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Schedule of Benefits

Details Benefits SN
3.5 Million and remaining as per schedule of disabilities Life Insurance and 1
Please read attached description document for details Medical Insurance 2
As per SCI gratuity policy Gratuity / 4
Terminal Grant
Rs.5,000/- Per Eid up-to Senior Officer band Eid Allowance 5
Part-Subsidized shuttle service home to work (as per SCUS) where practical Official transport 6
 Breakfast: Rs. 300 Per Diem 7
 Lunch: Rs. 600
 Dinner: Rs. 600
 Lodging: Rs. 1500 per night
Where lodging not arranged by office and staff member made his own
Standard hourly rate subject to GoP labor laws and limits Overtime 8
In one calendar year (as per policy) 9
1. Annual leave 24 days Annual leave/
a. Carry forward 14 days per calendar year Casual leave/
b. En-cashable 14 days Sick leaves
2. Casual leave 12 days
3. Sick leave 12 days
 Maternity leave 3 months Maternity/Paternity 10
 Normal delivery Rs: 80,000/- leave and benefits
 C. Section Rs. 115,000/-
 Paternity leave 5 days
1 months’ notice (as per policy) Redundancy 12
As per policy HRD Plans 13
 Weddings Rs:5000/- (as per policy) Weddings & 15
 Funerals Rs. 5000/- (as per policy) Funerals
Eligibility: Incapacity / long 16
 6 months service, for three months term sickness
 First month with pay
 Second month with half pay
 And third month without pay
As per policy and recommendation of Supervisor Flexi time 17
As per SCI policy up to 80% of a education assistance for degree/ certificate Education 18
with a max of $2000 in total course fee- subject to relevant approvals and assistance
availability of funds.
 1 year minimum employment with SCI
 Assistance subject to successful completion of course, and signing of
employment bond
 1 year stay with SCI after completing education
 If not reimbursement will be made at pro-rata.
As per SCI Communication expenses policy Mobile 19
As per law EOBI 20
As per SCUS policy - e.g. relocation, communication expenses etc Other 21
Schedule of Benefits

Coverage Description Of Benefits

 Employees
 Spouses
 Children Insurance Coverage
 Parents

140,000  Per Confinement Limit per Insured
8,500  Daily Room & Board Limit
50,000 Complimentary Specialized Investigation limit:
 Per Insured
Complimentary Accidental Cover:
210,000 Enhancement of the Available Hospitalization limit in case of Accidental Injuries
Enhanced of the Available Hospitalization limit in case of Accidental Injuries
Treatment of Fractures & Lacerated Wound, Local road ambulance for emergencies only, Emergency
Dental Treatment due to Accidental Injuries (Within 48 Hours for relief only)

Covered Day Care Surgeries/ Specialized Investigation:

Dialysis, MRI,CT Scan, Thallium Scan, Angiography, Contract & Endoscopy in out Patient Setting

Pre & Post Hospitalization:

Diagnostic Test, Consultation Charges & Prescribed Medicines within 30 Days prior to or after
Maternity Benefit:
80,000  Normal Delivery
115,000  Cesarean/ Multiple Births/ Forceps
Pre-natal expenses & Circumcision
Payable after the delivery takes place, subject to availability of the Maternity Limit(Refer to the
maternity rider)

500,000 Critical Illness Limit : Per Annum per Insured

1,000,000 Group Excess Pool (IP, Mat. SI, MMC)

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