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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero
Relationship: Kirishima Eijirou/Midoriya Izuku
Character: Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou
Additional Tags: Future Fic, Post-UA, Pro Hero Midoriya Izuku, Pro Hero Kirishima
Eijirou, Romance, Reunions, Drinking, One-Sided Midoriya
Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, One-Sided Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou,
Comfort, Porn With Plot
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2018-12-27 Words: 7757

by shotodoki


“Hey, it’s okay, I’m here for you,” Kirishima kept on patting his back.

“Thanks, Kirishima,” It was nonsensical, and maybe the alcohol was starting to get to him,
but Midoriya laughed. “I wish I fell in love with you instead.”

Or, Kirishima and Midoriya have a little reunion, and Midoriya drinks a little too much.


Happy holidays! Have some kirideku smut :)

See the end of the work for more notes

Finding your purpose in life didn’t always equate to happiness.

That was something Midoriya found out quite early into his career.

He was a pro hero now, freshly graduated from UA but quickly climbing the hero billboard chart.
People have dubbed him the rising star of the generation; wherever there was any major crisis,
Midoriya was sure to be there, defeating villains and rescuing civilians while steadily earning a
name for himself. He liked to focus his thoughts on that aspect of his life.
Regarding the interpersonal part of his life, though, he had much less to say. His relationship with
his friends slowly stagnated after they graduated. Midoriya wanted to blame his hero career for it,
but he couldn’t. Not when he was finally achieving his dreams.

Not when his isolation was brought by his own actions. Or lack thereof.

He only wanted to focus on his hero work. That was all that mattered now.

Midoriya had become the man he always dreamed to be, and the bruise he got just now was one of
its many proofs.

He winced at the sudden pain in his shoulder. The breeze from the increased altitude was cold
against his skin, and debris were still settling from the fast-paced skirmish he was having.

Midoriya was fighting a transformer type villain with a muscle enhancement quirk, which rendered
Midoriya’s basic attacks less effective. They had taken their fight to the top of the buildings in the

“Is this the so-called next number one pro hero? The rising star Deku?” The villain scoffed,
looking down at him from where he struck. Somehow, hearing that made Midoriya smile.
Cockiness like that was usually a sign of victory for him, and quite frankly, he was getting bored.

The villain started to walk toward Midoriya.

“Honestly, I expected better from the—” before the villain could finish his sentence, a figure
dashed between them from a higher building in a fell swoop, dragging the villain away down with

What followed next was a loud crash to the pavements below.

Midoriya was dumbstruck for a few seconds before he could react; he swore he saw red hair when
the figure zoomed past him. He hated how his heart started to race at the fact.

Not wasting time, Midoriya jumped at the place of impact with quick feet to match his excitement.
He could feel his face heating up as he got closer.

Todoroki was there, Midoriya thought excitedly. Todoroki had helped him.

However, one glance at the impact revealed that there were no burn marks on the surroundings,
and there was no chill in the air either. There was no heat, nor was there ice.

The growing anticipation inside Midoriya died out as fast as it had surfaced. He wondered why he
even felt it in the first place; Todoroki’s agency was far from where his was, and there was no
reason for him to suddenly go out of his reach out of the blue.

When the dust from the impact cleared, the redheaded figure slowly became clearer and clearer.
His red hair wasn’t neat and smooth like Todoroki's—it was wild and spiky.

“Kirishima!?” Was all that Midoriya could say. His former classmate turned to greet him with his
signature smile. Beneath him was the villain Midoriya just took a hit from, defeated.

The crowd that had gathered around them, witnessing the fight from the rooftops, erupted in cheer.

“Yo, Midoriya!” Kirishima saluted him with a small wave. “I thought you could use some help.”

Midoriya smiled at him and went to greet his former classmate with a wave. The battle was over.
Right after, the police came into the scene, and Midoriya and Kirishima were left with a few
sermons about structural damage and reckless use of their quirks by the police chief. It took them a
few apologies to clear the whole issue, then the police told them everything was under their hands
and thanked them for their work.

It was a few more minutes of indulging some fans before Midoriya and Kirishima finally had a
moment to themselves. The first thing they did then was share a short hug—initiated by Kirishima
—and a shake of their hands.

“Man, how’ve you been? It’s been, like, a year!” Kirishima exclaimed, not bothering to hide his

“I’m great!” Midoriya’s reply was an overused one, out of force of habit. He wished he could say
something that sounded more like a greeting to an old friend, rather than a tired one he always gave
to fake acquaintances whose names he didn’t even know.

Midoriya had to wonder when his old enthusiasm died out. He lived his early hero days being
happy, fulfilling his dream of helping people with a smile and becoming the new symbol of peace.

And yet Midoriya felt something missing. He suspected that it was because he had gone separate
ways from his classmates, but he soon realized that that wasn’t the case. He began to acknowledge
that it wasn’t splitting from everyone else that was killing his happiness; it was splitting from
someone in particular that did.

He tried to not feel it. Todoroki never was the responsive type, even to close friends, so Midoriya
tried to shut off whatever feelings were starting to grow in him.

He tried calling, though, under the guise of ‘wanting to keep in touch’, but only ever got as far as
short ‘how are you’s before Todoroki would drop the phone for his work. Todoroki’s replies were
dry and gave out only one meaning: he was busy. He had no time to reconcile with friends, and
Midoriya grudgingly understood that.

