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Books on power
transformers in English
- Part 1

ransformers, as we see them to- 1889
ABSTRACT day, developed through the efforts
This article presents a comprehen- of several engineers and scientists F. Uppenborn, History of the Transform-
sive historical review of the literature
for more than half a century, from er, E & F. N. Spon, 125, Strand, London,
1831 when Michael Faraday discovered England & New York, 60 pages, 1889.
on power transformers, spanning
electromagnetic induction to 1885 when Price 3 shillings. Translated from Ger-
from 1885, when the transformers
Ganz engineers patented transformers and man. Reprint available from Kessinger
were patented, up until the end of the used that term for the improved AC electric Publishing, Montana. [Online], available
19th century. Tracing the evolution of converters that they developed. Since 1885, at
knowledge surrounding transform- tens of books have been published in En- transfo00upperich
ers during this pivotal period, the ar- glish, exclusively describing the selection,
ticle delves into the works of notable application, design, manufacturing, testing,
authors and key advancements in or operation and maintenance of trans-
understanding and utilizing trans- formers. At the fag end of the nineteenth History of the Trans-
formers, as well as the respective century, there was great interest in electric
power and equipment for its generation,
former was first pub-
electrical engineering technologies
in the early days.
distribution, and utilization, and engineers lished in German in
were keen to learn about this new technol-
ogy. Several books were published on this 1888, just 3 years af-
KEYWORDS subject during this period. Ten books were ter the patenting of the
published on transformers alone during
literature, history, review, electro-
the fifteen years from 1885 until 1900. De- transformer by Ganz in
magnetic induction, historical evo-
lution, transformer design
tails of these ten books are covered in this Budapest

114 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 11, Issue 1 | 2024


when Faraday discovered electromag-

netic induction, until Carl Zipernowsky,
Max Deri, and Otto T. Blathy of
Budapest applied for a patent for the
transformer on March 6, 1885 (pat-
ent No. 40414). He felt this was nec-
essary as several distorted versions of
the invention of the transformer were
appearing in technical journals of the
time. He thought it necessary to show
the truth by studying all the patents
that finally resulted in the patent for
Friedrich Uppenborn (1859-1907) was transformers.
the editor of the “Zentralblatt für Elek-
trotechnik” and the head of the elec- All discoveries and patents related to
trotechnical testing station at Munich. secondary generators (the term used
This book, History of the Transformer, at the time, later came to be known as
was first published in German in 1888, transformers) since Michael Faraday
just 3 years after the patenting of the discovered electromagnetic induction
transformer by Ganz in Budapest. This In the preface to the book, the author in 1831 are explained in the book.
English translation came out in 1889, explained its purpose was to give the These early works and patents finally
probably the first English-language book correct history of the evolution of the led to the aforementioned patent for
published on Transformers. transformer from August 29, 1831, the transformer in 1885.

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 115

Sir John Ambrose Fleming, the inventor of right-hand rule in electro-

magnetics, authored a notable two-volume book on the transformers in
1889: The Alternate Current Transformer in Theory and Practice

