Uds - Semi - Module - II - Lessons - 4-6 - Learning - Activities 4

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Joseph Rainiier U.

Manuel BSBA
Lesson 4
The Spiritual Self

Read: The Physical Self on pages 113 - 120 (disregards the different activities in the book) and answer the different

Activity I
From the WORD CLOUD (group of words above) make your own definition/meaning of the word RELIGION basing from
the different words in the word cloud. (copying from dictionary, Wikipedia, encyclopedia is strictly prohibited)
1. It is a group of people like Catholic who have the faith and belief to our God who gives life to us to worship him!
2. It is our trust to the Lord that give hope and forgiveness to our sin, and a way of celebration to pray and blessings our
love to him until death.

Activity II Balik Tanaw:

Name five (5) significant persons who introduces the Christian Faith you have/believing now, and How?
1. My Parents,
How, they are the one who introduces me when I was young through attending masses every Sundays at our Church.
Until I practice to normalize it every day.
2. My Grandparents,
How, I have a very religious Grandmother so when I was little she bring me to go to “Agwalu” , to a particular house
which they need prayers for they late love ones.
3. My Friends,
How, they always convince and call me to attend church in a Born Again church because they are members of that
religion with parlor games program after the mass.
Joseph Rainiier U. Manuel BSBA
Activity III Video Analysis
Watch the video link listed down below and answer the following questions?
The Best Animated Spiritual Video

Guided Questions
1. What concept does the video wish to convey?
The video tells us how to connect to our supreme being to do our parts that he gave us to us and to know that
he is the only one who can charge our lives. We need to identify ourselves first with him, so play our parts in
order for us not to be alone and lost because true self is found spiritually and not physically.
2. Based from the video what is the difference between spirit from spirituality?
Spirit - it is our emotions to and character. Our soul.
Spirituality – it is related on the process on how we develop our beliefs with others, it involves the recognition
of feelings that there is greater than myself.
3. Why do you need to develop/strengthen your spirituality?

4. How do you develop/strengthen our spirituality?

To know our self, we need to know our God first so that we can find the path to connect to him as his follower,
God give us parts in this world to do in our own ways of doing it. To strengthen our spirituality. We need to ask
and question ourselves about the identity you have, we need to think positive and be with God always as he
did to us.

Activity IV Name 5 religious’ activities of the school which you still do/miss/cannot do now because of pandemic,
Explain WHY? And how important these activities in your LIFE?
1. Sunday mass it is very because it is the day when God take rest on we should faith and be grateful that day.
2. First Friday mass it very important and I cannot do it. It is set of Catholic devotion to recognize the Sacred heart
of Jesus.
3. Foundation day I miss this event because it how we attend different fields of sports and art activities with our
rightful department members to be together and win as one.
Activity V Cite a biblical phrase and explain (in 50 words) how you experienced the mercy of GOD
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through him who strengthens me
Gods mercy is everlasting through my prayers I obtain his mercy he listen to me and forgive my sins. I experienced being
blessed every single day by his love and I feel it every time I ask him and praise him. Love of God is unstoppable. and we
Christian only believed to our God’s forgiveness.

Lesson 5
The Political Self – Developing a Filipino Identity

Read: The Political Self – Developing a Filipino Identity on pages 125 - 135 (disregards the different activities in the book) and
answer the different activities.
Joseph Rainiier U. Manuel BSBA

Activity I: Ako ay Pilipino

Direction: Check the box provided if you embody the different traits and characteristics

Filipino Traits and Characteristics

Hospitable ✓
Optimistic ✓
Resourceful ✓
Respectful ✓
Strong Family ties ✓
Collective pride ✓
Obedient and dutiful ✓
Strong work ethics ✓
Industrious ✓
Helpful ✓
Grateful ✓
Honest ✓
Courteous ✓
Brave ✓
Faithful ✓
Sensitive ✓
Faith in God ✓
Bahala na syndrome ✓
Thrifty and frugal ✓
Mañana Habit ✓
Cheerful ✓
Nignas-kugon ✓
Diligent and patient ✓
Colonial Mentality ✓
Crab Mentality ✓

Are you a 100 percent Filipino? YES/NO Yes

If NO how many percent of your being a Filipino? _______________

ASIA AND SPAIN by: Jeffrey Hays
Direction: Read the article published from Facts and Details.com researched and written by Jeffrey Hays and answer the following
question after this article.

Guide Questions
1. According to the write up? Name 10 negative and 10 positive characteristics and traits of a Filipino.
2. Interrelate the words, AMOR PIOPO, “GO IN BETWEEN”, AND PAKIKISAMA.
3. Is PAKIKISAMA, Good or Bad? Why?
4. Based from the write up what is your concept about “HIYA”?
5. Based from the write up, lists down the different influence of history;
a. Spain and America on Filipino Culture
b. Latin Influence on Filipinos
c. Asian Influence on Filipinos

Activity IV watch the video link below and answer the following question

Why democracy is still the best form of government | Alex Tan

Joseph Rainiier U. Manuel BSBA
Guide Questions
1. What idea does the video wish to convey?
Answer: It tells us about how democracy and how democracy is the best form of government considering that it is more
accountable and improves the quality of decision making, provides a method to del with differences and conflicts.

