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1. Introduction. (pg.2)
2. History of the brand and the product. (pg. 3-4)
3. Economic analysis. Billing. (pg.4)
4. Marketing elements. (pg.5-8)
4.1. Product: Ron Barceló Añejo. (pg.5)
4.1.1. Range of Ron Barceló Añejo Products.
4.2. Price. (pg.6)
4.2.1. Price range.
4.2.2. Price evolution.
4.3. Place. (pg.6-7)
4.4. Promotion. (pg.7-8)
4.4.1. Target.
5. Communication mix and advertising. (pg.8-15)
5.1. Logo and claim. (pg.8-9)
5.2. Advertising. (pg.9-11)
5.2.1. Advertising in conventional media. (pg.10)
5.2.2. Advertising in unconventional media. (pg.10-11)
5.3. Marketing in social media. (pg.11-12)
5.4. Public relations. Events and sponsorships. (pg.13-14)
5.5. Packaging. (pg.15)
6. Conclusion. (pg.16)
7. Bibliography & Webgraphy. (pg.16-21)

1. Introduction.
Ron Barceló is one of the great companies in the Spanish alcoholic beverages
This company is dedicated to the production of Dominican Rum but it is
established in Spain. Its rum is the most consumed in the country.
As regards its communication, this brand is a power in the advertising and
marketing sector in Spain. It stands out for its advertising and marketing in social
networks, through these platforms Ron Barceló impregnates his "Live Now" spirit.

2. History of the brand and the product: Ron Barceló (brand) and Ron
Barceló Añejo (product).
Ron Barceló has its main production plant in the Dominican Republic, however
the company pays taxes and is established in Spain. The founders are two Spanish
brothers (specifically Mallorcan), Andrés and Julián Barceló. They had a dream: to make
the best rum in the world. For this they traveled to Central America to find a new path.
The company's history ends in success (despite having had moments of crisis), however
the beginnings were hard for the Barceló brothers. These sought luck in different ways.
While Andrés Barceló sought luck on the Island of Puerto Rico, his brother settled in
Santo Domingo with the aim of building his small business. This occurs in 1929 and the
company Barceló & Co. is created. Julián Barceló began to sell his products traveling
throughout the rural territory of the Dominican Republic. Thanks to its original packaging
and its logo and slogan: "the rum that I drink" as Barceló & Co. it became
more famous.
After 20 years in the spirits sector, Ron Barceló once again
reaped overwhelming success with its new product: Ron Barceló Añejo.
Whose main difference with the rest is due to the fact that it is preserved
for 18 years. Shortly after, in 1974, the company passes into the hands
of the second generation of the Barceló family, when Julián retires and
hands over his command post to his nephew Miguel.

Figure 1 Ron Barceló Añejo,

Ron Barceló.

In these growing years, the date of 1978 stands out, which includes the creation
of the Dominican Association of Rum Producers (ADOPRON), whose partners are today
companies such as Barceló rum, Brugal, Isidro Bordas, Vinícola del Norte and Yazoo.
Under his leadership, they also created another of their star products: Ron
Barceló Imperial, in 1980. It was born from its conservation in the same type of barrels
that are used with the Añejo for at least 7 years. And being its main ingredient 100%
Dominican sugar cane that they collect from their own
Continuing their upward trajectory, it was in the 90s
when they transferred the export rights to another Spanish
company, specifically to Grupo Varma, expanding their
experience and founding the company Ron Barceló SRL.
And finally, in the year 2000 Varma bought the company
Ron Barceló S.R.L.
Figure 2 Grupo Varma,

It was in that year 2006 when, after its great relevance in 25 international markets,
the company Ron Barceló SRL finally obtained the Ron Barceló brand. However, it
maintains the same board of directors made up of the third generation of the Barceló
family and the García family.

