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School of Engineering & Technology

Department: CSE Session: 2023-2024

Programme: BTECH CSE Semester: 1st
Course Code: ENCS101 Number of students:140
Course Name: Fundamental of Faculty: Dr. Megha Gaur
Computer Programming
Max Marks:10

Assignment Number: 2
COs QNo. Assignment Details
CO4 1. Write a Python function to calculate the factorial of a given number using recursion
CO6 2. Implement the Tower of Hanoi problem using recursion.
CO4 3. Implement the Fibonacci sequence using recursion. Ensure that the function takes an
argument n and returns the nth Fibonacci number. Additionally, include type checking
to handle non-integer inputs.
CO4 4. Create a Python class named "Car" with attributes such as make, model, and year.
Include a method that displays information about the car. Instantiate two objects of
the class and demonstrate how to access their attributes and call the method.
CO4 5. Create a base class called "Animal" with attributes like name and sound. Derive two
classes, "Dog" and "Cat," from the Animal class. Show how inheritance allows the
derived classes to inherit attributes and methods from the base class.
CO 6 Write a Python class BankAccount with attributes like account_number, balance,
4 date_of_opening and customer_name, and methods like deposit, withdraw, and
CO5 7. Define missing values in a dataset, and why is it important to handle them? Explain
two common techniques for handling missing values in a dataset.
CO5 8. Explain the importance of data visualization in conveying information. Explain different
types of charts and plots used for visualizing data. Give specific scenarios where each
type of chart is most effective.

Faculty Signature: Dr. Megha Gaur Approved by:

Date: Date:

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