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ALPS Model D

Advanced Lightning Protection System

Large areas lightning protection

Diagnose • Predict • Prescribe • Protect

ALPS Model D
The Advanced Lightning Protection System (ALPS) from Critical Facility Group is a solution
that effectively protects critical facilities, locations and assets from direct lightning strikes
and the resulting damage and downtime. The ALPS Model-D is an engineered solution
with customized design to cater to wide range of customer needs.

Effectively mitigates against lightning and other weather related damage
Maintenance f ree system

Ensures business and operational continuity in storm conditions

Maintains integrity of electronic equipment and manufactured products. Effective
protection f rom EMP. Maximizes ROI by better protecting inf rastructure, equipment, and

Power Generation Shipping Transport Data Centres

Oil & Gas PetrolChemical Defence Manufacturing


Utilities Aviation Theme Parks

Critical Facility Group

22 Changi Business Park Central 2, Unit 02-07, Singapore 486032
T: (+65)62141830 | W:

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