It was for this reason that this same year the bottles of Ron Barceló Añejo, Gran
Añejo and Ron Barceló Imperial were redesigned. This gave rise to a new stage in which
the company struggles to give the best of itself to its customers.
To this day, Ron Barceló SRL continues to work solely with the Ron Barceló
brand. It is a great power since it is present in more than 50 countries and has a very
high position, it is the fourth in terms of rum exports worldwide.
Its plans for the future are based on obtaining greater sustainability with the
environment, obtaining greater prestige and innovation. In addition to maximizing care in
all rum processes to achieve the greatest customer satisfaction and the highest possible

3. Economic analysis. Billing.

As far as billing is concerned, the company has great notoriety in Spain as it
belongs to the Varma Group.

Volume of sales in million of boxes of 9L




2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Figure 3 Volume of sales. Self-elaboration. (Statista, 2018)

Regarding the worldwide volume of its sales, it is observed that growth has been
maintained over time, except for the years 2015 and 2016, in which its sales were
partially reduced; going from 2.2 to 2 (sales volume in millions of 9-litre boxes). However,
in the last period represented, the maximum amount of the period was reached again.

During 2018 there was a slight drop, reaching 26% compared to the previous
year, the date on which 180 million euros were earned. It was from this moment that the
brand was relaunched and grew again thanks to innovative investments and better
management, resulting in notorious growth. Thus, in 2019 the profits obtained reached
200 million, thus achieving an increase of 11%.

4. Marketing elements.
4.1. Product: Ron Barceló Añejo.

In 1970 the company added Ron Barceló Añejo to its list of products
which, unlike the previous ones, has a much more intense, deep and
brilliant color.

Its main aroma reminds us of chocolate and its taste is initially bitter and
dry, as it surprises with fruity and partly spicy nuances. It also shares
with the previous one its distillation of molasses and its maturation in
American oak barrels.

The most relevant aspect of this product is its preaching of "carpe

diem", which invites us to live in the here and now, thus becoming
its flagship product. His philosophy also focuses on what surrounds
the world of night.

Although there is the option of drinking it neat, it is also ideal for

cocktails with gold or amber rum, a famous cocktail is the Blue

The container has a net quantity of 700 ml and an alcohol

percentage of 37.5%. And its product dimensions are 6.4x9.9x25
Figure 4 Ron Barceló Añejo, Ron

4.1.1. Range of Ron Barceló Añejo products.

Thanks to the success of the Ron Barceló Añejo product, the

company launched another product that branched off from this first one:
Ron Barceló Gran Añejo.

This product is positioned at a higher level since it is made up of

a mixture of rums that age for up to 6 years in oak barrels where
bourbon has been previously stored.

It is presented with a higher quality level and intended for

the preparation of higher quality cocktails. Its name alludes to the
long aging process to which it is subjected, as it matures naturally
in American oak barrels where bourbon has previously been
stored to infer its aromas. In addition, for its elaboration a certain
mixture of the finest Dominican rums is selected. As a result of this
careful production process, a light and aromatic rum is achieved,
excellent to accompany it with a soft drink and a slice of lemon.

The container of this product has a net quantity of 750 ml

and an alcohol percentage of 37.5%. And its product dimensions
are 26.5x10.5x8 cm.
Figure 5 Ron Barceló Gran Añejo,
Ron Barceló-

4.2. Price.
4.2.1. Price range.
Depending on the type of product, the company establishes different grams and,
with it, different prices.
In the first place, there is the product to analyze, the most typical of the brand,
this is Ron Barceló Añejo, whose price ranges between 15-20 euros per liter. Following
the Ron Añejo branch, we have the Ron Barceló Gran Añejo, which has an average price
of 20-30 euros per liter. With a similar price is the Ron Barceló Imperial, which is usually
worth between 20-35 euros per liter. Continuing through the range of Imperial Rum, we
also have the Barceló Imperial Onyx Rum: the price is around 35-45 euros per liter. And
with a lower price is the range of Ron Barceló Grand Platinum, which is around 15-20
euros per liter. Finally, the Ron Barceló Blanco Añejado, which is very difficult to find in
Spain, only in very specific stores and the price is around 22 euros.

