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1-2 Page Position Paper

Paper Specifics- This is a brief 1-2 page paper over your position on a policy currently being debated by
U.S. Congress. Be sure to include both your name and the bill number on the top of the page. The
paper should be single-spaced, 12 pitch font, and be divided into the following subsections.

Policy Problem – What is the problem the bill is trying to solve? Is it a real problem or one created to
score political points? You will want to use data and sources to support your argument.

Policy Solution –How will the bill address the stated problem? Who is the target population? Who
benefits the most from the policy, and who bares the costs. Be brief. Most bills in Congress have a
summary attached. You will get most of your information from the bill summary.

Policy Position - What is your position on the proposed solution? How will the policy impact the
problem? Will it create a new problem? Why should we support or oppose it? Again you will want to
use data when possible and cite sources.

Each section of your papers should be subtitled (i.e. policy problem, policy solution, policy position).
Double space between sections. Include a works cited page at the end. Use APSA style for your
citations. A manual for APSA citation style can be found at this link:

Though this is a position paper, avoid using 1st person in your writing. It must appear to be objective.
Avoid using subjective phrases, “I feel”, “I think”, etc. Pick your policy carefully. Avoid choosing a 200
page policy.

In addition to the congressional website provided, you will also want to use multiple news and policy
sources. I have posted a list of policy sources on blackboard.

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