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Le magmatisme polycyclique des boutonnières de la Tagragra d'Akka et du

Kerdous-Tafeltast (Anti-Atlas occidental, Maroc)

Article · January 2001


3 267

11 authors, including:

Dominique Gasquet Francoise Chalot-Prat

Université Savoie Mont Blanc University of Lorraine


Thierry Baudin
French Geological Survey


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Journal of African Earth Sciences 39 (2004) 267–275

Polycyclic magmatism in the Tagragra dÕAkka and

Kerdous–Tafeltast inliers (Western Anti-Atlas, Morocco)
D. Gasquet a,*, P. Chevremont b, T. Baudin b, F. Chalot-Prat a,c, C. Guerrot b,
A. Cocherie b, J. Roger b, B. Hassenforder d, A. Cheilletz a
CRPG-CNRS and ENSG-INPL, B.P. 20, 54501Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy Cédex, France
BRGM, BP 6009, 45060 Orléans Cédex, France
UHP, B.P. 20, 54501 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy Cédex, France
ULP, 1 rue Blessig, 67084 Strasbourg Cédex, France

Available online 1 October 2004


Four events have been identified in the Tagragra dÕAkka and Tafeltast–Kerdous inliers: (i) a middle Palæoproterozoic (Orosirian,
ca. 2.047 Ga) event corresponding to the emplacement of calc-alkaline and peraluminous granites containing older inherited zircon
(2.07–2.15 Ga), (ii) an upper Palæoproterozoic (Statherian) event corresponding to the emplacement of pegmatites and porphyritic
microgranites (ca. 1.76 Ga), intimately associated with numerous mafic dikes assumed to be, at least partly, of the same age, (iii) an
upper Neoproterozoic event corresponding to dacite dikes (600 ± 5 Ma), (iv) a Variscan (301 ± 7 Ma) hydrothermal event corre-
sponding to the crystallization of muscovites related to Au-quartz veins. A polycyclic magmatism (Eburnian-Birimian, Pan-African
and Variscan) is now evidenced in these two inliers of the western Anti-Atlas. The Pan-African orogeny is very homogeneous all
along the Anti-Atlas during Neoproterozoic time. No inherited Archæan component has been found in zircons from granites or
dikes. It appears that the northern border of the West African craton is an important juvenile cratonic limit submitted to periodical
continental growth since 2.05 Ga at least.
 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Geochronology; Palæoproterozoic; Neoproterozoic; Variscan; Western Anti-Atlas; Morocco

1. Introduction eastern domain consists of Neoproterozoic series rather

deformed during Pan-African tectonic events while the
The Anti-Atlas belt is subdivided in two structural south-western one mainly includes Palæoproterozoic
domains on both sides of the so-called WNW–ESE series heterogeneously deformed by Pan-African events.
trending ‘‘Main Anti-Atlas Fault’’ (Choubert, 1963) The juxtaposition of the two domains would have re-
(Fig. 1) which corresponds either to the suture of a sulted from a collage of terranes during Pan-African
Pan-African ocean (Leblanc and Lancelot, 1980; times (Saquaque et al., 1989). The Tagragra dÕAkka
Guiraud et al., 2000) or to the boundary of a Neoproter- and Kerdous–Tafeltast inliers belong to the south-
ozoic aulacogen (Ennih and Liégeois, 2001). The north- western domain.
Geodynamic reconstructions were based on precise
description of the litho-structural units and the nature
and mutual relations between the intrusives and the
Corresponding author. Address: Université de Savoie, CISM-
EDYTEM, CNRS, FRE 2641, Campus Scientifique, 73376 Le Bourget
structural evolution of the country-rocks (e.g. Choubert,
du Lac Cédex, France. Tel.: +33 3 79 86 45; fax: +33 3 7975 8777. 1963; Hassenforder, 1987; Bilal and Derré, 1989; Hafid
E-mail address: (D. Gasquet). et al., 1998; Ikenne et al., 1997a,b; El Aouli et al.,

0899-5362/$ - see front matter  2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
268 D. Gasquet et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 39 (2004) 267–275

N 2.1. The Palæoproterozoic basement

co Ouarzazate
oc 30˚N

c ocea

S lt
Marrakech LA fau S The metasedimentary schists consist of argillaceous
AT Atlas
H fine-grained sandstones with interbedded volcanic layers
Sirwa HIG south