4.2.2. Price evolution.

The following graph shows the number of bottles of Ron Barceló that people buy
the most in Spain, and as can be seen, the ones that sell the most are those that range
between 0 and 25 euros. Within this range is the star product: Ron Barceló Añejo, which
is the most successful among young people. Compared to the rest of the bars, it can be
seen that there is a big difference in bottle sales when they go up to 25 euros.
The average price of Ron Barceló is 15.58 euros, but its maximum price can
reach up to 90 euros for a bottle of Ron Barceló Imperial Premium Blend.

Figure 6 Number of bottles and prices. (, n.d)

4.3. Place.
Ron Barceló Añejo and the rest of the Ron Barceló products can be found in
physical and online points of sale. In addition, since Ron Barceló Añejo is the most
common and marketed product of the brand, this product is found in a wide range of
supermarkets and establishments in municipalities with high and low populations. For

example, it is a product that can be found in municipalities in Spain with 1,000
As far as online points of sale are concerned, they can be found on different
websites and distributors: Amazon, Ebay... These products can also be purchased on
the company's website. This website has an elegant and simple design with the brand's
corporate colors: black, brown and white. Style that differs from the one used in their
social media profiles: focused on the younger audience. The website is easy to use and
with a wide range of products on offer, Ron Barceló Añejo appears. It is noteworthy that
when entering the brand's website, a "window" appears asking whether or not the user
is of legal age.

Figure 7 Ron Barceló Website

4.4. Promotion.
As far as promotion is concerned, it will be developed in greater depth in the
following section. The promotion consists of all the strategies carried out by the company
to reach its target audience.

4.4.1. Target.
In the consumer analysis, we generally find men, because according to statistics,
70% of rum consumption belongs to the male sector, and 60% belongs to young men. It
is true that in youth the consumption of alcohol in women increases. (Ureña C., 2021)
Ron Barceló's buyer profile is very extensive, since the age ranges from 18 to 45
years. This profile is usually a person who values social relationships and leisure time,
seeks to break with his day to day, free himself and disconnect.
As age increases, taste and quality become more relevant, in turn the older public
values moments of relaxation more and prefers to invest more in the product.
It is worth mentioning that, in recent years, the Ron Barceló brand seeks a young
audience, since they are those who consume the most, we are talking about the
generation X market, but millennials more abundantly. This public is the one that

consumes the most Ron Barceló Añejo due to economic reasons, since it is the cheapest
product of the brand.
We see this desire of the brand to reach the young public in events held such as
the Desalia festival to create user experiences or the campaign called "Live Now" in
which they achieved an impact of 26 million users, in this campaign they sought achieve
that positive, vital attitude, typical of the youngest targets.
Thus, although all the campaigns are aimed at an adult audience, they differ
depending on the medium. Advertising in conventional media is aimed at an older
audience, although it is now highly restricted by law, and advertising in non-conventional
media is aimed at young people between the ages of 18 and 30, these being the users
of these media. . On the other hand, control in advertising on social networks is less.
This implies that marketing and advertising campaigns on social networks reach
underage users. A fact that does not occur in advertising that has been carried out in
conventional media.

5. Communcation mix and advertising.

Ron Barceló invests a lot of money in advertising. According to the Statista portal,
in 2019 he dedicated around 80.7 million euros to boost sales. With the result of an 11%
increase in these, that is, they managed to earn 200 million euros in 2019.

5.1. Logo and claim.

The logo of the brand has not undergone major changes, although it has been
renewed to be consistent with its new communication strategy. Therefore, it transitioned
from a logo with less substance that read “Ron Barceló” with some serif letters to a logo
in which “Barceló” appeared, with the same typeface but thicker, and below “Dominican
rum”. . This rebranding process was also applied at different levels: corporate,
masterbrand and commercial. Logos were also established for each type of product. It
is seen in the following image:

Figure 8 Logos (, n.d)

The “Vive Ahora” claim began to be introduced to consumers in 2011, according

to Marketing Directo Magazine. This brand motto has continued to be used and

accompanies its strategies and campaigns, as is the example of its events (a highly
relevant element in the company's marketing strategies). With this slogan, the values
and the USP of the company are observed: enjoyment. The alcoholic beverage brand
sells its products in the spirit of “carpe diem”. This slogan is most successful since it has
permeated the mentality of young people, the target of the brand's strategies.