Realizing it felt like a sinking feeling on his chest that he couldn’t explain, but he realized he could
shut it out and suppress it, so he did.

Midoriya focused solely on maintaining his dream. He kept up with his friends every now and then
but didn’t actively made attempts to reconnect with them.

Maybe that was why he was so placid when meeting Kirishima even after so long.

“Hey, you’ve grown taller!” Kirishima sized Midoriya, snapping him out of his daze.

Midoriya approached Kirishima to compare their current heights. Even after a day’s work under
sweat, he still smelled like men’s perfume. Somehow, that familiar scent made him feel less

“You’re right!” Midoriya drew an invisible line between his forehead and Kirishima’s, “I’m almost
as tall as you now!”

“Puberty, huh?” Kirishima smiled, “I wonder how the taller folks from back then like Todoroki or
Sato have grown.”

Midoriya almost visibly flinched. So much for being unguarded.

“Hey, you know what? We should go grab a drink or something! Catch up and stuff.” Kirishima
casually blurted out. The idea honestly didn’t have much appeal, but Midoriya figured it’d be good
for him to socialize with someone he actually knew for once.

Maybe it would have some merit, but that was if Kirishima wouldn’t mention Todoroki out of the
blue like he just did.

“Sure!” Midoriya plastered a smile on his face. With the way Kirishima was beaming the whole
time, he felt compelled to smile at him in return.

“Nice. You know the new spot downtown? Not too much people going there yet.”

Midoriya nodded.

“See you there later at 10? I kinda don’t want to go to a pub right now with my costume and have
everyone asking for my autograph the whole time.”

Someway, somehow, that made Midoriya laugh. A genuine, heartfelt laugh. He couldn’t remember
the last time he had done that.

“Yeah! See you, then!” He held out his fist and Kirishima bumped it with his own.

The two of them promptly took off to their own places for the rest of the afternoon. Midoriya
would spend much of it trying to compose his thoughts and not be too gloomy that evening.

“—so that was when they approached me by the dozens trying to ask me for pictures!”

Kirishima was exclaiming with wild gestures, talking about how he found out he had a large
fanbase after becoming a pro hero. “If I didn’t have a quirk, I’d probably have been stampeded by
them all.”

The two of them were walking downtown late in the evening. The city air was chilly, and Midoriya
could feel it even through his thick layer of clothing. Half of the effort was to keep his identity.
Suprisingly though, Kirishima wore something a lot...less.

Even though it was his idea to change out of their costumes, Kirishima didn’t do much to cover his
hair or his face. He was far from where he was usually patrolling, so Midoriya thought it probably
wasn’t much risk for him to go out so publicly. Midoriya didn’t have that privilege, though, so he
wore a cap and an inconspicuous button-down to keep a low profile.

“Have you met any of your crazy fanclubs, Midoriya?” Kirishima asked. Midoriya didn’t even
have to think about his answer.

“Yeah. They’re kind of everywhere, so it’s hard for me to go out like this and actually enjoy

“Must be hard being the rising star of the generation, huh?” Kirishima joked and punched him
playfully on the shoulder.

Midoriya smiled at him, “You make it sound like you don’t know how that feels like.”

“You’re moving up way faster than I am!” He said. It was the first time Midoriya heard that
without envy. It felt like a refreshing breeze. Kirishima shrugged, “Go tell that to Bakugo or
Midoriya felt his face twitch.

There it was again—the sinking feeling in his chest. Midoriya had to fake a chuckle to hide any
sign of it leaking out. Every time he heard any mention of Todoroki, it was as if years of repressed
feelings just gushed out of him.

Midoriya didn’t want that. Not tonight. He was going to enjoy this evening, and feeding this topic
wasn’t going to help him. Midoriya quickly thought of a way to drive the conversation away into
other topics for small talk.

“Anyway,” He attempted to laugh the statement off and took the conversation elsewhere. “Since
you have lots of fans and all, have you found a special girl yet, Kirishima?”

“Funny,” Kirishima chuckled, but nothing in his tone made it seem like he meant what he said.

“Why? Surely—”

“I’m gay, Midoriya.” Kirshima said simply.

Midoriya stopped in his tracks and furrowed his brows at Kirishima. The sudden truth was like a
hot plate handed to him without warning.


“You didn’t know?” Kirishima’s tone was casual, like that was something Midoriya should have

He felt ashamed, but Midoriya admitted. “No…”

Kirishima made a face that couldn’t be read, then he shrugged again. “Well, you do now.”

The sudden development was for the worse, apparently. It was a silent walk after that. Midoriya
felt the urge to break the ice but was nervous that anything he’d say would just freeze the
conversation all over again.

They both walked wordlessly, the only sound between them the city ambiance and the sound of
footsteps, until the two of them arrived in front of a very conspicuous building, even among the
neon-lit streets.

“Oh, we’re here.” Kirishima glanced at the place beside them. Midoriya followed.

The exterior of the place warranted a good, long glance for appreciation. It was bright lights all
over, with the giant sign that reads ‘VANITY’ over the upper stories. The ground floor was all
parked cars, but at the upper floors were where all the bass and the synths were coming from. The
entrance was a small stairway at the side.

“The entire second floor is all dance; top floor is much tamer in comparison.” Kirishima explained
with a sense of familiarity.

