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Microwave decontamination of concrete

Article in Magazine of Concrete Research · December 2010

DOI: 10.1680/macr.2010.62.12.879


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2 authors:

Ali Akbarnezhad K. C. G. Ong

The University of Sydney National University of Singapore


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Magazine of Concrete Research, 2010, 62, No. 12, December, 879–885
doi: 10.1680/macr.2010.62.12.879

Microwave decontamination of concrete

A. Akbarnezhad* and K. C. G. Ong*

National University of Singapore

Microwave heating has been recently considered as an effective method to remove the contaminated surface layer
of concrete elements. In such applications, an accurate simulation of the microwave–concrete interaction involves
the solution of Maxwell’s equations. However, owing to the inherent complexity of Maxwell’s equations, some
studies have used approximate methods such as Lambert’s law to estimate the microwave power dissipation in
concrete. Invariably, such approximations are prone to introduce errors in the results and verification using the
more accurate methods is thus necessary. In this paper, Maxwell’s equations are numerically solved to simulate
accurately the microwave–concrete interaction. The electric field and energy dissipation as well as the resulting
temperature rise and thermal stress development in concrete are computed. The results are used to verify the results
obtained using a modified Lambert’s law approximate method. Moreover, the effect of steel reinforcing bars
embedded in a concrete specimen on the microwave decontamination process is investigated. The results show that
Lambert’s law can be satisfactorily used as an easy-to-use method to predict the temperature rise and stress
development within a concrete specimen subjected to microwave heating.

presence of hazardous materials and other undesirable
Surface decontamination or removal of the surface impurities in concrete debris (Ayers, 1998).
layer of concrete has applications in various fields of Apart from concrete recycling, concrete surface de-
civil engineering such as concrete recycling, decom- contamination is a very important stage in the decom-
missioning of old nuclear power plants and demolition missioning of old nuclear power plants, nuclear waste
of hazardous material storage facilities. Concrete re- processing plants and hazardous material storage facil-
cycling is an increasingly common method of dealing ities (White et al., 1992). As a consequence of long-
with demolition debris, providing a sustainable alterna- term usage, various radionuclides diffuse into the con-
tive source of concrete aggregates. Previous studies crete, thus contaminating its surface layer. The thick-
show that up to 90% of structural concrete debris may ness of the contaminated layer depends on the concrete
be used to produce recycled aggregates of acceptable diffusivity and the exposure duration, but is usually
quality (EnviroCentre, 2005). However, one of the between 1 and 10 mm (Spalding, 2000). An efficient
stumbling blocks in the widespread use of recycled method to remove this thin contaminated surface layer
concrete aggregates rather than natural aggregates is for subsequent separate disposal can significantly in-
the possible presence of contaminants in the concrete crease the total amount of demolition debris that can be
debris used to produce the aggregates. These contami- disposed of as normal concrete waste.
nants may include physical and chemical contaminants, Microwave heating has been recently considered as a
depending on the prior usage of the buildings being potential alternative to conventional methods of con-
demolished (EnviroCentre, 2005). An efficient tech- crete surface decontamination. This method not only
nique to remove the contaminated surface layer of con- increases the efficiency of the decontamination process,
crete and other impurities such as the gypsum plaster, but also eliminates some of the drawbacks of conven-
tiles and other surface finishes, especially before demo- tional methods (dust generation, health hazards, etc.)
lition, can significantly reduce the possibility of the (Ayers, 1998). The microwave decontamination method
uses the capability of a range of the microwave fre-
quencies to heat the concrete surface non-uniformly,
* Department of Civil Engineering, National University of Singapore, thereby creating a localised field of high thermal stres-
# 08–23, Block E1, 1 Engineering Drive 2, 117576 Singapore
ses and pore water pressure resulting in spalling of the
(MACR-D-09-00083) Paper received 24 June 2009; last revised 26 contaminated surface layer.
January 2010; accepted 15 February 2010 The capability of this method has been confirmed
879 1751-763X (Online) 0024-9831 (Print) # 2010 Thomas Telford Ltd

