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Jl. Raya Cigugur Kuningan Telp. (0232) 873351 Kp. 45552


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : VII (TUJUH)
Hari/Tanggal :
Waktu : 07.30-09:00

A. Choose the right answer

(a,b,c,d) Read the text carefuly
Mr. Anthony is an English teacher, but he lives and works in Batam Center. He teaches
English at SMP 8. He is very good teacher. his students like him. his wife is an Indonesian. She
comes from Palembang. They have one son and one daughter. The children go to a primary
school. Mrs. Fulan's house is made of wood. It has five rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, a living
room and two bedrooms. The Fulans have a house maid to help Mrs. Fulan to do the house
work. The maid comes from Tanjung Pinang.
1. Who is Mr. Anthony?
a. Doctor b. Housewife c. English Teacher d. Arabic teacher
2. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To tell how the Fulan Family is c. To explain about Fulan
Family b. To describe the Fulan Family d. To entertain the
Fulan Family
3. Where does the Fulan Family stay?
a. in Palembang b. in Tanjung Pinang c. in Batam d. in Jakarta
4. "She comes from Palembang." (line 3). The underlined word refer to Mr. Anthony's ?
a. Teacher b. daughter c. wife d. maid
5. ......... is my book.
a. This b. That c. Those d. These
6. "are ......... your books? I found its under your car."
a. This b. That c. Those d. These
7. 1.200 in english is ....
a. One thousand and two
hundred b. One thousand
c. One hundred two hundred
d. One million and two hundred
8. Rearrange the words below into correct sentence.
Are - my - table - the - on - books
a. My table the book are on. c. the table my are on
book b. My book are on the table. d. the book are my
table on
The following is Fulan's timetable hour.

Hour Monday Tuesday Wednesda Thursday Friday Saturday

7.30- Geoghraph Mathematic English French History IPA
8.30 y s
8.30- Biology History Art Religion IPS Indonesia
9.30 n
9.30- BREAK
10.00 TIME
10.00- Civics Sport Geoghraph Mathematic Indonesia Civics
11.00 y s n

9. How many subject does Fulan have in one day?

a. 5 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
10. When does Fulan have break time?
a. Half past nine until twelve. c. Ten a clock
b. Half past eigth until ten a clock. d. Nine past half
11. At what time does Fulan's lesson finish on tuesday?
a. 10.00 b. 11.00 c. 09.00 d. 10.30
12. What is the purpose the text above?
a. Command b. Invitation c. Greeting d. Announcement
13. What is your hobby ?
a. Doctor b. School c. Drawing d. Hospital
14. Where is Pilot doing their job?
a. In the
Hospital b. In
the School
c. In the
Plane/Airport d. In
the Terminal
15. What are they doing teh classroom?
a. They sleep in the classroom c. They are talking when the teacher
discussed b. They are playing in the classroom d. They are studying in the
16. Where do you find notice?
a. At the canteen b. At the library c. At the office d. At the teacher's room
17. What does the notice mean?
a. We should put the book c. We should return the book after
using b. We should open the book d. We should closed the book
Read the text carefuly.
Today is my first day in my new house, my new house is quite big. There are almost 6
people in my new house. The house building is a new with the facilities are all modern. The
house yard is on the right side in my house. There is the basketball field in the middle part of
the house. It is surrounded by my room, livingroom and badroom.
18. What is the title of the text?
a. My house the big b. My house are big c. My new house d. My new live
19. What is talking about in the text above?
a. My holiday b. My basketball field c. My new house is big d. My new car
20. Lissa : I'm sorry for breaking your ruler
Jenny : .........................
a. ok, please sit down b. No problem c. I'm sorry d. Congratulation
21. Rose : I have to spy when I do my job and I ussualy use a gun. what it is?
Max : Is it police?
Rose : No, it is
Jiso : ...............
Rose : Yes, you are right!
a. Sailor b. Stewardress c. Conductor d. Soldier
22. Suga : How was your trip to Bandung?
Asahi : ..............................
a. oh, thank you b. No problem c. Very nice, d. don't
thanks worry
23. We buy flower
a. Book store b. Fruit seller c. Florist d. Green
24. Bobby : What fruits do you like?
Junne : ...............
a. I like pizza b. I like Apple c. Yes, I will d. of course
25. Suga : ................, Rose?
Rose : she is a nurse.
a. Who is your mother ? c. What do you mean?
b. Where is your mother ? d. What does your father do?
26. Mr. Juna is a chef. He cooks food at?
a. Restaurant b. Hospital c. Plane d. Shop
She is quite tall. She has white skin. Her voice is good. She has slanting eyes and oval face.
She also so energic can dance and sing. She become famouse actrees and singer.
27. Who is she ?
a. Nunung b. Chelsea Olivia c. Agnes Monica d. Eli Sugigi
28. The day after friday is....
a. Tuesday b. Saturday c. Wednesday d. Monday
Everybody has a hobby. A hobby is something we do for happiness in our spare time. My
hobby is collecting stamps. I like to collect many kinds from all over the world. Sometimes I
must buy a new stamp. I put my collections in a stamps album.
I have brother. His name is Andre. He likes to go camping. He always goes to camping on
holiday. My sister Putri, likes cooking. She likes baking cakes but she hates preparing our
meals. My mother and my father like gardening. There are many flowers in the garden. Tehre
are rose, jasmine, orchid and hisbicuses. The like spend their time in the garden. They also
plant vegetables, there are carrots, tomatoes and lettuce.
29. What is mother's hobby?
a. cooking b. hiking c. camping d. gardening
30. What is hobby?
a. something we do when sick c. It is whatever everybody
has b. pleasure in our sparetime d. something we like to
31. How many person are there in the writer's family?
a. Three b. Four c. Five d. Six
32. Where does the writer put his stamps collection?
a. in the book b. in the wallet c. in the stamp's album d. in the cupboard
33. Which sentence is TRUE according to the text above?
a. the writer is a philatelist. c. The writer is only one son in the
family b. Andre's hobby is collecting stamps. d. The writer's sister like
34. A hobby is something we do for happiness. (paragraph
1) The underline word has the same meaning
a. money b. pleasure c. experiment d. cooking
35. My mother and father like gardening. They like to spend their time in garden.
The underline word refer to?
a. Mother b. Father c. Andre d. Mother and Father
36. Shop asistant : ...................
Naura : Yes, I need 2kg of oranges
a. Can I help you? c. Do you help me?
b. Can you help me? d. Congratulation
37. We buy medicine at.......
a. Pharmacy b. book store c. fruit seller d. school
38. The month before May is....
a. April b. August c. June d. July
39. Twelve plus ten multiplied two equals....
a. 48 b. 22 c. 44 d. 55


40. Where is the notice place.....

a. Classroom b. Street/Road c. Library d. Hospital

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