notes recently moved and attempting to restore orchard

former member of the Order of the Gautlet

Quest undead at Old Owl Well

Glasstaff. The leader of the Redbrands is a human wizard known as Glasstaff, so named because his magic staff is made of gla
(Only the Spider knows Glasstaff’s true identity as Iarno Albrek.) Glasstaff’s chambers are in the western end of the strongho
(see area R12).
The Spider. A mysterious figure called the Spider hired the Redbrands to frighten off adventurers and intimidate the loca
competition away from the Phandelver mine.) The Spider sent bugbears to reinforce the Redbrands
Complex Guardian. The lower part of the complex is guarded by a hideous “eye monster” (see area R8).

Prisoners. The Redbrands have a handful of captives in a holding area “near the old crypts,” which are guarded by skeletons (s
e his magic staff is made of glass.
e western end of the stronghold

nturers and intimidate the locals, for reasons unknown. (The Spider wants to keep potential
ars to reinforce the Redbrands and provide extra muscle (see area R9).

ch are guarded by skeletons (see area R4 for details).

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