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Intestinal Parasites Natural Ayurvedic Remedies

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Herbal Ayurveda Remedies For Parasites In Melbourne
Parasitic infections are one of the most common conditions affecting the digestive tract. A parasite is an
that lives on or inside the body of the host, such as human begins and animals. Parasites depend on the
food. The use of ayurvedic (
remedies for parasites can help to eliminate the organisms causing these infections.

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Natural Remedies Intestinal Parasites | Herbal Cure For Threadworms, T...

The common parasites affecting the

include roundworms, pinworms, tap
hookworms, and whipworms. These paras
different shapes and sizes. Since these
depend on the host for food, the infec
cause malnourishment and weight loss ev
the patient is eating well. Some parasites
of the red blood cells resulting in anemia.
is important to seek natural remedy for p
and other parasites to prevent these comp

How We Get Parasites

The parasites usually enter the body thr

ingestion of the contaminated food an
Unclean and contaminated vegetables a
harbor parasites, which enter our body w
are consumed by humans.

Consumption of undercooked meat, which

a suitable environment for the parasites to
can also increase the risk of parasitic in
Seeking tapeworm natural treatment is an
way to manage this infection.

Some parasites enter the body through th

of the foot. However, the most common
the entry of intestinal parasites is through
cavity. Once the parasites enter the body, t
through the stomach and intestine where

The parasites tend to adhere to the wa

intestine resulting in bleeding and even
cramps in the abdomen. The parasites
eggs often pass out of the body while passing stools. The use of effective herbs to get rid of parasites ca
relieve the symptoms and prevent future infections by rendering these organisms inactive.

Besides the digestive tract, the parasites can also affect the nervous system, joints, and immunity of the
resulting in long-term, systemic problems. The risk of complications due to the intestinal parasitic infection
in the children, old people, and the immunocompromised patients.
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Ayurvedic herbs can help to prevent these4.9/5 complications by offering a holistic treatment that is aimed at r
the functions of all the organs in the body67and
customer reviews
improving the immunity of the patients.
Signs and Symptoms of Intestinal Parasite
The common signs and symptoms caused due to the intestinal parasites are discussed beneath:

2 of 6 06-07-2018, 22:53
Natural Remedies Intestinal Parasites | Herbal Cure For Threadworms, T...

Foul smelling stools
Abdominal cramps and gas
Mucous in stools
Distended abdomen
Loss of appetite

These symptoms usually last for a few weeks. Treatment of the patients using herbs mentioned in the A
the system of ancient Indian medicine, can provide significant relief from these symptoms.

The risk of intestinal parasites can be reduced to a great extent by following proper hygienic habits and ma
sanitation for the food and water. The Ayurvedic wellness centre recommends the practice of these p
measures for controlling the incidence of parasitic infections.

Natural Remedies For Intestinal Parasites

Ayurveda offers natural remedies for intestinal parasites, which can help in eliminating the organisms by i
the response of the immune system. The allopathic treatment for these infections involves the use of ant
medications. However, these medications often cause severe side effects such as abdominal pain, d
drowsiness, itching, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, and chills. The use of natural anti-parasitic herbs can
infection effectively and are very gentle on the body.

An improperly treated worm infestation can result in reduced appetite and stunted growth in the childre
parasites prevent the food from being absorbed through the intestine. Hence, children with chronic intesti
infections suffer from malnourishment. The use of natural remedies for threadworms in humans can help t
these complications by producing a strong anti-parasitic action and improving the appetite of the patient.

Parasitic infections due to roundworm can also cause other complications such as bowel obstruction,
bleeding, and loss of blood. Chronic infections due to parasites can affect the mental and physical develo
the children. The organic colon cleanse in the form of Panchakarma detox (http://www.pureherbalayurve
/panchkarma-detox-melbourne.htm) can ensure the parasites are completed eliminated from the digestive
preventing these long-term complications.

Natural Anti Parasitic Herbs

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The use of natural anti parasitic herbs given4.9/5
below can help the patients to get rid of the symptoms and pr
complications. 67 customer reviews
Bilva (Aegle marmelos): Bilva is /@-37.8128746,144.9855361,11z
an effective herbal medicine for worms. It produces an anti-parasitic a
helps to cure the infection completely.
Vacha (Acrous calamus): Vacha helps to treat parasitic infections by directly killing the organisms. It als

3 of 6 06-07-2018, 22:53
Natural Remedies Intestinal Parasites | Herbal Cure For Threadworms, T...

the functions of the immune system.

Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia): Giloy is recommended as an effective tapeworm medicine for humans, in a
children. This herb has anthelminthic properties. It helps to increase the resistance of the intestine ag

Vaividang (Embelia ribes): Vaividang is a common herb used for treating intestinal parasitic infections, e
those caused due to tapeworm, and ringworm. It relieves the symptoms of the infections and also prom
expulsion of parasites from the body.

Mulethi (liquorice): Mulethi is potent parasites cleanse home remedy, which helps to get rid of the patho
also improves the functions of the immune system.

Daruharidra (Berberis aristata): Daruharidra is effective in treating the infections caused by parasites a
bacteria and viruses. It promotes the elimination of parasites through stools and also acts as an anti-infla
agent thus preventing damage to the intestinal mucosa.

Kutaja (Holarrhena antidysenterica): Kutaja offers an effective parasite natural treatment by producing
anti-parasitic action. It can be used to treat infections caused due to a wide range of organisms.

Mustak (Cyperus Rotundus): Mustak helps to treat parasitic infections by destroying the parasites and
relief from the digestive symptoms.

Kutki (Picrorhiza kurroa): Kutki is commonly used in the treatment of disorders caused due to the imb
the Kapha and Pitta dosha ( It restores the ba
the dosha and prevents the tendency to develop recurrent parasitic infections.

Herbal Treatment For Worms

Ayurveda offers safe and effective herbal treatment for worms based on the concept of Tridosha. Acc
Ayurveda, the parasite growth is encouraged by the weak digestive fire. Parasitic infections are more likely
the Vata and Kapha predominant people as they tend to have a weak digestive fire.

The natural intestinal parasite killer herbs help to treat these infections by strengthening the digestive fire. A
also offers a natural cure for parasites and prevents recurrent future infections by maintaining the balan
three doshas. The doctors may also advise an ayurvedic diet to stimulate the digestive fire and restore the
health of the patient.

Melbourne Wellness Centre

Patients can visit Pure Herbal Ayurved Clinic (, one of most
Melbourne Wellness Centre, for an effective natural treatment for intestinal parasitic infection. We have a
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the best ayurvedic doctor ( from Melbourne who can
get rid of the infection by 67 prescribing natural
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herbal remedies, an ayurvedic
(, and panchakarma therapy.
Panchakarma is a form of detoxification therapy that helps to cleanse the digestive tract and eliminates t
from the body. You can also contact us to obtains ayurvedic medicine anywhere in Australia for the manag
parasitic infection as well as other acute and chronic disorders.

4 of 6 06-07-2018, 22:53
Natural Remedies Intestinal Parasites | Herbal Cure For Threadworms, T...

The doctors at our ayurvedic clinic ( believe in trea

disease by boosting the natural defense mechanisms of the body against the pathogens. We also have a
naturopath in Melbourne, who can help you get rid of infective disorders in a safe and effective way. W
Melbourne natural medicine clinic, believe in treating the diseases in a holistic manner to prevent the ten
recurrent infections and improve the general health of the patients.

Dr Gurnam Singh Saini

Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery
MD Alternative Medicine
Panchkarma Detox Expert
Member of AAA (Australian Association of Ayurveda) (
PH- 0061 430 799 515


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