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M&E FORM No. 1


Fiscal Year 2024

PYDP LYDP Issues And Objectives Activity Location Schedule Lead Budget Remarks
Objectives/ Objectives/ Concerns Committee
Area/ Agenda Area/ Agenda Or Person

Governance Inefficient and To perform and Purchase of Office Iringan Barangay January- SK Officials P 20, 000.00
ineffective provide prompt, Supplies and Gymnasium February
service effective and Materials
provided efficient service to
the youth.

Environment Barangay lacks To provide waste KKP “Kanya- Barangay Iringan January-March All SK in P 5, 500.00 10%
waste management Kanyang Roads partnership Barangay
management materials for proper Pulot/Paglilinis with KK Fund (SK
materials, waste disposal. members Fund)
especially the and
trash bin. Barangay
Climate Change Climate Change Insufficient Create awareness Conduct Film Iringan Barangay January- SK Officials P 5, 000.00
knowledge of and increase Showing on Gymnasium February
the harmful knowledge in Climate Change
effects of mitigating the Documentary
climate change effects of climate
Disaster Risk Disaster Risk Lack of capacity To conduct training Conduct of Listong Iringan Barangay February- SK Officials P 4, 000.00
Reduction and Reduction and enhancement for Katipunan ng Kabataan Training Gymnasium March
Resiliency Resiliency training for the Kabataan members
youth on on fire
proper preparedness and
preparation proper life-saving
before, during, techniques, in
and after a fire celebration of Fire
occurs. Prevention Month.
Gender and Gender and No mechanism To establish a help Establish of Iringan Barangay March SK Officials P 3, 000.00 10%
Development Development to help young desk that will assist Kabataang Gymnasium and Barangay
women who are young women who Kababaihan Help Barangay Fund (SK
victims of are victims of Desk/Seminar Officials Fund)
violence. violence, under the

Socio-Cultural Lack of To Develop and To provide or help Iringan Barangay April 2024 Iringan P 20, 000.00
Financial enhance their talent with their finances Hall Dance
assistance for representing our during the Company
during the Barangay. contest. dancers.
Health Health Services Unhealthy To promote Healthy Conduct of Iringan Barangay 2024 SK Officials P 5, 000.00
Lifestyles of the Lifestyle Zumba-Galing Gymnasium and
Youth Barangay
Officials and
Anti-Drug Abuse Ant-Drug Lack of To provide Conduct Drug Iringan Barangay 2024 SK Officials P 5, 000.00
Abuse information information on the Education Hall
about the ill-effects of illegal Seminar/Symposi
harmful effects drugs/narcotics. um
of narcotics and
other abusive
Sports Sports Insufficient To provide sufficient Inter-purok/Inter- Iringan Barangay 2024 SK Officials P 30, 000.00
Development Development opportunity for opportunities for zonal Basketball Gymnasium
the youth to the Youth to engage League & Conduct
engage in in sports activities. Laro ng Lahi
sports/physical To promote and
activities. Lack preserve traditional
of interest in and local sports.
Traditional or
local sports.
Governance Capacity Insufficient To enhance Attendance to Iringan Barangay 2024 SK Officials P 21, 000.00
Building knowledge of knowledge of SK- trainings and Hall
SK Officials on related roles and seminars
SK-related roles functions
and functions.

Active Team Building Lack of To boost their Creation of Iringan Barangay March-April SK Offcials P 5, 000.00
Citizenship familiarity confidence in program for Team Hall
among KK socializing and Building
Members. strengthen youth

Social Inclusion To give Youth the Linggo ng Iringan Barangay August 2024 SK Officials P 33, 000.00
and Equity chance to show Kabataan Gymnasium
their talents and do
community service
and promote the
participation of all
Environment Eco- Barangay lacks To provide waste “Pitch your Trash” Iringan Barangay August All SK P 5, 000.00
Empowerment waste management for Campaign Gymnasium and Officials in
/Climate management materials for proper Barangay Roads partnership
Change materials. waste disposal with KK

Environment Climate Presence of Soil To minimize the Tree Growing Iringan Barangay 2024 SK Officials P 5, 000.00
Change/Eco- Erosion and occurrence of flash Monitoring, Tree Gymnasium and
Empowerment flash flood floods and soil Growing Barangay
erosion Officials
Environment Beautification Lack of To enhance the To create a Barangay Iringan 2024 SK Officials P 5, 000.00
materials and beautification of our friendly and
designs to barangay. comfortable
beautify our environment for
barangay. residents of
Barangay Iringan.

Education Quality The youth have To ease student’s Giving school Iringan November SK Officials P 22, 000.00 10%
Education no adequate burden during their supplies to all Allacapan 2024 Barangay
facility for studies. students Cagayan Fund (SK
literacy especially those Fund)
development. who are less
Quality 1-year unlimited Iringan Barangay November SK Officials P 32, 400.00
Education budget for WIFI Gymnsium 2024

Social Inclusion Low To encourage Conduct of TIP Iringan Barong 2024 All SK P 7, 500.00 10%
and Equity participation indigenous children “Teaching Village Officials Barangay
rate of to participate in Indigenous Fund (SK
indigenous school. People” Fund)
Governance SK Officials Incomplete As a reward for SK Officials Iringan Barangay 2024 All SK P 90, 180.00
Honoraria Officials being responsible in Honoraria Hall Officials
their respected jobs.

Health Medical Lack of Medical To give medical To help KK Iringan Barangay 2024 SK Officials P 5, 000.00
Assistance for kits. assistance to KK members with Gymnasium
Katipunan ng members. their medical
Kabataan expenses.

Inter-zonal Anti-Drug and Many youths To maintain a good Liga ng Kabataan Iringan Barangay 2024 SK Officials P 20, 000.00
Volleyball Terrorism have vices and foundation of youth Kontra Droga at Gymnasium
League addictions to for the next Terorismo
alcohol and generation.
Youth Youth Lack of To provide Christmas Parol Iringan Barangay December Barangay P 5, 000.00 10%
Employment Employment livelihood livelihood making Contest by Gymnasium 2024 Officials and Barangay
and Livelihood and Livelihood opportunities opportunities for zone SK Officials Fund (SK
with to the out- the out-of-school Fund)
of-school youth. youth.

Provision of Parol Iringan Barangay SK officials 10%

making materials Gymnasium and Barangay
coordination Fund (SK
with TESDA Fund)
and other

TOTAL: P 360,842.10

Prepared by: Approved by:


____________________ ___________________
SK Secretary SK Chairperson

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