“You’ve been here before?”

Kirishima shrugged, “Eh, just a few times.”

Without another word, the two of them went through the entrance where they were inspected for
IDs and belongings. Kirishima bumped fists with one of the bouncers and flashed another one with
a smile.
“I thought we were keeping low profile?” Midoriya teased.

“Heroes come here more often than you think,” Kirishima snickered, slipping through security
with much charisma. They went up the narrow stairway.

When they got to the second floor, it was all crazy. Lights danced around the room in a colorful
shimmer, accompanied by music that drowned out most of the conversation. The beat from the
amplifiers resonated so much that Midoriya could feel it in his bones. Everyone was either dancing
or chanting along to the music.

“Stairway to the rooftop’s over the other side of the room,” Kirishima said loudly, trying to make
his voice audible over the music.

“Why would they separate the stairs?” Midoriya asked back in the same volume.

“It’s a trap,” Kirishima joked, “You’ll want to stay here if you lose focus.”

He held out his hand and gestured for Midoriya to take it.

“Come on, I’ll guide you, so you don’t get distracted!”

Without much protest, Midoriya took Kirishima’s hand and he was pulled into the sea of dancing
silhouettes. The crowd was so thick that he immediately lost vision of Kirishima in the barely
illuminated mess of bodies.

Midoriya focused his attention on the hand guiding him, and he felt Kirishima’s grip on him
tighten as they waded through. Somehow, Kirishima’s touch felt electric in his hands. Midoriya
suspected it had something to do with his confession from earlier.

It wasn’t obvious before, but now that Kirishima admitted it, Midoriya felt dumb for not having
seen it before. Kirishima was the guy that got along with everyone, so Midoriya never suspected
that he had that kind preference. It didn’t help that Midoriya never bothered to actively ask about
those kinds of things.

Once the two of them got past the dance floor, it was a steady trip to the rooftop with another set of
narrow stairways. Surprisingly, it really was quieter compared to what was happening just below.
There was hardly a crowd in sight.

“You okay?” Kirishima asked, taking Midoriya out of his thoughts.

“Yeah, why?”

“You still haven’t let go of my hand,” Kirishima chuckled, “Not that I mind.”


Midoriya pulled away his hand as if he had touched a burning stove, feeling embarrassed. “Sorry!”
He apologized, flustered.

“No problem,” Kirishima smiled at him. He gestured for them to sit by the counter where the
barista was entertaining a few other guests. Midoriya watched with fascination as the barista’s
hands danced gracefully with various beverages and served them with finesse. Once that was done,
he approached the two of them.

“Red Riot,” The barista looked joyed that a pro hero was sitting in front of him.
“Hey man, I’ll have the usual,” Kirishima pointed to Midoriya, “And a special for him.”

The barista did a small bow.

“So,” Kirishima interjected, his voice cutting through the silence like a sword, “You, um…aren’t
awkward about knowing I’m gay, are you?”

“Of course not!” Midoriya shook his head. It was a shock, yes, but it didn’t make him feel
uncomfortable. He wanted to say it was nice to have someone he could somewhat relate to, but he
kept it to himself. “Sorry about my question.”

“Hey, it’s no problem,” Kirishima gave him a thumbs up, “People do think the Red Riot is a real
lady killer, so I like to keep that on the private side of my life.”

The barista passed Kirishima his drink, and Kirishima gave it a good chug. Midoriya took a while
to absorb the implication that Kirishima had no qualms sharing with him his private life.

“So, if you don’t have a girlfriend, how about a boyfriend?”

Kirishima nearly did a spittake and coughed on his drink.

Kirishima laughed as he wiped his lips. “Man, you’re really bringing out the big questions.”

He scratched the back of his head and sighed when he realized Midoriya was waiting for an

“Well…” Kirishima scratched his head and smiled halfheartedly, “Things don’t always work out
the way we want to.”

Oh, Midoriya could hear him say that again.

“…And you know Bakugo isn’t the relationship type, so…yeah.”

“What?” Midoriya checked if he heard that right and repeated it for emphasis, “What!?”

Kirishima pouted, “You know, I’m starting to wonder if you’re really the same Midoriya from
high school. You’re telling me you don’t know about that either?”

Midoriya felt embarrassed to even say yes.

“Well, anyway, it wasn’t a pretty story. And I did tell the squad to keep it a secret if they could, so
I guess they did,” Kirishima said dismissively. There was a sense of longingness in his words, like
it was painful for him to dig that one memory.

“I’m listening now.” Midoriya fixated his gaze on Kirishima, who visibly slumped as he downed
his drink.

Kirishima stared into his empty glass, as if he were trying to focus.

“Remember what you said during that crazy rescue mission at Kamino we did on our first year?”
Kirishima asked, and Midoriya nodded. “You said I’m the only one then who made an equal
relationship with Bakugo, and it kinda stuck to me.

“I kept thinking that that was ‘cuz I was someone special to him, and, yeah, maybe I was, but not in
the way I had seen it.”
Kirishima made eye contact with the barista and held out one finger to order another drink. He
them turned back to face Midoriya. This time, his eyes were conveying much more than he was

“Anyway, I didn’t tell him about it ‘till we were in second year, and—man, it feels embarrassing to
even think about it!” He grinned weakly and rubbed his forehead. When his drink arrived, he easily
drank half of it before continuing. “I asked him out. Even had the whole romantic thing going on.
Can you believe that? Dumb idiot.”