Young spanish people associate the phrase “Vive

Ahora” with the Ron Barceló drink and, even more so, with its
flagship product: Ron Barceló Añejo. The vast majority of the
publications and interactions on their social networks in which
the “Live Now” claim appears are accompanied by a brand
product that is: Ron Barceló Añejo. Therefore, young people
associate the concept of “carpe diem” with the consumption
of Ron Barceló and, generally, with the consumption of Ron
Barceló Añejo.

Figure 9 Ron Barceló “Vive

Ahora”. (Marca Magazine,

5.2. Advertising.
First of all, it should be noted that the extensive and strict regulations regarding
the promotion of alcoholic beverages on television prevent Ron Barceló from being
promoted on television (although it is allowed on radio). In Spain, specifically, both the
General Law on Advertising and the General Law on Audiovisual Communication apply.
This second prohibits the commercial communication of products that harm the health of
consumers. And, in both the veto is specified to the advertising communication of
alcoholic beverages with more than 20 degrees. Ron Barceló products exceed that
maximum, for example, Ron Barceló Gran Añejo has about 37.5 degrees of alcohol.
Therefore, it is impossible to promote the advertiser's products on television.
However, despite this strict regulation, Spain is one of the countries of the
European Union that has been most permissive with advertisements for spirits. It is in
1988 when Law 34/1988 or the General Advertising Law is established, whose fifth article
specifies the refusal to advertise liquor with more than 20 degrees of alcohol. And, years
later, in 1995, the sale and advertising of spirits to minors is prohibited. On the other
hand, all these legislations have not prevented advertising spots from brands such as
Martini, whose drink has about 15 degrees of alcohol. A dynamic that is in the process
of changing. The Royal Decree proposed by the government in 2020 applies more
restrictions to advertising in the sector. It is true that products that do not exceed the
gradation of 20 may continue to broadcast spots. However, the announcements will have
to be broadcast in limited hours and without being able to use certain forms of messages.
This reduces the possibility of reaching a larger number of viewers. This implies that the
spots change their format to attract an even more adult audience, since it is the one that
currently watches television programs during limited hours.
Likewise, this new rule also seeks to prohibit advertisements for high-grade
beverages on the radio and, what is worse, in non-conventional media, that is, the
Internet. If the Royal Decree goes ahead, Ron Barceló will have to assume that he will
not be able to promote himself on the Internet either. Its situation is very complex
because, despite the fact that it is a very well positioned product, its investment in
promotion on social networks in recent years has been very high. There are certain
doubts about the future of the brand without the possibility of advertising.

5.2.1. Advertising in conventional media.

Although it is currently impossible to analyze the advertiser's conventional

advertising and how it focuses on a specific target audience, it is possible to analyze
20th century advertising. In the last century, Ron Barceló's advertising communication in
conventional media had a specific target.

Adult men have been the brand's target

audience over the years. Even with the advent of the
Internet and the creation of web pages, they have
continued to appeal to this social sector. It is the
example of posters like "This dark secret" from 2005.
This poster was the cover of a web page of the
advertiser Ron Barceló. It is noteworthy that it was
denounced by FACUA - Consumers in Action. This
complaint is due to the sexualization of the model in
the poster and the clear insinuation that the woman
is the "real prize". This behavior of using the figure
of women and the sexualization of the latter to
appeal to adult men changes with the advent of
Social Networks. Advertising on these platforms has
a very different target. Thus, this fact has changed
resoundingly, advertising and brand values have
taken a different approach.

