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Contents SECTION PAGE 231 23.2 24 25 44a 442 443 42 421 422 5 5a 5.2 5.21 5.22 5.23 5.24 53 53.1 53.2 533 534 535 53.6 53.7 538 539 5.3.10 53.11 5.3.12 5.3.13 53.14 53.15 5.3.16 5.3.17 5.3.18 5.3.19 Executive Summary. Introduction 2 Project information « so sein 2 ‘Main Building Facilities 3 Process Plant Operation Activity 9 Yellow Phosphorus Plant 8 ‘Thermal Phosphoric Acid/ Food Grade Acid Plant. 10 Relevant Information nnesnnnnn oo snnnnennninnnnnnnn wld Stakeholders u Design Standards. Hazardous Substances. Hazardous Substances Present on Sit@.vurnnnnnnn . Other Hazardous Substances. 4 Physical and Chemical Properties of Hazardous Substances. 15 DESCRIPTION OF THE HAZARDS....snnssnsninininnnnnmnnninnnnnnennnnnnnnne 1S HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES PURITY von snnnninnnnninnnnnennee 1 Summary of the Process Material fr the Development.. uv Fire Safety Provision for the Building. 19 Assumption and Limitation. 19 Passive Fire Protection System 20 Bund wall 20 Plant Floor... sn nnn 20 Fire Proofing o . semennnnnnnnn 20 Assembly Area, 2 ‘Active Fire Protection System 2 Pressurized Fire Hydrant ..cuesnennnsnnnv scr sens 2D Water Spray System ...n:nmnnmenmnmnnnnnnnnennannnnannnnnnnnnnnn DD Water Monitor System 23 ‘Additional Fire Protection System & Facility 23 Public Address System / Voice Alarm System. 24 Automatic Gas Detection and Alarm System .n..nmnnmnmnnnninennnennennnennnrnne 2 Toxic Gas Detector. 25 Smoke Detector. 25 ‘Automatic Fire Detection and Alarm System, 26 Hazardous Substances Detection System .n.unmnininnininnnnnennnennnnnnesenene 26 Laboratory Analysis semmmenennmnnnnnnnnnnennnes BD Carbon Dioxide (CO:) Fire Extinguisher System 29 FM200 Fire Extinguisher System 29 First Aid Hose Reel System .....ucneunmuesnninennnnnnnnn sonnninnnnnsnens 30 Portable Fire Fighting Equipment ....c.umn smmnnnnnnnnnnnnrnnsensie 30 Master Fire Alarm Panel Mimic Diagram. 30 Hose Reel System. 30 Emergency Communication 31 Summary of Proposed Active Fire-Fighting System... senennnanrinnnnnrnes SL 6 6.1 Introduction 32 6.1.1 Objectives 33 6.2 QRA PROJECT BACKGROUND. 33 6.2.1 Site Location.nnnssnnnmenninnninnnnnmnnnnnninnnnnenn nnn 38 6.2.2 Site Sensitive Receptors. sennensne . see 3B 6.2.3 Layout of Project site, 34 6.2.4 Process Description 39 6.2.5 Meteorological Data... senna nnn 43 6.3 QRAMethodology...m:ninnitnnnnininnininnninninninennnnnnnnnnnn AS 63.1 Definitions. 45 6.3.2. Hazard Identification, 45 6.3.3 Frequency Analysis . 45 6.3.4 Consequence AnalySis...n.uruennnmnnnnninnnnnnninnnannnninnnnnn AS, 6.3.5 Event Tree Analysis. semen vs enn se 5 64 Risk Summation 46 6.4.1 Risk Mitigation Measures 46 6.4.2 Risk Criteria ' ben senna 46 6.5 Hazard Identification and Scenario Selection swinmnnnmnnmnnnnnnninninnnnnnnnnns TD 6.5.1 General 47 6.5.2 Occupational Health Hazards. 48 6.5.3 Hazardous Substances snnnnninnninnnnnnnennnnen see AB 6.5.4 Physical and Chemical Properties of Hazardous Substances.rnnninennnennennnnnnrnne 9 6.5.5 _ Representative Release Scenarios. semen sntnnnennnnnnnnes SL 6.6 Frequency Analysis 56 6.6.1 Release Frequencies 56 6.6.2 Ignition Probabilities .....neunenns sntinnnnnnneninnnininnnninnnnnnn 57 6.6.3 Event Tree Analysis snunmneunennn sen snnnnnnnnnn 59 6.7 Consequence Analysis. 60 6.7.1 Hazard Zones. 60 6.7.2 Models Used 60 6.7.3 Tabulation of Consequence and Frequency of All Possible Accident Scenarios ......nrns62 68 Risk Summation 8 6.9 Salient findings of the QRA study 64 6.10 Recommendations. 66 7 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN. 7.1 Scope of Emergency Response Plan 68 7.2. Emergency Response Team (ERT)... . 68 7.3 Types of Emergency Scenarios during Operation. semen 69 7.3.1 Hazardous Liquid Spillage/ Leakage 69 8 Maintenance of Fire Protection System. 