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Q1: What is the name of the enterprise-grade cluster management solution from Docker??

a Docker Swarm

b Docker Web UI

c Docker Universal Control Plane

d None

e Docker Hub

f None

Q2: Which of the functions is used to sort an array in descending order??

a dsort()

b rsort()

c None

d None

e sort()

f asort()

Q3: Which of the following encoding an XML parser assumes ??

a None

b UTF-8

c UTF-32

d UTF-64

e UTF-16

f None

Q4: Docker containers are based on open standard?

a Allowing containers to run on all Microsoft operating systems only

b None

c None

d None

e Allowing containers to run on all major Linux distributions and Microsoft

operating systems

f Allowing containers to run on all major Linux distributions only

Q5: What does the unlink() function do??

a The unlink() function is dedicated for file system handling. It simply deletes the
file given as entry.

b None

c None

d The unlink() function is not dedicated for file system handling. It does not deletes
the file given as entry.

e None

f None

Q6: A virtual filesystem created dynamically by Linux that contains information about
system resources is:?

a None

b /boot

c /proc

d None

e /system

f /mkdir

Q7: How to list all the docker containers running/exited/stopped with container details.?
a None

b $ docker details -a

c $ docker ps -a

d None

e None

f $ docker ls -a

Q8: Which tag creates a check box for a form in HTML??

a None

b None

c <input type="checkbox">

d <input=checkbox>

e <checkbox>

f <input checkbox>

Q9: Which of the following is a text editor that can be used in command mode to edit files on
a Linux system??

a lsof

b vi or vim

c None

d None

e edit

f open

Q10: How do we escape data before storing it in the database??

a None

b None
c The addslashes function enables us to escape data before storage into the

d None

e The addstring function enables us to escape data before storage into the database.

f None

Q11: What are the API versions available??

The correct Answer is: None

b Pod level, Stage level and Sigma level. All these version features are in multiple

c Alpha level, Beta level and Stable level. All these version features are in multiple

d Single level, High level and Multi level. All these version features are in multiple

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

Q12: Which of the following function is used to read the content of a file??

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

c filesize()

d fopen()

e file_exist()

f fread()

Q13: Expand UFS in context of file system??

The correct Answer is: None

b Linux Failing System.

c UNIX File system.

d Plain File System.

e Linux File System.

The correct Answer is: None

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