He tried to laugh it off, but it quick deflated into a sigh.

“Since then, he changed the way he acted around me. Like it bothered him to know that the closest
thing he had to a best friend had a crush on him.”

Kirishima leaned back to the table and eyed his drink. His fingers were rhythmically tapping the
glass, as if his way of composing himself.

Midoriya wanted to say something, but what could he say to that? In a way, he empathized with
Kirishima, but didn’t know how to get it across to him. It was a story that happened at time when
Kirishima seemed to be the most open and cheerful out of all of them, and Midoriya hardly even
noticed. Without looking back, Kirishima spoke again.

“If you’re gonna say stuff like ‘maybe he just needed time to figure it out’ then you can save it,
‘cuz I thought about that too and, well…” Kirishima sighed and trailed off, facing his, once again,
empty glass. He didn’t say anything after.

Midoriya hesitated, but he put a hand to Kirishima’s shoulder. When Kirishima faced him, he
pulled a soft smile. It was all he could give.

“Thanks, man,” Kirishima said. “Hey, don’t look at me like I’m helpless! That was some time ago!
I’ve moved on, don’t worry.”

His voice gave away the fact that he was lying. Midoriya pulled his hand back and drank his share
of alcohol.

“So, how about you? How’ve you been?”

“Oh, I’ve been busy with hero work, so—”

“Not that!” Kirishima dismissed Midoriya’s thought with a wave. “Everyone knows about Deku, I
wanna know how Midoriya’ s been doing! Do you have anyone special?”

“Ah…” Midoriya took his glance elsewhere. “Not really…”

Kirishima raised an eyebrow at him and smiled cheekily. “So, it’s still Todoroki, huh?”

Midoriya felt his pulse surge.

“W-What do you mean?”

Kirishima shrugged. “Gonna be honest with you man, you weren’t really being discreet about it.”

Midoriya’s face flushed into a deep red. He took a deep breath and downed his own drink, to which
Kirishima smiled at. He got him another glass as he sat down and waited for him to speak.
Kirishima told him his story, so it was only fair that Midoriya would admit his own.
“Yeah. It’s Todoroki,” Midoriya muttered with an embarrassing lack of conviction.

Kirishima whistled. “And? Does he know?”

“I think he does.”

“You think?”

“I’ve never told him, but I’ve made it obvious. I mean, if you could tell…”

“You have a point,” Kirishima lifted his glass to his lips, “But you gotta understand, that guy’s
about as dense as a rock. He might not have gotten it.”

Midoriya shrugged. Before he realized, he had drunk his second glass in the middle of his

“Doesn’t matter,” Midoriya said, voice dropping.

Kirishima got them both another glass and he raised it to Midoriya, “To loving people that don’t
love us back, I guess.”

“Yeah!” Midoriya said groggily and raised his glass. Kirishima laughed. The two of them emptied
their glasses quickly.

When Midoriya dropped his glass to the counter, he made a large burp. Kirishima patted his back.
“You okay?”

“You know, I haven’t been in contact with a lot of people from class anymore,” Midoriya said out
of the blue. His wits were still about him, so he didn’t understand why he had the urge to suddenly
share that with Kirishima.

With a groggy voice, Midoriya continued. “Iida and Uraraka, they check up on me every now and
then, and I appreciate that, but I…I never try to do the same for them.”

Midoriya rubbed his forehead as he drank another mouthful of beer, “And the reason why was
because I thought, if they could reach out to me, why can’t Todoroki do the same?

“I’ve waited and waited for anything from him, but nothing came. I’ve been so blind to the fact
that he doesn’t care about me anymore, and because of that I turned my back on the actual people
who care for me! How dumb is that!”

Kirishima watched him lash out with visible concern.

“Hey, it’s okay, I’m here for you,” he kept on patting his back, and somehow, Midoriya felt
consoled. “I think you’re kinda past your tolerance levels…” Kirishima laughed weakly and held
on to Midoriya as he was slumping in random directions, but Midoriya dismissed his notion.

“Thanks, Kirishima,” It was nonsensical, and maybe the alcohol was starting to get to him, but
Midoriya laughed. “You’re the first one in a long while who actually made me feel like there was
someone out there who really cared for me.”

Midoriya stared blankly into the counter.

“I wish I fell in love with you instead.”

There was silence.

It was a joke, or at least, it was supposed to be, but the weight of what he said belatedly came to
him. And it came to Kirishima too, apparently.

“You’ve definitely had too much,” Kirishima said with a chuckle, but he was audibly worried.

“I can still go!” Midoriya said, and to prove it, he kept drinking from his glass.

“Nope, can’t have the next symbol of peace be found here droning about his failed love life,”
Kirishima stood up, downed his last glass of beer, and went to lift Midoriya (rather easily, he might

“Hey!” Midoriya protested but didn’t do anything substantial to get free. He was still laughing
from being tipsy.

“Thanks, man,” Kirishima tipped the barista and thought about going through the second floor, but
the intoxicated Midoriya would not make for an inconspicuous exit.

“Carolina Smash!” Midoriya yelled as raised his fist through the air weakly. The other guests
stared at him. Kirishima could hear whispers of ‘Deku’ being passed among them.

Yup, they definitely weren’t going through the second floor.

