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Medical Physics: Lecture 8 2

Forces on and in the Body

Dr. Ekhlas M. Hameed
‫القوى االساسية‬
Forces on and in the Body
• Fundamental forces
‫القوة الجاذبية‬
 Gravitational
‫القوة الكهربائية‬
 Electrical‫والضعيفة‬force ‫القوة النووية القوية‬
 Strong nuclear force (and weak nuclear force)
‫القوة الجاذبية‬

1- Gravitational force :- ‫قوة جذب‬ ‫أشياء‬

From Newton law: There is a force of attraction between any two objects.
‫التعجيل الناتج عن الجاذبية‬
F=mg , g= acceleration
due to gravity (cm/sec2 or m/sec2) 10 ً ‫مقدار التعجيل تقريبا‬

m= the mass (g, kg)

f= the force (N, dyne) ‫وزن‬ ‫بسبب‬ ‫عوامل الجذب‬

- Example:- our weight is due to the attractions between the earth and our
The medical effects of gravitational force :
‫املكون‬ ‫دوالي األوردة‬
• a- The formation
‫الدم الوريدي‬
of varicose veins in the legs as the
venous blood travels against the force of gravity on its
way to the heart.
‫هيكل عظمي‬
• b- The medical effect of gravity on the skeleton (on the

bones), in some way contributes to healthy bones, if a ‫االقمار الصناعية‬

(‫بدون وزن )جاذبية‬
person becomes weightless , such as in an orbiting ‫معادن العظم‬

satellite, he may lose some bone mineral.

‫مثل حصول السوفان‬
‫القوة الرئيسية املؤثرة‬

The main force acting on the body is the gravitational force!

٣٥‫واقعة في الفقرة الخامسة او السادسة يبني بيها الضرر بعمر ال‬

Fit man Fat man

‫الكتلة‬ ‫الجاذبية‬
W=Weight! W=m.g ( m:-mass , g:- gravity)

Stability of the body against the gravitational force

‫تُدار من قبل‬ ‫هيكل عظمي‬
is maintained by the bone structure of the skeleton!


Gravitational force W applies at the center of gravity CG of the body!

‫توزيع الكتلة‬ ‫يحافظ على استقرار او ثبات‬

CG depends on body‫بعيدة‬mass distribution! To maintain stability CG must be located between

feet, if feet are far apart forces in horizontal direction Fx have to be considered
‫للحفاظ على االستقرار )توازن سكوني(‬

‫مجموع املتجه لجميع القوى او العزوم املطبقة في مركز التوازن يجب ان تكون صفرا ً‬

‫قوة دفع االرض للجسم‬

‫عزم الدوران‬ ‫حركة دائرية‬ ‫النقطة املحورية‬
‫ال‪pivot point‬‬

‫املسافة العمودية‬ ‫نقطة االرتكاز‬

‫نفسها ال‪r‬‬




‫القوة الكهربائية‬

2- The Electrical force:

 This force‫ تنافر‬is more complicated than gravity since it involves attractive
and repulsive force between static electrical charges.
 As well as magnetic forces produced by moving electrical charges
(electric currents).
 Example :-the electrical force between an electron (ē)and proton (p+)
in a hydrogen atom is about 10^39 times greater than gravitational
force between them.
(e + p)ele. force in H atom is 10^39> (e + p)att.. force in H atom
‫آالت كهربائية نموذجية‬
 • Example:- our bodies are typically electrical machines:-
- The forces produced by the muscles are caused by electrical charges
attracting or repelling
other electrical charges ( The control of the
‫القوة النووية او الجزيئية‬

3- The nuclear force:-

‫القوة النووية تنتج من ترابط البروتونات مع بعضها او االلكترونات مع بعضها‬
• Its acts as the force to hold the nucleus together against the repulsive forces produced by
‫قوى التنافر‬
the protons on each other.
‫االنواع التي تدخل ضمن حركات الجسم‬
• The types of problems involving forces ‫توازن‬
on body:-
- Statics, where the body is in equilibrium. ‫يتسارع‬
- Dynamics, where the body is accelerated.
- Friction, is involved in both statics and dynamics.
Statics ‫ثابت‬ ‫حالة‬
• When objects are stationary (static) they are in a state of
equilibrium ‫يساوي‬
• the sum of forces in any direction is equal to zero : ‫نقطة االرتكاز‬
‫املسافة العمودية‬
∑iFi=0 F: The force (N) L: The vertical ‫محور‬ distance from the fulcrum point to the line (m, cm)
• the sum of the torques about any axis also equals zero
i=o Torque: τ=L×F , where τ: The torque (N.m)
Action of the force τcw= τccw sum of clock wise torque= sum of counter clock wise

Types of Levers in the Body

‫تعمل‬ ‫تصنف‬
Many of the muscle and ‫وضعيات‬
the bone systems
of the
body acts as levers. ‫مقاومة‬
Levers are classified
to the positions of the fulcrum, effort and load or resistance. There are three
classes of levers, identified as first, second, and‫ الى‬third class levers ,third class levers are
‫يمكن تصنيف فئة العتالت نسب ًة‬
most common in the body. We can tell the classes of levers apart by:
1. The force
you apply (or the effort you make).
2. An opposing force such as a weight, which is usually called the load.
3. The pivot point, or fulcrum of the action.

