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RESTful Services & Microservices (Using Spring Boot)

Course Content
1) What is distributed application
2) Distributed Technologies
3) XML & JAX-B Api (Marshalling & Un-Marshalling)
4) JSON & JACKSON Api (Serialization & De-Serialization)
5) HTTP Protocol
6) HTTP Methods
7) HTTP Status Codes
8) HTTP Request Format
9) HTTP Response Format
10) Introduction to RESTFul Services
11) RESTFul Services Architecture
12) REST Principles
13) Spring with REST Details
14) Spring with REST Annotations
15) @RestController
16) @GetMapping, @PostMapping, @PutMapping, @DeleteMapping
17) @RequestParam (Query Parameter)
18) @PathVariable (URI Parameter)
19) @RequestBody & @ResponseBody
20) ResponseEntity
21) REST Client Introduction
22) RestTemplate
23) WebClient
24) Synchronus vs Asynchronus Communication
25) Mono objects & Flux Objects
26) Swagger & Postman
27) Exception Handling in REST API
28) Securing REST APIs

1) Monolith Architecture
2) Drawbacks of Monlith Architecture
3) Microservices Introduction
4) Advantages of Microservices
5) Challenges with Microservices
6) Microservices Architecture
7) Service Registry (Eureka Server)
8) REST API development
9) API Gateway (Zuul Proxy)
10) Interservice Communication using FeignClient
11) Mini Project using Microservices
12) Actuators
13) Spring Admin Server & Admin Client
14) Circuit Breaker with Resillience4J
15) Connecting with Multiple Databases
16) Distributed Log Tracing with Sleuth & Zipkin
17) Load Balancing (Ribbon)
18) Apache kafka
19) Redis Cache
20) Spring Security (In-Memory Auth & JDBC Auth)
21) OAuth2.0
22) JWT
23) Angular Integration
24) Docker
25) REST API Unit Testing Using JUnit5 with Mocking
26) Logging in Microservices
27) Cloud Platforms Introduction
Session 1:

Session 02:

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Session 4

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Session 08-

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