Figure 10 "This dark secret" Ron Barceló.

(FACUA, 2008)

5.2.1. Advertising in unconventional media.

The spots currently made by the brand are

in the field of social networks. These spots are
launched on YouTube and other social networks
such as Instagram and seek to generate contact
with the consumer. An example is the spots
launched as a result of the COVID pandemic, which
has greatly affected the company since nightlife
venues have been closed for a long time. Thus, in
its spots the brand seeks to appeal to a
consumption of these spirits at home. This is the
example of the “Barceló Inda Jaus” spot that was
launched in April 2021.

Figure 11 "Barceló In Da Jaus" 2021,


Through it they try to encourage the consumption of their drink in private homes,
avoiding a lower drop in sales and promoting new personalized products to “continue
with party at home." These products complemented the spot to create a campaign
around the reality of alcoholic beverages in the pandemic. Barceló seeks to enter the
homes of its consumers by forming part of their household products, turning its products
into one more element of the Spanish home. Among the products launched in this
campaign are socks and cushions that can have the same design, the Jenga board
game, doormats, mobile phone cases, cups and glasses with funny phrases, and balls
of lights that simulate those of the discos. As a result of this campaign, a store of products
beyond alcoholic beverages was created, in which all the slogan "Live Now" appears.
These products can be easily purchased through social networks, such as Instagram.

This spot was the work of the Socialmood advertising agency, recognized for its
groundbreaking and highly creative nature. Its duration is 20 seconds, which is enough
to give all the information in a very dynamic way thanks to the camera movements and
transitions they use.

5.3. Marketing in social media.

In recent years, marketing strategies in social networks have increased since they
have faced an unfavorable reality and legal context that has fostered these strategies.
First, the Spanish General Law on Advertising and the General Law on Communication,
which explicitly prohibits the advertising of beverages with more than 20 alcoholic
degrees. Secondly, the state of alarm as a result of the pandemic that prohibited nightlife
and, also, the months of quarantine.

Thus, a campaign was carried out on the

Barceló Spain Instagram account in 2021 under the
motto they have used since the beginning of the
pandemic: "The desire to party is not lost, it
accumulates!" This campaign consisted of a raffle for
52 bottles of Ron Barceló Añejo, one for each week
that nightlife has not opened since the state of alarm
was declared in Spain. To participate, all you had to
do was follow the Barceló España account, and
comment on what you hadn't been able to celebrate
in those weeks due to COVID.

Figure 12 Raffle, Ron Barceló Spain

Instagram Account.

We must highlight the role of the community manager in the different RRSS
accounts of Ron Barceló Spain. This community manager calls himself Roni and
regularly interacts with the different young people who respond to his challenges and
games. He is one of the community managers with the most presence in Spanish social
networks and his role grows in the summer months, where they carry out the events that
take place in later sections.

From these social media accounts, such as Instagram, different campaigns are
launched that create a bond with consumers. This Christmas, the company has launched
a contest on its social networks alluding to the concept of the "invisible friend" (Instagram

Ron Barceló Spain, 2022). Continuing with the store's "Live Now" strategy, Ron Barceló
launches a Christmas gift raffle in which it includes a book called "El Recenario" (where
he makes menus of poorly prepared meals after a party) and a bottle of Ron Barceló

This concept of the book "El Recenario" is part of a strategy in which influencers
have participated creating their "disastrous recipes". These influencers are recognized
by the public as part of the Ron Barceló brand. This is because the company generates
different strategies in social networks, generally accompanied by events, in which it
always selects the same group of influencers. These influencers are part of the "Vive
Ahora" group and are recognized by Spanish youth. They mention each other and seem
to form a good group of friends beyond work.

Figure 13 "El Recenario" 2022, Barceló Spain Instagram Account.