Igherm S Imiter metamorphosed in the greenschist facies. Felsic meta-

T L A Bou Azzer tuffs have been dated at 2072 ± 8 Ma by Walsh et al.
N TI (2002) in the Tagragra de Tata inlier. A probable Arch-
Kerdous A main Anti-Atlas æan source was proposed for the siliciclastic sediments
fault zone
Ifni based on Nd model ages (Mrini, 1993; Mortaji et al.,
Tagragra deTata
Tagragra d'Akka
Bas Draa 100 km 2.1.1. The calc-alkaline plutonic suite
It consists of diorites, monzogabbrodiorites, grano-
Fig. 1. Location of the Tagragra dÕAkka and Tafeltast–Kerdous
diorites and granites (50.9 < SiO2 < 71.1%). Their
inliers in the Moroccan western Anti-Atlas.
mineralogy (oligoclase-andesine, amphibole, biotite,
titanite, ± magnetite, ± epidote) and their chemical fea-
2001; Mortaji et al., 2000). Reliable geochronological tures are similar to those of calc-alkaline I-type granites.
ages were rare in this area until recently, making ques- Sr–Nd isotopic data (Mrini, 1993) and rare-earth ele-
tionable the presence of a Palæoproterozoic series in ment patterns suggest they originated from partial melt-
the western Anti-Atlas (Nachit et al., 1996). Recently ing of a lower crust or even of a metasomatised mantle.
determined ages (ID-TIMS or SHRIMP on zircons)
were given by Aı̈t Malek et al. (1998) for some granites 2.1.2. The peraluminous plutonic suite
of the Bas Drâa (1987 ± 20 Ma and 575 ± 4 Ma), Igherm It includes peraluminous granodiorites, granites and
(2050 ± 6 Ma), Kerdous (583 ± 11 Ma and 560 ± 2 Ma) leucogranites (61.7% < SiO2 <74.8%). Their mineralogy
inliers and by Walsh et al. (2002) for schists (oligoclase, biotite, muscovite, ± garnet, ± tourmaline)
(2072 ± 8 Ma), granites (2046 ± 7 Ma and 2041 ± 6 Ma) and their peraluminous composition is consistent with
and metadolerites (2040 ± 6 Ma) from the Tagragra de a continental crustal source. The age of this peralumi-
Tata inlier. nous magmatism is not known. Only muscovite K–Ar
Additionally, recent mapping in the western Anti- ages (ranging from 1504 ± 39 to 1773 ± 42 Ma) of differ-
Atlas within the framework of the Moroccan National ent types of leucogranites from the Tagragra dÕAkka
Project of Geological Mapping (1/50 000-scale sheet have been published by Lama et al. (1993). These ‘‘ages’’
maps of Sidi BouÕaddi and Tamazrar) gave opportuni- would be due to Ar loss or to a Palæoproterozoic to
ties to acquire new geochronological data in this area Mesoproterozoic hydrothermal event and do not reflect
(Chalot-Prat et al., 2001; Gasquet et al., 2001). the true crystallisation age of the leucogranites.
Therefore, the aims of this paper are: (i) a re-apprai- Plutons developed a low pressure thermal (biotite–
sal of the lithological units of the western Anti-Atlas, (ii) andalusite) halo with a maximum width of 2 km from
to present new geochronological data on magmatic the contact in the surrounding schists. In the Tagragra
rocks from the Tagragra dÕAkka and the Kerdous– dÕAkka granite massif, numerous metasedimentary roof
Tafeltast inliers, (iii) to compare the two inliers and pendants are observed, suggesting that the top of the
(iv) to discuss the geodynamical evolution of the north- intrusives is close to the current topographical level.
ern border of the West African craton during Protero-
zoic times. 2.2. The upper Neoproterozoic volcanic Ouarzazate
Group (PIII) and the late Neoproterozoic and Palæozoic
sedimentary cover
2. The lithological units
The discontinuous volcanic Ouarzazate Group (Ex
Four main lithological units were identified in the PIII) and the continuous base of the sedimentary cover
Tagragra dÕAkka–Kerdous region: A Palæoproterozoic (Taroudant Group, Ex. Adoudounian) are now consid-
basement composed of (1) two plutonic suites emplaced ered to belong to a unique extensional cycle (Piqué,
in (2) older metasedimentary schists, (3) a Neoprotero- 2003).
zoic volcanic Ouarzazate Group and (4) a late Neopro- The Ouarzazate Group consists of potassic basaltic
terozoic and Palæozoic sedimentary succession. trachyandesites to potassic trachyandesites, high-K te-
Moreover, the Palæoproterozoic basement is crosscut phritic phonolites, potassic to high-K rhyolites inter-
by numerous bimodal mafic and microgranitic dikes, ap- stratified between morainic chaotic breccia, polygenic
litic and pegmatitic dikes, quartz veins and rare dacite conglomerates and arkosic sandstones. Felsic volcanics
dikes. were dated in several inliers: 565 ± 7 Ma in the Tagragra
D. Gasquet et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 39 (2004) 267–275 269

