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In my opinion the state should support cultural events financially

For me, it is very important to support everybody, no matter what. It doesn’t always
happen to the state to support everyone. I think we should all have the chance to show our
own culture and learn about other cultures.

First of all, these cultural festivals are a great source of entertainment for all the
generations, no matter how old you are.
Secondly, it is important to show every type of culture for children and youngsters because
they need to get to know the world and not live in a bubble.
What is more, if a state has more type of cultural events, than more people will come and see
it, the state will have more tourist from all around the world.
Last but not least, the people in the culture will look at the state with better eyes if they see
that the state deals with their and does both for their culture.

To summarize, it is important to let every type of culture embrace themselves, and not
be ashamed of it.

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