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IP (Informatics practices)

Unit - 3

Class 12
Computer networking:-
Is a set of notes(computers) and networking devices that are connected
through communication for the purpose of data and resources sharing
as well as communication among the users.

Computer network can be defined as a group of computers or
peripheral devices that are linked together for the purpose of sharing
data and hardware resources.

In a computer network the data is transferred with the help of

transmission medium(by wired or wireless).

Benefits or Advantages of computer network

1-Enable file sharing

2-Share hardware devices or peripheral devices

3- Share information
4- Share software and hardware
5- Facilitate communication through email
,videoconfercing,message or any other mode.

Disadvantages of computer networking

1-Security issues

2-Cost of network 3-Lack of rebustness

Each computer is a network is called node.

A protocol is a set of rules that governs the data communication.

Without a protocol the data cannot be exchange between two

communication devices.

Sender Is a device that is a computer,work station,mobile phone or a
that sender the data messages through web browser.

Receiver is a device that receives the data messages. It can also be a
computer,work station,mobile phone or a tablet.
ARPNET stands for (Advance research project agency network in 1969
the US government formed an agency named ARPNET. The main
objectives of ARPNET was to develop a network that could continue to
function efficiently of a nuclear attack.

Types of network
Depending on the geographical area covered by a network there are
various type of computer networks web worldwide which are as
follow:- 1-PAN(Personal area network)

2-LAN(Local area network)

3-WAN(Wide area network)

4-MAN(Metropolitan area network)

PAN:- Is a computer network that’s covers a small area of about 10


It is used for communication among devices such as

laptop,mobile,printer,scanner,smartpho ne.

PAN can be either wired or wireless.

LAN:- In LAN two or more computers and peripheral devices are

connected with a small area such as a room or a office building.

In LAN computers terminals are physically connected with wires.

LAN can be controlled by a person or by an organization.

MAN:- Is a larger network than LAN it is a spread across a city

MAN covers around 50 to 100km area in a city. The most common
example of MAN are cable television or branches of loud bank etc.

WAN:- In WAN network two or more computer connected which

located at a distance basis.

In WAN the computer are likely by communication facilities like

telecommunication or satellite.

The most common example of WAN network is telecom system.

Best example of WAN are:-Internet,ATM facility,national and

international bank services.

Networking devices
Networking devices are the hardware devices used to connect
computer or other electronics devices together in order to share files or
resources like printer or fax machine. These devices work at different
segment of a computer network, performing different task some
network devices are as follow:-






1-MODEM:-Stand for modulation and demodulation a modem enable
you to connect one or more computers connected to the internet
connection over the existing telephone lines. It converts digital signal of
a computer into analog symbols to enable there transmission by phone
lines or vice versa.

There are two types of category of


1-Internal modem

2-External modem

2-HUB:-Is a networking devices that is used to connect multiple

computers and computing device directly to the network by using
cables. Each connection is called port. The connection is established
using a fiber optic cable.

Network Topology
Geometrical arrangement of computers resources network devices
along with communication channel is known as Network topology it is

also called network structure or the network layout .

A network topology in the arrangement with the computers system on
the network devices which are connected to each other topology may
be defined both physical and logical aspects of the network.

Logical on physical topology can be same or different in the same

Physical topology:- Physical layouts of nodes and cables
in the network.

Logical topology:- In this topology the way of information flow

between different component.

Types of topology
1-Star topology

2-Bus topology

3-Tree topology

4-Mesh topology

Star topology:-
The star topology was a separate cable for each node or work
station the cable connects the node with a central devices that
called a hub.
Advantage of star topology

1-Less expensive

2-Easy to install

3-Easy to configure

Disadvantage of star topology

1-Everything depends upon hub

Bus topology:- In bus
topology, nodes are connected through a communication. In bus
topology each node is connected either to the backbone cable or drop
cable directly connected to the main cable backbone. The bus topology
mainly use in 802.3,802.4 standard network.

Advantage of bus topology:-

.Easy to install

.Minimum cable required

.Strong connection

Disadvantage of bus topology:-

.Difficult to find problem

.Difficult to recognize

.Difficult to add new devices

Tree topology:-Tree topology

also called hierarchical devices. It is the most common network
topology using in the current environment.

Tree topology invites the number of nodes tree topology divides the
network into the multiple layer of network. The lower most is excess
layer where the computer are attached. The middle layer is known as
distribution layer which work as a mediator in between lower layer and
upper layer. Highest layer is known as core layer. That is the central
point of network.

Advantage of tree topology:-

.Error detection is easy

.Limited number of failures

.Easily expandable

Support for broad band transaction

Disadvantage of tree topology

.Higher cost

.Difficult recognition

.Difficult trouble shooting

Mesh topology:- In mesh

topology, host is connected to multiple hosts, This topology has host in
point to point connection with other host or may also have host which
are in point to point connection to few host only.

Mesh topology comes in two types:-

1. Full-mesh topology
2. Partial topology
Full-mesh topology:- In
full-mesh topology, a computer in the network.

Partial topology:- In partial

mesh topology, not but certain computer are connected to those
computer which they communicate frequently.

Advantage of mesh topology:-


•Fast communication

•Easy recognition.

Disadvantage of mesh topology:-

•High cost.

•Difficult to maintain.

•Reduce the efficiency.

Introduction to internet:-
A website is a collection of related webpage that contains images, videos,
audios and text. A website is identify by a same domain name, which is
the address of website. The webpage is written in HTML and can be
access by the internet. A website is hosted on a server on www each
website is manage by individual or a company or any organization.

Features of website:-

1. Creates a product or service showpiece.

2. Open business for 24*365 environment.

3. Improve customer service.

4. Reach new market globally.

5. Publicity or viral marketing without marketing cost.

Components of website:-


2- easy navigation. 3- Gadget

4- Effective design and color. 5- popular links.

Example of website:-

Webpages:- A webpage is a
collection of rich text. A webpage is written using HTML and store on
the webserver. Basically webpage is digital page which make contain
different types of text, Hyperlink, audio, video, images, tables etc.

Different Between Website and Webpage

Website Webpage

A collection of related Single document on internet.

webpages linked
under the same domain. Development requires
minimum amount or time.
takes long time. Address of the URL depends
on the website.
URL of website does not
depend on webpage. Webpage has contain above
the single article.
Website has contain above the
several entities.
Difference Between Static and Dynamic webpage
Following are the difference between static and dynamic webpage:-
Static webpage:-

. Static webpages are very simple pages written in java script, HTML etc.

. When it receive a request from Static webpage then the server send
the response without doing any addition.

. In static webpages, the page will remain same until someone change
them manually on web server.

Dynamic webpage:-

Dynamic webpages used where the information frequently change.

Dynamic webpage written in .JSP, .ASP, .NET, .PHP etc

In dynamic webpages, the content of pages varies as per the

requirement of its visitors.

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