Moreover, Ron Barceló has programs on platforms such as “¡Qué fuerte tía!”, in
which they have humorous influencers known to young Spaniards such as Telmo
Trenado and Lalachus, and other figures such as Natalia, a former contestant on the
musical talent Operación Triunfo. In it, all kinds of topics are discussed and interviews
with well-known people are conducted in a relaxed tone, all through the Twitch streaming
platform, which has been very popular among young people since the quarantine. This
incursion into the world of Twitch is due to the fact that they want to promote more fluid
and daily communication with their audience, with which they do not feel that they are
trying to sell their product in an open way, but rather in a more subtle way. In other words,
watching the presenters drink Ron Barceló on a Tuesday at 9:00 p.m. will provoke the
need to consume their product in the people who watch the program. Thus, they tried to
avoid the sharp drop in their sales by suspending any type of celebration from March 13,
2020 until the summer of 2021 (El Diario Newspaper, 2021). It should be noted that,
despite its youthful and carefree character, security measures were taken very seriously
in this program, for example, they dispensed with a collaborator when they saw that he
had attended an illegal party during the pandemic, and they went up to their networks
how they perform PCR on their entire team. The objective of these actions was clear:
not to harm its brand image and to send a message of responsibility to its majority
audience: young people.

5.4. Public relations. Events and sponsorships.

From Ron Barceló they also carry out more veteran sales strategies, such as
holding events so that the public generates a link with the brand and its values through
these. Ron Barceló, like other brands of alcoholic beverages, has used events (generally
musical) as a way to position itself and sell its products successfully. Ron Barceló events
have managed to become desirable for Spanish youth and have remained in trend over
the years.

The brand's best-known event is Ron

Barceló Desalia. This is a famous festival that
takes place annually in summer, in non-
pandemic conditions and has been resumed
this summer 2022 (a fact announced by the
group of influencers that are part of Ron
Barceló's team). It is a meeting point between
the most important singers and DJs on the
current scene with influencers and guests.

Figure 14 Ron Barceló Desalia (Bea World Festival,


Ron Barceló Desalia's project is considered

a 360º project in which some 7 leading agencies
participate, each with a different objective:
marketing, media, production... As the digital
magazine specialized in marketing "Marketing
Directo" points out, building experiences through
through the “Live Now spirit” is key to reaching
consumers. In 2019 the brand managed to be a
trending topic with its hashtags #QueVuelvaDesalia
and #DesaliaViveAhora thanks to the challenges
launched by its community manager. Thus, only in
the previous phase the brand obtained more than 6
million impressions on social networks. This festival
was held in Islantilla (Huelva, Spain) and the artists
of the moment participated in it. In addition, other
brands such as Tinder participated in this project.
Through surveys, this dating app brought together
the different participants of the event. This strategy
Figure 15 Ron Barceló & Morrison 2019 on Tinder was the brand's first and obtained
(Interempresas, 2019) excellent results: a 73% engagement rate and
7.7% more impressions than contracted.

The solidarity and CSR aspect was achieved through the hand of the Spanish shoe
brand Morrison. Ron Barceló Desalia created exclusive sneakers with a charitable
objective that were successfully sold at the festival. These shoes had the main motif of
the packaging of Ron Barceló products and the decoration of the Desalia festival: palm
trees, thus showing the concept of solidarity as one of the values of the brand. More than

€5,000 was raised, which went to NGOs in favor of animal care. (Marketing Directo,

Due to the success of Ron Barceló Desalia, Ron Barceló Nevalia was created. This
festival is held in the winter period with the same objectives as its predecessor. This
event takes place on the ski slopes of Spain, this being an "Apreski" event. The "Apreski"
is the moment of leisure after practicing snow sports. This winter 2022 has been carried
out on the ski slopes of Formigal. The event has been held again after a two-year break
due to the pandemic. The motto of this event has been "Because if there is snow, there
is trouble... And if there is trouble, there is Barceló". The brand is once again positioned
as the brand of enjoyment. Their Ron Barceló Añejo, which is the most consumed rum
in Spain, is the rum of leisure and they demonstrate it with their campaigns and
strategies. The vast majority of the event has personalities but the brand, through raffles
carried out by its community manager "Roni", launches 60 free passes for its followers.
They have been able to participate in this raffle through the accounts of the influencers
and personalities attending the Barceló events and through the event's website: (Marketing Directo Magazine, 2022)

Figure 16 Desalia & Nevalia, Ron Barceló Spain Instagram Account.