Bones as Levers ‫االنواع‬ (‫العتالت )الرافعات‬

of the three types of levers can be found in the human body. In each type of lever,
notice where the fulcrum is located compared to the effort and the load. In your body, the ‫يقاوم‬
effort is the force that your muscles‫فوائد‬
apply to the lever. The load is the weight that ‫نسبة‬
‫السحب‬ ‫اكتسبت‬
the pull of your‫ميكانيكية‬
The benefits gained by using a machine is measured by a ratio
called mechanical advantage.
‫عتلة من النوع االول‬

First Class Lever

In‫الوزن‬a first class lever, the weight and force are on opposite sides of the fulcrum:

Pivot point ‫ او‬fulcrum ‫القوة اللي احنا نسلطها‬

An Examples of a first-class
lever:- ‫جمجمة‬

is the joint between the skull

and the atlas
‫عمود فقري‬
vertebrae of the ‫فقرة االطلس االولى‬

spine: the spine is the fulcrum‫يرفع‬

across which muscles lift the
head. fulcrum
Second Class Lever
In the second class lever, the load is between the fulcrum and the force:
‫وتر اخيل‬
An example in the human
body of a second-class lever is the Achilles tendon, pushing or
‫في جميع انحاء‬
pulling across the heel of the foot.

‫مثل عربات الدفع‬

Third Class Lever
In the third class lever, the force is between the fulcrum and load:
An example of a third-class lever in the human body is the elbow joint or
shoulder joint (Depending on movement):
when lifting a book (load),‫تنفّذ‬the elbow joint is the fulcrum across which the
biceps muscle (force) performs the work.
‫هنا الرسم يجمع نوعني‬
‫الوزن ‪W‬‬

‫نفسها ال‪M‬‬

Figure below : At its resting length L a muscle is close to its optimum length
for producing force. At about 80% of this length it cannot shorten much more
and the force it can produce drops significantly. The same is true for stretching
of the muscle to about 20% greater than its natural length. A very large stretch
of about 2L produces irreversible tearing of the muscle

‫املاكسيمام فورس بالنص مثل ما بهاي الصورة‬ ‫ قوة العضلة‬0.5 ‫ و‬1.5 ‫في هذين املوقعني‬
‫صفر والسبب‬

‫* كلما يزيد الطول تقل القوة‬

‫قوة االحتكاك ناتجة من قوتني حركية وساكنة‬
Frictional force :
‫تقاوم‬ ‫سطح‬

A force which resists the motion between two surface (in contact) depended on
‫طبيعة السطح‬
the nature of the surface is independent on the area of the surface.
‫االحتكاك السكوني‬
• 1- Static friction (Fs):
F s = μs N
Where:- µs= coefficient of static friction (used to find the max. resistance force
on an object can exert before it starters to move).
N= normal force.
‫االحتكاك الحركي‬
2- Kinetic friction (Fk):-
F k = μk N
Where:- Fk α N µk= coefficient of kinetic friction
µs > µk = (Force to start the motion is a greater than needed to keep it moving).
Friction in the body ‫احتكاك باملفاصل‬ ‫التهاب بالفاصل‬
Some diseases of the body, such as arthritis, increase the friction in bone joints. Friction
plays an important role when a person is walking. A force is transmitted from the foot to the
ground as the heel touches the ground. This force can be resolved into vertical and
horizontal components. The vertical reaction force, supplied by the surface, is labeled N (a
force perpendicular to the surface). The horizontal reaction
component, FH, must be supplied by frictional forces. The maximum force of friction Ff is
usually described by:
Ff =μN
Where:- N is a normal force and μ is the coefficient of friction between the two surfaces.
‫القيمة‬ ‫يعتمد‬ ‫على‬ ‫املتماستني‬
ّ ‫املادتني‬ ‫التعتمد‬
The value of μ depends upon the two materials in contact, and it is essentially independent
‫املساحة السطحية‬
of the surface‫االفقية‬
area.‫مكون القوة‬ ‫للكعب‬ ‫عندما يضرب االرض‬
The horizontal force component of the heel ً ‫ا‬
as it strikes the ground when a person is walking
‫تم قياسها‬
has been measured, and found to be approximately 0.15W, where W‫الكعب‬ is the person’s weight.
This is how large the frictional force must be in order to prevent the heel from slipping.
If we let N≈W, we can apply a frictional force as large as
See the normal walking in a figure:-
(a) Both a horizontal frictional component‫الناتج‬
of force, FH, and a
‫ صغيرة مثل باقي الرموز مال الفورس‬H‫املفروض ال‬

vertical component of force N with resultant R exist on the

heel as it strikes the ground, decelerating the foot and body.
The friction between the heel and surface prevents the foot
from slipping forward.

