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Name: T-888

Attributes: Str 11, Dex 4, Con 8, Int 3, Per 3, Will 3

Life Points: 96 Drama Points: 1

Special Abilities: Acute Senses: Hearing and Vision, Photographic Memory, Natural Toughness, Nerves of
Steel, Targeting Computer +3(Shooting), Dermal Armor 10, Extra Life Points,Backup Powercell. The T-888
is an infiltration model and comes equipped with a sheath of living flesh to blend in with other humans.
The flesh has a remarkable regeneration rate (8 pts per day) and can last for decades without any sign of

Mental Problems: Severe Obsession (programing), Misfit, Secret 3(is a cyborg), Emotionless (2 point

Acrobatics 3

Art (Acting 2)

Computers 5

Crime 3

Doctor 5

Driving 5

Gett Med 5

GunFu 5

Influence 1

Knowledge 3

Kung Fu 5

Mr Fix It 5

Notice 5

Science 5

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