de Tata (U–Pb SHRIMP on zircons; Walsh et al., 2002); From trace element patterns these rocks display either
563 ± 5 Ma and 580 ± 12 Ma in the Central Anti-Atlas tholeiitic or alkaline (highly potassic) affinities, both
(U–Pb zircon; Mifdal and Peucat, 1985); between 575 type of magma occurring in each dike swarm.
and 560 Ma in the Sirwa massif (U–Pb SHRIMP on zir- An age of 2040 ± 6 Ma was recently proposed (Walsh
cons, Thomas et al., 2002); 550 ± 3 Ma in the Imiter in- et al., 2002) for the emplacement of a metadolerite dike
lier (U–Pb IMS 1270 on zircons; Cheilletz et al., 2002). in the Tagragra de Tata inlier. The dikes from the
The carbonate to clastic sedimentary cover comprises Tagragra dÕAkka–Kerdous inliers crosscut the Palæo-
from bottom to top (Fig. 2): (i) the transgressive late proterozoic schists and granites and they were deformed
Proterozoic to early Palæozoic Taroudant Group, (ii) by the main Pan-African tectonic events and covered by
the Cambrian Tata Group and (iii) the Cambrian to the upper Neoproterozoic volcanics. However, dikes or
Ordovician transgressive Groups of internal Feijas, sills of similar composition are also interbedded in Neo-
Tabanite, external Feijas, first and second Bani and proterozoic Pan-African quartzites in the Igherm inlier
Ktaoua. (El Aouli et al., 2001). Moreover, other similar mafic
dikes crosscut, where they are present, the Pan-African
2.3. Dikes and veins granites in the Kerdous inlier (Tafraoute granite) and
in the Bas Drâa inlier (Taoughra granite), giving evi-
2.3.1. Gabbros–dolerites and microgranite dikes dence of several generations of mafic dikes emplaced
Four main swarms of dikes have been recognized in the Anti-Atlas during Proterozoic time.
in the two inliers. Their directions are N60–70E, 90–
110E, N150–170E and rarely N0–20E. 2.3.2. Aplo-pegmatite dikes
The dikes consist of gabbros, monzogabbros, doler- Numerous decimetric to hectometric aplitic or peg-
ites, trachybasalts and, rarely, microgranites (e.g. Ker- matitic dikes crosscut the basement of the two inliers.
dous–Tafeltast inlier). The primary mineral assemblage In the field, they may be related (or not) to granites,
was modified by later low to very low-grade metamor- and rarely associated with microgranites or muscovite-
phism and/or by pervasive hydrothermal alteration. rich zones. No reliable ages are available.

9° 8°45 8°30
Variscan syncline
and anticline


8 600±5 2043±5
Ordovician 2046±8 1755±25
301±7 2049±2
6 Middle Cambrian
5 2046±2
Lower Cambrian
4 ST
F EL 2046±3
3 TA
Late Neoproterozoic
to lower Cambrian
1 Upper Neoproterozoic Tamazrar
Anezi Group