Kirishima carried Midoriya on his back piggyback style and saluted everyone who was looking at

“Red Riot, nice to meet you!” Kirishima declared, then jumped over the railing.

As he was falling, he activated his hardening quirk on his feet so he could make footholds on the
walls as he sidestepped between buildings down to the ground. It was a delicate technique he had
learned after years of training, and he didn’t mind that Midoriya was extra weight on him, since he
had done it with other people during rescue missions. He just wished Midoriya didn’t breathe on
his neck too much.

When they got down on an alley beside the Vanity, Kirishima sighed in relief.

“I’ll get you a cab to your place, you think you can—oh.” Before Kirishima could continue his
question, he was met with a snoring Midoriya dozing off peacefully at his back.

It had been a long day, he recalled, and they did come across a difficult villain from earlier.
Kirishima understood that and made no move to wake Midoriya.

He hailed a cab.

When Midoriya woke up, the first thing he felt was the spinning inside his head. He remembered
that that was because he some reason decided that he wanted to drink more than what he usually
did (which, admittedly, wasn’t a lot).

The second thing he felt were soft sheets and a blanket wrapped around his body. There was a
glaringly familiar aroma to them that gave him a strange sense of comfort. It was dark, but the door
to the room was open slightly, letting some light and the sound of a television screen get into the

“Aw, damn it!” said a voice from outside that definitely belonged to Kirishima.

Midoriya got up with a start and, once his eyes had adjusted, realized that he was not in his room,
but in Kirishima’s. As his eyes adjusted, he could make out the silhouettes of dumbbells and
punching bags around the room, which confirmed his realization.

He got up the bed, stretched his limbs, and the muscle movement gave Midoriya the energy to
recall slowly what happened prior. He knew he wasn’t drunk and that he only fell asleep out of
sheer tiredness from earlier, so it wasn’t too hard to remember.

He remembered doing an imitation of his Carolina Smash move, and then he felt embarrassed
recalling spilling his feelings for Todoroki. That bordered on fine by him, since Kirishima wasn’t a
total stranger, but what did bother him was when he remembered what he told Kirishima after.

I wish I fell in love with you instead.

The words echoed in his head like one of those terrible songs that played on the radio every hour.
Midoriya felt mortified when he tried to imagine himself uttering those words as Kirishima
comforted him. The fact that he was in Kirishima’s room did nothing to alleviate his

Midoriya convinced himself it was a joke, because he never did clarify.

Yeah. A joke. Real, quality, stand-up comedy material.

He peeked outside the door’s opening. What he saw was a quaint living space kind of similar to his
own. Kirishima was sitting at the couch aggressively playing a video game.

Midoriya peered open the door carefully, but it creaked, drawing the redhead’s attention to him.

“Hey there, you want some?” Kirishima said with a mouthful of popcorn, like everything was
normal with the world.

Midoriya tried to come up with something to say, but all his drowsy mind came up with was,

“Hello,” Kirishima echoed and paused his game. “You sound like you enjoyed your sleep.”

Midoriya perked up, “What time is it?”

Kirishima took a glance at his phone, “A little past 2. Why?”

“Nothing,” Midoriya tried to relax. He didn’t even know why he was so tense. But something in
him told him he did and just didn’t want to admit it.

“You should probably get more sleep,” Kirishima suggested casually, “You want something?
Water? Tea?”

“I’m, uh, good. Thanks.” Midoriya groggily made his way to the sofa where Kirishima was sitting,
and he was given ample room as he sat beside him. “So…your place, huh?”

Kirishima smiled apologetically and scratched his head, “Right...So, you were kind of passed out
and I didn’t know where you lived, so...”

“So...?” Midoriya smiled.

“So.” Kirishima repeated, smiling back.

“About…earlier,” Midoriya started.

“What about earlier? Because I really didn’t mind carrying you or anything. Promise.”

“No, no, about, um,” Midoriya sighed, “Did I…say anything dumb when we were drinking?”

“Carolina Smash?” Kirishima was trying not to laugh. Midoriya punched him lightly on the

“Before that?” He said, and Kirishima went ‘Hmm’.

“Not really?” He replied.

That did nothing to shake off Midoriya’s concern. He braced himself and just went for it.

“I think I remember saying something like—”

“You wish you fell in love with me?” Kirishima interrupted him, and Midoriya could feel his
cheeks burning.


“What about it?”


Kirishima chuckled, “What’s there to be sorry about?”

“I…I don’t know, I just…I don’t know what you felt about that. Thought you might have been
offended or something.”

“What? No!” Kirishima leaned on the headrest of the sofa, “We’re still friends, if that’s what
you’re worried about.”

Midoriya gave him a look that gave away his growing complacency, but Kirishima just had to add
something to his statement.

“I could kiss you right now and prove it doesn’t change anything.”

“W-What?” Midoriya was visibly flustered.

“Yeah, that just made it a lot more awkward,” was Kirishima’s way of retracting what he said.
“Just...don’t worry about what you said too much, okay?

“Right. Okay.” Midoriya dropped the conversation, and Kirishima gave him a thumbs up.

Kirishima went to shut off his gaming console and started putting the controllers to their boxes, all
while Midoriya watched blankly. There was a whirlwind of thoughts inside his head at the moment
and he was sure the alcohol wasn’t a part of it, meaning it wouldn’t just settle if Midoriya waited it
out. There was a conflict forging inside of him, and it wanted to be realized.

