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08567636562 agusatik2002@gmail.


jln ahmad dahlan efendi,rt3 rw

4,Ogan komering ilir,sumatera

agus wahyudin

Tentang Saya
Saya remaja berusia 21 tahun.saya seorang yang bertanggung jawab
2017 - 2020 dan senang berbicara dengan banyak orang.Saya juga memiliki sifat
SMAN 1 Belitang III disiplin,rajin dan suka belajar hal baru.Saya tertarik untuk bekerja
Jurusan IPA dengan kreatif dan inovatif.


Fotografi Experience
My passion for photography emerged when I
was at school and there I learned things about
Kemampuan cameras and thank God, many people were
interested in my photos and I often got jobs
Inovatif such as weddings, photoshop,
Kreatif 2021-2022

Komunikasi publik Admin & Experience

Sprinter J&T I first started working during Covid-19 and
Problem solver thank God I came to work here, I have a lot of
public speaking Express experience here, such as dealing with people's
complaints, connecting with new people, etc.

Bahasa 2022-2023

Waiters & Experience

Cashier and this is the last work experience at this time.
Inggris Initially I came from here at a cafe owned by my
Indonesia family and I participated in running the
arab business, serving and handling complaints is
something I am used to doing.


Persaudaraan setia hati teratai

I am very proud of this organization because this is where I
was taught to be a role model and be patient in facing
problems, this organization is also one of the largest in

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