Soal UAS I 2021 Kelas 2

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TAHUN AJARAN 2021/2022

MATA PELAJARAN : BAHASA INGGRIS NAMA : ......................


I. Choose The Correct Answer by Crossing (x) a, b or c !

1. Dia adalah bibiku. Artinya adalah ...................................
a. She is my mother c. She is my sister
b. She is my aunt d. She is my daughter

2. D _ _ g h t e r . Huruf yang hilang adalah ..............................

a. o u b. a u c. i a d. e u

3. He is my brother. The underlined word means ............................

a. Saudara laki-laki b. anak laki-laki c. saudara perempuan d. anak perempuan

4. Itu bukan sebuah lemari. The correct sentence in English ..............................

a. This is not a picture c. that is not a picture
b. This is not an ashtray d. that is not a cupboard

5. I have a ..............................
a. fan b. chair c. clock d. table

6. Is the pillow in the livingroom ? .....................

a. Yes, it is not b. Yes, it is c. No, it is not d. No, is it

7. is – a – that – comb . The correct sentence is ......................

a. that a comb is b. a comb is that c. that is comb a d. that is a comb

8. Arrange these latters A – T – R – M – T – S – E - S

a. mirror b. mattress c. table d. shelf

9. There is a ........................ in the bedroom

a. door b. bolster c. blanket d. bed

10. X : What is this ?

Y : It is a .......................

a. soap b. water c. pail d. dipper

11. This is a ..................

a. soap b. tooth paste c. tooth brush d. towel

12. X : Is this a pail ?

Y : Yes ....................

a. this is b. this is not c. that is d. that is not

13. This is a bar of ...................

a. pail b. dipper c. toilet d. soap

14. “ Piring “ in english is .................

a. bowl b. plate c. cup d. spoon

15. X : It is a ....................?

Y : Yes, it is

a. fork b. knife c. spoon d. bowl

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer!

16. She is beautiful, she is my ...............................

17. I live with my parents (orang tua). They are ........................... and .........................

18. The thing in the livingroom is .......................

19. s – a – b – t – e – k – n – i - b

The correct word is ................................

20. There is a pillow and a .......................... on the bed

21. a – is – shelf – the bedroom – there – in

Rearrange these words ...................

22. X : Is it a towel ?

Y : No, ..................................

23. There is a ................................. in the bedroom

24. N _ P _ I N . The missing letters are ............. and ..........

25. I put ................................. on the table

III. Answer The Questions!

26. Write 3 things in the bedroom !
27. Translate into Indonesian !
a. Uncle = .......................... b. Table = .......................... c. Bed = ..........................
28. Translate into Indonesian !
a. kompor = .................... b. cermin = ....................... c. pintu = ........................
29. Arrange the letters into good order !
b. s – e – v – a = ................. b. h – o – s – w – e - r = ................... c. n – a – p = ......................
30. Amir : What is this ?
Bima : This is an ..........................

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