Quartzite series
Sidi Bou'addi
± porphyritic
biotite granite
and metavolcanics

10 km

Fig. 2. Geological and structural sketch map of the studied area with the location of the Tamazrar (eastern frame) and Sidi BouÕaddi (western frame)
sheet maps. Note that dikes and veins cannot be represented at this scale. 8: Ktaoua, Bani I and Bani II Groups. 7: External Feijas Group. 6:
Tabanite and Internal Feijas Group. 4 and 5: Tata Group. 3: Taliwine Formation. 2: Adoudou Formation, 1: Ouarzazate Group.
270 D. Gasquet et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 39 (2004) 267–275

2.3.3. Rhyodacite dikes 1r (standard deviation). The mean age is calculated

A few metric rhyodacitic (to dacitic) dikes cut across using a weighted mean based on the different steps
the schist and the granite basement of the Tagragra retained, and the error on the age is given to a 95%
dÕAkka inlier. confidence limit, calculated by the ISOPLOT pro-
gram, version 2.5 (Ludwig, 2000).
2.3.4. Quartz veins • Monazite was dated after determination of U–Th and
Three quartz vein generations (cm to up to 100 m Pb contents by electron microprobe (BRGM-Orlé-
width) were identified (Zouhair et al., 1991) in the two ans, France) according to the procedure described
inliers: (i) early gray quartz stretched along the regional in Cocherie et al. (1998).
schistosity, (ii) quartz associated with the Pan-African • K–Ar ages were obtained on muscovites following a
shear zones (e.g. the Inlioua–Bou Zarif shear zone), technique of double comparison with the atmosphere.
(iii) Variscan quartz crosscutting the entire rock succes- The radiogenic argon contents of the samples were
sion lithologies including the Palæozoic cover. Veins (i) determined according to the technique described
and (ii) contain muscovite and are often mineralized, by Cassignol and Gillot (1982) and by Gillot and
mainly by Fe (pyrite, pyrrhotite, hematite or magnetite), Cornette (1986).
Cu (chalcopyrite) or by Au (Iourirn deposit) and Pb • A complementary 40Ar/39Ar analysis was performed
(Timezgadiouine deposit). on single grain muscovite at QueenÕs University
(Ontario, Canada, analyst: A. Cheilletz) using a gas
purification line and MAP 216 mass spectrometer.
3. Geochronology Complete analytical procedures are outlined in Clark
et al. (1998).
3.1. Methods

Careful optical microscope, cathodoluminescence 3.2. Results

and/or SEM investigations were used to obtain pure sep-
arated phases for geochronology. Table 1 and Fig. 3 present the data obtained: five
granites were dated very close to 2047 Ma ± 2 Ma
• In situ analyses (20 lm) on zircons were performed (weighted average), a pegmatite dike at 1755 ± 25 Ma,
using the SHRIMP method (ANU-Canberra, Aus- a microgranite dike at 1760 ± 3 Ma and a dacite dike
tralia) according to the analytical procedure at 600 ± 5 Ma. A monazite extracted from this dike is
described by Claué-Long et al. (1995) and Williams dated at 388 ± 26 Ma. Moreover, muscovite from an
(1998). auriferous quartz vein of Iourirn has been dated by
• Single zircons were dated by step-wise Pb evapora- K–Ar and 40Ar/39Ar methods. A well-defined plateau
tion, a full description of the procedure can be found age is obtained on a single grain and therefore the age
in Kober (1986, 1987) and Cocherie et al. (1992). The of 301 ± 7 Ma (2r, steps) is retained as the closure age
errors on the ages per step and per zircon are given to of the Iourirn muscovite.