(b) When the foot leaves the ground, the frictional component of
force, FH, prevents the foot from slipping backward and provides
the force to accelerate the body forward.

The frictional force is large enough both when the heel touches
down and when the toe leaves the surface to prevent a person
from slipping (Fig.b).
‫مركبة عمودية ومركبة افقية واالفقية هي املسؤولة عن الحركة اللي مع محور االكس‬
‫نهك املفصل يعني قشرتها تتآكل بسبب جفاف السائل‬
If a disease of the joint exists,
the friction may become significant. Synovial

fluid in the joint is involved in lubrication, but controversy still exists as to its
exact behavior.
The saliva we add when we chew food acts as a lubricant. If you swallow a
piece of dry toast you become painfully aware of this lack of lubricant. Most of
the large internal organs in the body are in more or less constant motion and
require lubrication. Each time the heart beats, it moves. The lungs move inside
the chest with each breath, and the intestines have a slow rhythmic motion
(peristalsis) as they move food toward its final destination. All of these organs
are lubricated by a slippery mucus covering to minimize friction.
‫التطبيقات املوجودةعلى القوة الحركية في جسم االنسان‬

• The application of a dynamic force in the body

‫اﻧﻘﺒﺎض اﻟﻘﻠﺐ‬
• - The work done by the heart beats (systole)60g of blood is given a velocity
‫الزخم او كمية الطاقة املوجودة بالحركة‬
of 1m/sec upward in about 0.1sec. The upward momentum is 0.06 kg × 1
‫وحدة السرعة مال الدم لكل نبضة حسب قانون نيوتن‬
m/sec and due to third Newton's law producing downward reaction force on
the rest of the body ‫التباطؤ‬
is (0.06 kg sec-1/0.1sec or 0.6 N).
• - The deceleration of the body take place through compression of the
padding of the feet when the person jumps from a height of 1m, under these
condition , the body is traveling at 4.5m/sec just prior to hitting,and if the
padding collapses by 1cm the body stops in 0.005 sec. ‫هيچ هاي تحچي عالزخم‬
• ∴F (foot)= 100of body's weight(W), force in the leg= 100N.
• -The large velocity of modern cars the riders have a larger momentum than
when walking, in accident the car stops in a short time, producing very large
forces the result of these forces on the passenger can be broken bones,
injuries,… death,.
- Consider the case of "whiplash" a person sitting in an auto that is struck from behind will
often suffer a whiplash injury of the neck (Cervical region of the spin) when the car is
struck, forces act through the seat forcing the trunk of the body a head while the inertia of
the head causes it to stay in place, leading to severe stretching of the neck.
‫تأثيرات التسارع او التعجيل‬

The Effects of ‫الجسم‬

‫زيادة او نقصان‬
1- increase or decrease in the body's weight.
‫تغير في الضغط الهيدروستاتيكي ال )شغلة تخص عكس موضوع التناضح مثل تناضح الدم من الوريد الى االنسجة( الداخلي‬
2- Change in internal hydrostatic ‫املرنة‬ ‫االنسجة‬
3- Distortion of the elastic tissues ‫ش‬ of the ‫سائل‬ body.
‫ذات الكثافة املختلفة املعلقة في‬
‫ميل املواد املختلفة‬
4- ‫االنفصال‬
The ‫الى‬tendency of solids with different densities suspended in a liquid to
separate. ‫التسارع الكبير‬
5- At a large acceleration the body loss control because it dose not have
‫قوة عضلية كافية‬
adequate muscle force to work against ‫اضعاف‬
the‫ الى‬large
‫ثالث‬ ‫الجاذبية‬ ‫قوة‬
‫مضاعفة‬ ‫حالة‬ ‫في‬
forces and ‫يتدفق‬ ‫لن‬
‫قد يتجمع‬ ‫مناطق مختلفة‬
blood may pool in various region of the body. If g → 3g the blood do not flow
‫يسبب االنقطاع وفقدان الوعي‬
to the brain → causes black out and unconsciousness.

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