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Student's Book Answer Key

10 6 WORDS IN USE page 15
1. surrounding 5. management
2. connection 6. ignored
13 6 1. had been campaigning 6. had damaged
3. effective 7. found out 2. had been 7. have also fought /
3. had decided have also been fighting
4. destruction 8. request
4. have been living 8. have done

Students book answers7 li…

page 13 5. have never stopped

LISTENING Possible Answers

1. Why have many Icelanders been campaigning to protect
1 Possible Answers their lava fields?
The language barrier is often a difficulty for newcomers. 2. What has Iceland’s Supreme Court decided to do?
You have to understand a new and different culture. 3. What has happened to construction projects that
1 threatened the elves’ territory?
11 2 Speaker 1-f Speaker 4-d
Speaker 2-a Speaker 5-b 8 1. How long had he been driving?
Speaker 3-g 2. How many countries has she visited?
3. How long had they been going out?
4. How much pudding had she eaten?
Expressions with speak and say 5. How long has / had he been living there?
1 6. How long have you been waiting?
12 1 1. say 2. say 3. say 4. Speaking
7. What had they been doing?
2 1. I must say 3. speaking of 8. Why have you been ignoring me lately?
2. Let’s say 4. That’s not to say
9 Possible Answers
HAVE YOUR SAY 1. We’ve been decorating the Christmas tree since
five o’clock.
Possible Answers
2. I’ve been living in Bangkok for three years.
I’d like to move to New Zealand because it is an amazing place.
3. By the time I finally found a birthday present for Christine, I
You can see geysers, hot springs, impressive mountains and
had been shopping for four hours. / I had been shopping for
beautiful, sandy beaches. And I would play rugby with great
a few hours before I finally found a birthday present for
players. Christine. / I had been shopping from 5 pm till 9 pm until I
page 14 finally found a birthday present for Christine. / I finally found
a birthday present for Christine after I had been shopping
GRAMMAR from 5 pm till 9 pm.
4. How long have you been studying Portuguese?
Present Perfect Continuous /
Past Perfect Continuous 5. Martin was angry because he had been waiting for two
Sentences 1 and 3 6. I was crying because I had been cutting onions for the
1 1. have been walking 5. had been playing 7. After I had been using the chopsticks for a few minutes,
2. have been cooking 6. Have … been downloading I gave up. / I gave up using the chopsticks after a few
3. had been dancing 7. hadn’t been taking minutes.
4. has been eating 8. hasn’t been studying 8. How long have you been singing in the church choir?

2 Dialogue A Dialogue B L ivi ng E n g l i s h

1. have just met 6. had been dancing

1. It’s seen better days. 3. It’s been ages!
2. has … been 7. had … been planning
2. Now I’ve seen everything! 4. Been there, done that.
3. have been riding 8. had been trying
4. Have … been enjoying 9. hadn’t decided page 16
5. has been raining
3 Passage A
1. had … heard 3. have been looking for 1 1. According to our beliefs, Uluru is a sacred place.
2. has increased 4. have found Aboriginals (Australia)
2. One of the common misconceptions about us is that we
Passage B
live in igloos. Inuit (Alaska)
1. had been travelling 3. had become
3. According to our religion, it is forbidden to kill cows.
2. hadn’t been 4. have been buying Hindus (India)
Passage C 4. Our traditional costumes for men are skirts. Scots
1. have been making 3. have come up with (Scotland)
5. It is customary in our country to eat dinner late in the
2. have been competing
evening. Spaniards (Spain)
4 1. Passage C 2. Passage B 3. Passage A 6. Our roots go back to the time of the Pharaohs. Egyptians

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