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Akbarnezhad and Ong

through experiments conducted at the Japanese Atomic (b) the heat transfer equation, which governs heat ab-
Energy Research Institute (JAERI), the UK Harwell sorption and the resulting temperature rise in a
Laboratory and the US Oak Ridge National Laboratory concrete block
(ORNL) (White et al., 1992, 1995). A small number of (c) the mass transfer equation, which governs pore
numerical studies have also reported the underlying pressure development in a concrete block.
phenomenon leading to concrete surface spalling when
it is heated with microwaves. However, due to the However, in previous studies, because of the complex-
inherent complexity associated with electromagnetic ity of Maxwell’s equations, approximations and simpli-
modelling, the previous studies rely on a number of fying assumptions such as the plane wave assumption
approximate methods to model the microwave–con- and/or Lambert’s law approximate method have been
crete interaction. In this paper, a more accurate electro- used to estimate the microwave power dissipation in
magnetic model of the microwave–concrete interaction concrete.
coupled with thermal and structural analysis is used to Li et al. (1993) and Lagos et al. (1995) used the
calculate the thermal stresses developed in a concrete plane wave assumption to simplify the modelling of
specimen when exposed to microwaves. microwave power dissipation in concrete. However, the
plane wave assumption may only be reasonable when
the microwave source is located very far from the con-
crete, and thus may not be a good simplifying assump-
Microwave decontamination mechanism tion for concrete decontamination and heating
The extent and pattern of the microwave heating of applications.
concrete depends on the microwave frequency and power Subsequently, Bažant and Zi (2003) used a Lambert’s
and the electromagnetic properties of the concrete. law approximate formulation to estimate microwave
Among industrial, scientific and medical frequencies, power dissipation in concrete. However, according to
0.896 MHz, 915 MHz, 2.45 GHz, 10.6 GHz and 18 GHz the available literature, even though Lambert’s law is
are often used for microwave heating applications. The valid for samples thick enough to be treated as infi-
uniformity of heating decreases with an increase in the nitely thick, it may be a poor approximation in many
microwave frequency. The lower microwave frequencies practical situations (Ayappa et al., 1991). Therefore,
of 0.896 and 915 MHz are normally used in microwave prior to its use in applications involving the microwave
cooking or microwave curing, when uniform heating of heating of concrete, its accuracy in estimating micro-
the material is desired. When concentrated microwave wave power dissipation in concrete blocks of common
heating is desired, higher frequencies should be used. thicknesses needs to be evaluated. Bažant and Zi
If a concrete surface is exposed to concentrated (2003) modified Lambert’s law to account for power
microwave heating at higher frequencies, a high tem- reflection by reinforcing rebars in concrete. However,
perature develops within the surface layer exposed to they did not account for the shape of the incident power
the microwave while the interior temperature remains distribution as a result of the microwave excited mode
relatively unchanged. Such non-uniform heating of the and considered a uniform incident microwave power
surface layer in a very short time leads to a high tem- distribution at the microwave-exposed surface.
perature gradient and thus high thermal stresses. Be- In this paper, the more accurate Maxwell’s equations
sides the differential thermal stresses, the pore pressure are numerically solved to investigate the microwave–
that develops as a result of rapid evaporation of free concrete interaction during the microwave decontami-
water present in the surface layer has also been postu- nation process. Moreover, the results of the electromag-
lated to contribute to delamination of a concrete surface netic modelling are used as the heat source for heat
when exposed to high-power microwave heating. How- transfer and thermal–structural analysis to calculate the
ever, by modelling the mass transfer phenomenon in temperature rise and thermal stresses developed in the
concrete, Bažant and Zi (2003) showed that, compared concrete block. The results are compared with those
with the thermal stresses, pore pressure plays a rel- obtained using the more simple microwave power dis-
atively insignificant role in concrete surface spalling sipation estimation based on the approximate Lambert’s
after exposure to microwaves. law formulation modified to account for the distribu-
tion of the incident microwave power. Furthermore, the
effect of the presence of embedded reinforcing bars is
investigated through electromagnetic modelling.
Numerical simulation
In general, modelling of the microwave heating pro-
cess involves solving: Problem description
(a) Maxwell’s equations, which govern the propagation In microwave decontamination of concrete, the
of microwave radiation through the material and microwave applicator is designed to concentrate the
the microwave waveguide or cavity microwaves on the surface area of the concrete block.
880 Magazine of Concrete Research, 2010, 62, No. 12