John Ambrose Fleming, The Alternate more for the invention of the first ther- if he can; he of the future, because he
Current Transformer in Theory and mionic valve or vacuum tube (the start must,” so wrote prof. Silvanus P. Thomp-
Practice, Vol. 1: Induction of Electric of electronics) and the right-hand rule son in The Electrician about Volume 1 of
Currents, The Electrician Printing & Pub- used in Physics. His right-hand rule is this book.
lishing Co. Ltd, London taught globally in schools and colleges
in lectures on electromagnetism. He can “In reviewing the first volume of this
1st edition, 1889, 487 pages; 2nd edition, be described as the father of modern work we found much to admire and
1892, 500 pages; 4th edition, 500 pages; 5th electronics as his invention of the vacu- praise, much to raise high expectations
issue, 1894, 540 pages; new edition, 1896, um tube heavily influenced modern-day for the volume which was to follow.
641 pages D. Van Nostrand; 3rd edition, electronics and reshaped telecommu- These expectations have by no means
1900, [Online], available at https://www. nications. He designed the radio trans- been disappointed. The new volume is mitter with which the first transatlantic in many ways of even greater interest
former-Theory-Practice/dp/1143275128 radio transmission was made. However, than its predecessor,” prof. Silvanus P.
in the 19th century, he was most famous Thompson wrote, again in The Electri-
John Ambrose Fleming, The Alternate for his book on AC transformers, which cian, about Volume 2.
Current Transformer in Theory and was widely read, just like the J&P trans­
Practice, Vol. 2: The Utilization of In- former book in the 20th century, both In the preface to the 1896 edition of Vol-
duction Currents, The Electrician Print- c­lassics from London, UK. ume 1, Dr. Fleming wrote: “In the seven
ing & Publishing Co. Ltd, London years which have elapsed since the first
Fleming’s book The Alternate Current Edition (1889) of this Treatise was pub-
1st edition, 1889, 507 pages; 1892, 641 pag- Transformer in Theory and Practice
es; 1893, D. Van Nostrand Co., London; was published by The Electrician Press,
2nd edition, 600 pages, 1894, [Online],
available at
London, in 1889. The Electrician was the Volume 1 covered the
first journal of electrical engineering – a
Alternate-Current-Transformer-Theo- weekly journal of telegraphy, electrici- induction of electric
ry-Practice/dp/1270718169 ty, and applied chemistry, published in currents, and Volume
London, UK, from 1861 until 1952.
2 was devoted to the
Volume 1 covered the induction of elec-
tric currents, and Volume 2 was devoted
utilization of induced
to the utilization of induced currents, currents, i.e., electric
i.e., electric machines and transformers.
There was a huge interest in the last de- machines and trans-
cade of the 19th century in AC electric formers
power generation/utilization, and these
volumes attracted a lot of interest, as seen
in the following press notes published
in The Electrician. Several reprints and
editions were brought out within a short
period. Dr Fleming thoroughly revised
the content based on the latest studies
on the subject.

“It would be very difficult to pick out

from amongst the electrical literature of
Sir John Ambrose Fleming (1849-1945) the past ten years any work which marks,
was a Professor of Electrical Engineer- as emphatically as does Dr Fleming’s
ing at University College, London, from book, how the practical problems of the The iron ring, which had insulated primary
1884, the first electrical engineering pro- day have compelled electrical engineers and secondary coils, wound on it, with
fessor in the UK. He was also a member to advance in their knowledge of the- which Faraday discovered magneto-electric
of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. oretical science. It is a book which the induction. Photographed from the original,
Dr Fleming, who worked with James electrical engineer of the present and the preserved in the Museum of the Royal
Maxwell and Thomas Edison, is known future alike will read - he of the present Institution (Frontispiece of Volume I of the

116 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 11, Issue 1 | 2024

Seven chapters of Haskins’s book cover
theoretical considerations, mathematical
formulae, evolutional history of transform-
ers, constructional details, and service con-