2. If democracy is still the best form of government, why barriers to democratic culture according to Zialcita (from your book)
is still verry apparent scenario in our country? (50 words)
Answer: Barriers to democratic culture in the Philippines is still visible because Philippines is known as “showcase
democracy” in the Asia pacific and Philippines not only copied many features of the US political structure, it was also
socialized by American colonizers to the ways of democracy. For democracy to exist as system, economic and political
power should be scattered, so that no one or group of individuals can exercise undue influence over the decisions of others.
The leaders should be honest enough to be able to serve us and our country properly and they should also not focus to the
money or self centered individual as they were elected to give us improved and good country, corruption should not grow.
If the government officials and the society cooperate with each other, respect each other, know how to handle and find
solutions then this will lead to have a peaceful and better place which is composed of united citizens.

3. Cite and explain 3 grave threat of the diminishing democratic culture in the country. (see article for reference of your
 Conditional – the accused makes a demand so that he will not do what he threatened such as demand for money or
another condition which may not be unlawful.
 Unconditional – there is simply declaration to do wrong or harm amounting to the crime.
 But if their threat was made in the heat of anger and the accused uttered. Like I will kill your family, but did not do anything
more. If he however gets a weapon and moves towards his opponent, the crime is gave threats.
Activity V: Hugutan Tayo
Write two (2) Hugot Lines manifesting your identity as a Filipino.

“Bahay kubo hugot”

1. Patola – ikaw ito dahil napakagaling mong mambola.
2. Talong – para sa mga di mo sinasagot na tanong.

Lesson 6
The Digital Self – Self and Other Cyberspace

Read: The Digital Self – Self and other Cyberspace on pages 141 - 149 (disregards the different activities in the book) and answer
the different activities.
Joseph Rainiier U. Manuel BSBA

Activity I
From the WORD CLOUD (group of words above) make your own definition/meaning of the word CUBERSPACE basing from the
different words in the word cloud. (copying from dictionary, Wikipedia, encyclopedia is strictly prohibited)
1. It is a software that is used to share data and information to media, to have connection through communication.
2. It is web that is used with Internet to display media.

Activity II Classifying the role of the different social media platform.

Direction: In this activity lists down the different social media platform you are using and specify the “role” in your life as member of
the society, in the family and school. (Write down all Social Media Platform you are using)

The Role of Social Media to me as;

Name of Social Media Citizen Student Son/Daughter
Platform you are using
Facebook Social interaction Helps me to be socially Role and teach me to open
exposed and to speak up up and influence me to be
more connected to them
Twitter It encourages me show some To be more aware about Share to that what I feel to
connection to others issue trending. say.
Instagram I use this to be more Teach me to be at quality and Well connected
connected to other countries. in terms of pictures.

Activity III Assessment on the influence of social media.

Direction: Using the same data in the Activity II, this time assess the effect of the different social media platform you are using
towards your; behavior and attitudes to your SELF, and your socialization to the community.

How Social Media affect my;

Name of Social Media Attitude Behavior
Platform you are using Positive Negative Positive Negative
Facebook Increase confidence Comparing ourselves to Dependable and self- Traumatic stress
to by empowering others. awareness
introverts to be
show ideas
Twitter Positive thinker Distract face-to-face Confident and can Not interested in
relationship stand alone some activities
Instagram Classy and proud Fear of missing out Having opportunity Traumatic stress
to Showcase
Joseph Rainiier U. Manuel BSBA

Activity IV Video Analysis:

Watch the video links listed down below, and answer the following questions?

The Danger of Internet

How Social Media Is Destroying Our Brains

Guide Questions:
1. What are some of the risks that Internet users face?
- Being lazy every time, the feeling which you don’t have the energy to do something and your not my so productive .
2. Have you ever done something online that you later regretted?
- Yes, when I posted something that is not usual to my mother.
3. What’s one rule about online safety that you always follow?
- Don’t give your personal information to someone you never know.
4. Would what you do if someone started sending you annoying text messages and wouldn’t stop?
- I’m going to ask him to stop him and if he don’t stop I’ll report him and I’m going to block him/her if he/ she’s not
5. In what way does Social Media distracts your focus and productivity.
- In a way of giving my whole day to only brows my phone applications.

Activity V Vlogging Time

Direction: Create a Vlog with a minimum of 2 minutes and maximum of 4 minutes. Content will be free of choice.

NOTE: Your output for Semi Finals and Finals will passed on the last day of our classes. To avoid from copying/downloading of
the outputs of your classmates. There are already cases that I found out, that THERE ARE STUDENTS STEALING THE WORKS OF
THEIR CLASSMATES. START COMPILING ALL YOUR ACTIVITY WORKS (including those uploaded, so that you can still

One Final Activity to be made is the making of your “MY PROJECT PLAN” I will be posting next week in your Edmodo room the
instructions, directions and template for the plan.

So as of now focus first to the 3 lessons of this this activity module.

Thank you and keep safe while spending your time productively.
Joseph Rainiier U. Manuel BSBA

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