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Microwave decontamination of concrete

A simple microwave decontamination system may com- field intensity H, the magnetic flux density B, the
prise a microwave source to generate the microwaves current density J and the electric charge density r. For
and a waveguide and horn to transmit the generated general time-varying fields, Maxwell’s equations can
waves onto the surface of the concrete block. Other be written as
attachments such as a vacuum system, safety cavity and @D
measurement instruments may also be added to the =3H¼Jþ (1)
system. The fixed microwave decontamination system
considered in this study is sketched in Figure 1. Using @B
=3E¼ (2)
both the approximate Lambert’s law and the more accu- @t
rate Maxwell’s equations, this work numerically pre- =D¼r (3)
dicts the microwave power dissipation and the resultant =B¼0 (4)
temperature rise and thermal stresses in a 20 cm thick
saturated concrete slab heated through a microwave Another fundamental equation is the equation of con-
waveguide. Three different microwave frequencies – tinuity, which can be written as
2.45, 10.6 and 18 GHz – are considered to represent
low, intermediate and high microwave decontamination r
=J¼ (5)
frequencies, respectively. The size of the waveguide @t
applicator varies with the microwave frequency used.
Since the microwave applicator is directly in contact Out of Equations 1–5, only three are independent. To
with the concrete surface, the area of the surface heated obtain a closed system, the constitutive relations de-
zone at each microwave frequency is equal to the scribing the macroscopic properties of the medium are
waveguide area. The standard waveguide dimensions included. They are given as
for the three different frequencies considered in this D ¼ E ¼ r 0 E (6)
study are listed in Table 1.
B ¼ H ¼ r 0 H (7)
J ¼ E (8)
Problem formulation
Here, 0 is the permittivity of vacuum, 0 is the per-
Maxwell’s equations meability of vacuum,  is electrical conductivity, r is
The challenge associated with electromagnetic analy- the relative permittivity and r is the relative per-
sis on a macroscopic level is the problem of solving meability of the material. The real and imaginary parts
Maxwell’s equations subject to certain boundary condi- of the relative permittivity are known as the dielectric
tions. Maxwell’s equations prescribe the relationships constant and the loss factor, respectively. The properties
between various fundamental electromagnetic quanti-  and  (without subscripts) are the permittivity and
ties. These are the electric field intensity E, the electric permeability of the material. The dielectric constant,
displacement or electric flux density D, the magnetic loss factor and conductivity of the saturated concrete
specimens considered in this study are summarised in
boundary Table 2.
condition Once the electric field inside the concrete block has
Concrete specimen
been calculated by solving the Maxwell’s equations, the
Horn (antenna) microwave power dissipated per unit volume of con-
Waveguide crete can be obtained from
port PML PL(x) ¼ 12 ø0  r0jEj2 (9)
z condition
y x PEC
To the microwave source boundary Here, ø is the angular frequency and  r0 is the loss
factor of concrete. Equation 9 can be obtained after a
Figure 1. Sketch of the microwave applicator and the few straightforward mathematical manipulations of a
electromagnetic boundary conditions imposed theoretical formula known as the Poynting theorem.