The contents of the first volume were

covered in six chapters: Historical In-
troduction (from the times of Faraday),
Electromagnetic Induction, The Theory
of Simple Periodic Currents, Mutual and
Page 133 of Vol. 2: The utilization of Self-induction, Dynamic Theory of In-
Induction Currents – J. A. Fleming duction and the last chapter, Induction
Coil and Transformer.
lished, the study of the properties and
applications of alternating electric cur- Volume 2 of the book had five chapters:
rents has made enormous progress. At The Historical Development of Induc-
the outset the aim of the author was to tion Coil and Transformers, The Distri-
collect, and present in a form suitable for bution of Electric Energy by Transform-
students, a general statement of the facts ers, Alternate Current Electric Station
and principles of electromagnetic induc- Generators, The Construction and Ac-
tion, and the manner in which these are tion of Transformers, and the last chap-
applied in the design and construction ter, Other Practical Uses of Transformers
of the Induction Coil and Transformer. (included in this chapter were, for exam-
At that time most of the practical infor- ple, welding transformers).
mation on the subject was embedded
in technical journals and original pa-
pers. Confident that alternating electric 1892 constructional details, and service con-
currents would play a very important ditions. The last chapter covers details of
part in the evolution of the electrical in- C. D. Haskins, Transformers: Their various makes of transformers made in
dustry, the author believed that service Theory, Construction and Applica- the US, such as Ferranti, National, Slat-
would be rendered to engineering stu- tion, Simplified, Bubier Publishing Co., tery, Stanley, Thomson-Houston, and
dents by an attempt, even if an imperfect Lynn, Mass., 150 pages, 1892, New Ed. Westinghouse.
one, to place a brief systematic treatise 1923. [Online], available at https://www.
on the subject of the Alternating Current
Transformer within reach. The result, so
far, has justified the belief.” fied-Haskins/30357903045/bd On page 63, the book
reads: “Transformers
Caryl Davis Haskins (1867-1911) was are sold as a mere
a member of the American Institute of commercial article
Electrical Engineers. He wrote in the
preface. “I have endeavoured in the fol- and lighting compa-
lowing pages to treat of the trans­former nies order dozens
and its action in such a manner as to
render the work of especial value to the of them, as a cook
central station electrician, the student,
and the investigator,…”
might a dozen eggs”
Seven chapters of the book cover in- Appendices cover transformers for
duction and distribution by alternating special purposes such as high voltage
current, theoretical considerations (like (10 kV), “Hedgehog”, welding, Direct
regulation, Foucault Current, hystere- Current, station, and constant current
sis, and leakage), mathematical formu- transformers. The last one covers Un-
lae, evolutional history of transformers, derwriters’ rules for Secondary Genera-

w w w . t ra n sfo r m e r s - m a g a z i n e . co m 117

Rober Willsher Weekes’s book was the first book exclusively on the de-
sign of transformers, with two chapters covering design details of vari-
ous transformer models

tors or Converters. In the US, the term load) in the average transformer of
transformer was not popular then, and today varies from about 10 to 15 per
the secondary generator was more in cent in very small, to 3 to 5 per cent in
circulation. These rules stipulated re- large converters. It is probably easier
quirements for installation, operation, to design a transformer of, say 10,000
protection, and safety to be followed by watts capacity, with an efficiency of
users when operating transformers in about 97.5%, than a 250 watts convert-
residences. This was an extract from the er (the term used in Europe for trans-
Rules and Regulations adopted by the former) with an efficiency of 90%”
New England Insurance Exchange and (page 54).
the Boston Fire Underwriters’ Union for
electric lighting, as in force then. “Transformers are sold as a mere com-
mercial article and lighting companies
Here are some interesting quotes from order dozens of them, as a cook might a
the book: “The per cent of loss (at full dozen eggs” (page 63).


Rober Willsher Weekes, The Design

of Alternate Current Transformers, 1896
Biggs & Co., 139-140, Salisbury Court,
London, 120 pages, 1893, new ed. 1923, Frederick Bedell, The Principles of
[Online], available at https://books. the Transformer, The Macmillan Com- pany, New York, 400 + XII pages, 1896, [Online], available at https://www.nature.
ml?id=5EYYAAAAYAAJ&redir_esc=y com/articles/054545a0

This was the first book exclusively on the

design of transformers. In two chapters,
design details of various transformer
models are given. All were 2400/100 V
single-phase transformers used for light-
ing residences.

Gisbert Kapp, Dynamos, Alternators

and Transformers, Biggs & Co., Lon-
don, 493 pages, 1893, [Online], avail-
able at

Gisbert Kapp (1852-1922) was an

Austrian-English electrical engineer,
first Chair of Electrical Engineering at Frederick Bedell (1868-1958)
the University of Birmingham, and be-
came the president of the Institution
of Electrical Engineers in 1909. He in- Gisbert Kapp, Transformers for Single
troduced the Kapp’s triangle, or Kapp’s and Multiphase Current: Their Theory,
diagram - a phasor diagram used to Construction and Use (translated from
determine the voltage drop on the trans- German) 1st edition, 241 pages, 1896; 2nd
former. edition, Whittaker &Co, London, UK,
363 pages, 1908; 3rd edition, Pitman un-

