CC-Assignment 03

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CACS402-Cloud Computing

CACS402-Assignment No. 3


Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted at or before Bhadra 24th, 2079.

Rules for Marking

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:

o The assignment is submitted after due date.

o The assignment is copied.


The objective of this assignment is to provide an on hand experience of:

 Virtualization
 Kinds of Virtualizations
 Virtualization Benefits

Question: 1
What are the benefits of virtualization in a cloud environment? Discuss a minimum of
three benefits in detail.

Question: 2
There are various virtualization options: bare metal (type 1) in which the hypervisors run
directly on the hardware as their own OS, and user space (type 2) hypervisors that run
within the conventional OS. Which of these options is more secure? Describe the
vulnerabilities you believe exist in type-1, type-2, or both configurations. Given, what do
you believe can be done to mitigate these vulnerabilities?


It is preferred that you should submit your assignment in pdf or Microsoft Word (.doc)

Assignment No 3 1/1

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