Table 1. Waveguide dimensions

Frequency: GHz Designation Width: mm Height: mm Cut-off frequency:


2.45 WR340 86.36 43.18

10.60 WR90 22.86 10.16 7.847
18.00 WR42 10.66 4.31 14.05

Magazine of Concrete Research, 2010, 62, No. 12 881

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Akbarnezhad and Ong

Table 2. Electromagnetic properties of saturated concrete

Frequency: GHz Dielectric Loss Conductivity: Attenuation

constant factor S/m factor

2.45 8.10 0.750 0.086 6.76

10.60 7.45 0.785 0.510 31.91
18.00 6.86 0.813 0.870 58.47

Lambert’s law @ I(x)

PL(x) ¼  ¼ 2I 0 e2x (13)
Lambert’s law is the most common approximation @x
used to estimate the microwave power dissipation in Equation 13 assumes a uniform incident microwave
concrete. This method considers an exponential decay power distribution at the concrete surface. However, in
of microwave energy absorption inside the concrete. most microwave heating systems, the incident micro-
Ayappa et al. (1991) showed that Lambert’s law pro- wave power follows a sinusoidal microwave power dis-
vides a good approximation when the thickness of the tribution known as the TE10 microwave mode. Ong and
material heated is at least 2.7 times thicker than the Akbarnezhad (2006) modified Lambert’s law equation
penetration depth. The power penetration depth is de- to account for the sinusoidal distribution of microwave
fined as the depth at which the transmitted power drops power
to 1/e of its value at the surface, given by  
a y
ð Þ
PL(x) ¼ 2 3 2I 0 3 e 2x
3 sin 
d p ¼ 1=2 (10) 2a
where 2a is the width of the waveguide. Equation 14
where  is the attenuation factor. Having measured the assumes that the incident energy is completely trans-
electromagnetic properties of the material, its attenua- ferred into the concrete block. To consider the effect of
tion factor at a specific frequency may be calculated as reflection at the concrete surface, the energy calculated
 1=2 using Equation 14 may be multiplied by the transmis-
2 f 9r [(1 þ tan2 )1=2  1]
¼ (11) sivity coefficient of concrete.
c 2
Heat transfer
where c is the speed of light, tan  is the loss tangent Since the water permeability of concrete is about
of concrete, 9r is the dielectric constant of the concrete three orders of magnitude smaller than the heat con-
and f is the microwave frequency. The minimum thick- ductivity, heat transfer through the movement of water
ness of the concrete calculated, for various moisture can be neglected and thus the heat transfer equation
contents and microwave frequencies, based on Ayappa may be considered as
et al.’s recommendation are listed in Table 3. The @T
rc ¼ =  ðK=T Þ þ PL(x) (15)
original form of Lambert’s law may be written as @t
I(x) ¼ I 0 e2x (12) Here, r is the mass density of concrete, t is time, T is
temperature, = is the gradient operator, c is the specific
where I(x) is the transmitted power flux into the med- heat of concrete, K is heat conductivity and PL(x) is
ium and I 0 is the incident power of the microwave. the distributed source of heat. Once the heat source
Equation 12 may be used to predict the change in the PL(x) is known from the solution of the Maxwell’s
microwave energy with distance x from the microwave- equations or Lambert’s law, Equation 15 may be used
exposed surface of the concrete. Hence, the microwave to calculate the temperature distribution inside the
energy dissipated at a specific location inside the con- microwave-heated concrete block. As the next step, the
crete block may be estimated by differentiating I(x) temperature distribution obtained is used as the input
with respect to x, which results in data for the thermal stress analysis.