Table 1a
Summary of the geochronological results
Sample Rock Mineral Method Age (Ma) Err (2r) MSWD
PC 330B Biotite magnetite granite Zircon Pb evaporation 3 grains, 8 temperature steps 2049 2 0.04
PC 415 Porphyritic biotite granite Zircon Pb evaporation 4 grains, 13 temperature steps 2046 2 0.08
AKA 1 Coarse-grained leucogranite Zircon U–Pb SHRIMP n = 10, upper intercept 2043 5 0.95
AKA 1 Coarse-grained leucogranite Muscovite K–Ar 1543 22
DG 162 Fine-grained leucogranite Zircon U–Pb SHRIMP Weighted mean of 2046 8 2.3
7 207Pb/206Pb conc. ages
PC 344A Porphyritic biotite granite Zircon U–Pb SHRIMP n = 10, upper intercept 2046 3 0.35
BT 126 Pegmatite Monazite Electron microprobe 1755 25
BT 126 Pegmatite Muscovite K–Ar 1755 25
DG 169 Dacite Zircon U–Pb SHRIMP Weighted mean of 600 5 0.41
7 207Pb/206Pb conc. ages
DG 169 Dacite Monazite Electron microprobe 388 26
PC 427A Porphyritic microgranite Zircon Pb evaporation 3 grains, 6 temperature steps 1760 3 0.02
DG 167 Au, quartz-bearing vein Muscovite K–Ar 276 4
DG 167 Au, quartz-bearing vein Muscovite Ar–Ar Weighted mean age, 6 steps 301 7 0.55
The complete geochronological data are available on request to the first author (DG).
Table 1b
Summary of SHRIMP U–Th–Pb zircon results for samples AKA1, DG162 and PC344A Average age calculations are done at 2r level
Grain. U Th Th/U Pb Pb/206Pb f206% Radiogenic ratios Ages (in Ma) Conc.%
spot (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
Pb/238U ± 207
Pb/235U ± 207
Pb/206Pb ± 206
Pb/238U ± 207
Pb/235U ± 207
Pb/206Pb ±
Coarse-grained leucogranite AKA-1
1.1 237 34 0.14 90 0.00009 0.13 0.3781 0.0060 6.584 0.119 0.1263 0.0009 2067 28 2057 16 2047 13 101
2.1 215 65 0.30 54 0.00074 1.12 0.2467 0.0040 4.253 0.101 0.1250 0.0020 1421 21 1684 20 2029 28 70

D. Gasquet et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 39 (2004) 267–275

3.1 1060 85 0.08 406 0.00003 0.04 0.3877 0.0049 6.706 0.090 0.1255 0.0004 2112 23 2073 12 2035 5 104
4.1 365 269 0.74 155 0.00006 0.09 0.3692 0.0070 6.426 0.179 0.1262 0.0023 2026 33 2036 25 2046 33 99
5.1 1276 58 0.05 470 0.00002 0.02 0.3766 0.0047 6.549 0.084 0.1261 0.0002 2061 22 2053 11 2045 3 101
5.2 243 43 0.18 89 0.00010 0.15 0.3639 0.0062 6.276 0.121 0.1251 0.0009 2001 29 2015 17 2030 13 99
6.1 134 48 0.36 54 0.00016 0.24 0.3784 0.0058 6.558 0.115 0.1257 0.0009 2069 27 2054 16 2039 12 102
7.1 173 50 0.29 68 0.00005 0.07 0.3767 0.0060 6.576 0.114 0.1266 0.0007 2061 28 2056 15 2051 9 101
8.1 427 63 0.15 165 0.00002 0.04 0.3839 0.0052 6.704 0.098 0.1267 0.0005 2095 24 2073 13 2052 7 102

Fine-grained leucogranite DG 162

2.1 928 38 0.04 443 0.00002 0.03 0.3785 0.0040 6.604 0.072 0.1265 0.0002 2070 19 2060 10 2050 3 101
4.1 307 59 0.19 153 0.00001 0.02 0.3797 0.0047 6.621 0.090 0.1265 0.0005 2075 22 2062 12 2050 8 101
6.1 248 76 0.31 128 0.00005 0.07 0.3824 0.0044 6.614 0.082 0.1255 0.0005 2087 20 2061 11 2035 7 103
8.1 1551 24 0.02 738 0.00001 0.01 0.3796 0.0081 6.602 0.146 0.1261 0.0005 2075 38 2060 20 2045 7 102
8.2 803 22 0.03 246 0.00003 0.05 0.3644 0.0042 6.383 0.081 0.1270 0.0005 2003 20 2030 11 2057 7 97
9.1 259 43 0.17 123 0.00006 0.09 0.3652 0.0045 6.295 0.083 0.1250 0.0005 2007 21 2018 12 2029 7 99
11.1 284 41 0.14 93 0.00003 0.04 0.3770 0.0098 6.574 0.185 0.1265 0.0011 2062 46 2056 25 2049 15 101

