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Practice test 5

Writing task 1

The graph outlines the proportion of the population aged 65 and over between 1940 and 2040 in
three different countries, Japan, Swedan and USA. The proportion of population aged 65 and over
in all three countries rised from 1940 to 2020, the graph show that these figures will skyrocket
between 2020 and 2040.

The ratio of population aged 65 and over in USA and Swedan had a similar inclination between
1940 and 2000. However, the propotion in USA was monotonic from 1980 to 2020, under fifteen
per cent. On the other hand, the ratio in Swedan rised to twenty per cent, and had a little decline
then. After this fluctuation, the proportion of both countries regain the similar inclination.

The proportion of Japan had a huge difference from the ratio in USA and Swedan. The ratio in
Japan is much lower than other two countries. The figure was under five per cent between 1940
and 2000, and it rised to ten per cent after 2020. When it reaches to ten per cent, its figure
skyrockets to twenty five per cent before 2040. The proportion of population aged 65 and over in
Japan take the lead, over twenty five per cent.

In korea, most people usually graduate university to get a ideal job. We get a many experienced
in university, such as, study, exam, and university excursion. Among these things, lecture is
essential part of whole activities. Students can study about their major subject and class of
culture, also, they can meet many people in classroom. That's why we call the lecture as core of
university. I think university should accept equal members of male and female students in every

Same proposition of male and female students is unusual in society. Someone can say that it is
too ideal for university students who should get a lot of experiences. However, Accepting equal
member of male and female students can be happened only in university. It will be a special
chance to put students in ideal situation.

On the other hand, it is unnnecessary for university to be studcked by same ratio of men and
women. Nursing department and study of art are occupied by women, and most students in
physical education is male. University should consider these situations. Of course, ideal
proposition of male and female students is the best, but sometimes it is impossible for certain
department. So, Accepting equal members of male and female students must be controlled in
some degree.

Finally, the role of university is making a filed to ready their students before they get into society.
They need to get a variety of experiences whilst they are studying in university. It could be a ideal
and nice situation or the worst situation. No matter what is good or bad, chance to learn from
lifestlye is essential for students. So, I think accepting equal members of male and female
students in every subjects is right for students in some degree.

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