Table 3. The minimum thickness of concrete block for validity of Lambert’s law

Frequency: GHz Minimum thickness of concrete block: cm

Wet Saturated Air-dried Oven-dried

2.45 10.96 19.97 122.53 161.30

10.60 2.47 4.23 9.40 25.09
18.00 1.36 2.31 3.93 11.40

882 Magazine of Concrete Research, 2010, 62, No. 12

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Microwave decontamination of concrete

overall average volumetric heat generation was postu-

Heat transfer boundary conditions lated as the average heat generated by two such adja-
In microwave decontamination, besides convection, cent strips. Bažant and Zi concluded that the effect of
heat loss may occur either through conductive heat loss embedded reinforcing bars is negligible at higher ap-
to the surrounding unheated concrete or through radia- plied microwave frequencies. However, it is well known
tion. Hence, the heat transfer boundary condition may that the use of Lambert’s law to approximate the micro-
be considered as wave power dissipation in multi-layer materials usually
leads to unsatisfactory results, as reported by Ayappa et
=T  n þ Bi(T  Ta ) þ S(T 4  Ta ) ¼ 0 (16)
al. (1991). Therefore, application of Lambert’s law to
where Bi is the Biot number, S is the radiation number, estimate the microwave power dissipation in a rein-
n is the normal to the boundary and Ta is the ambient forced concrete is not recommended.
temperature. In this paper, the electric field distribution and its
resulting temperature distribution in a reinforced con-
Structural boundary conditions crete block are examined using the more accurate Max-
As part of a large concrete block, the heated zone well’s equations. The reinforcing bars may be
displacement is restricted by the unheated parts of the considered as perfect electric conductors. Hence,
block and therefore simply supported boundary condi- microwaves are assumed to be completely reflected at
tions may be considered the interface between the concrete and the reinforcing
Ux ¼ U y ¼ Uz ¼ 0 (17) bars.

Electromagnetic boundary conditions

Besides the structural and heat transfer boundary Results and discussion
conditions, electromagnetic boundary conditions should
The general equation solver module of the commer-
be appropriately imposed to ensure that the wave propa-
cially available COMSOL Multiphysics finite-element
gation in the concrete block matches its actual behav-
software was used to solve the coupled electromag-
iour. The electromagnetic boundary conditions used in
netic, heat transfer and structural problem explained.
this study (Figure 1) are now briefly explained.
The mechanical and thermal properties of concrete con-
sidered in this study are summarised in Table 4. Three
Perfect electric conductor (PEC). A perfect elec-
different frequencies of 2.45, 10.6 and 18 GHz were
tric conductor (PEC) boundary (also called an electric
considered and a constant microwave power of
wall) is a surface on which the tangential component
1.1 MW/m2 was assumed.
of the vector electric field vanishes. As can be seen
in Figure 1, the PEC boundary condition is imposed
at the waveguide and antenna walls. Electric field in concrete
Variation of the z-component of the electric field
Surface impedance. A surface impedance bound- inside the concrete block at microwave frequencies of
ary condition is used to approximate the radiation 2.45, 10.6 and 18 GHz is shown in Figure 2, and the
boundary. For the case of the interface between free variation of the electric field’s norm in the concrete
space and the model, the following expression may block at these frequencies is shown in Figure 3. Having
be used to compute impedance computed the electric field’s norm inside the concrete
block, Equation 9 can be used to compute the average
Z ¼ (0 =0 )1=2 (18) energy dissipated per unit volume of concrete, which
can then be used as the power source in the heat
Perfectly matched layers (PMLs). The purpose of transfer equation to calculate the temperature rise. As
an absorbing boundary condition is to absorb the out- can be seen in Figures 2 and 3, an increase in micro-
going electromagnetic wave so that there are no re- wave frequency leads to faster dissipation of the elec-
flections back into the finite-element computational
domain. Table 4. Mechanical and thermal properties of concrete