Porphyritic biotite granite PC 344A

1.1 424 43 0.10 202 0.00001 0.01 0.3732 0.0043 6.492 0.080 0.1262 0.0004 2045 20 2045 11 2045 5 100
2.1 270 94 0.35 134 0.00001 0.02 0.3661 0.0050 6.359 0.093 0.1260 0.0005 2011 24 2027 13 2043 7 98
3.1 1635 236 0.14 784 0.00001 0.02 0.3709 0.0039 6.451 0.069 0.1261 0.0002 2034 18 2039 10 2045 3 100
4.1 678 116 0.17 328 0.00002 0.04 0.3716 0.0042 6.488 0.077 0.1266 0.0003 2037 20 2044 11 2052 5 99
5.1 1073 120 0.11 517 0.00002 0.03 0.3753 0.0040 6.527 0.071 0.1261 0.0002 2054 19 2050 10 2045 3 101
5.2 785 143 0.18 247 0.00004 0.06 0.3582 0.0039 6.227 0.070 0.1261 0.0003 1974 18 2008 10 2044 4 97
7.1 1115 231 0.21 476 0.00005 0.08 0.3233 0.0057 5.626 0.108 0.1262 0.0007 1806 28 1920 17 2046 9 88
8.1 989 733 0.74 545 0.00030 0.46 0.3739 0.0040 6.499 0.075 0.1261 0.0003 2048 19 2046 10 2044 5 100
9.1 582 182 0.31 295 0.00002 0.02 0.3766 0.0043 6.567 0.079 0.1265 0.0004 2060 20 2055 11 2050 5 101
10.1 936 70 0.07 271 0.00010 0.15 0.3382 0.0039 5.875 0.071 0.1260 0.0004 1878 19 1958 11 2043 5 92
Notes. Uncertainties given at the 1r level.
f206% denotes the percentage of 206Pb that is common Pb.
Correction for common Pb made using the measured 204Pb/206Pb ratio.
Conc.: Concordance; for Conc. %, 100% denotes a concordant analysis.

272 D. Gasquet et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 39 (2004) 267–275

Table 1c
Summary of SHRIMP U–Th–Pb zircon results for sample DG 169
Grain. U Th Th/U Pb Pb/206Pb f206% Total Radiogenic age (Ma)
spot (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
U/206Pb ± 207
Pb/206Pb ± 206
Pb/238U ± 206
Pb/238U ±
2.1 374 127 0.34 47 0.00001 0.12 10.193 0.127 0.0609 0.0007 0.0980 0.0012 603 7
3.1 275 147 0.53 36 0.00010 0.02 10.260 0.130 0.0600 0.0005 0.0975 0.0012 599 7
5.1 286 152 0.53 38 0.00031 0.14 10.324 0.133 0.0610 0.0005 0.0967 0.0013 595 7
6.1 503 203 0.40 65 0.00002 <0.01 10.231 0.120 0.0596 0.0005 0.0978 0.0011 601 7
7.1 399 138 0.35 51 0.00006 <0.01 10.111 0.117 0.0598 0.0004 0.0989 0.0011 608 7
8.1 459 161 0.35 58 0.00008 0.05 10.307 0.115 0.0603 0.0004 0.0970 0.0011 597 6
9.1 460 149 0.32 57 0.00001 0.01 10.294 0.120 0.0600 0.0004 0.0971 0.0011 598 7
Notes. Uncertainties given at the 1r level.
f206% denotes the percentage of 206Pb that is common Pb.
Correction for common Pb made using the measured 238U/206Pb and 207
Pb/206Pb ratios following Tera and Wasserburg (1974) as outlined in
Compston et al. (1992).

206Pb / 238U 2080 206Pb / 238U

0.37 2160
0.39 2120

0.33 2000

207Pb / 235U 207Pb/235U

5.6 5.8 6.0 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.0 6.4 6.8 7.2
Age (Ma)
207Pb / 206Pb

(c) (d)
0.11 2070
1500 2050
1300 610
580 570
560 2030
10.0 10.4 10.8
0.07 900 Zr B
Zr C
700 2010 Zr D
238U/206Pb Zr E T (˚C) steps
2 4 6 8 10 1380 1400 1420 1460 1480
Age (Ma) (e) Age (Ma) (f)