Something dumb popped up inside Midoriya’s head, and he said it before he could even consider
the consequences.

“What if you did?”

“Huh?” Kirishima asked absentmindedly.

“Kissed me.” Midoriya decided he was still highly possibly drunk.

“What about it?” Kirishima set aside the boxes and turned to face Midoriya.

Midoriya stared at him back and started noticing tiny things on Kirishima’s face that he had never
paid attention to before. Like his lashes, for example, which were kind of long up close. Or how his
roots were slowly starting to show beneath the spiky red mop of hair of his.

“Kirishima, I think I’m losing my mind,” Midoriya told him.

It wasn’t long before he realized Kirishima was observing him too, and that his pupils were
dancing around in small circles as he looked at Midoriya’s face, probably counting his freckles.

“What do you mean?” Kirishima replied. His breath was lingering as he spoke, and Midoriya
realized that their faces were barely inches apart. Something magnetic pulled him closer to
Kirishima, and he couldn’t take his gaze off of his eyes.

“I think I—”

Kirishima cut him off and pressed their lips together.

There was the familiar, cool scent again that Midoriya was slowly getting more and more
accustomed to, and Midoriya could feel Kirishima moving his body closer as he deepened into the
kiss. He tasted like spearmint toothpaste, which turned Midoriya on more than he would like to
admit. Kirishima inched their bodies closer still, with one hand cupping Midoriya’s face, and he
came onto him like a cold wave gushing forward.

It was a long moment later before Kirishima broke apart, leaving a Midoriya with a curious, dazed
expression on his face.

Midoriya felt like Kirishima wanted to say something, but only silence filled the room as they
gazed into each other’s eyes.

Something inside of Midoriya said ‘screw it’, and he leaned his head forward to mash their lips
together again.

This time, the intensity of their kiss was magnified, and they went past the point of hesitation.
Midoriya willingly let Kirishima’s weight drop into him as he explored more and more of his
mouth. Compared to their first one, this was less curiosity and more passion.

The second time they broke off, they were left breathing heavily, and Kirishima was on all fours
atop a Midoriya who was leaning on his elbows.

“What if...What if I said I wanted this?” Midoriya's voice was both suggestive and hopeful.

“You’re not…still drunk, are you?” Kirishima asked.

“Does it matter?” Midoriya asked back.

“Yes,” Kirishima responded firmly. “I don’t want you doing something you’ll regret.”

That struck a cord inside Midoriya’s chest. He could feel the genuine concern radiating off of
Kirishima’s words, and wondered how he had been looking at the wrong directions the whole time
when someone like Kirishima was right there, so within his reach.
“I’m not drunk, I promise.” Midoriya flashed him a smile. Kirishima smiled at him back with twice
the radiance.

“You know...up close, you’re kind of perfect.” Kirishima purred. Midoriya had to consciously stop
himself from blushing.

“Not as perfect as you,” was his reply, and Kirishima laughed.

“So, you wanna take this to the room or what?”

Midoriya pulled up his weight as a response, but before he could stand up, Kirishima took him in
one swoop and carried him bridal style.

When they arrived at Kirishima’s room, Midoriya was dropped into the bed. Kirishima took off his
shirt and revealed a toned chest and torso. It wasn’t at all unfamiliar to Midoriya, but seeing
Kirishima’s build in the context they were in made it feel like the temperature was slowly rising by
a few degrees.

“Like what you see?” Kirishima teased as he crawled on top of Midoriya, and Midoriya’s erection
was starting to make itself obvious. All he could do was whimper at the tiniest of touches that
Kirishima was giving him.

Kirishima leaned in and nibbled Midoriya’s ear.

“I want you,” Midoriya said out of the blue, and he could feel Kirishima smiling by the way he
breathed into his ear.

The gesture made Midoriya shiver in pleasure. He could only groan as Kirishima’s hand traveled
under his shirt, ghosting over his abdomen.

“Shit, Midoriya, I’m—“ Kirishima slightly withdrew his face from Midoriya’s and stared at him
square in the eyes. “Are—are you sure about this?”

Midoriya could see the concern out of Kirishima’s gaze. The beating in his chest only grew louder
and louder with every word that he said. It wasn’t the first time someone was on top of Midoriya
like this, but it was the first time it was someone that actually cared about him.

“Yes,” Midoriya said with conviction. “I...I want this. I want you, Kirishima.”

Kirishima smiled at him. “Eijirou.”

Midoriya leaned his head forward, and Kirishima met him with a kiss. Every time their lips met, it
felt like sinking deeper and deeper into something that neither of them would be able to get out of,
and yet Kirishima continued to press down on Midoriya anyway.

Midoriya’s hands traveled from Kirishima’s shoulder down to his broad chest, and went further
down until he reached the hem of his pants. Kirishima buckled when Midoriya started caressing
his growing bulge, after which he broke off from Midoriya’s mouth with bated breath.

“Fuck,” he growled. “Keep going…”

And Midoriya did, gripping and stroking until Kirishima was left a moaning mess on top of him.

“Shit—Izuku...that’s—“ he breathed into Midoriya’s neck, “I haven’t...done it in a while. I might

“I can help you with that,” Midoriya purred, and went to flip their bodies so that Kirishima was
suddenly laying on his back, much to his surprise.