118 TRANSFORMERS MAGAZINE | Volume 11, Issue 1 | 2024

Kapp’s book Transformers for Single and Multiphase Current: Their The-
ory, Construction and Use, among other topics, covers constructional
details and types of transformers made by transformer manufacturers
of that time

der the Specialist’s series, 391 pages, 1925, Schuckent & Co., Nürnberg, Elektrizitats calculation, effects of air gaps in the core,
[Online], available at – Aktien-Gellschaft, W.Lahmeyer & magnetic leakage, and power factor.
details/transformersfors00kapprich Co., Frankfurt, The Johnson & Philips,
Charlton, London, The Brush Electri-
This is a book translated from German cal Engineers, London, The Machin- 1898
by the author himself, covering the the- en fabrik, Oerlikon, Switzerland and
ory, construction, and use of single and M/s Ganz, Budapest. Popular ratings Alfred Still, Alternating currents of
multiphase transformers. In the preface of transformers were 1-150 kW single electricity and theory of transformers,
to the book, the author writes: “In what phase and 2.5-200 kW three phase. Whittaker & Co, London, 179 pages,
may be termed the literature of heavy 1898, [Online], available at forgotten-
electrical engineering, there is no lack › download › AlternatingCur-
of books on dynamos, motors, cables, 1897 rentsof...pdf
and a host of auxiliary apparatus, but
transformers have been somewhat ne- George Adams, Transformer De- Alfred Still was a professor of electrical
glected. The reason may possibly be that sign, Spon & Chamberlain, New York, design at Purdue University, USA. The
scientists have not considered it worth 1st edition, 1897, 2nd edition, 1899, 75 author prepared the book “less from
their trouble to investigate so seemingly pages the scientist’s point of view and more
simple a piece of apparatus as a trans- books/about/Transformer_Design.htm- from an engineering standpoint.” The
former, whilst so much more interesting l?id=hIFh5_HCy7AC&redir_esc=y book was limited to basic principles of
problems connected with machinery in single-­phase transformers, ranging from
motion remained to be solved”. This 75-page short book covers types of ma­gnetic, self, and mutual induction,
transformers, iron loss and copper loss capacitance currents, and AC principles.
Some of the topics covered are losses in
transformers, types and construction of
iron parts, and heating of transformers. Authors
P. Ramachandran started his career in transformer in-
The book gives constructional details
and types of transformers made by dustry in 1966 at TELK, Kerala, a Hitachi Joint venture,
transformer manufacturers of that time, in India. He worked with ABB India during 1999-2020.
for example, Siemens and Halske, Berlin, He has more than 50 years of experience in the design
Siemens Brothers & Co. London, M/s and engineering of power products including power
Brown Boveri & Co, Baden, Switzer- transformers, bushings, and tap-changers. He received
land, The Electric Construction Co. Ltd, Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering
Wolverhampton, Westinghouse Electric from the University of Kerala, India, and Master of Business Administration
Manufacturing Co., Pittsburgh, USA,
Degree from Cochin University, India. He is a Fellow of Institution of Engi-
AEG Berlin, M/s Johnson & Philips,
neers (India), and he represented India in CIGRE Study Committee A2 for
Charlton, UK, Elektrizitats - Aktien,
transformers during 2002 – 2010.

Alfred Still was a pro- Vitaly Gurin graduated from Kharkov Polytechnic
fessor of electrical Institute (1962) and graduate school at the Leningrad
design at Purdue Uni- Polytechnic Institute. Candidate of technical sciences in
the Soviet scientific system (1970). For 30 years he tested
versity, USA, and he transformers up to 1.150 kV at ZTZ, including the larg-
prepared the book est one of that time in Europe, and statistically analysed
the test results. For over 25 years he was the Executive
“less from the scien- Director of Trafoservis Joint-Stock Company in Sofia (the diagnosis, repair
tist’s point of view and and modernisation in the operating conditions of transformers 20 – 750
kV). He has authored about 150 publications in Russian and Bulgarian, and
more from an engi- is the main co-author of GOST 21023.
neering standpoint”
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