81 Extent of Work. &.2 Service and Maintenance Schedule. 9 Fire Safety Training. 10 Conclusion. 11 REFERENCES ‘Appendix A: 11.1 Drawing Reference MAPS. ‘Appendix B: 112 Summary of Active Fire Protection System 82 ‘Appendix C: . 113 Fire Risk Assessment & Design Fire Water Demand Calculation 83 ‘Appendix D: 11.4 QRAStudy Result ‘Appendix E: 11.5 MATERIAL SHEET DATA SHEETS (MSOS).. semnmmnnnnnnnnnenrne 8 List of Tables TABLE PAGE Table 2-1 : List of Building Facility of Submission 1... Table 2-2: List of Building Facility of Submission 2A.. Table 2-3: List of Building Facility of Submission 28. Table 2-4: List of Building Facility of Submission 2C Table 2-5: List of Building Facility of Submission 2D.. Table 2-6: List of Building Facility of Submission 2E Table 2-7: List of Provided Informatio . Table 3-1: Design Code & Standard Adopted for the development ... Table 4-1: Hazardous Substances Categories and Their Threshold Quantity. Table 4-2: Yellow Phosphorus Steel Drum.. Table 4-3: List of Hazardous Substances Table 4-4 : Other Hazardous Substances Table 4-5: Physical and Chemical Properties of CIMAH Classified Substance Table 4-6: Table 4-7: Chemical Compound, Risk and Effect Summan Table 4-8 : Summary Table of Process Material for the Development Table 5-1: Location of the Toxic Gas Detector Tag Number Table 5-2: Smoke Detector Specification Table 5-3: Smoke Detector Location... Table 5-4 : Physical Detection Methods Table 5-5 : Magnetic Float Level Gauge Specification. Table 5-6 : Magneto Strictive Interface Metter Specification .. Table 5-7: YP Product Specification Requirement. Table 5-8: Summary of Gas Detectors in MPAS. Table 5-9: Summary of H,S Gas Detector Specification Table 6-1 : Project Production Capacity... Table 6-2: Coordinates of the Proposed Project Site.. Table 6-3: Surrounding Residential Area Table 6-4 : Atmospheric Stability Classification Table 6-5: Pasquill-Gifford Atmospheric Stability Classification Table 6-6 : Hazard Identification Table 6-7: Characterization of Hazardous Material ‘Table 6-8: Physical and Chemical Properties of Carbon Monoxide Table 6-9: Physical and Chemical Properties of Yellow Phosphorus... Table 6-10: Physical and Chemical Properties of Phosphoric Acid Table 6-11: Listing of Release and Outcome Events for Consequence Analysis Table 6-12: Historical Equipment Failure Rates Table 6-13 : Generic Ignition Probabilities.. Table 6-14: Immediate and Delayed ignition Probability Distribution Table 6-1! Table 6-16 Table 6-1 Table 6-18, robability of Explosic lazard Zones Criteria R Contour Findings Summary.. isk Contour Findings Summary. sn Gas Cloud Ignition. List of Figures FIGURE Figure 2-1 : Location of Plant Layout... Figure 2-2: Main Building & Facilities Plan Layout .. Figure 2-3 : Process Flow Diagram for YFP Plant. Figure 2-4 : Process Flow Diagram TPA/FGA Plant. Figure 5-1: Location of Fie Control Centre and Fire Water Station Layout : Fire Detection and Activation System Operation Flow Di .ocation of Proposed Project. : Location of Residential Area Surrounding Proposed Project jeneral Arrangement of Proposed Plant. }: Overall Process Block Flow Diagram Bintulu Annual Wind Rose Summary (2019). Event Tree Model for Release of Flammable Liquid.. Event Tree Model for Release of Flammable Toxic Vapor . Event Tree Model for Release of Non Flammable Toxic Vapor. + Chain of Actions or Procedures of In Case of Hazardous Liquid Spill. hain of Actions or Procedures of in Case of Hazardous Gas Leakage. Chain of Actions of Procedures of In Case of Fire or Explosion ‘Chain of Actions or Procedures of In Case of Personnel Injuries Chain of Actions or Procedures of In Case of Fatal Accident.. hain of Actions or Procedures of In Case of Traffic Accident

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