“I’m still stronger than you.” Midoriya teased as he went down on Kirishima.

“Really? I’ll bet I’ll have you moaning when I’m done with you,” Kirishima teased back, and
Midoriya felt the heat flush to his face. Kirishima chuckled. “You’re so cute.”

Midoriya’s response to that was hiding his face from Kirishima’s view by ducking in his groin and
mapping Kirishima’s bulge with his lips.

Kirishima groaned loudly. He took a fistful of Midoriya’s hair when he started being more

“Fuck…more…” Kirishima whispered.

With sly hands, Midoriya pulled down Kirishima’s sweatpants down to knee-level and marveled at
the size of him. Midoriya gave him a single stroke with his tongue, to which Kirishima responded
with a moan as his cock twitched. Midoriya took his time moving his tongue to give small,
suggestive licks on every part of Kirishima’s cock, slowly stimulating him. When Kirishima was
starting to arch his back in anticipation, Midoriya took all of his length inside his mouth. Kirishima
shivered in pleasure and went to guide Midoriya’s head with his hand.

“Oh god...your mouth is so hot.” Kirishima bit his lip and thrusted Midoriya’s head into him faster.
Midoriya took the gesture as a challenge, and went to suck him harder as Kirishima’s grip on his
hair tightened.

“Fuck! Izuku—I’m…ah—close…Stop,” He pulled Midoriya’s head off from his cock and was met
with a lewd expression on Midoriya’s face, which only turned him on further. “I...not inside you,

“It’s okay, Eijirou,” the mention of his name alone made Kirishima teeter on the edge of his
climax. “I can take it.”

“Are—are you sure?” Kirishima did his best to not push Midoriya’s head down in that moment.
Midoriya only smiled and responded by putting all of Kirishima’s cock in his mouth and sucked
continuously until he felt Kirishima’s hand getting erratic. “Aah! Fuck, you’re so good—

“Fuck, Izuku, I’m gonna come!” Kirishima groaned, and Izuku went to take all of him, until he felt
warm liquid shooting down his throat. Kirishima gripped Midoriya’s hair tighter and kept his head
rooted down as he went through his climax. Midoriya made sure to savor all of Kirishima’s seed
and swallowed it all until he was finished.

Once Kirishima was spent, Midoriya took his lips off of his cock and turned to look at him.
Kirishima couldn’t identify the expression on his face, but he was evidently worried about how
Midoriya felt after he came inside his mouth.

Midoriya crawled up to face him at eye level, and Kirishima met him with a look that clearly meant
that he wanted to say sorry, but before he could say anything, Midoriya kissed him. Kirishima’s
hands instinctively traveled to caress Midoriya’s back.

When they broke off, they were barely breathing. Midoriya licked his lips.

“Stop turning me on,” Kirishima stroked Midoriya’s hair.

Midoriya pressed their foreheads together, “Then stop being so hot.”

They both chuckled. “Can’t help you there,” Kirishima said.

“I thought so,” Midoriya teased back.

“I know a way how I can help you, though,” Kirishima purred suggestively.

The hair on Midoriya’s forearms tingled, but he kept his composure, “Oh?”

“C’mere,” Kirishima straightened his back against the headrest and gestured Midoriya to follow
him so that he was sitting on his lap. He tugged on Midoriya’s pants, “Let’s get this off.”

Midoriya stretched his body to pull his pants down, and Kirishima left small kisses on his stomach
as he trailed a hand to trace his spine.

“Hey, that tickles!” Midoriya said as Kirishima kissed him just below the ribs.

“Perfect,” Kirishima said between kisses. One of his hands was busy rummaging the nightstand.

Once Midoriya was done with his pants, he discarded them off the bed and went to use his hands to
cup Kirishima’s face. Kirishima stared at him and Midoriya couldn’t take his mind off of how
handsome Kirishima looked like looking up at him like that.

“I’ll try it with my fingers first, so you don’t get uncomfortable. I’ll be gentle,” Kirishima said to
him as he spread Midoriya’s ass cheeks with one hand.

“I know you’ll be,” Midoriya kissed him. Kirishima slowly inserted his index finger, now coated
with lube, inside of him. “A—aah…”

A few slow motions later, Kirishima asked, “You okay?”

Midoriya responded with, “M-More...please.”

Obediently, Kirishima pried in a second finger. It went in as easily as the first one, and he was
rewarded with the most beautiful moans he’s heard from Midoriya.

“Eijiro—aah!” Midoriya moaned after Kirishima started scissoring his two fingers inside of him.

“This is the third one, baby, can you take it?”

“Yes! Mm—AH!” Midoriya screamed when Kirishima inserted another finger and hit something
inside of him that turned his vision hot white.

“So fucking hot,” Kirishima praised Midoriya for his performance, and Midoriya responded by
pressing his weight against Kirishima’s, rubbing his cock against his abs. “You ready?”

“Yes, please…” Midoriya mewled. Kirishima took something else from the nightstand and went
busy kissing Midoriya on the stomach again. He started withdrawing his fingers from inside of
Midoriya, to which Midoriya responded by moaning. Not a long moment later, he felt something
thick and cold rubbing along his entrance.

“Hey, Izuku, look at me,” Kirishima said, and Midoriya followed willingly. “We’ve gone this far
but…if you want me to stop, just say so.”