Muscovite (DG167)
Weigted mean age = 301 ± 7 Ma
100 MSWD = 0.55, probability = 0.74
Zr A
Zr D
Zr E T (˚C) steps Cumulative 39Ar percent
1420 1460 1480 1500 1520 0 20 40 60 80 100

Fig. 3. Geochronological ages obtained during this work: (a), (b) Concordia (SHRIMP) U–Pb diagrams, ellipses = 2r errors; (c) Tera and
Wasserburg (1974) Concordia (SHRIMP) diagram; (d), (e) step-wise Pb evaporation diagrams, note that the zircon A from the sample PC 415 gives
ages (not represented here) ranging (5 steps) between 2075 ± 20 Ma and 2147 ± 12 Ma (1r error) and (f) 40Ar/39Ar spectrum for single crystal

4. Discussion and conclusion the magmatic events occurring in the western Anti-
Atlas. Four magmatic events, separated by three long
Ages from the rocks of the Tagragra dÕAkka and quiescent periods, are identified:
Tafeltast–Kerdous inliers well document the timing of
D. Gasquet et al. / Journal of African Earth Sciences 39 (2004) 267–275 273

(i) a middle Palæoproterozoic (Orosirian) intrusive ies to the East at the present topographic level. How-
event (ages obtained on different zircons by Pb ever, it appears that the Anti-Atlas region was submit-
evaporation and U–Pb SIMS methods) with the ted to periodical continental growth since 2.05 Ga at
emplacement of calc-alkaline and peraluminous least.
granites (ca. 2047 Ma). Some ages at 2.07–2.15 Ga Furthermore, the importance of the Variscan orog-
from cores or inherited zircons ages (samples eny, predicted by Bonhomme and Hassenforder (1985)
PC 415 and DG 162) may testify to an older by Rb–Sr and K–Ar data from micas, is now demon-
Rhyacian magmatic event contemporaneous with strated. Au-mineralization appears complex, probably
the volcanics (metatuffs interbedded in schists), multistage and did not only form during late Neoproter-
evidenced in the Tagragra de Tata inlier (Walsh ozoic time (Zouhair et al., 1991). The consequences of
et al., 2002). No inherited Archæan component the Variscan imprint must be taken into account during
has been found in the zircons from granites or further ore exploration programs.
dikes. A comparison with the Reguibat and the Leo Rises in
(ii) a clear upper Palæoproterozoic (Statherian) intru- the West African craton shows the existence of two large
sive event with the emplacement of pegmatites Palæoproterozoic domains: (i) an older recycled Arch-
and porphyritic microgranites (ca. 1.76 Ga), that æan crust to the West and to the North (Man, Amsaga;
are intimately associated with numerous mafic Potrel et al., 1998), and (ii) a Palæoproterozoic juvenile
dikes which would, be at least partly, domain located to the South-east and North-east
contemporaneous. (Baoulé-Mossi block and eastern Reguibat Rise; Boher
(iii) an upper Neoproterozoic event corresponding to et al., 1992). The Moroccan Anti-Atlas is an important
emplacement of dacite dikes (600 ± 5 Ma), contem- element of this jigsaw puzzle as it better belongs to the
poraneous to granodiorites from Kerdous (Aı̈t juvenile domain of the West African craton.
Malek et al., 1998) and Bou Azzer (Ducrot, 1979)
and predating late upper Neoproterozoic volcanics.
(iv) a Variscan (301 ± 7 Ma) hydrothermal event corre- Acknowledgment
sponding to the crystallization of muscovite related
to Au-quartz vein from the Iourirn deposit and to The authors thank C.M. Fanning who helped A.
dacite dikes. Cocherie to get high precision SHRIMP analyses in
Canberra, D. Archibald and E. Farrar (QueenÕs Univer-
For the first time a Statherian magmatic (microgran- sity, Canada) for Ar–Ar facilities. The K–Ar analyses
ite) event is reliably dated by U–Pb at ca. 1760 Ma. were carried out by Professor P.Y. Gillot at the Orsay
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(gabbros–dolerites) display also microgranitic composi- de France Region, Sésame agreement E947) as part of
tion and their age is not solely lower Palæoproterozoic an agreement with BRGM. Careful reviews of P. Bar-
as proposed by Walsh et al. (2002) but pro parte upper bey, J.M. Bertrand, J.P. Liégeois and S.D. Samson were
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