Effects of embedded reinforcing bars Density: kg/m3 2300

Specific heat: J/kg per K 1000
Bažant and Zi (2003) examined the effects of the Thermal conductivity: W/m per K 3
presence of reinforcing bars on the microwave deconta- Thermal expansion coefficient: 8C 1 12 3 10–6
mination process by considering the area fraction of the Heat transfer coefficient of heat flux: W/m2 per K 10.0
steel bars (as a proportion of the wall surface) to be Modulus of elasticity: GPa 48.5
Poisson’s ratio 0.12
about 19%. For simplicity, a series of strips of the
Surface emissivity 0.9
medium with and without reinforcement perpendicular Initial temperature: 8C 25
to the microwave incident surface was considered. The
Magazine of Concrete Research, 2010, 62, No. 12 883

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Akbarnezhad and Ong
2·45 GHz, 5 s
2·45 GHz 140
10·6 GHz 10·6 GHz, 2 s

Electric field in z-direction: V/m

18 GHz 120 18 GHz, 1 s

Temperature: °C
1000 Lambert’s law
⫺3000 Exact solution
0 2 4 6 8 10
Distance from the microwave-exposed surface: cm 0
0 2 4 6 8 10
Distance from the microwave-exposed surface: cm
Figure 2. The z-component of electric field in a concrete
block subjected to different microwave frequencies at 1 W Figure 4. Temperature distribution in a saturated concrete
power after microwave heating at 2.45, 10.6 and 18 GHz frequencies
for 5, 2 and 1 s respectively (1.1 MW/m2 incident power)
2·45 GHz
3500 10·6 GHz
the sine-shape of the TE10 microwave mode appears to
18 GHz
Electric field’s norm: V/m

3000 be a satisfactory approximation.


2000 Thermal stresses

Numerical prediction of the thermal stresses devel-
oped during microwave decontamination can be used to
1000 choose the optimum microwave frequency, power and
500 heating duration required to remove a specific thick-
ness of concrete surface. The results of the thermal
0 2 4 6 8 10 stress analysis in a saturated concrete block subjected
Distance from the microwave-exposed surface: cm to microwaves of different frequencies computed using
Lambert’s law and Maxwell’s equations are illustrated
Figure 3. The electric field’s norm in a concrete block in Figure 5. As can be seen, both methods predict
subjected to different microwave frequencies at 1 W power
relatively similar stress development patterns inside the
concrete block. Both sets of results confirm that con-
tric field within a thinner layer at the surface of the siderably high thermal stresses may be generated in the
concrete block. This confirms the initial assumption of surface layer of a concrete block, which may result in
the Lambert’s law approximation, which assumes an spalling of the surface layer. As can be seen, the thick-
exponential decay of microwave power in the concrete 100
block. 2·45 GHz, 5 s
10·6 GHz, 2 s
80 18 GHz, 1 s
Radial compressive stress: MPa

Temperature distribution
The temperature distributions at different frequencies 60
are illustrated in Figure 4. As can be seen, both meth- Exact solution
ods predict relatively similar microwave dissipation
depths and temperature distribution patterns in the con- 40
crete block, especially at higher microwave frequencies.
As expected, as the frequency increases, microwave
penetration is reduced and thus more energy is dissi- Lambert’s law
pated near the concrete surface. This results in a faster
temperature rise and higher temperature gradients with- 0
in a thinner surface layer. The results show that the 0 2 4 6 8 10
Distance from the microwave-exposed surface: cm
approximate Lambert’s law method can be satisfactorily
used to predict the temperature distribution inside a Figure 5. Radial compressive stress in a saturated concrete
concrete block. Moreover, the sine2 -shape incident after microwave heating at 2.45, 10.6 and 18 GHz frequencies
power distribution used in Lambert’s law to simulate for 5, 2 and 1 s respectively (1.1 MW/m2 incident power)
884 Magazine of Concrete Research, 2010, 62, No. 12