As can be seen, at first these events were only aimed at influencers, but the rest of the
public became interested in them thanks to the photos and videos they saw on the
networks, and they turned it into this great marketing product, where only Ron Barceló
is consumed.

It is also worth highlighting the participation of the brand in festivals not organized by it.
In these festivals it acts as a sponsor, as is the case of Polar Sound in Baqueira. In the
beginning, Ron Barceló acted solely as a sponsor at other festivals, but he decided,
successfully, to hold his own events, betting on a type of marketing that currently
characterizes his brand.

5.5. Packaging.

As has already been pointed out in the work, the Ron

Barceló Añejo product is the most renowned product of the brand
and is the one that accompanies most of its advertising and
marketing strategies. For this reason, Grupo Varma, the company
that contains the Ron Barceló brand, is committed to changing the
packaging of the product bottle on different designated dates.

In the case of Christmas 2016, the company launched some

exclusive bottles of Ron Barceló Añejo designed by the Danish
illustrator Emil Zozak (La Criatura Creativa, 2016). These bottles
were dedicated to the snow season, at which time Barceló also
launched its music festivals.

This practice has been carried out on different occasions. In the

summer of 2017, the brand launched a new packaging for Ron
Barceló Añejo designed by the illustrator Abraham Menéndez,
which not only included the concept "Live Now" but also featured
his famous hashtag on the bottle. These bottles were also limited
edition and could be obtained in Spanish establishments during Figure 17 Ron BarcelÓ
those summer months. Añejo Christmas 2016
(La Cultura Creativa,

6. Conclusion.

The Ron Barceló brand is positioned in Spain as the leading leisure brand,
generally nightlife. Thus, through its communication mix strategies, it reinforces its values
and its USP: enjoyment. His advertising vision has been renewed as a result of the
evolution of society and legal limitations. This renewal has made the brand focus on its
ability to influence social networks, making a 360º strategy in them.

Its community manager even has a name and its followers interact with it and its
campaigns on a daily basis. Ron Barceló seeks to be present in the minds of its public
and continue to advertise its star product Ron Barceló Añejo. This Dominican rum is the
main choice of Spanish consumers, compared to other competing brands such as

Ron Barceló offers the “Live Now”

experience in different settings. Its striking
and exclusive packaging allows it to reach
traditional consumers who buy at its
points of sale and its events reach its main
target: youth

Figure 18 Ron Barceló Vive Ahora (El Publicista,2016)


In conclusion, these are the set of fundamental communication strategies through which
Ron Barceló continues to position its Ron Barceló Añejo product as the leader in its

7. Bibliography & Webgraphy.

• Asociación Dominicana de Productores de Ron. (2021, 11 febrero). Ron

Barcelo. ADOPRON.

• A Ron Barceló se le acumulan las ganas de fiesta. (2021, 12 marzo). La

Publicidad - Periódico de Publicidad, Comunicación Comercial y



• Bar Business. (2020, 1 septiembre). Barceló Blanco, un ron nacido por y

para expertos en ‘mixología’. Bar Business.


• Barceló | Coctelería Creativa. (s. f.). Coctelería creativa. Aviable in:

• Carrasco, L. (2018, 26 mayo). «España no pasaría un control de

publicidad de bebidas alcohólicas». Vozpópuli.


• Comprar Ron Barceló Gran Añejo 70 cl. (s. f.). Bodecall - Cervezas, vinos

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• Yotele, R. (2021, 5 febrero). «Qué fuerte tía!» llega a Twitch: así es el

nuevo espacio presentado por Natalia y tres conocidos influencers.


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