“N-No,” Midoriya said in a lustful stupor, “Don’t stop. Please. Please put it in me, Eijirou.”
Kirishima kissed Midoriya deeply and lowered his body slowly onto his erection, to which
Midoriya repaid him with delicious moaning.

“Aahnn, Eijirou...Shit…”

“Oh god, you’re so tight,” Kirishima whispered as he thrusted in slowly. “ feel so good,

Once Midoriya took in all of Kirishima’s length inside of him, he wrapped his arms around
Kirishima’s neck. Kirishima was obviously still in a daze, feeling an overwhelming amount of
pleasure as Midoriya tightened around him.

Midoriya kissed him hard on the lips, and Kirishima started thrusting slowly. Midoriya had to bit
Kirishima’s lip at the sudden surge of pleasure.

“Fuck me,” Midoriya commanded, pressing his hands against Kirishima’s chest.

Kirishima grabbed Midoriya by the waist and began thrusting faster until the bed was starting to

“Ah! Yes! Right there!” As Midoriya craned his neck in pleasure, Kirishima dove in and bit down
to prevent himself from moaning too much from Midoriya’s sheer tightness. “Fuck, yes, Eijirou!”

“So fucking tight,” Kirishima growled and started guiding Midoriya’s body faster to meet with his
increasingly faster thrusts.

The constant thrusting from Kirishima and Midoriya’s responsive movement lasted for a long
moment of pleasure for both of them. Midoriya’s hands were frantically searching Kirishima’s
body for purchase, and Kirishima held Midoriya’s body as he continued to thrust upward into
Midoriya’s prostate.

When Kirishima’s stamina slowly started to gain on him, he settled Midoriya down slowly and
kissed him, not afraid to instigate biting and using his tongue.

“On your knees,” Kirishima whispered, and Midoriya pulled himself away to position himself.
Once he was leaning down, Kirishima pressed his one hand on his face and pushed in down to the
mattress, while the other was busy spreading out his ass again as he positioned his cock at his

Kirishima went in again slowly, and Midoriya was quick to appreciate his length as he began
thrusting again. This time, he had more to give as he was free to go harder than he could from their
previous position.

“FUCK! Eijiro!” Midoriya screamed. With incredible stamina, Kirishima the started thrusting into
Midoriya again.

He pulled Midoriya by the chest so that he could get close to his face. The way Midoriya’s body
arched was so beautiful and did nothing to lull Kirishima’s growing desire. He leaned in to bite into
Midoriya’s ear as he fucked him.

“You—ah—you like that?”

“Yes—aahn! M-More!” Midoriya was moaning senseless. He met with Kirishima’s face to kiss
him when he could. His grip was messing up the sheets badly.
“Fuck—Izuku, I’m so close—oh fuck—“ Kirishima’s movements were starting to get erratic. With
one hand, he stroked Midoriya’s cock in synch with his thrusting. Even in something as carnal as
this, he still made sure Midoriya felt just as good as he did.

“Oh god, Eijiro—I’m gonna—I’m gonna—!”

“Cum for me, Izuku,” Kirishima whispered and thrusted faster into Midoriya, stroking his cock

“Aah! Eijiro!!” Midoriya screamed as he rode out his orgasm, staining the bedsheets with white.
Kirishima led him through it with continuous thrusting, and it took Midoriya a few seconds before
he was taken off his climax, but he let Kirishima continue fucking him.

Kirishima was starting to bite Midoriya at his shoulder, and it was starting to hurt, but Midoriya
was more than willing to let him do as he pleased.

“Cum inside me,” Midoriya said, caressing Kirishima’s ass as he pounded into him, and that
seemed to drive him over the edge.

“Baby, I’m close, fuck—gonna cum—Izuku, I’m gonna—!”

With one single thrust, Kirishima released the rest of his load inside of Midoriya.

Their energies spent, Kirishima pulled out and rested his all weight on the space beside his lover.
Midoriya panted heavily, still on a sexual high.

When the two of them eased out a bit, Kirishima turned to face Midoriya, who was staring at him
with pensive eyes. Kirishima returned his gaze with one of his own, communicating more than he
could with words.

A long silence came over them, with only the sound of their breathing to listen to. The scent of
sweat lingered heavily in the air, but neither of them seemed to mind.

Midoriya continued to stare at Kirishima’s eyes. The way Kirishima was looking back at him
wasn’t just to be responsive; Midoriya could tell that he was trying to see if he was fine, and if he
enjoyed what they did or regretted it. That pulled into Midoriya’s heart like a flame slowly
enveloping him, and he welcomed it with open arms. Kirishima was evidently there to stay, and he
was more than willing to take care of him, just as much as Midoriya decided that he was now
staring at the man he could love without fear.

This time, his heart wasn’t taken or stolen—he had given it, and Kirishima deserved it.

“Wanna shower together?,” Kirishima suggested with a smile. Midoriya chuckled and put all his
worries to rest.

“I could stay here for a while,” Midoriya replied.

“Okay. Shower later.” Kirishima grinned and pulled Midoriya by the waist into a tight hug. He
buried his nose on Midoriya’s shoulder.

As Midoriya settled into Kirishima’s embrace, he knew it was something he was going to get used
to, and nothing else mattered to them both.

End Notes
End Notes

omg thanks for reading. comments are always appreciated ^^

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