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Name: Ni Made Ayu Widhiantari Puri

NIM: 2212021140
Class: 3E
Course: Assessment dan Evaluasi Pembelajaran

Authentic Assessment Instrument

Performance Assessment Instrument C2

Material : Procedure Text

Objective : Students are able to give a brief report on the procedure text given about how to
use Google Forms.

Instruction : Give a brief report in front of the classroom of the procedure text given.

Procedures : 1. Read the procedure text about how to use Google Forms.
2. Try to understand the content and the text step by step.
3. Summarize the text in your own words.
4. Report what you understand about the text.
Scoring Rubric (Reading):

Key Element 4 Points 2-3 Points 0-1 Point

Comprehension Clear understanding General Unclear

of the text. understanding of the understanding of the
text. text.

Fluency Using clear Not so clear Unclear

pronunciation pronouncing the word pronunciation.

Vocabulary Good choice of A little bit of error in Many errors in

vocabulary vocabulary choice. vocabulary choice
and didn’t convey
the meaning clearly
Performance Assessment Instrument C6

Material : Procedure text

Objective : Students are able to write a procedure text of the given themes.

Instruction : Write a procedure text by choosing one of the themes given.

Procedures : 1. Choose a theme below

- Food
- Technology
- Tools
2. Think of what kind of procedure text you would like to make and
decide on the title.
3. Find the information in any sources about the materials and the tools
4. List the materials and tools needed.
5. Decide step by step on how to use/make it.
6. Write your procedure text with the information that you have gathered.
Scoring Rubric (Writing):

Components 4-Excellent 3-Good 2-Fair 1-Poor Weightin

Of Writing g

Content (C) Present the Present the Present the Present no

information information information clear
in with details in with some information
well-chosen parts of the details
details paragraph
across the

Vocabulary Good Errors in Errors in Many errors

(V) vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary in vocabulary
choice choice are few choice are and choice that
and do not sometimes severely
interfere with interfere with interfere with
understanding. understanding. understanding

Grammar (G Good in Errors in Errors in Many errors

grammar grammar grammar in grammar
choice are few choice are and choice that
and do not sometimes severely
interfere with interfere with interfere with
understanding. understanding. understanding

Mechanics Good in Error in Errors in Error in

(M) spelling, spelling, spelling, spelling,
punctuation, punctuation, punctuation, punctuation,
and and and and
capitalizatio capitalization capitalization capitalization
n are few. sometimes severely
understandi interfere with interfere with
ng understanding. understanding

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