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On: Wed, 04 May 2011 07:20:48
Microwave decontamination of concrete

ness of the stressed surface layer decreases with an similar, especially when higher microwave frequen-
increase in microwave frequency. cies are used.
(b) The results of this study confirm the capability of
Effects of the presence of reinforcing bars high-frequency microwaves to remove the surface
The temperature distribution in a reinforced saturated layer of a concrete block through development of
concrete block subjected to microwaves of different localised high thermal stresses.
frequencies is illustrated in Figure 6, which shows that (c) Higher microwave frequencies result in higher
the presence of reinforcing bars will generally lead to a thermal stresses within a thinner surface layer.
higher temperature rise within the surface layer of con- (d) The sine2 -shape assumption for the incident power
crete. The effect of the reinforcing bars on the deconta- distribution at the concrete surface is a good ap-
mination process is expected to decrease with a proximation of the sine-shape of the TE10 mode
decrease in microwave penetration depth, especially used in commercially available microwave heating
when the penetration depth is less than the cover to the systems.
reinforcing steel. The microwave penetration depth may (e) The presence of embedded reinforcing bars in a
decrease with an increase in microwave frequency or concrete block will generally lead to a higher tem-
the concrete’s water content. Figure 6 also shows that perature rise in the cover concrete. However, its
the effect of the presence of reinforcing bars on the effect decreases with an increase in microwave
temperature distribution within the cover concrete in a frequency.
saturated concrete block for frequencies of 10.6 and 18
GHz is almost negligible.
Ayappa KG, Davis HT, Crapiste G, Davis EA and Gordon J (1991)
Microwave heating: an evaluation of power formulations. Chemical
Conclusions Engineering Science 64(4): 1005–1016.
Ayers KW (1998) Feasibility of Recycling Contaminated Concrete.
Both Maxwell’s equations and Lambert’s law have PhD thesis, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee.
been used to compute the temperature rise and thermal Bažant ZP and Zi G (2003) Decontamination of radionuclides from
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sented, the following conclusions may be drawn. EnviroCentre (2005) National Green Specification. Demolition: Im-
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(a) The results obtained using both the modified Lam- EnviroCentre, Glasgow, Scotland.
bert’s law and Maxwell’s equations are relatively Lagos LE, Li W and Ebadian MA (1995) Heat transfer within a
concrete slab with a finite microwave heating source. International
Journal of Heat Mass Transfer 38(5): 887–897.
Li W, Ebadian MA, White TL and Grubb RG (1993) Heat transfer
160 2·45 GHz, 5 s within a concrete slab applying the microwave decontamination
10·6 GHz, 2 s process. Journal of Heat Transfer 115(1): 42–50.
140 Rebar 18 GHz, 1 s Ong KCG and Akbarnezhad A (2006) Thermal stresses in microwave
heating of concrete. Proceedings of the 31st Conference on Our
World in Concrete and Structures, Singapore. CI-Premier, Singa-
Temperature: °C

100 pore, vol. XXV, pp. 297–310.

Spalding B (2000) Volatility and extractability of strontium-85, ce-
80 concrete sium-134, cobalt-57, and uranium after heating hardened Portland
Unreinforced cement paste. Environmental Science and Technology 34(23):
60 concrete 5051–5058.
White TL, Grubb RG, Pugh LP, Foster D Jr and Box WD (1992)
Removal of contaminated concrete surface by microwave heating –
20 phase 1 results. Proceedings of 18th American Nuclear Society
Symposium on Waste Management, Tucson, Arizona. American
0 Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 745–748.
0 2 4 6 8 10 White TL, Foster D Jr, Wilson CT and Schaich CR (1995) Phase II
Distance from the microwave-exposed surface: cm microwave concrete decontamination results. Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, Report DE-AC05-84OR21400.
Figure 6. Temperature distribution in a reinforced saturated
concrete block after microwave heating at 2.45, 10.6 and
18 GHz frequencies for 5, 2 and 1 s respectively (1.1 MW/m2 Discussion contributions on this paper should reach the editor by
incident power) 1 June 2011

Magazine of Concrete Research, 2010, 62, No. 12 885

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